From Boss to Slave

By davdar192

Published on Apr 6, 2021


This is an authoritarian story of a desperate man selling himself into slavery to rid himself of his debts and the humiliations he experiences as he accepts his fate.

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As we drove out of the Slave centre I looked around the interior of the car, it had that new car smell and it was clearly not the basic model.

I was sat behind Ed who was driving, James kept turning around to look at me, he was grinning from ear to ear.

"We did well today, a lot better than I thought we would, this one wasn't even half our budget and we got him for double our expected term AND we're going to have so much more fun with him than we could have dreamt"

James glanced over to him.

"I know we hit that jackpot didn't we"

We were now driving through the city, I was grateful for the blacked out windows even though passers by would only be able to see my top half if they weren't there, the collar and gag would have been humiliation enough. Ed glanced back again and reached his hand between the seats and gave my dick a jiggle, I tried to pull back but wasn't able to get away from him due to the tight seatbelt.

"Imagine what he must be thinking now"

James turned to him.

"What do you mean?"

"Well, he must have seen us approaching him in the preview room, he was probably hoping we wouldn't recognise him, it must have been really scary for him standing still, naked and restrained while I checked him over and hoping I wouldn't look at his face and recognise him. I can't believe I was feeling his body and dick like that before I realised it was him!"

"Yeah, that's true, I can't imagine how I'd feel if I was restrained and one of our employees was checking over my naked body and checking out my dick, that would be total humiliation, I don't think I would take it"

Ed looked back at me, I pretended to not be listening and looked out of the window at the people walking by.

"And then imagine what it would be like when we had the preview, in the middle of the room, naked in front of everyone, there is no way I would have done that, he just let us look at him, he made no attempt to cover his dick even, I think he was enjoying it!"

"Oh, he definitely was, remember that hard on he got when I was fingering his hole?"

They both started to laugh hysterically, Ed managed to catch his breath first.

"And imagine the humiliation of one of our employees taking control of your ability to get hard or experience any sexual pleasure, there is no way I would allow that, he is definitely a submissive"

I felt my face flush red with anger at them both as I noticed we were now driving through suburbs, large houses were on each side of the road with grand entrance gates. James slowed down and started to indicate, an electric gate opened revealing a very large modern house, it was all white with huge windows, the entrance doors were glass and led to a double story glass fronted entrance hall, from the outside it all seemed to be white inside too, James pulled the car up to the door and stopped.

They both got out of the car and James opened the door, I stepped out, the gravel driveway hurt my feet. Ed got the new slave box and led the way and this time, James took my chain and led me through the doors. The entrance hall was impressive, it had completely white walls and a white marble tiled floor, a white marble sweeping staircase curved up to the next floor, there were sculptures on plinths spaced evenly along each side and a very large colourful abstract painting hung on the double height wall.

I was led through the hallway to the back of the house and into a huge kitchen, I could smell something delicious cooking, I hadn't eaten since last night and was starving.

The kitchen was huge, there was a twelve seat dining table to one side of a large island, the kitchen cupboards were smooth slate grey with high tech stainless steel appliances everywhere, large windows looked out over the garden with a couple of sofas in front of them and a wall mounted TV. A young bearded Arabic looking man was cooking something at the hob on the island, he was a bit shorter than me and had a tight white t-shirt stretched across his chest, He looked up as we walked in.

"Ah, you got one, well done"

James dropped my chain which dropped between my legs and swung against my dick, he walked to the island and shook his hand, I wasn't sure what to do, so I stayed in place. James looked back at me.

"Get over here and meet Khalid"

I walked over with the chain swinging between my legs.

Khalid looked me up and down.

"He's not bad, but he's a bit older than I thought you would go for"

Ed excitedly told him the whole story and everything about me and what they done to me during the day. I was discussed as if I was an object and completely ignored apart from when Ed pointed out where the control beads had been inserted and had lifted my balls so Khalid could see the small puncture marks. This was another new humiliation for me, meeting someone for the first time while naked and exposed.

Khalid thought the fact that they had control of any erections for at least two years was a hilarious way to get revenge on a horrible boss.

From what I gathered from the conversation it seemed Khalid was their nutritionist and trainer who came in once a day to prepare their evening meal.

Khalid took out two plates and plated their meals.

"I'll be off now, could you just put your plates in the dishwasher when you're done and pop it on, I'll empty it when I come back tomorrow afternoon"

Ed was heading to the table with their food.

"No problem, don't forget we have a slave now, so that'll make things a bit easier for you.

Khalid shouted his goodbye and left through a side door.

Ed and James sat at the table and started to eat.

Ed looked up at me, I had just been standing there naked and feeling like a spare part, I had turned to look at them as Ed walked past with the plates.

"I don't like him looking at us like that while we eat with all the spit dribbling from his mouth"

I hadn't noticed I was dribbling due to all the other discomforts I currently felt, but now he mentioned it, I was aware of a new humiliation to add to my current list. James looked at me with a full mouth and pointed with his fork.

"Go over to that corner and face the wall"

I was furious with him but I did as instructed, at least it would allow me to hide my genitals and dribbling mouth.

I could hear them both laughing and giggling behind my back but I couldn't hear what they were saying. Once they had finished I heard the dishes being put in the dishwasher, Then it sounded like the box being opened and someone fishing around in it, then I heard Ed's voice.

"We'd better get this one fed with this 'slavefit' stuff"

I heard a plastic tub get put on the counter top. And rummaging in the large box.

"There's loads in here!, Dildos, butt plugs, ball stretchers, nipple clamps, collar and cuffs, and a few different types of leather straps and whips, there's even a butt plug with a tail attached!"

Ed seemed extremely excited, then I heard James.

"Wow, how are we going to use all this lot, we won't be able to choose what to use!"

"I've got an idea, when we want to humiliate or punish him, we'll just do a lucky dip and see what comes out of the box"

"Excellent idea!"

I actually felt like just going over there and smashing their dumb heads together, unfortunately with my hands attached to my neck it wasn't an option, James called me over.

"Time for your food slave, come and get it"

He was sat at the table with the bowl of slop in front of him with a spoon in it, I walked over to him and went to sit down at the chair that was pulled out.

"Nope, you don't get to sit on these nice chairs, kneel here"

He pointed to the floor in front of him, I just shook my head, I was fuming, he reached for his phone.

"Don't forget what I can do if you don't behave"

Reluctantly I got on my knees, I thought he could see the anger in my face.

"Right, I am going to remove this gag now, you will not say a single word and will eat up this lovely slop, otherwise your balls are going to get it"

I had no option but to nod in agreement, I didn't want to feel that pain again, my balls were still aching.

He reached around the back of my head and undid the gag, it felt so good to be able to close my mouth, I stretched my jaw, then he started feeding my the foul tasting slop as if I was a baby, I was so hungry I just ate it.

"There there, our new little slave is having his dinner"

Ed came to sit at the table to watch my new humiliation.

"Ah, look he's hungry, kneeling there with his hairless little cock, lapping it up"

The slop was almost finished.

"He's loving it, aren't you it's almost all gone, just one more spoon" he put the final spoonful in my mouth he patted the top of my head. It triggered me, I forgot about any possible consequences as the red mist descended, I spat out the last spoonful of slop all over James's trousers.


James instantly slapped me across the face.


He had got into the role of master far too quickly, I saw Ed reach for his phone, in a matter of seconds I felt a punch to the balls, I doubled over in pain, and curled up on the floor, I glared at Ed.


Another punch to the balls, I curled up to protect my sensitive balls, but there was nothing to protect them from, the pain was coming from inside my own body. James grabbed his phone.

"Look at the mess of my trousers, let's see how the little shit likes this one"

He must have activated the prostate bean, it felt as if a huge electric dildo had been forced up my ass, I arched my body backwards trying to get away from it, I wanted to reach behind and pull this invisible thing out of me but my hands were restrained, there was nothing there anyway, I screamed.


Then my balls felt another punch, I curled up but instantly the invisible dildo felt like it had been forced up my ass, I arched my body even though my balls were still in agony, as soon as I did, another punch hit my balls, the alternating pain continued, I started crying, then my anger changed to begging.

"Please stop, stop stop stop, please, I can't take it any more, please, I'm sorry"

They were both laughing, but the agony continued, then suddenly stopped, I was left sobbing, and curled up on the floor.

"You stupid idiot, this is what happens if you miss behave, what sort of dumb ass would spit out food when his hands are bound and he has a device that can inflict so much pain in his balls, now lick this food off my trousers and shoes"

I was curled up naked on the cold marble floor, I was angry, humiliated but also a little bit excited about my lack of freedom, I was under their control and they wasn't anything I could do about it, my submissive tendencies were highlighted to me.

I managed to get myself up onto my knees and waddled over to him, my dick jiggling as I moved, I bent lower and started to lick the food off his trousers, I knew I had no choice, I couldn't stop myself from shaking. There were bits of food everywhere, I started on his knee, then the thighs then I moved down to his lower leg, I had to spread my legs to try to get lower because I couldn't use my hands as support, when I'd cleaned his trousers I knelt back. He pointed down to his crotch.

"You missed this bit you dumb fucker"

I strained my neck forward and licked it from his bulge, I could see the outline of his dick he was hard and also very well endowed, I was just a couple of layers of fabric away from licking his cock, I felt horny, my embarrassment increased further if that was possible! He stretched his legs out and looked at his feet.

"You need to do my shoes fuckwit"

I couldn't believe this, but the ache in my balls reminded my why I had no choice, I started to bend my head towards his shoes but with my hands restrained I couldn't balance myself and faceplanted his shoe, I started to lick it up, then shuffled over to the other shoe and licked the slop off that too.

"Well done, have we learned our lesson bitch?"

I looked up at him and nodded my head, "sorry" I couldn't believe I had just apologised to this shit head.

"You mean sorry Master James don't you"

Another shot to my balls, I screamed.

"Sorry Master James, Sorry Master Edward, please forgive me"

"Well done, I think it's time to put you down for the night now"

Ed went to the box and got the leg spreader as James re attached the ball gag to my mouth then led me out the kitchen side door to the garage. The garage was huge and immaculate with a red painted floor, to one side there was a bright yellow Lamborghini and a red Ferrari, and a white Mercedes G-Class it looked like they had a matching pair!

James led me one of two doors at the back of the garage into a room that was maybe 2 metres square. On one side of the room there was a sink with a small face cloth on a rail and a squat toilet in the corner, there was a metal grid next to it and a shower head above it, it looked to be the toilet and shower area combined. On the other side was a row of shelves with cleaning products on them, beneath that was a thin mattress, covered in plastic, it was the type you would see on a cheap sun lounger. Ed followed us in the door.

"This is your room, well actually, it's not yours it's the cleaning cupboard, but this is where you will sleep and wash, do you need to use the toilet"

I nodded.

"Go on then"

I stood in front of the squat toilet, both of them watched me, I always struggled to pee in public at the best of times, eventually a dribble of urine came out and splashed in the toilet and floor.

"Right, lie down, face up"

I did as told, James fastened the leg spreader, then took another bit of chain which he attached to the back of my collar and attached to the wall.

"Lift your ass"

I lifted my ass and he put a puppy pad under it.

"There, our new purchase is all tucked up for the night, you have a little cry about your aching balls and try to behave better tomorrow"

They both smiled down at me naked and exposed, Ed gave my thigh a light tap with his foot. I was expecting a sheet or cover, but nothing was forthcoming James then switched off the light and closed the door.

I looked around the room, there was light coming in from a small window high up on the wall, I was lying below the cleaning shelves. There was nothing else in here, the floor and walls were tiled and there was a floor drain in the middle of the room, I noticed the sink and shower, both only had one cold tap. I was angry, but not about my aching balls or the humiliation I had faced today, but about this predicament I had got myself into and the realisation that these two were going to do their utmost to humiliate and degrade me as much as possible, I was going to have to fight or get used to it.

I struggled to get to sleep with the gag in my mouth, I was uncomfortable, unable to move and could only breath through my nose, but I was so tired I eventually drifted off.

I woke up the following morning due to the light coming in the window, I was feeling cold and wished I'd had a blanket. I felt my usual raging hard on, the erection felt really intense this morning, I could feel it pulsating with my heartbeat, if I could stroke it, it would probably only take a minute to cum, but with my hands connected to my collar, all I could do was raise my head to look at it. I looked down my belly expecting to see my hard cock poking up, but I was soft and it looked small and hairless, it would have been resting on my belly if there had been enough weight in it to pull it down, but it was just pointing at an upwards angle. It definitely looked like I'd just been for a cold swim, but it felt rock hard and I felt so incredibly horny now.

I'd been lying thinking about how the pair of fuckers that now considered themselves to be my masters had punished me yesterday, I knew I shouldn't let it anger me, I'd put myself in this position but I couldn't help it.

Without warning, the door to the garage was opened, both of them walked in and stood over me they had suits on and looked very smart and incredibly sexy. The fact I felt like I had a raging hard on embarrassed me, but I knew there was nothing to see. I looked up at them, James gave my thigh a tap with his foot.

"Sleep well slave"

I grunted with the gag in my mouth.

"Right, rules for the day, I am going to take the gag off in a minute, you will not speak unless you are spoken to, you will always answer us with the absolute truth, you will never disagree with us and you will end what you say with 'Master Edward' or 'Master James', does your thick head understand that?"

I nodded in agreement and tried to say "Yes Master James" but it was unintelligible.

"When I take off your restraints you will stand with your head looking down at your feet and your hands held behind your back, under no circumstances will you touch your dick, and you will not move unless told to do so, are you able to understand that simple instruction"

I nodded in agreement.

Ed squatted down and removed the gag and the chain attaching the collar to the wall as well as the leg separator.

"Stand up"

I struggled to stand with my arms still restrained.

"Do you need to piss and shit?"

"Yes please Master Edward"

"OK we will leave the room while you do it so we don't have to endure the stench, flush with your elbow when you're finished and don't take too long"

"Thank you Master Edward"

They left the room while I squatted over the toilet to relieve myself, how I would love to use a proper toilet and sit down right now. I finished quickly and flushed the toilet, they must have heard the flush as they both came back in the room spraying a ton of air freshener, James sprayed me as well. Then released my hands from the collar and removed the cuffs, he left the collar on though.

"Put the metal grill over the toilet, then you can stand on it to take a shower, we are not leaving the room this time, I don't trust you not to play with your dicklet,"

That really concerned me, I was still feeling like I had a raging hard on, as soon as I touch my dick, I was sure I would explode.

"You will wet yourself down, then switch off the water and lather up with the soap on that shelf, once your body soaped up you will turn on the water and rinse yourself off, we don't want you wasting water"

"Yes Master James"

I turned the tap on, the water was freezing as it hit my body, it didn't help that the door to the garage was still open too. Once I was completely wet I turned off the water and started soaping up with the cheap nasty bar of soap.

I started from the top with my hair, chest, armpits, back then my ass.

This was the first time I had touched my body since the hair had been removed, it felt so smooth, no stubble or roughness it was embarrassing discovering it while these two watch over me. I was going to have to do my hard but not hard cock next, maybe if I was gentle and tried to just do it quickly I'd be OK. As I touched it, I realised my foreskin and scrotum felt incredibly sensitive, so much so it actually hurt. I didn't pull my skin back to clean under it, just moved on quickly, Ed had noticed.

"Ew, pull it back and clean under it you stinky slave, you're going to be naked all day around the house, I don't want it smelling of your filthy cock"

I started to pull it back between my thumb and forefinger, I thought I was going to cum, but then as the head was exposed the sensitivity hit me, it was incredibly painful, I couldn't touch it, it made me wince. the horny feeling had completely gone, to be replaced with this post orgasmic sensitivity. James was watching me.

"Wow, that looks like it's worked, is it really painful to touch your dick?"

"Yes Master James"

"Good, glad to hear that worked already"

He stepped closer, and squatted down to have a look at my dick.

"pull the foreskin back fully"

I slowly eased it back it was very uncomfortable. Once my head was fully exposed, James scooped some suds from my belly in one hand then with his thumb and forefinger went to massage the soap into my cock head, the discomfort was intense, I pulled back with a whimper.

"Stand up straight, you can take this, I'm not even hurting you"

I stiffened by legs and looked down at my hairless soapy dick, I was still holding my foreskin back between my thumb and forefinger as he swirled the end of his forefinger round the head of my penis, I endured the pain but my breathing was shaky from the sensitivity and the humiliation.

"I think we're clean down there"

He stepped back and I finished soaping down, then turned on the tap to rinse myself off. When I had finished I realised there was no towel so I stood with my hands behind my back and head down, the draft from the open door made me shiver, Ed smiled.

"Bit cold are we? dry yourself using that cloth by the sink"

I dried off with the very small towel.

"Time for breakfast, then we'll show you around the house and we'll tell yo what your duties are"

I walked behind them as we went into the warm kitchen.

To be continued.........

Please let me know if you have any comments or suggestions.

Next: Chapter 5

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