From Boss to Slave

By davdar192

Published on Jul 27, 2021


This is an authoritarian story of a desperate man selling himself into slavery to rid himself of his debts and the humiliations he experiences as he accepts his fate.

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---------------------------------------------------- The weeks turned into months, I was now in a routine.

I would wake my Masters with coffee each morning, assist them with their workouts, then prepare their breakfast. If I was lucky some mornings I would be fed their piss or have the opportunity to suck their dicks or be fucked. The humiliation of being naked on my knees sucking them off had faded, it was now a pleasure and somehow gave me a feeling of sexual release.

Monday I would have a heavy two hour workout which included an hour on the treadmill, to help me improve my stamina for pulling the rickshaw. I would then do housework mostly working on upstairs, Khalid would arrive early and make use of me either orally or anally.

Tuesday I would take Masters to work in the rickshaw if the weather was good, otherwise one of them would drive. My first task of the day would be to service the previous weeks best salesman, it was his choice, so that would vary, I could be sucking cock, getting fucked, giving a foot massage or a full body massage, it was up to them to decide, so it could be quite varied which I enjoyed. I would then spend the rest of the day running errands and getting drinks for everyone, Kyle and Matt continued to use me as their urinal. I would be allowed out alone to get everyone's lunch, I didn't like that, there were no other slaves in the business district, so I would be the only person naked. I was treated like a naked messenger boy.

Wednesday would be same as Monday spent doing housework again but downstairs and usually servicing Khalid again.

Thursday I would be back in work with my Masters which was the same as Tuesday, but this time I would be servicing what they called the sales team winner, they would all take an anonymous vote to decide who should win me for Thursday morning. This meant I could be serving anyone and made a change for me, the best sales man was usually the same group of five.

Friday would be back to a long workout, house work, changing bedding and serving Khalid.

Tuesday was the day I disliked the most, Alex was frequently the best salesman, he liked to insult and belittle me, before fucking me or making me suck him off. I didn't mind sucking him off so much, he had a good sized cock and he would grab the back of my head pushing my face into his musky thick pubes, he would call me names while doing it though which made the whole process more humiliating. If he fucked me he would have me on my back on the table while he stood and would grab me by the balls and pull them up, my pee pee would look small and jiggled about as he would call me names. He would make me look at him which was the most humiliating, if I looked away a sharp squeeze would remind me not to break eye contact.

My masters had lost interest in teasing my pee pee now and rarely used the erection option on the app. The app was only used for punishment if the cane or strap weren't to hand. They now punished me for any tiny thing I did wrong, I had therefore become much more obedient, I was also incredibly horny all the time which I think made me even more subservient to them.

I now took my sexual pleasure from making them get hard and cum, it was a strange feeling but I felt great satisfaction seeing cum explode from their dicks especially if I was able to taste it, I felt it was an honour.

It was now three months since my Masters had purchased me, it was a Monday, Khalid had left for the day and my Masters had eaten and fed me my 'slavefit', I was on my knees giving Master James a foot massage as he scrolled through his phone.

"Ed, I've got an email from the slave centre, we need to take maggot in for a check up Thursday morning this week"

It didn't really concern me that much, I guessed I would be prodded and poked by some sort of doctor.

Thursday morning quickly came around, my masters drove me to the slave center and we entered the building.

Once in reception, I followed my masters to the slave check up area. They checked in and were given a number. I had to have my hands behind my head with my wrists attached to my collar, we were then directed to the waiting room.

It was a large room, there must have been a hundred or so chairs in rows, it was busy. Masters were sitting on the chairs with their slaves knelt beside them, all the slaves had their hands restrained behind their heads.

My masters were able to find a spot for them to sit, I knelt next to them facing the front of the room. At the front were five areas where slaves were being checked over, above them were red numbers corresponding with the tickets. The check up areas were completely exposed, there were curtains but none of them were pulled across. Everyone was watching as the slaves were having their bodies probed and prodded.

I recognized three of the slaves at the front of the room from my initial training. I watched in horror as each slave was inspected from head to toe while they stood with everyone watching. They seemed to work from the top down, eyes, ears, nostrils, mouth, every inch of skin meticulously checked, dick, balls then bent over for a prostate and anal check. The doctors were talking with the masters quite quietly, but the commands to the slaves were being given at a higher volume. It looked completely humiliating, I looked across the room, all the slaves looked nervous, but all the masters seemed to be enjoying the display.

I saw the distinguished gentleman that had put a bid in for me, he had one of the hottest slaves from my initial group which surprised me, he must have cost a lot of money. The gentleman seemed very pleased with his slave and although I couldn't hear, he seemed to be gently talking in his ear to calm him. I felt extremely jealous of that slave, it should have been me, but here I was with my arrogant former employees.

The distinguished gentleman took his slave up for his check over, but pulled the curtain across. I was disappointed, I'd have liked to have watched and also slightly jealous, I was sure my masters wouldn't save me from the humiliation.

A few minutes later the curtain was drawn back and the distinguished gentleman went back to his seat while his slave was taken away somewhere. He noticed me and our eyes briefly locked before he quickly looked away as if he was avoiding me, was it guilt I saw? Maybe he felt guilty that he hadn't put another bid in for me, I wasn't sure, but it seemed strange, I didn't think much more about it.

Finally it was my turn, my Masters led me to the front of the room, we were in the checkup area at the center, probably the worst, or best depending on your point of view. The check up guy introduced himself to my Masters.

"Hi guys, I'm Mike I'll be inspecting your slave for you today, I'll be asking you a few questions as we go through the inspection and getting your slave into various positions, firstly, is he obedient, am I likely to need to use any force?"

Master James spoke first.

"No, he'll be fine, we have control beads if he does misbehave"

"Ah, that's great, it makes things much easier"

Mike turned me so I was facing the room, I felt nervous, many people had seen me naked now, but I was now going to be inspected from head to toe in front of them while they watched. Mike started by looking in my ears, he felt over my head with firm fingers, he check my eyes and nostrils.

"Open your mouth"

I opened wide, he felt around the inside of my mouth and checked my teeth, he slid his fingers to the back of my throat, then looked to Master James.

"Do you use him for deep throat fucking, if not, you should do, he has no gag reflex"

Master James laughed.

"Yes, we do, interesting to see you can tell"

"You'd be amazed what I can tell from a slaves body"

The inspection continued with my armpits and arms, he went around the back and check over my fingers which were still restrained behind my head, then he worked his hands down my back pressing hard. He stopped at my buttocks, then moved to the front again where he felt my chest and moved down to my stomach.

I knew what was coming but it still surprised me, he took hold of my dick and rubbed it between his fingers firmly trying to find any lumps or bumps, then pulled back my foreskin, I winced at the sensitivity and the intrusion without warning. He looked to Master James and was quite loud when asking.

"I'm guessing he's had the chastity vaccine as nothing seems to be happening down here"

"That's right, he was given it when we first got him"

"And when did you last give him an erection with the control beads"

It had been quite some time, I thought it was at least two weeks I'd lost count these days.

Master James turned to Master Edward.

"I have no idea"

Mike didn't seem bothered.

"If you pass me your phone, I can check the app"

Master James handed Mike his phone who then started tapping away.

"It's been 27 days, you should really do it more often than that for penile health, you may see some shrinkage if you don't allow regular erections. I see you haven't given him a milking using the app, have you given him a manual prostate milking?"

Master Edward pulled a face.

"Oops, we forgot about that"

Mike seemed a little disappointed with them.

"It's been three months, you really do need to do this, we'll check out his erection first, then we will give him a milking"

I felt my dick getting hard in front of the room full of masters and slaves, I still had the desire to cover up and somehow hide myself, but I knew it was pointless, my dick grew to full erection. Mike took out a tape measure and held it against my dick, I didn't look down, then he announced loudly enough for everyone nearby to hear.

"3.5 inches, his records show he was 4, so we have some shrinkage here., you really do need to give him an erection for at least 20 minutes every day, you can set a timer for it if you want"

Mike showed my Masters how to set up the timer, they did it for twenty minutes every day at 07:30. This was a good time for me, my masters were usually having breakfast then, so they would be able to see it and I'd have the opportunity to show my erect dick.

I felt my erection go again and my dick shrink back to its usual position.

Mike was doing something on Master James' phone, then I felt a strange feeling in my prostate I'd never felt before, it was uncomfortable, but also felt great at the same time. I felt amazing, I couldn't help myself I started to groan, it hurt, but it was so good. My groans became louder, I didn't care I knew people were watching me, my whole body started trembling. Everyone in the room seemed to be looking at me, my groaning had drawn their attention., Mike picked up a clear disposable plastic cup and held it below my dick.

"You should be doing this once every six to eight weeks"

Suddenly I felt a mixture of pleasure and pain hit me as cum started squirting out of my penis into the cup so hard I could hear it hitting the bottom, I let out a really load groan, it became more pain than pleasure as I started releasing more cum. Embarrassment flowed over me as I looked across the room at everyone watching my first ejaculation in months. As the feeling subsided and I stopped squirting I realized I had been shouting as I came. Mike lifted the cup up to inspect my emission.

"That was a really large ejaculation, I have seen one that big in quite some time, it's quite watery which is normal after the chastity vaccine, his balls are pulled up tight to his body all the time, so semen production is low, this is mostly just seminal fluid."

He placed the cup on the table next to him, both my Masters looked at it. Mike gave me my next instruction

"Turn around and bend over"

I did as instructed displaying my hole, balls and dick to the whole room.

I heard Mike squirt some lube onto his hand then without warning a finger or maybe two entered my ass. I felt his fingers exploring me.

"Do you fuck him often"

I heard Master James reply.

"We do sometimes, but we usually use his mouth, sometimes the guys at work fuck him and so does our personal trainer"

I could feel my face reddening, I could see people looking at my exposed ass through my legs, my dick and balls were in my line of sight, i could see a droplet of cum hanging from my dick while the three of them discussed how often I was fucked. I heard Mikes next instruction.

"Stand up and turn around"

If it was possible I felt more embarrassed as I now faced the room, Mike looked at his notes.

"Everything looks to be fine gentlemen, just make sure you give him more regular erections or you may seem a little more shrinkage and try to do a prostate milking at least once a month. Other than that everything is good, you'll receive an email for another check up in three months"

My masters thanked him and went back to their seats, I was led to another room.

In the room was Mike who had first striped me as a slave, with a younger man next to him behind a desk.

I don't think Mike recognised me, he turned to the young man next to him.

"OK Ethan, you can interview this one"

He handed Ethan an iPad and Ethan stood up, and walked around the desk.

"this interview is to check if you are being abused by your masters"

I was surprised, almost everything they did could be counted as abuse.

"Are you ever beaten without reason?"

"No Sir" came my reply

"Is anything larger than a fist ever inserted in your anus"

I had to think for a moment. "No Sir"

The questions continued, mostly about beatings and being force fed things, after I answered the questions I realised how badly some slaves could be treated, I felt luck I had good Masters.

I was then returned to my masters and we left the slave center.

I followed them back to the car with my head down and hands behind my back. I remembered the first time they had led me from this place, my first time naked in public outside.

I remembered how scared I was, and the feelings of embarrassment and humiliation as my old employees had led me out on a chain with my hands restrained and a gag in my mouth after having all my body hair removed.

It didn't bother me anymore, I was used to my pee pee being on display, and the feel of the breeze on my body, the soles of my feet had toughened up and the concrete under my feet felt normal.

When we got close to the car Master James unlocked it and I ran forward to open the doors for them, once the had got in I closed the doors for them and jumped in the back.

They chatted amongst themselves on the journey home, I looked out of the window not taking much notice. When we arrived home I jumped out of the car and opened the door for Master Edward to get out then ran round to open the door for Master James, once they had got out I closed the doors behind them and gave the car a quick dust inside and vacuumed the floor so it would be clean for their next journey.

I walked into the kitchen to see them both on the sofas, they looked at me and I instinctively knew what was expected. I got on my hands and knees and crawled over to them, as it was Thursday it was Master Edwards turn for a foot massage first.

To be continued.....

Next: Chapter 14

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