From a Man to a Boy

By moc.oohay@ssaibteews

Published on Jul 10, 2023


From a Man to a Boy

When Chris at work approached me to say he had a friend' Thomas, who needed hours giving cheap massages to work up to a masseuse license I should have been more skeptical. I didn't know Chris well, he worked on the floor above me, and he was kind of a stud. He was quiet, didn't say much, but he had this presence. He gave off a strength, was friendly enough, but did have that I'm the Top Dog` here vibe. That's why I was a little surprised he told me about his friend, Thomas.

I had worked around Chris for a couple years, but we certainly weren't friends, just coworkers. I didn't know too much about him because he didn't share much. I was glad when he approached me and told me about the massages, just that he had thought of me. I wasn't paying too much attention, but I didn't see him tell anyone else and I didn't hear anyone talking about it.

I thanked him and tried to make some small talk. Chris just gave me a Post It note with the name `Thomas' and a phone number written on it and told me to call him. He said he thought I would be perfect for it and that Thomas will get me where I should be. I didn't know what that meant, but I figured that the worst that could happen was I got a bad massage.

I called Thomas later that afternoon and he asked if I could come over after work. Things with Alexis, my girlfriend, had been strained for awhile. Nothing crazy, we just weren't connecting and she was spending a lot of time out with friends. I liked the thought of having somewhere to be myself.

I told Thomas `sure' and he gave me an address not far from work. His voice was a little deep, polite, he said that he heard I'd need a little work, but that I'd do well if I let it happen. I wasn't sure what that meant either, but assumed he meant I'd be a good massage patient. He just coolly told me not to worry, that he'd take care of it. I just nervously laughed and said I'd see him in a couple hours.

When I arrived to the house an older, handsome man answered the door wearing a clean white shirt, the light cotton kind of flowy, loose pants and nice leather sandals. I'll admit, he was a good looking guy, strong looking like you'd think a professional masseuse should be.

"I'm Thomas, come in," he stated as he greeted me at the door. "I'm Ray, nice to meet you," I replied as I walked in. Thomas was a clean cut, fairly muscular man, tall, strong, he definitely was a gym goer or had been in the recent past. He had thick, salt and pepper hair and a trim beard with these intense light colored eyes. Thomas lead me to a large room with a massage table in the center, the kind with the head holder where you look down through the center as you lay on your stomach.

I always felt a little weird having a massage done by a man. I'm not homophobic at all it's just not my thing. I am straight after all and have had a girlfriend for most of my adult life. I'll admit though that I was glad to simply be touched. Things had been off with Alexis. We just weren't getting along and it hadn't felt right. Sex had become sparse and Alexis never seemed interested in fucking.

Thomas kind of looked me up and down with a half smile. "Ray, I'm going to grab some lotion from the other room. Get undressed and lie down on your back. Grab a towel and place it over you... or not," he said flatly.

I got this strange feeling. Not fear, but a little nervousness, flattered from the way he looked at me and told me to 'get undressed.' Do I get naked? completely undressed? or not?! I don't... what... My mind swam a little, I was too embarrassed to ask anything. I ended up just looking down at my feet and nodded 'yes.' What the hell just happened to me? I don't know how to describe the feeling other than weirdness. Why did I freeze? My response seemed to please Thomas as he smiled wider and began to walk away.

"Great, great," he replied as he walked. "Don't worry Ray, you'll be fine. Chris is usually right. You need a drink to relax?" Before I could answer he said, "I'll grab you a little drink and I'll be right back, the towels are right there," and he pointed to the corner as he disappeared from the room.

I came here to relax and was now feeling nervous. Did something just happen? A drink? No, no, I thought. He's just a nice guy, what am I worrying about. Chris is usually right? I am being stupid. My lack of sex had me jittery. I grabbed a towel and hesitantly took off all my clothes. Before I could get on the table, Thomas came into the room holding a glass of brown liquor and a bottle of lotion. I embarrassingly tried to quickly wrap the towel around me, but fumbled briefly. Thomas smiled, "Ray, here take this it'll just help you relax a little. I know how to take care of guys like you."

"I, I'm.. uhm, sorry." I held out my hand as if to refuse the drink. "I haven't eaten much today... uhm, I'm not a big drinker, maybe I shouldn't..." I stammered.

Thomas's face became almost serious. He wasn't angry, but the smile had gone. He didn't say a word he just continued to hold the drink out with his thick arm. My eyes fell to the floor, my hand gripped tight on the towel around me. "Uhm, ok, ya, it... it will help me relax. Thank, thank you," I said meekly. I took a sip while Thomas watched me. He smiled slightly as I drank.

"That's it Ray. Take a gulp, that's a good boy."

It took a second to register. Did he just say 'good boy?' Nervousness flooded my body. I am a grown man, but this man made me feel almost like a child. I nervously took another big gulp almost finishing the glass. Thomas's wide smile returned. "Get on the table. Face up."

The alcohol's warmth filled my body. I wasn't much of a drinker and hadn't had one in over a month, maybe two. It felt great washed over my nervousness. I slowly climbed on the table doing all I could to keep myself covered. I laid back.

"Close your eyes, relax. Let go," Thomas reassured me. I took a deep breath and enjoyed the alcohol sloshing in my brain and laid back.

I could hear Thomas putting the lotion in his hand. He placed his strong hands on my shins and began massaging my legs. He worked his way up to my my knee and then went back done to my feet. Either the drink, his hands, or more likely both made my nervousness wane. My mouth opened slightly to low breathing as he loosened my body with his hands. It felt great. He was strong, skilled, confident. I was melting.

"You married Ray?" Thomas asked. "No, no... um girlfriend," I softly replied. "Umm hmm."

Thomas moved to my torso and rubbed my chest and sides. His touch was as intoxicating as his drink. My eyes stayed closed as I smiled slightly. Thomas then rubbed down my side and over my hip, his hands slid under the towel as he went. I tensed up. Either Thomas didn't notice or he ignored it. His thumbs slid on top of my thighs as he went down my leg and then back up my thigh. His hands shifted inward, his thumbs between my legs. He lightly kneaded my thighs as his thumbs danced near my testicles, his fingers inches from my twitching dick.

It was a bit nerve wracking, made me a little nervous, but it felt amazing. I wanted to say something, `it was too much', more than I was comfortable with. But I couldn't stop him, it felt too good. I was becoming lost despite my fear. I don't think I was even aware that I got an erection. Thomas's hands swirled around my balls and dick, never fully grabbing them, but teasing them, building my excitement.

Thomas spoke, "That's it Ray, that's it. We're both gonna feel good."

His words shot through me, woke me. Holy shit! I've got a hard on! Both feel good? What? I sat up quickly, embarrassed. "Oh, ah, um... sorry, I... maybe I should go?"

"Ray, I hear what your saying, but your body is saying something very different," he looked down at the small tent I had erected. "Lay down," Thomas said, with no emotion is his voice.

I felt I couldn't leave. In an attempt at a weak protest, I swung the towel around and laid quickly on my stomach, my hard-on trapped underneath my balls pointing downward.

"It's ok, I know what you need. I don't think it's coincidence you're now ass up. I'm sure this is more natural for you."

I buried my face in the head holder my hands down my side. I was embarrassed, nervous, excited. The drink definitely slowed my head though. Thomas's hands gripped my calves and began slowly moving his lotioned hands back and forth, all the while slowly and continually moving up my legs.

"No, no Ray, no need to be embarrassed, I've got you," Thomas said softly. I don't know when Thomas got another drink, but from the head holder I see Thomas's legs and feet, and his hand is reaching under towards my face. He's holding a drink this time with a straw to reach up to my lips.

"Go ahead Ray, its all good, take it."

I was swimming. Nervous, excited, tipsy. My hard cock was stuck, throbbing under my balls. I sucked hard on the straw. Thomas chuckled and he moved back out of my sight. Was he just barefoot?

"I knew you'd do that well. You just needed a couple drinks to get there. Sometimes old beliefs block the truth about ourselves and we need a push to get to our true selves. Lucky for you I'm patient."

The drink's warmth flowed down my body, soothing me, loosening me. Thomas's hands returned to my thighs massaging them. His hands slid up and his wet thumbs met both sides of the head of my cock which was pointed down to my feet. His hands stopped, but his wet thumbs rubbed and squeezed my cockhead. He reached down and squeezed my aching cock as his other hand cupped my right ass cheek. He was feeling my ass and the same time kind of holding me down on the table. I let out an audible moan that I couldn't hide. Thomas slowly stroked my throbbing dick a few times before both his hands were on my ass. I was so hot. I did not know what to do. I was kind of in a frozen, excited, almost scared state. I guess I could have gotten up and walked out, but I couldn't. It somehow felt right. Maybe it was the alcohol, maybe it wasn't, maybe it was me.

Thomas's rubbing of my ass quickly turned to the soft touch of my asshole. Soft circles round and round, it was ecstasy like I had never felt before. I didn't say a word, I didn't want it to stop, but I didn't want to admit I loved it either. "Ray, you have a nice ass. Does this feel good?" he asked seemingly already knowing the answer.

In my head there was a fight. My body was telling my brain, "Yes! Yes! This is unbelievable! Please, please more!" But my brain was telling it, "No! No! You're straight! You're not into this! You're not into men! Stop!"

With all the infighting in my brain I could only softly answer, "yes."

I heard the squirt of what I thought was the lotion bottle and then felt his finger slowly push inside of me. I let out a small 'yelp' of surprise, but it was quickly overcome with pleasure. Having this older, stronger man in control felt right to me, natural. Hearing him tell me I had a nice ass sent shockwaves through my body. I have been with women all my life, but haven't felt 'wanted' sexually in a very, very long time and hearing it now was intoxicating.

I wasn't aware of it at first, but I was slowly rocking my hips back to the back and forth of his finger. "That's it Ray, that's it. You're a natural at this, this is where you belong" Thomas said, "I'll get you through his, just do as you're told. Be a good boy."

My face was buried in the head holder trying to hide my pleasure from the man who was now clearly in control. The alcohol, the pleasure, I wasn't sure what was happening. I just was listening to Thomas and doing what he asked.

As Thomas's finger fucked my ass I lightly moaned to the floor. I felt Thomas shift and heard the clinking of ice as his finger pushed deep in my ass. "Ohhhhh," I moaned down to the floor. His finger slowly pulled out of my ass and from under the table I could see Thomas's bare legs and then his big semi-hard cock resting in my drink. My eyes widened.

"Ray, take your head out of there, come have some more of your drink," he said laying his free hand on my back. I pulled myself out of the head holder and moved onto my side facing him. "C'mon, come get this drink. Take it," he said while slowly swirling the drink around his cock.

I was frozen. His cock was big, bigger than mine that's for sure. Almost like it was powerful, like it had a power over me. It was like he was more of a man than me, the Alpha. His cock head was submerged in my drink lilting with the whiskey as the ice cubes slowly danced. I felt like I was staring at it forever, entranced. His big balls were hanging above the glass's rim.

"Take it Ray, don't let it drip on my floor. I won't like that," he said with the hint of a threat.

Thomas placed his free hand on my shoulder and slightly coaxed me toward his cock. As I slowly went forward he lowered the drink and allowed a couple drops to fall back into the glass. He held the glass below my mouth and tilted it up. I instinctively opened my mouth and gulped it down.

"Good boy, Ray. Good boy," he smiled. "Now take the last of it off of my cock."

In one motion he gently guided me down while he placed the glass on the table behind him. In a moment of hesitation I stopped. What was happening? No, this isn't me I thought as I stared at that big, beautiful cock in silence.

"Ray...," Thomas began.

Refusing to think further I opened my mouth, leaned slightly off the table and took Thomas's cock into my mouth.

"Yesss, that's it Ray," Thomas encouraged.

The smell and taste of whiskey was quickly overtaken by the simple feel of his cock in my mouth. I couldn't believe it. I again felt lost as I sucked it, loved it, needed it. My tongue going over his head, my lips sucking softly back and forth on his shaft. It was amazing, unbelievable. But the moment I felt his hands on my head it all felt 'right'. That may seem like a strange or underwhelming word, but its how I felt, 'right.' As his cock grew in my mouth knew I was supposed to do this.

"Oh Ray, good boy. Suck Daddy's big cock like a good boy. I knew you were meant for this. Maybe you did too, "Thomas said.

'Meant' that word hit me. He said, "you were meant for this" and I somehow knew that I was. I sucked hard and deep on Thomas's big dick, his hands tightened on my head. His right hand left my head, reached down my body and grabbed my ass hard. I reached out and grabbed his big balls gently cradling them as I sucked up and down the long, hard shaft. Thomas slid his hand to my asshole and pushed his big finger back inside my tight ass.

I moaned into Thomas's dick that was filling my mouth. "Ray, you are a very good cocksucker, but I need you to be more. You're going to be more for me right?" he asked although it didn't sound like a question. His finger continued to fuck my wanting ass.

"Look at me Ray," Thomas ordered. With my mouth full of his monster cock I looked up his muscled torso to his serious eyes. He smiled. "Ray, you're a good cocksucker, but you know I need more than a blow job."

With this, he held my head and pushed his cock slowly deeper and deeper into my salivating mouth. I gagged slightly, trying to compose myself as tears formed in my eyes. He eased back so I could gather myself, his cock still stuffed into my mouth. "You'll get there in time, I know you will," Thomas reassured.

He stepped back pulling his cock out of my mouth. I leaned in slightly as if to take it back, but somehow knew not to. Thomas's cock had to be a good nine maybe ten inches, pointed towards the ceiling, hard and strong. "Ray, you want this again don't you?" Thomas asked. "That only happens when you're more than a cocksucker."

I must have looked confused. The wonderful taste and feel of his cock filled my senses. His presence filled the room and the alcohol fogged my brain. What was happening? What was he saying?

"You're gonna be my bottom boy too," he said.

"What?" I weakly replied.

"Ray, you're gonna submit yourself to me and I am going to take it," Thomas said matter of factly.

"What... I... uhm... what?" I muttered.

"Ray, you liked my cock in your mouth didn't you?" he asked.

I lowered my eyes and slowly nodded 'yes' embarrassed, but powerless to the feeling.

Thomas continued, "It felt right to have a man's cock in your mouth, didn't it Ray? That's because you're supposed to take care of a real man's needs. Look at you, women don't want a man like you. They want men like me, big, strong with a big hard cock. Not men like you with your small dicks. You can't satisfy them, but you will me, men like me. We will give you a purpose."

His words burned right through me to my soul. I looked down at my small, now soft dripping dick. Thomas seeing me continued, "I don't want that Ray. Your mouth and that little ass of yours. That's what I'm taking, what you are giving to me. That mouth and that ass are meant for men like me. Me and my big cock will give you purpose, we will complete you." My eyes were wide, focused like a laser on his words despite the alcohol swirling in my head.

"'m straight...," I replied in almost a whisper.

Thomas didn't bother arguing. We both knew my words were a sad lie, just something I had to say to try and save face. Maybe I was straight, maybe I just thought I was, but a million things that had happened in my life were now all lining up. I always looked up to real, Alpha men, but I wasn't one of them and never would be. Thomas was right and I knew it. He just saw me for what I was, what I was truly meant for, serving real men, being, doing whatever they wanted or needed. Getting my worth from them and their big dicks.

Without a word, Thomas leaned his cock towards me and without a word I took it back into my mouth. It was like the breathing tube I desperately needed. I sucked it deep and lovingly. "I know it Ray, I know. Go ahead, suck Daddy for a moment, enjoy it, but then you're givIng it all to me."

Shortly after I took his cock back into my mouth and sucked it like I had to to live, Thomas turned his body back to the table and picked up a small bottle. He unscrewed the top and held it under my nose. He held one nostril shut and instructed me to inhale deeply.

Without hesitation I inhaled hard. A warm dizzying feeling rushed over my body, I felt limp, but euphoric. Thomas grabbed my hips and quickly pulled me to the end of the table. My feet were on the floor, my torso resting on the top of the table with my arms stretched out over my head. I felt Thomas's strong hands on my ass. The warm feeling from the bottle filled my head.

Then I felt Thomas tongue on my asshole. I had never felt more pleasure than I did at that moment. I let out a feminine moan as his tongue teased, swirled on, and then fucked my asshole. I shuddered with excitement and exploded a long rope of cum onto the floor. This caused Thomas to pull my ass hard to his face as he licked, sucked and ate my quivering hole. I moaned an almost cry as he lubricated my ass with his mouth.

Thomas then stood, I heaved deep breaths at the ecstasy I had just felt, trying to settle myself.

"Here, you'll want this again," Thomas said as he held the small bottle under my nose. I dizzily looked up at him feeling completely submissive to this man who had in an instant took me and broke me to then bring me to my new place under him. Safe, but submissive. I again inhaled deep, Thomas leaned down and lustily kissed the back of my neck. I had never felt so wanted, so sexy in my life. It was exhilarating, I yearned for it.

As my mind again swirled with the warm euphoria from the bottle as Thomas disappeared from my neck. I felt his strong hands grab my hips and the pressure of his monster cock pressing against my asshole. I had no idea what to expect, but knew that I couldn't say `no' nor did I want to. I was Thomas's now and he wanted this so I had no choice, but to give it.

Thomas slowly pushed into me, my hips pressing into the table top. Pain quickly shot through my body, but disappeared just as quick as Thomas slowly took my "Fuck ya," Thomas grunted as he slowly pulled back.

I moaned long and deep at the feeling of his hard dick filling my ass, filling my soul. I gripped the table's sides as Thomas took me, took what he needed from me. I moaned higher and louder as he pumped harder and faster.

"This is what you are Ray," Thomas cried as he fucked at a strong, steady pace. I moaned with each smack of his hips into my ass. I felt deep satisfaction hearing Thomas grunt with pleasure. He knows he has me. He knows that I know it as well.

The slap of his hips into my ass felt as good as his cock penetrating me. I am overwhelmed with pleasure, with Thomas, with the experience. His cock is hard as a rock as it takes me, get what it needs from my hot, tight ass. I moan deeply as his cock plunges in and out of me. My soft cock which had been flapping back and forth with each thrust explodes with cum for the second time.

Thomas pulls out of my shaking body and quickly walks back to my head. "Take it, take it all," Thomas ordered as he pushed his cock back into my mouth before exploding hot torrents of his cum down my throat. The cum spills from the sides of my mouth and dribble down my face. He grips my head hard as the cum continues to flow from his hot dick. Thomas moans in pleasure before exhaling.

With tears in my eyes and his cum on my chin I looked up to Thomas hoping for his approval. Thomas smiled and nodded, "Chris was right, you were meant for this. You're a man, but not a real man. You're a boy, my bottom boy. That ass is for me and this cock. You did well."

His words meant everything to me. "Be back here next week at the same time."

Giving my body to him for his pleasure made him happy, made me complete.

Hope everyone enjoyed it - love to hear your comments at

Next: Chapter 2

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