From a Cucumber I Hope To Dad?

By Kevinmjo (Kevin Kelly)

Published on Jan 1, 2005


All rights are reserved by the Author do not post sell copy without permission of the Author. You must be of legal age to read this work. As in all my stories I promise a load in each installment. Write to with your thoughts. A picture will be sent to each who gives their age in number of years. For legal reasons I need the age stated. Kevin Kelly

So you can better visualize My dad I'll describe Him for You here as he was at this time in the story. He was then 37 with a thick head of strawberry blonde hair (He had it dyed from a mud-gutter blonde) Picture in Your mind a young Robert Redford and You'll have a good Idea, Only a super sized Redford, real super sized. My Dad stood just an even 6 foot like myself. His weight was always kept at just 175 pounds, So he had less then 2% body fat. His chest was a full strong 48 inches, and hung over His ABS which had a six pack to kill for and were framed by two columns of muscle, One on each side of His ABS. His arms were a full 22.5 inches and flex every time He made the slightest move. His legs were strong and hairy. his feet even His feet were like that of a Greek God. His face was kind of boyish for a man of 37 and that was what made him even more appealing to women and Yes even Men. His steel Blue eyes and super white teeth made his smile so warm and hot.

I loved to go to the super Market shopping for the weeks groceries with Dad. he would be wearing a tight pull over shirt and blue jeans sneakers and as always His hair just so. I would get a kick as He would pass women shopping and the looks they would give Him and when He past them I would see them stop and look back at Him and it was easy to see they were looking at his ass as it moved up and down as He walked. At the check out the women and even sometimes the men would get all flustered talking to Him and I could tell they were cuming in their pants as they made small talk with Him. Usually one of the women would always say how much He looked like Robert Redford and Dad would just blush and say He got that all the time.

I remember once when we were checking out I was helping Dad put our things on the counter while the cashier was checking out the women in font of Us. Dad's arms were moving and His chest heaving as he was getting the things from the cart. I saw the Cashier stop checking out the Women and She just stood there watching Dad move. At last the women said "Honey, I know the man is a hunk, But I am in a hurry so please finish my order" Dad looked at me and chuckled, he knew what effect He had on women and he got a major kick out of it.

Even at 18 I would follow my Dad around like a 7 year old. I had never gone through that rebellious period and knew I would never think of turning on Dad. we were much more then just Father and son we were buddies, So close we would freely share our most secret thoughts, That is with one exception. I could never bring Myself to tell Dad about my over powering attraction to Him and My unnatural thoughts about Him. I loved everything about Him His body of course, His smell of course, and his way with people and His honest good nature. I would be so flattered when someone would say that I was a carbine copy of My Dad. I did not dye my hair yet like He did so I still had the sandy Mud-gutter blonde look. While we both worked out at the gym four days a week Dad was just able to bulk up so much more.

We had a little custom of sorts between Us that we had been doing since I was a toddler and even now at 18 we would still do it. I would lay on the sofa at one end and Dad would lay on the other to watch TV. We would have on shorts or sometimes just our jockey briefs. We would bend our legs and kind of message each others bare foot with our own. Taking turns giving each other a bare foot message. Dad's foot with His high arch and strong ankles would be rubbing against mine and the hairs on His legs and ankle would touch me and I would get so turned on and hard I would have to hide my tent from Him. Lately I would be the one to start this message and Dad was always giving me a smile when I would first rub His bare foot.

One day I was at my best Friend Sean's house after school and we were up in His room and he was putting on a porno, we had done this pretty often so no big deal. Sean's Dad like mine was a single parent and Sean had a good relationship with His Dad, His Dad saw nothing wrong with Sean watching the porns. well in this one porn a girl was putting a vibrator up her rear hole and going nuts on it. Sean said "You know I heard that some women and even some guy's use those things too and if they don't have a real vibrator they use a cucumber instead"

I looked at him and couldn't believe what I heard him say I came back with "Some guy's use them? why would a man use one of them on His ass hole?

Sean laughed and said "Boy do you have a lot to learn Kevin, See up inside Your ass hole is a thing called Your prostrate that is where Your cum is stored and when something hits against that it gives You a big thrill and made it feel go and makes the guy come"

I was looking at Sean now he was a lanky tall boy my age then 18 and he had the same Sandy blonde hair and was a good looking guy. We had spent our years growing up next door to each other and so I was surprised that Sean knew all this stuff. I asked him "Sean how do you know all this stuff about what is inside Your ass hole and how it feels to have that prostrate thing touched?

Sean was turning 10 shades of red and I knew Him well enough to know He felt trapped and was acting all nervous. then He said "Well I looked it up on the computer at one of those Gay sites and found out all about it from there and My Dad told me that it is all true too"

"Holy shit" I said "You asked Your Dad about that, what did He think?

Sean was sitting next to me on the bed, We both had taken off our sneakers so as not to dirty the bed and had on just socks. I was laying down propped up on one arm. Sean said looking at me "Kevin We are best Friends and have been all our lives, So if I tell You, You have to promise me You'll never tell a soul? Cause if this gets out my reputation would be shot"

I was now up in a shot sitting like Sean Indian style. Very much aware that our two socked feet had touched ever so lightly, I kept my foot in contact with Seines and unbeknown to Him was enjoying the feel of his socked foot on mine. I put my hand on His shoulder and said in my most reassuring voice "Sean on Our Friendship I promise never to breath a word of what You tell me So go ahead buddy"

Sean had His head down as he spoke saying "Well tow months ago I got curious about that stuff and found the site, The gay site and saw them using cucumbers and read a gay story about how great it feels. I actually bought one and I tried it. I actually was putting it up my hole and real slow like on the site. I think I did hit that spot and it felt really good Kevin Really good. Well, I came off man, Shot my load like never before in my life, Because of that thing hitting that spot inside me. I forgot the damn cucumber beside my bed and Dad came in the next day to get my dirty cloths and found the cucumber"

I said "Holy Shit man he found the cucumber?

Sean "Yep Dad found it and He bought it down to me in the kitchen and asked what it was about? I just came out and told him the whole story Kevin and Dad kind of laughed and said that it was good to experiment around like that, Made sex more open and that He was kind of glad I was so open minded."

I said "Wow that is great I am glad You and Your Dad are so open and can talk like that with each other"

Sean looked at me and said 'Wow really I am surprise cause everybody always says how close You and Your Dad are, like Brothers, So You should be able to talk to him too like that?

I was more aware of Our two feet touching now and as excited as I would be touching feet with Dad. I looked at Sean's eyes and let my feet push a little harder against His. He looked down at our feet my big toe rubbing on His big toe and looked back up to my face with a smile and then his toe was in the game of touching. He said That feels good Kevin, real good"

I smiled and We just kept touching our toes like that a good while, both of Us looking down as we played touch with our toes. I said "So You really got off on the cucumber thing?

Sean looking now at my face said "Yea it feels really hot, I know it sounds so gross but you would really like it Kevin"

The man had bared His soul to me so I felt OK to say "Yea I would like to try it maybe? But I don't know how to do it right? I could do some damage?

Almost timidly as if afraid to offend me Sean said "If You really want to try it kevin, I happen to have one here in the night stand, We could do it together and I'll show You how it is done?

Our toes were still against each others now as he said that, I moved mine to tap His and said "You know what Sean you really have me thinking about it Fuck I like to do what ever makes my cock feel good who doesn't? So fuck Yea buddy let's do it now then"

The look that came over Sean's handsome face was like He had just hit the lotto. He was u in a flash and opening the drawer. I was as hard as a fucking rock all my 7 inch cock was tenting out my jeans. I had no idea what the cucumber was going to be like but the thought that my friend was going to be working is into my ass hole made me hot as hell. He turned and held a thin cucumber in His hand still it was bigger around then my own cock which is a decent 6 inches around. He held a jar of hand cream in His other hand.

I said "OK so now how do we do this?

Sean said "Well it's better if you take off all Your cloths and lay down on your stomach on the bed and I'll do it for You"

I stood really nervous and pulled off my shirt then undid my belt and was pulling down my fly. I saw that Sean was keeping his eyes fixed on my hands. Down came my jeans and my jockey briefs over my hips in one move. My hard 7 incher popped out jetting out from my blonde pubic hairs. I stepped out of the jeans and except for my white socks was naked in front of Sean.

Sean said "wow Kevin nice cock man real nice, wait until You feel how good i am going to make it feel"

I just smiled at Him not knowing what the hell to say being naked like this? I did as told and laid down on the bed. My face was in the pillow and for a good while I heard nothing so I said "Sean what are You doing man?

Sean said. " this can get messy with the cream and all so I better get undressed too"

I turned in time to see Sean stepping out of His jeans at the foot of the bed. He was coming up to full height and my eyes went to His cock. It was at least an inch bigger then mine. not as thick as mine and he was cut with a really big flared cock head on it and his blonde pubic hairs so thick and curly. His balls massive is all I can say. My own cock twitched on the sheets at seeing it. he was hot thin to be sure but hot. Sean was getting on the bed and between my legs as He moved up He was spreading my legs with His knees on each side until he had them spread where he wanted. I felt His socks against my legs and that felt so good. then I felt Sean rubbing the cream against my hole. His hand was actually touching my hole and rubbing it. never had I felt another persons hand there. The cream was rubbed around the out side of my hole and then Sean said "To make it really work Kevin I have to get some of this cream inside your hole so I have to do that with my finger, OK?

I let out a laugh and said "" So now You are going to finger fuck me, hell i should be charging you for this"

Sean laughed and said from what I see of Your hole it would be well worth it, besides You are going to do this all back to me buddy"

With that his finger was entering my hole ever so slightly at first, Just the tip of his finger with the cream on it. I was getting thrills all over it felt so sexy to have my best friend touching me like this in my most private place. more of His finger came into me with more cream on it. Sean asked how I was doing and I hated to stop my thoughts to answer but i said "Doing fine so far"

Sean "Good the best is yet to come buddy."

His thin finger was now all inside me and he said "OH yea Kevin I am touching it now You feel me touching that thing inside You? Here Let me keep touching it and make it feel really good"

I said "Oh Fuck yea I feel your finger on it man and wow it does feel good to, yea i like that Sean"

He told me to lift up onto my knees some and He could touch it even better. I was lifting up His finger still inside me. I knew I was now in the all fours as they say. It felt so wonderful I was actually pushing back on His finger to get more of it, I was loving my buddies finger fucking into me. then Sean was cupping my hairy balls in His other hand and feeling them as he was fingering my hole. This really drove me nuts. I was so close to shooting me load right then. All pretense of Us just being two guy's experimenting around ended for me when Sean took the hand from my balls and pushed under my legs to take hold of my cock at the base of it and he was jerking my hard fat cock as he was fucking His finger into my hole and hitting that spot again and again.

Sean must have know just how close I was He said "hold back buddy we got to fuck this cucumber into you now"

To my regret his finger came out of me and His other hand off my cock. Now I felt the finger replaced by the cold hard cucumber. He was pushing it into my hole and it did hurt some while it spread me much wider then his finger and more pushed into me and more. I had to say stop, stop it was too much. I was turning on the bed and Sean let me as he came down beside me. We laid there and i said "hell i liked You finger a lot more then the cucumber Sean"

Sean looked into my eyes and said 'Well it takes some getting use to at first. You want to finger me now? It's better to do it before you shoot You load."

I smiled and said "fuck yea buddy, I can't believe we are doing this to each other but fuck we are, So now my turn buddy"

I was handed the cream but I noticed not the cucumber. Sean assumed the all fours position. His ass was so hot too. so white and smooth. I had never been this close to a Man's hole and I just kind of took a minute to check it out. I spread his cheeks and was looking at the brown hole that had the pink inside. so tight looking it looked like it couldn't spread to take my finger? My own cock had lost its hard as I was busy preparing to do this to my buddy. I put my finger into the jar and then was putting my finger like Sean had done just around the out side, then I pushed my finger into his hole and it was so tight and it was spreading to take me finger, my cock responded to this by shooting up to all 7 inches. as my finger worked in to Him. Sean was now like another person once my finger was in Him. he was moaning and say for me to keep doing it, keep fucking my finger into Him. " Holy Shit " I thought as my finger first touched that thing inside him and it moved and he moaned in pleasure when my finger would touch that flesh inside him. i was really pounding me finger in him at this point and then I remembered what he had done to me and I held His big hairy balls in my other hand. As often as I have held my own balls in my hand This was nothing like that. They felt so strange and so really good in my hand and the way Sean was moaning as I held and felt His big balls made me really love holding them. Then while hard finger fucking his hole I let my hand go under and was holding the base of his bare cock so thick and long I worked up to the head of his dick while my other hand was fucking Him.

Sean said "Kevin put tow finger in me man I want to feel something thicker"

I laughed to myself and said "Sean If you want something thicker I got something a lot thicker then two fingers for you?

Sean lifted his head from the pillow and looked over His shoulder to me saying. " You mean You want to fuck Your cock into me?

I looked at him and said "Oh man please Sean I am so horny and Your hole is so hot man please let me put it in You, Just this once and only for a little while I promise."

Sean smiled and said "Sure man but you have to let me do it to you too, So we are even?

I just nodded to Him and smiled. he told me to grease up my cock really good cause it was so thick. I did real good and holding my cock in hand I inched up to his hole put the wide head of my cock to His hole. He moaned as soon as my cock head touched Him and He was pushing back. One hand on His bare hip I pushed and the head spread Him and my whole cock head was now in his tight hole. the many cucumbers must have really done the job, While his hole was tight around my thick cock my cock went in so easy and nice and felt so good as every inch of Sean's hole spread to accept my cock. The feeling was beyond wonderful, beyond great it was all my dick could do not to explode it's load in that first incertion. Then my dick was in Him to my very balls and he begged me to fuck Him and I was fucking my cock into him and His tight hole knowing I would always want to repeat this with His hole over and over again just fuck my cock into Him. his body felt so warm and smooth against me as my 7 inch cock was fucking His hole making it mine. I wanted to cum in him but still didn't want it to ever end. Every thrust of my fat dick into His tight ass was like never before. Then I had to say it. " Sean I am going to cum Man You want me to pull out or shoot it all inside You?

Sean 'Oh man go ahead and shoot it in me but you have to let me shoot in you too?

I nearly screamed out as My dick took on a life of its own and was shooting load after load of my teen cum into Him it was rapid firing my cream into Him like I had never came in my whole life. My cock took over my body as it was cramming into Him powerful load after load my whole body hips shoulders back legs just were reacting to what my dick was doing unloading my cum into Sean's hot tight hole.

At last spent, I fell on top of Sean's naked back my arms came under Him and I was touching his bare tits now as my dick grew soft inside His cum soaked hole. I could have laid like that forever. then we heard a call from down the stairs. " Sean you home? It was Sean's Dad we shot out of the bed and as we dressed with the speed of two firemen Sean called back 'yea Dad I am up here with Kevin"

The evidence, Cucumber jar of cream were hidden back. dressed Sean said "Tomorrow we let me do you" I said "Sure buddy after school" We came down the steps trying not to look like we had been caught in the cookie jar Sean's Dad (Pat) was in the kitchen. He smiled as I walked in the room and said "Kevin glad you are here I just dropped off your Dad and He has some news for you when You get home and I have some new for You Sean too"Our Dad's were partners in a private law firm they owned.

I said "Oh really I wonder what it is?

Ed said with a wink to the both of Us "well You'll find out as soon as You get home young man"

I smiled at the handsome man before me and just said "Oh yea so I better be getting home then, bye guys"

The short walk next door to Our house was full of thoughts, good thoughts of what had just happened and the hot new sexy relationship Sean and I now shared. I wanted more of Sean's hot ass and even wanted him to fuck mine too.

I found my Robert Redford looking Dad in the rec room already changed from His suit into just a pair of cut offs, No shirt and white socks on, He was laying on the sofa with a beer in hand The TV on. I knew the routine and so I peeled off my own shirt and pulled own my jeans I was standing as I pulled of each sock. Dad was watching me and not the TV. I got myself a beer from behind the bar and took up my normal position at the other end of the sofa. Dad was the first to put His foot against mine He ws rubbing zhi socked foot agains mine like always and i was more in deep thought about what had just happened. and Dad's socked foot was again getting me up.

My eyes came to His crotch and there next to the fly was his hard cock showing so much through the cut offs. His socked foot was driving me nuts. I thought " tommorrow Sean is going to be the very first guy to fuck me" I had always hoped it would be my Dad?

Dad said " what is eating You kevin, You seem so deep in thought?

I held my bare foot against his sexy socked foot and well I went for it. I said " Dad if I ever told you you might flip out on me?

He had worked his sexy strong foot so that our feet were now soul to soul and he looked at me real serious and said " Kevin There is nothing You should ever feel like You can't share with me Son, So please it will help to get it off Your chest, Now what is it Kevin?

I pressed my bare foot against the soul of His black socked foot, It felt a little wet from the days sweat which I liked and I came out with. "Dad I was just having sex with Sean next door"

There was a long moment of silence. During which Dad's face changed like an actors through all the facial emotions possible. saddness joy surprise warming my heart was not hate, no sign of hate Thank God. then His foot presse against mine harder and he smiled and said " well You tow have been best buddies all You lives and the only thing that really does surprise me is that it took this long for You two to get around to experimenting. I mean come on You are both men now over 18 and no big deal"

I let out a breath of relief and said ' I am so glad You are not all up in arms over it Dad, It just kind of happened and Well I am kind of mixed up about it not sure about it and I guess I just need to talk about it."

Dad was getting up and as he stood I got a good look at the tent he had in His shorts. He motioned for me to follow Him to the bar. I did and I began to tell him the whole story, The cucumber thing, the finger thing, and my fucking Sean. Three beer each later I finished my tale it took so long because Dad kept asking for more details.

More to cum. again feel free to write kevin Kelly NJ and Montreal

Next: Chapter 2

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