
By smooththin

Published on Apr 28, 2002



I like to toss Frisbee. Anywhere, anytime.

One day a colleague at work asked me to "house-sit" while he was out out of town. He joked that was code for babysitting his teenage children. Teenagers don't like to be baby-sat, he explained. They were a sweet little 13 yo girl, who would be spending the night at a friend's house, and a gangly 15 year old boy named Tommy. I knew them both, though we weren't close or anything, so I said OK. The boy may have been 15, but at about 6'1", he was taller than I was, and had size 12+ feet. He may even have weighed more, but he was skinny like me. Besides that he had dark hair and eyes, and he was TOTALLY cute.

I arrived at the appointed hour and my colleague briefed me and left. The kids and I watched TV until the girl left for her friends' house late in the afternoon. It was still early so I asked Tommy if he wanted to toss the Friz, but I got an timid response. He said he hadn't played much Friz and he was afraid he might not be good. But I tallked him into it without too much arm-twisting... it was easy to see he really wanted to play.

We went to the neighborhood park and it turned out he was a natural. He loved the praise I gave him, which only helped him run faster and jump higher. He had a reputation among those who knew his dad as kind of a spoiled crybaby, but I saw no indication of that even when he fell on his face at a full run... he just laughed and jumped up for more. Eventually we worked up a sweat and after I took my shirt off, he took his off too. His belly was toned and tight, and his nipples were dark little coins on his white, near-transluscent chest.

Tommy wore me out after about an hour and we walked home, laughing and reliving some of our more heroic catches. We were both on a natural high, which kept building as we walked the few blocks to his house. Once we hit the door we headed for the showers... I used the master bath and he used the one in the hall. I finished first and put on some shorts, but no shirt, and went downstairs to wait for Tommy to finish his shower. I was in the kitchen fixing a frozen pizza (his favorite, he'd said) when he bounced down the stairs with the most brilliant smile on his face, almost glowing. He loped across the TV room into the kitchen, heralding his approval of the pizza smell, and moved quickly to my side. When I turned to face him I almost fell down in a dead faint... he was wearing an open terrycloth bathrobe over his jockeys, and nothing else. I don't know if he noticed my eyes moving quickly down his long, smooth chest... past his hot "innie" belly button, to the elastic band on his briefs. Then I saw it, at least 7 inches already, only three-quarters erect, and pushing up toward the waistband... Tommy's cock!

Somehow I didn't lose it, and after a few seconds I recovered enough composure to begin serving the pizza. Out of the corner of my eye I kept glancing at the view through Tommy's open robe, to which he seemed oblivious. I've never had to exert more self-control in my life.

We ate ate the pizza and fell asleep watching TV. No one will ever know what might have happened had either of us made a move on the other, because neither of us did. That was the only time I "house-sat" for Tommy's dad.

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