Friends in the Big City. .

By Jordan nifty

Published on Apr 16, 2023


Chapter 4 I stood beneath the stream of the shower as I called through the glass, "How long till we need to leave?" Jerico spat out his toothpaste replying, "We've still got twenty minutes." Turning the knob, I stepped out of the shower and was greeted by a topless Jerico, leaning against the sink as he openly leered at my body with a smirk. I rolled my eyes with a smile, "Are you done in here? Get out of my way, so I can brush my teeth now." He laughed as he opened the ensuite door and stepped back into his room, "Good idea, can't meet my mum with dick breath." I laughed around my toothbrush, "Yeah, good job she's not meeting here. I bet the bedroom stinks of sex." We hurried out of the apartment building, walking at a brisk pace towards town. A short while later Jerico waved to a Black woman in her late fifties. She was tall and slim, with the same round eyes as Jerico. "Mum!" He called throwing his arms around her, "I've missed you. How are you?" She hugged him back tightly with a smile across her face, "Not as much as I've missed you, my beautiful boy." They separated from their hug as she turned to me, "You must be the famous River. I've heard wonderful things about you" she said, taking me by surprise and scooping me into a hug. "My name is Mary Miller." "It's so nice to meet you Mumma-Miller. Jerico speaks so highly of you." "As he should. Let's get you boys some lunch." She replied pointing to a small restaurant called, `Barns Kitchen.' We each settled on a roast, gorging ourselves on choice of carved gammon or beef roast with roast potatoes, roasted vegetables and fresh-baked rolls. Desert took longer for us each to settle on, but eventually Mary got herself a slice of carrot cake and Jerico and I each got ourselves a large ice cream sundae, with layer upon layer of calorific chocolate delights. Jerico patted his swollen stomach proudly, "Damn that was good. I'll have to spend an extra hour at the gym tomorrow." I nodded in agreement, "It was delicious. I wish I could cook like that." "So does Mum." He replied. She rolled her eyes playfully, "Oh, I'm not that bad." He burst out laughing, "Mum. You gave all of my friend's food poisoning on my 13th birthday." "I still maintain innocence. I think you all just got the same bug." He shook his head, "Right. All two hours after eating. Honestly River, it was a blood bath." I joined in with his laughter, as they continued this back and forth for a few minutes, until Mary turned to me shaking her head with a smile. "Are you like this with your mother, River? Or is it just Jerico whos' mean?" "No, not reall-" I replied as Jerico interrupted me, warning, "Mum..." "Oh, sorry. I was told not to pry. I really didn't mean to." She said holding her hands up in surrender. I laughed, "It's fine. I haven't actually heard from her since I moved out here. She erm, she drinks." I said hoping it explained enough. Apparently, it did, because Mary reached her hand out, covering mine to give it a squeeze, "I'm sorry to hear that. Do you have other family?" I shook my head and almost laughed again at the daggers Jerico was giving his mum, "No, my dad passed away when I was in primary school. Many of my extended family started peeling away because of Mum's drinking years ago and the rest did because of the men she dated." She gave my hand another pat, "Well, if you ever need anything you just let me know." I felt my throat constrict at the motherly gesture and knew my eyes were going glassy. I pulled my hand away gently and nodded, giving a tight smile, "Thank you, really." Jerico and I spent the next few hours showing his Mum around the city, as we continued to get to know each other. He had a large family, with three siblings that were ten years older than him. "I was a happy surprise. Not an accident." He summarised when the topic came up. Mary covered his hand with her own, "You certainly were the happiest of surprises." I said my goodbyes, leaving the two of them at the entrance of a chain coffee shop. I kissed them each on the cheek, as they both reiterated that I didn't need to leave, but I wanted to give them some alone time, I'd also admitted that I had a tonne of laundry that I needed to take to the launderette. "It was honestly so Lovely to meet you Mumma-Miller. Thank you for lunch, you really shouldn't have." As I walked back towards the hostel, I sent Jerico a quick message, [Thanks for today. I had the best time. You Mum is amazing.] I got a reply within seconds, [She's literally going on about how great you are already. She's also obsessed with the fact you call her Mumma-Miller hah. Talk to you later. X] ... Over the next two days, I'd only seen Jerico briefly at work as my early shifts and his late shifts over lapped. But things between us hadn't grown awkward and we'd made plans for another game's night tomorrow after his late shift. As I left work, I called Ezra who answered, "Hey little one, that's odd, I was going to call you in a minute." "That's random. Just calling to see how you are?" "Yeah great, sorry I've been so busy. But I've just got my most recent clients website signed off, so I'm free tonight, are you about?" "Yeah, I just finished work and was heading back to mine." "Perfect. Any chance you just want to chill at mine? I'm just finishing up at the supermarket. I could swing by and grab you in like twenty?" I glanced at the time on my phone, "Yeah, that sound good to me. Can I wear my onesie?" "That's mandatory." He laughed, "See you in twenty minutes." I climbed into the passenger side of the car, wearing the onesie, "You'd think it'd be weird walking around in the building wearing this," I laughed, "But no one bats an eye. There's this one old man who wears pink rabbit slippers." He looked me over, adjusting his thin framed glasses, with a smile, "That's because you look so cute." He replied, one hand reaching up to stroke my cheek, then settling on the back of my neck, before continuing, "I've seen some of the weirdos coming out of there though. Be careful." I looked at him through my lashes, "Don't worry Daddy, I will." The pads of his fingertips gently gripped the back of my neck. As he used his other hand to guide us into the traffic, "I hope so River. If you don't feel safe, make sure you let me know." "I will." As we entered his home, Ezra went to his bedroom calling over his shoulder, "Make yourself comfortable. I need to get out of these jeans and into my jogging bottoms." I kicked off my shoes and pulled off my socks before practically bounding into the living area and leaping onto the sofa. I snatched up the remote and began flicking through movies as Ezra re-entered the room. My mouth went dry as I stared at him in his grey vest, which accentuated his broad, hairy chest, large round shoulders, and thick arms. I could see the dark, hairs curling from beneath his armpits, almost joining those on his chest. He wore jogging bottoms that matched his vest in colour and what looked like fabric, they were so thin, I could tell instantly he wasn't wearing underwear. His flaccid cock, perfectly outlined by the sheer material. "Hello Daddy." I whistled. "Don't go trying to work me up, I have dinner to make. Or order?" Just at that moment his phone rang, and he pulled it out and explained, "Kobe." Before answering, "Hey Ko, how're you? Nah, can't be arsed to go out. What right now? Sure, River just got here, I'll ask." He covered his phone with his hand and whispered across the room, "Kobe wants to come round. Is that cool?" I nodded profusely, "Of course." He winked, uncovered his phone and said, "He's cool with it. I know he's a good boy," he smirked at me. "Okay see you in 20." I unzipped the front of my onesie, "So, we have twenty minutes to make each other cum?" "You're a good boy River." He said, pulling down his bottoms. I climbed over the back of the sofa, and practically crawled across the floor, until I was sitting on my haunches at his feet. I took his balls into one of hands, gently rolling them around as I pressed my face to his crotch, inhaling his scent, which clung to his pubes. I nuzzled his flaccid dick with my nose and mouth, pulling on his foreskin with my lips. Ezra's cock only grew by a couple inches, when it was erect, but that was only because his flaccid dick was almost as big and thick as mine, when hard. It had to be close to six inches. I took the head into my mouth, and it started to harden as I worked myself up and down the shaft, he threaded his fingers into my hair, "Good boy River. Take Daddy's dick to the back of your throat." I groaned and did as I was told, glancing up at him as I did. He had a glint in his eye, "I love watching my thick dick stretch out those pink lips of yours." I used one of my hands to pump and twist the base of his duck as I used the other to fish out my own. "Stand up River. I want to taste you now." Again, I did as I was told. He kissed me, pushing his tongue into my mouth while guiding me backwards until my legs hit the back of the sofa, so I could lean against it. He positioned himself on his knees and wrapped a giant hand around my dick before kissing and licking the leaking precum from the tip. "Mmm," he groaned, "the good stuff." "Suck me Daddy, please." "Well, you did ask nicely." Then he sank onto my cock, taking it all the way to the back of his throat before bobbing up and down on it, pulling gently at my balls as he worked. "Oh, fuck. That's good." He stood pushing my chest so that I fell onto the sofa before he clambered on top. After a few moments of wriggling and repositioning, I was lying flat on my back with him above me in a sixty-nine position. Simultaneously we each took one another's dicks back into our mouths, both groaning in tandem. I reached my hands around the thick thighs that were straddling my face and grabbed at his hair arse. My neck craned as I pushed his hips down and lifted my head up, taking as much of him into my mouth as possible. My groaning became more ragged as his mouth began to tip me over the point of no return as I unloaded into his mouth. He mumbled his appreciation before thrusting harder into my mouth, making me gag. A few seconds later I felt his hips stutter as he filled my mouth with his load. We just had to time to clean ourselves up and get dressed before the front door unlocked and Kobe called, "Guys, are you decent? I hope not." Ezra chuckled, "We're in here. Just about to order pizza. Want in?" Kobe rounded the corner in jeans and yellow sweatshirt, I jumped up to give him a hug. I had to stand on my tiptoes to get my arms over his shoulders, while not as broad as Ezra he was a few inches taller. "River, good to see you. Sorry to intrude, but I was bored and wanted company." "It's fine, it's good to see you." After finishing our pizza, we settle down to watch some tv. Kobe went to the toilet as Ezra sat down on the largest sofa, I snuggled into his side as he lifted his arm up to pull me closer then threw a blanket over the two of us. I started digging around at his waistband. "What are you doing?" He laughed. "Oh," I balked, "I wanted to play with your balls, it relaxes me." He shook his head laughing, "Okay, fair." I pulled on the drawstring and lifted his weighty balls over the waistband of his joggers. He wiggled, lowering the waistband to make himself more comfortable as I settled my head on his chest rolling his hairy balls between my palms. Kobe re-entered the room and threw himself down on the other end of the sofa wiggling his toes under the blanket and then beneath my leg. "I'm such a third wheel and I don't even care." Once the credits rolled Kobe asked, "Want me to head out so you can get it on?" Ezra shook his head, "We did before you got here. Right where you're sitting actually." "Fuck. I'm so jealous. I've been so busy I've not had any in weeks. Wanna help me out Riv?" He teased, wriggling his toes beneath my thighs. "As much as I'd love to. I think Jeri might get upset with me if I did it first. I know he'd be very keen to assist you though." I shot back. He squeezed his hardening dick through his trousers, "You think so? He's so cute. He into Daddies too?" I smiled as Ezra's dick began filling and hardening in my palm again, "He'd love to call you Daddy." "What does he call you?" Asked Kobe. Confused by the question I replied, "River? What else?" Ezra laughed, "I think Kobe means when you have his dick in your mouth or his in your arse." My mouth falls open and they both start laughing. "Oh, shut up. We haven't even done that; well, we've done the first one. How did you know?" Ezra's dick had grown back to its full length as he chuckled, "I could see where it was going from those first photos of the two of you in bed." "Yeah," nodded Kobe, "You get two good looking young men in bed together often enough, it's bound to happen." "Yeah... well..." I spluttered, taking my hands off of Ezra and crossing them over my chest, "Shut up." "We're not knocking it mate." Explained Kobe, "We're just jealous old men. You both free this Friday night? We should do something the four of us." I nodded, running through both our work patterns in my head, "Yeah, I'm pretty sure we both are, I'll text and find out." "Oh, by the way Riv," interrupted Ezra, "I spoke to my friend, Sally. She's in advertising and she said she'd be happy to talk through first steps if it's something you're interested in pursuing." My eyes widened, "Oh my god. Really." He nodded with a smile, and I leapt to my feet, "That's so exciting." "Fucking hell River." Gasped Ezra and Kobe practically screamed with laugher. I stifled a laugh. Evidently, as I'd leapt, I'd taken the blanket with me, exposing Ezra's now half hard dick and balls, he tucked himself away laughing. "Oh, sorry about that. But don't act like he's not acquainted with it." Kobe batted his lashed playfully, "I don't know what you mean. Anyway, I'm gonna head home, are you staying Riv, or do you need a lift?" "Oh, that would be great actually. I'm opening the shop tomorrow morning." Ezra jokingly grumbled. "Sorry big guy. I need to earn those pennies. But I'll see you Friday night?" He leant over and kissed me passionately, "Fine, but your hole is mine on Friday night." I nodded obediently. "Right, come on, let's go." Kobe announced, climbing to his feet. Work was busy the next day as I worked alongside Gary, Jerico came in take over around one. Gary excused himself to the backroom, "I'm just gonna go find out where that fucking Josh is." Jerico threw on an apron and stepped right in, helping to fulfil orders. Once the queue had died down, he leaned against me, "Guess what happened to me last night." My interest peaked I turned to face him, "What." A sly smile spread across his face. "Oh, should I be asking who?" "Just as I was leaving here for home yesterday Kobe turned up in his car asking if I wanted a lift home." I gasped, "No way! The horny little bastard. He must have come straight here after dropping me home from Ezra's last night." He nodded as I spoke, "Yeah, he mentioned. He then started flirting and mentioned that a certain someone told him I was into him." I shrugged, "And, aren't you glad I did?" "Well, yes. Obviously. He even told me to call him Daddy." "There's a small chance I may have mentioned that too." He shook his head smiling, "Well, Daddy gave me a proper seeing to." I clamped my hand over my mouth, suppressed my squeal of delight just as Gary left the back room, "Fucking Josh. Just told me he's not feeling up to coming in." "Don't worry Gary, I'll stay and help Jeri." His eyes lit up, "Really? That'd be great. I'll give Josh you Sunday shift as punishment and you can have the whole weekend off." "I grabbed that deal with both hands. Have a nice evening man." The rest of our shift was pretty slow and we spent most of it doing a deep clean on all the machines and talking about our Daddies while sharing the explicit details of our time with them. As our shift ended, I locked the front door before giving the tables a wipe down and turned out the main lights, so passer-by knew we were closed. Jerico did the till count while I tided the storeroom. I was almost done when he surprised me, by sneaking up on me and grabbing my arse. I turned, smiling and pressed my body against his as our mouths met in a flurry of tongues. His hand reached between us. At first, I wasn't sure what he was doing as he mumbled, "I've gotta... Let me..." Until I felt his fingers fumble with the button on my jeans, reaching down with one of my hands to help, we pulled down the zipper. I shifted so I was no longer pressed against him, with my jeans opened, I twisted my hand around so I could get his unfastened as well; getting briefly distracted as I stroked his hard dick through the fabric. What with being at work I decided not to pull them right down, so I just spread the fly apart as much as I could, then snaked my hand under the waistband of his underwear. His dick was hot and thick in my hand, I groaned as I wrapped my hand around him. "Yes. So good Riv," Jerico whispered as he shoved my jeans and underwear down, leaving them around my upper thighs, satisfied with having full access to my dick and balls. One of his big hands went back to cupping my naked ass, pulling me flush against his body again. He fisted up and down my shaft a couple of times, then rubbed his thumb across the tip, smearing the precum that was beading there. I wrapped my own hand around his dick, as we panted into each other's mouths, our hands knocking together while we worked. I couldn't contain my whimpered complaint as Jerico let go of my dick, and again when he pushed my hand off his dick. But then his hand wrapped around both of them, and I bucked, "Fuck!" I groaned. "Oh, Jeri. Yes, more. Faster," I encouraged, he tightened his grip on my ass and pulled me harder against him. All while we pressed kisses and licks to each other's necks. I could feel the pressure building in my balls as I was pushed closer to orgasm. I moved my hips faster and faster, thrusting my cock against Jerico's. Our lengths glided together, lubricated by the precum flowing from both of us. I whimpered, "So close. I'm so close, Jer." He eased his hold on my arse as his fingers crept between my cheeks. I felt him gently smoothing the tip of a finger over my entrance. "So good. You feel so good, River" he said as the tip of his finger just barely pressed inside my hole. "Come for me, Riv. I want to feel you come." The small amount of pressure he applied to my hole, was enough to send a rush of pleasure straight to my balls. My cock throbbed as my cum started erupting all over Jerico's hand and both of our dicks. He continued pulling both of our cocks, letting out a groan as he threw his head back, panting, "Fuck. Fuck. Her it comes Riv!" just as his cock pulsed and his cum joined mine over his hand. Now spent, he released our dicks and pressed his forehead to mine as we looked down at the horrifying mess we'd made. "I really, really hope we didn't just get cum over any stock." He chuckled, grabbing at a roll of paper towels to wipe his hands. We both attempted to clean ourselves up using them, laughing at the scene we had created. I wiped the last remnants of our release from the floor using a wet cloth before throwing it in the bin. "Good job Gary's hasn't bothered getting the CCTV cameras fixed. They are still broken right?" "Definitely. They're not even plugged in anymore." I laughed. (If you wanna get in touch. Let me know what you think about the general direction I'm taking with the characters)

Next: Chapter 5

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