Friends in the Big City. .

By Jordan nifty

Published on Dec 10, 2022


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Friends in the Big City. Chapter 1.

"Keep walking kid. You ain't getting in here."

I felt my face flush, "why not?" I asked, knowing what was coming.

"You need to be 18." Replied the balding bouncer, his eyes fixed on something over my shoulder.

"I am. I'm 21. Look, I have ID."

His eyes flicked to me briefly before darting back to the spot over my shoulder. "Not buying it."

I felt my face getting hot. I knew this would happen, no one ever believed I was 23, I was constantly asked for ID, even for energy drinks.

I could feel the vibrations from the dancefloor in my chest; Josh might be waiting, and I needed this friendship, I couldn't stay here with no friends. "I have my credit card too." I said, opening my wallet and digging through the compartments, "I even have an old library card; to prove my name."

He rolled his beady eyes towards me, "Fine. Any trouble though and you're out."

"Yes, no trouble." I said while inwardly calling him every name I could think of.

As I pushed the door open the sound magnified. I took the few steps up to the dance floor and headed straight for the bar ordering a drink to calm my nerves.

I scanned the room looking for Josh, but couldn't see him, so pulled out my phone to text him. He replied within seconds, [Running late. Don't leave.] I rolled my eyes, I should have expected it, Josh was always late, even to work.

[HURRY!] I shot back and then sipped my drink as I took in the clientele. It was 9:00pm so it wasn't too busy on the dance floor, but there were still lots of people drinking and grinding on one another.

There was a good mix of different ages, most looked in their twenties or less while some were middle aged, and a few much older guys were dotted around; most of them had a seat at the bar or in a booth.

Across the room I saw two girls hugging on the dance floor, crying in each other's faces as they rocked dangerously from side to side; likely saying how much they loved each other.

There were a few attractive guys spread about, in one of the booths, I saw a particularly handsome man, wearing thin framed glasses, he was talking to a black man, who had his back to me. I was taking in his dark hair and stubble that framed his angular face when he glanced over at me. Too quickly, I turned my whole body to look away, feeling my face flush yet again.

A few seconds later I felt someone's breath against my ear, "You drinking alone?" My heart rate quickened as I turned to face him - only to be disappointed that it was someone else.

"Oh. No, I'm just waiting for a friend." I shouted over the music.

"Me too." He smiled, "Mind if I wait with you?" He stood a little taller than me and had a stocky build. He looked to be in his mid-twenties, his hair and eyebrows were blonde. So blonde, they verged on white.

"Sure," I said reaching out my hand, "River. Nice to meet you."

He grabbed at my hand and leant in close, "Dan. Nice to meet you, cutie."

"You too. Come here often?"

"Most weekends. I work in investment. So, I need to blow off steam on the weekends."

"Investment?" I asked, "Sounds impressive."

"Yeah, loads of travel, company perks and earning six figures, it's pretty great." He chortled. Ergh, a show off. I was liking this guy less with each passing second, "So, stick with me." He winked.

"My barista wage sees me through life." I shot back, pulling out my phone and texting Josh, [Hurry up. If you've not here in 10 mins I'm leaving! Creeper here.]

[15 away. Please don't leave.]

"Sorry, I need the toilet. See you around." I said without looking at the guy and walking away before he could reply. I wasn't into his superior attitude and the `stick with me' comment was just too much for me.

Once in the empty toilet I walked to the sink and washed my hands, I was getting annoyed with Josh now, he'd gone on and on about getting me `out there' and meeting other gay men. He knew I was nervous and yet he was still late.

Aggravated, I pushed my wet hands through my short curls, staring at my reflection in the mirror. My eyes were almost as black as my hair, I always thought it made me look like a vampire, what with having pale skin too. That coupled with the fact I was skinny, with ears that stuck out slightly too far meant I wasn't usually the centre of attention, which I was absolutely fine with.

The bathroom door squeaked open, "Don't worry, I got your hint."

I cringed as I turned around to face the guy from before- Dan. "Hint?" I asked deadpan.

"To follow you up here." He said stepping forward and leaning in to kiss me?

"Woah." I stepped back and pushed on his chest, "Sorry Dan. No hints from me. I'm not looking for anything."

His face changed in an instant, "You're joking right. You fucking cock-tease."

"What the fuck?" I shot back in bewilderment, "We exchanged names you fucking weirdo."

At that moment the door squeaked open again, the guy I'd been staring at from the booth stood at the urinal and pissed while Dan stared back at me anger in his eyes. After a few seconds he muttered something under his breath and stormed out.

I let out a shaky breath and turned to wash my hands again.

"You alright?" I glanced in the mirror to see the other guy zipping up his jeans, looking at my refection.

"Yeah. Sorry, that guy was just fucking weird."

He stood next to me, washing his hands, "Thought I picked up on some tension, wanted more than you were willing to give?"

I huffed out a small laugh, "Asked my name and then suddenly thought we were married."

"I know the type. But, you are a sexy little thing." He replied, his voice deep and masculine. I couldn't help but smile. Now he was closer I could see he was in his late thirties, well put together and stood a few inches taller than my 5"8. I took in his brown hair, quaffed with a side parting. His blue eyes were framed by thin, wired glasses and his dark stubble was neat and clean.

"Want me to see you back to your friends?" He asked.

I shook my head, "He hasn't turned up. I think I'm just gonna go."

"Don't let one weirdo ruin your night. Come sit with me and my mate until he gets here. We'll look out for you."

It took me a few awkward seconds to decide, "Okay. If you're sure it's cool?" I asked.

"Course. I'm Ezra by the way." He held the door open for me and lead me back towards his booth, introducing me to his friend, "This is Kobe. Kobe, this is..."

"River." I added, "I hope you don't mind, Ezra just saved me from a weirdo. My friend should be here soon and then I'll leave you to it."

"It's all good beauty." He shot back as he signalled a waiter, "What are you drinking?"

"Thanks. Vodka, lemonade please."

Kobe was broad and muscular, similar in age to Ezra. He had black skin and his hair was a short fade.

"So, where's your friend?" Kobe asked over the music.

"Friend might by an exaggeration, we work together in a coffee shop; Little Beans... he asked me out tonight."

"Like a date, be careful, you're so cute he'll claim you as a boyfriend instantly." He smiled.

"No way, I'm definitely not looking to be locked down. Besides, I just moved to the city a month or so ago and he insisted he'd take me out," I picked up my phone, checking the time, "But he's now almost half hour late. Is that normal in the city?"

"If you're a dick." Laughed Ezra.

"Don't act like you've never left me waiting for you Ez."

"You're not new to the city, you're 39 and never for half hour." Replied Ezra as he lifted an arm and placed it- without touching me, behind my head and shoulders.

"True." Kobe conceded.

"I wouldn't leave you waiting two minutes River." He whispered with a wink. I could feel myself gravitating towards the older man; confident but not cocky.

The waiter came back with our drinks and Kobe paid before I could even pull my wallet out, "Thank you."

"You're welcome, man." He looked at Ezra with a smirk, "Didn't you say something about leaving soon? Early start and all that?"

Ezra shook his head, "Nah. It's not that early." Kobe opened his mouth to reply but Ezra cut him off asking me, "River. Where are you staying. Got yourself a house share?"

I shook my head, "No. Not yet. I'm staying at a hostel at the moment. Almost got enough saved up for first and last rent though. Can't wait."

"Good for you man, be careful though. Hostels can be pretty dodgy." Nodded Kobe.

Ezra ordered another round of drinks as they told me about themselves. Turns out they actually had the same birthday and were turning 40 in a few weeks. They each shared the usual shock, when I showed them my ID, proving I was in fact 23. Ezra was in software and web design and Kobe was a film editor.

I felt more relaxed around the two of them, then I had since I'd moved out here. They were calm and confident but didn't feel the need to rub their success in your face. As time went by, they ordered more drinks, which I hadn't been allowed to pay for and Ezra's arm had sunk onto my shoulders. Kobe excused himself as he headed for the bathroom and Ezra placed a hand on my thigh giving it a light squeeze. I was starting to feel really turned on when I suddenly remembered Josh. I picked up my phone and opened my messages; [Fuck. So sorry. I double booked, reschedule.]

"Looks like my `friend' isn't coming." I said to him, "Thanks for letting me intrude on your evening. But I think I'm gonna head home."

Ezra leant towards my ear, "Well, seeing as your friend isn't coming... does that mean I can kiss you?"

I felt my cheeks heat, but I turned to face him and kissed him softly on the lips. He kissed me back, bringing his hand round to hold my neck, dominantly as his kiss intensified. I opened my mouth and his tongue delved in, twisting around my own, I groaned into his mouth as his stubble gently scratched across my chin and lips.

"Well, I'm just a spare part I see." Laughed Kobe.

We separated, "Sorry, didn't realise you were back." I said wiping my mouth.

"Don't apologise. It looked fucking hot."

I blushed and found myself smiling up at him.

Ezra braced his forehead close to mine as he whispered into my ear, "Fuck, River. That kiss almost killed me."


I climbed into the back of the black cab after Kobe and then Ezra followed me in, I was cocooned between their bodies. We each wiggled, readjusting so we could fit comfortably.

"We should meet up again." Kobe suggested.

"Yeah. I'd like that." I replied pulling out my phone, Ezra took it and put his number in. He then crossed his eyes and took a selfie, saving that as his caller ID before doing the same for Kobe.

The taxi pulled up outside the Hostel a few minutes later, Kobe kissed me on the cheek as I climbed out after Ezra. He hugged me goodbye, and I walked to the door pulling out my key card. I waved the taxi off smiling as I pushed the door open, heading down the hallway to my lonely little room.

I didn't even contemplate playing it cool as I pulled out my phone and sent [Thanks for a great evening. Can't wait to do it again.] Before falling straight to sleep.


Getting ready for work in the morning was easier than I'd expected. I was in a great mood, having met two people I genuinely enjoyed spending time with. I was a little disappointed Ezra hadn't yet replied but I knew he had to be up early for work.

My shift was uneventful, the morning shift mostly consisted of regulars and I was beginning to get to grips with their orders before they even asked. It was a fast-paced job, and it wasn't long before I was hanging up my apron for the day and heading back to the hostel. Josh hadn't been working today, which I was happy about. I was still pissed off with him for leaving me hanging last night.

As I pulled out my phone, I smiled when I saw Ezra had replied to me a few hours ago.

[Great meeting you. I'm away for work for a few days. We'll get together when I'm back. You up to much over the next few days?]

I walked as I tapped out my reply, [I'd love that! Nothing other than work to be honest. You and Kobe are the first friends I've made down here, so I don't have a massive social calendar.]

[These things take time; I'll introduce you to some people when I'm back. Don't worry they're not as old as me. Ha ha]

[Sounds great. Although, I thought it would be obvious that you practically being an OAP was fine with me, winky face.]

I waited for his reply, staring at the `typing' message next to his name, [Don't worry my back and knees are good for a few more years. I'm on my way to a meeting now and suddenly can't stop thinking about that kiss. I want to do it again.]

I continued to walk, while thinking about the kiss from last night and felt my dick lengthening down the side my leg, the pressure from tight trousers rubbing and squeezing me as I smirked and replied, [I do hope that's not all you want to do, old timer.]

[Definitely not] came his reply with an image attached. I opened the image and groaned. He'd taken a picture in the back of his taxi of him squeezing his erection through the fabric of his suit trousers. I stared at it as another message followed, [Literally walking into my meeting right now. Hopefully they won't notice. Talk soon sexy.]

[Yeah, talk soon. You tease.]

I shoved my phone back into my pocket and picked up the pace a little, determined to get back to my room.

A few minutes later I shut the door behind me and pulled down my trousers and briefs freeing my achingly hard dick. I practically fell on the bed as I wrapped my hand around the shaft and squeezed it hard. Precum leaked from the tip, so I used my free hand to gather it before licking it off, I found myself groaning as I wondered what Ezra's tasted like.

I slowly pumped my hand up and down my shaft, while using the other to tug at my balls. I closed my eyes and pictured his angular face, parted black hair and glasses that complemented his dark eyes, I thought about the little wrinkles that appeared when he smiled, giving away his age. I found myself wishing I'd run my fingers through his stubble as I pumped my hand a little faster, pretending it was his hand that wrapped itself sound my dick.

I didn't last long. I felt that familiar warmth beginning to spread from my crotch and just had time to lift my t-shirt before spilling my load onto my smooth stomach as I stifled groans.


I carried on picking up shifts at work to add to my savings while Ezra was away. Josh had apologised for cancelling on me, explaining he'd forgotten another friend's birthday. I accepted his apology, mostly because I didn't actually care. I'd had text back and forth a little with both Ezra and Kobe, who were both notorious flirts, which I was definitely enjoying. But it was Friday night that I finally got a call from Ezra. I was excited to finally hear his deep, rumbly voice again. "River. How are you handsome?"

"Great thanks. How are you?"

"Tired. But in need of a drink. We're heading out tonight. You need to come."

"Sounds good. What time?"

"Well. We're heading out now, so come when you're ready. I'll save you a seat."

"Bloody hell, not much notice." I laughed, "Gonna grab a shower, so I'll be about an hour."

"Perfect. I'll text you the location stud."

I strolled into the bar an hour later wearing skinny baby blue jeans and a dark green shirt with the sleeves rolled up.

Evidently the bar was hosting a quiz night and as I glanced around the room, I saw Ezra sat with Kobe and a few others. I felt a bubble of nerves as I headed over, Ezra saw me and motioned for me to sit next to him as the group rearranged themselves. Feeling like an intruder I sat next to him as he whispered "Everyone meet River."

The group gave me hushed hellos and Kobe winked, "Good to see you Riv- Oh I know this." He said as he put his head forward whispering the answer to the group.

I settled back into my chair as Ezra rested his arm around the back, like last time. "I'm glad you came. I got you this." He said sliding a drink towards me. "The ice has almost melted though."

"That cool, thank you." I said as I took the straw between my teeth.

The man calling out the questions asked the room a maths question that went right over my head, but Ezra whispered the answer almost immediately.

"Okay teams. We'll have a 15 minute drink and toilet break."

"Perfect. I'll go get the next round." Said Kobe, pushing his chair back.

"So, Noah." Said Ezra leaning forward, gesturing to a pretty, tanned woman of about 30 "This is Jenna, she works with Kobe and the Italian hunk next to her is Sam-her husband. And this is Henry, he's a boring accountant."

"A boring accountant that helps you out every year. Ungrateful dick." Laughed Henry as he reached forward and shook my hand.

"My dick is never ungrateful." Shot back Ezra.

Henry rolled his eyes. I was surprised to hear he worked in finance, he looked too cool. He had dark hair, pushed up in a quiff and had tattoos that peaked out from beneath the sleeves of his white dress shirt.

Sam and Jenna both smiled hello and they bombarded me questions about home, work and the hostel.

Kobe saved me by plonking a tray down between us all and calling "Shots queens."

Half hour later we had been awarded second place in the quiz and won ourselves another round of shots. I was glad that I was able to contribute by answering two of the questions correctly including how many Weasley children were in the Harry Potter books.

Ezra's arm had sunk from the chair to my shoulders, and I couldn't help but lean into his touch a little. He smelt amazing; his aftershave was subtle but clear. It was definitely more expensive than anything I'd be able to afford.

The conversations with Ezra's friends were easy going and natural, I laughed as they told stories about their week and sympathised with Sam when he talked about his issues he was having with a colleague, as the evening wore on the group started to peel away leaving me with just Ezra and Sam.

Sam smiled as he looked between me and Ezra, "Right. I'm gonna head home and leave you two to your evening."

"You heading home?" asked Ezra. When Sam nodded, he replied, "We'll walk you back. Its only 10 minutes do you mind River? It's by the harbour."

"No, of course not I shot back."

Sam protested a little, but we were already on our feet and heading for the door.

After waving him off at the entrance to a swanky apartment block Ezra took my hand in his and led us down road to the marina. It was getting late and there was a slight chill in the air, but I ignored it.

We reached the end of the Marina's arm and looked out towards the sun as it sank beneath the horizon. He stood behind me, hands loosely holding my shoulders as I leant back into his chest.

After a moment I twisted my neck to look up at him as he looked down at me, eyes flickering towards my lips before leaning forward and capturing them briefly with his own, "You're so handsome." He whispered, making my heart swell, before wrapping his arms tightly around me as we looked back out to sea.

We stayed like that for a short while before he placed a protective arm over my shoulders and led the way back,"So, River. What made you move to the city?"

"I'll tell you. But it's a bit of a depressing story."

"You don't have to talk about it if you don't want to."

"No, it's fine. Just don't get all sympathetic. Please?"


I took a deep breath before I started to summarise my life, "Basically my Dad died when I was like 7 and my Mum started drinking, things got a little better when she got a new boyfriend and they moved in with us, but then they'd cheat or steal or leave her and then she'd drink more. She wasn't always a terrible Mum, but at some point, she just stopped caring."

I paused for a moment and Ezra unconsciously gave me a reassuring squeeze. "Some of the guys she dated were really nice, when I was like 14, she was with a guy called Jack. I liked him, he always looked out for me and helped me with schoolwork. He didn't care that I didn't really like sports or girls, like some of the other boyfriends had. But after a few years he gave up on my Mum because of the drinking and then she stopped me seeing him. That really sucked."

"That does suck."

"It sucked even more when she started dating her current dick boyfriend Caleb. He drinks more then she does, and he just liked pushing me around and calling me names, he hated the fact I was gay. So, I saved all the money I could from doing chores for the neighbours and working a couple of hours in a coffee shop before school. I snuck out in the middle of the night and never went back."

"Wow, in the middle of the night! How'd your mum react to that?"

I huffed out a humourless laugh, "I left a note telling her. She has my number; she's never even text me."

He pulled me into his chest as I started to protest, "No sympathy here." He said quietly, "Just a cuddle. I hate that you've been through all that, but those things have shaped you, into who you are."

I couldn't help but smile at that, "Thanks Ez. I am pretty great, right?" I smiled as I threaded our fingers together once more.

Ezra didn't let go of my hand from that moment and 30 minutes later he still had his fingers thread between mine as he talked about some of the websites he'd worked on, I actually knew some of them, but most of them had wealthy target audiences, so I'd not heard of any of them. However, I did take a mental note of some of the name so I could look them up later.


I spat toothpaste into the sink and rinsed my mouth out before flicking the switch and crossing the room and climbing into bed and pulling my phone out. I had three messages, one from work asking me to pick up an extended shift tomorrow.

A second from Kobe, [Don't keep the old boy out too late.]

I laughed, replying [He walked me home and sent me to bed just before 11. Sad face.]

And a third from Ezra, [God, I wanted to take you home tonight. But if I do might not ever let you leave.]

[Don't threaten me with a good time Ezra. Winky face.]

I'd love to hear what you guys think and if my new story is something I should continue with.

Next: Chapter 2

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