Friends Forever

By TJ Boyce

Published on Nov 25, 1999


This story is not meant to imply anything about the sexuality of any of the characters involved, but one can wish, can't we? Please don't read this if you shouldn't be reading it. Or atleast, don't get caught in the process, okay? :-)

Well, thank you to all for your feedback. I appreciate it greatly and would like to hear from everybody that reads the story, so I can make it better for you guys, okay? It's time for part two. I already had this partly written, that's why I was so quick in getting it out. If this story continues, the other parts will be spread out better. Anyways, enough of me babbling. I know what you are here for :-)

Part II

T.J. awoke twice in the middle of the night, thinking of Justin. He was sweating heavily and panting hard. "God, let me get through this please" he said to himself. The rest of the night he slept well. At 8:30 in the morning, he got up, which was unusual for him. He usually gets up much later, but he supposed that he had too many things on his mind to sleep.

He stretched out and slumbered into the bathroom to take a shower. T.J. walked in and turned the water on. Before he knew what he was doing, the water hit him like a million knives stabbing into his body. He jumped out as quick as he could this early in the morning. He had turned the cold knob instead of the hot knob. T.J. began laughing to himself. "What a wake-up call" he shivered and re-adjusted the water to his liking. This time, just right. After a long, now hot, shower, he stepped out and toweled off. T.J. walked over to where he had laid his clothes out and began to dress. A baby blue North Carolina t-shirt, that he had borrowed from Randy because he was a big fan, a pair of levi's that for some reason looked very baggy on him, but he liked that look. Then he laced up his Nikes and grabbed his hat and was out the door.

It was only 9:15 when he left which meant he had plenty of time to kill. He stopped in at McDonald's and had a short breakfast and then he headed over to Randy's house for a while. It took a few knocks before somebody finally answered the door. As we have learned, Randy is a late-sleeper. He answered the door in just his boxers. "What the hell are you doing here so early?" He asked, trying to cover himself up, "I was in bed. Well, come in, there's no use having you standing outside, right?" He invited T.J. in. "I'll run and get dressed and be back in a minute, okay?" He was already walking off when T.J. replied a simple, "alright". Then he snuck a look at Randy's ass as he was walking off.

"So, what's up with you today?" He said, returning fully clothed. "Well I've got something planned for later on, but until then I'm free so I thought we could hang" T.J. replied. Randy raised his eyebrow at T.J. "What exactly are you doing later on tonight?" Once again, T.J. was forced to think quick. "Well, I.. uh.. I am going to visit my ill grandmother, if you must know." Randy shrunk back and said, "Oh, sorry dude. I had no clue". T.J. felt pleased with his lie job this time as Randy didn't wonder any more.

For the rest of the afternoon the two spent time playing basketball. "Hey, isn't that my shirt?" Randy said. T.J. looked down at it. "What this? Oh yeah, I guess it is." He replied to Randy. "I thought you said you lost it" Randy was becoming mad. "Well, I did. I just found it this morning. Wouldn't you believe that?" T.J. was sweating bullets. Randy shook his head. "No, I wouldn't"

It was about 6:00 when the two went their seperate ways again. T.J. went home to get ready for his "date". He couldn't believe that in two hours he would be with Justin Timberlake. This is all a dream, he was convinced, and he didn't want to wake up.

At about 7:30 he got in his car and headed to the hotel where they had met last night. T.J. turned the c.d. player on and sang along as "I Drive Myself Crazy" came on. "I lie awake, I drive myself crazy, drive myself crazy, thinking of Justin." He wondered what the two would do together and had Justin meant to say that he was in love with T.J.? I guess all of these questions would be answered shortly, as he pulled up to the hotel.

He straightened his hair and got out of the car. T.J. walked into the hotel and over to the elevator. As he waited for it, he glanced at his watch. Well, he was a little early 7:53... but, hey. We are talking about Justin Timberlake. Wouldn't you want to hurry to see him too? The doors opened and he stepped out onto the fifth floor, as he had done the night before, only Randy wasn't with him this time. T.J. walked down the hall to one of the doors, cleared his throat, and knocked on the door. He heard footsteps and then someone opened the door. There before him stood the most beautiful sight he had ever seen. There was Justin in a baby blue North Carolina shirt and a pair of tight levis... wait a second. It just dawned on T.J. He and Justin were wearing the same shirt. Justin quickly realized it too. T.J. blushed and looked down. Justin began, "You have good taste". They both laughed for a minute. "Come in, come in." Justin smiled. T.J. stepped inside the room. Justin closed the door behind him.

"I know I'm a little early, but I couldn't wait to see you" T.J. said as he turned towards Justin and smiled. "Really?" Justin began to blush. "Have a seat, please." Justin said as he sat on the couch. T.J. didn't know why, but he joined Justin on the couch. "Listen, last night, I need to talk to you about that." Justin turned serious. T.J. took a deep breath, thinking that Justin would now tell T.J. that it was all an accident and he didn't mean to kiss... "Yesterday, when I met you," he interrupted T.J.'s thoughts, "well, when we shook hands, I felt a jolt of electricity run through me, and it felt great. I don't want to scare you off or anything, but I think I'm in love." Justin finished. T.J.'s jaw dropped. "With me?" Justin smiled. "Yeah"

T.J. couldn't believe what he was hearing. Justin Timberlake had just confessed his love to T.J. Justin put his hand on T.J.'s leg. This time there would be no interruptions. Justin leaned in to kiss T.J. He felt Justin's warm, red lips meet his pink ones. T.J.'s heart just about stopped. Justin broke away the kiss. "I love you" Justin whispered to T.J. He closed his eyes and said. "I love you, too." Justin started kissing T.J.'s neck, bathing it with his tongue. T.J. put his hands up the back of Justin's matching North Carolina shirt. Justin's skin was smooth and warm and T.J. liked the feel of it. By now, T.J was getting pretty excited and Justin acknowledged that by taking T.J's shirt off. Justin studied the young boy's body. Tight stomach, light trail of hair on his stomach, Justin liked what he saw. He kissed his way down T.J.'s chest, stopping and licking tenderly at each nipple. T.J. moaned his appreciation. T.J. slid Justin's shirt over his head and threw it to one side. T.J. admired Justin's body and wanted more of Justin. While the two were kissing, T.J. grabbed Justin's ass through his tight jeans. Justin moaned and continued kissing T.J.'s body.

Justin broke the kiss and stood up. He began to unbutton his pants as T.J. watched from the couch, completely turned on. Justin slid his pants down to reveal his boxers, also baby blue. T.J. could tell that Justin was turned on by the bulge pressing through his boxers. Justin got back on top of T.J. and they began to kiss again. Now T.J. could feel Justin's ass really well, and he wasn't going to pass up the opportunity. T.J. could feel Justin's erection through his jeans. "I love.. you.. Justin" T.J. said in between kisses. Justin unbuttoned T.J.'s pants and he slid out of them really quickly. The two of them were there on the couch in just their boxers. T.J. slid Justin's boxers down slowly. He could feel Justin's dick rubbing up against him. Justin began to take down T.J.'s boxers, when there was a knock at the door. Justin jumped up. "Wait, don't come..." It was too late, the visitor had already opened the door and was starring wide-eyed at the two of them. First at Justin, then his gaze switching to T.J. The visitor was Justin's best friend, J.C. "J.C., man. I can explain." Justin stuttered out as he grabbed his clothes. J.C. shouted, "What the hell is going on here!"

----That is the end of the second part of the story. Things are getting a little interesting... If you like it, please let me know and I will continue it. Either e-mail me or contact me on ICQ. My # is 34285627. Please e-mail me your questions or comments at Thank you for reading and don't forget, "love, above all else will remain strong forever." I'll see you on the flip side.

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