Friends and Beds

By Max Jensen

Published on Apr 5, 2016


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This story is true. I, of course, have changed names and details to protect the innocent, and frankly, the odds of you knowing me are slim. However, if you do, send me an email so we can discuss this and I can be really embarrassed and try to deny it badly.

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"Friends and Beds" Part Two

As the sun streamed into Adam's room, I opened my eyes. My head was pounding, and my asshole was sore. I didn't remember exactly where I was, but as I blinked to readjust my contacts, I saw the room. My clothes strewn all over the floor. My underwear crumpled. Adam's clothes. Adam's underwear. A used condom. Adam's ass. He was laying face down, his pert, taut ass staring my in the face. While I saw Adam naked only a few hours before, it was in mostly darkness. Here, I could see his naked sleeping body in the light of the sun that was beginning to creep over the city.

His ass was a thing of beauty. Taut, firm, small. Tight. The light brown hairs dusted the pale white cheeks, and the crack was marvelously hairy as well. I don't know why the thought of Adam's hairiness was such a turn on for me. When I was a teenager, the idea of body hair grossed me out. Oh well. Who knows. I didn't have too much time to think about it before I realized that it might be too much to think about this now. I had to get out of there. I was sober, though hungover, and I didn't have it in me to deal with the fact that my best friend had just fucked me a few drunken hours before.

I quickly and quietly threw my clothes on and walked out the door. I realized that I stank. I stank of weed, beer and, if you knew to smell for it, cum. It was probably was around 6 in the morning on a Sunday. No one was out. I was glad that no one was around to see my doing my walk of shame, but I was surprised that no one else was doing the same thing. It was Halloween weekend, people, where are all the other sluts? While railing about this in my head, my stomach suddenly reminded me that, yes, it was that time of my hangover to puke, and luckily for me, I was about ten steps from my apartment. I ran up the outer stairs leading to my doorway, tried to unlock the door as quietly as possible, stumbled into the bathroom, threw up quietly, brushed my teeth, slipped out of my clothes (I only slept in boxers at that time) and crawled into bed to fall asleep.

I didn't know what to do for the next few days. I didn't call Adam and he didn't call me. I figured that we had ruined a perfectly wonderful friendship, and this really put me down. But then, maybe the middle of the following week, he called me.

"Hey, man," I heard his high voice greet me over my phone.

"Hey dude," I responded, smiling that maybe things hadn't gotten as pear-shaped as I thought."How are you?"

"Oh man, it's taken me three fucking days to get over that hangover. I must have the body of an old man."

The mere mention of his body made my cock start to rise. I tried to will it down because, hey, I can't be a slut all the time. This was my friend, after all.

During the conversation, it never came up. No double entendre referring to it. No winks or nudges. Nothing. As if it had never happened. If that's how it was going to go, that was fine by me. I'm always up for a little denial, and honestly, if Adam wasn't comfortable with what had happened between us, who was I to say anything? Not everyone is comfortable with their sexuality and, as far as I knew, Adam was straight as an arrow. He had been extremely drunk when we fucked, and we all do horrific shit when we're out of our minds. I thought that maybe this was a thing that happened when we were drunk and it didn't affect our friendship. So good.

"Oh, my friend Sean from high school is coming to visit this weekend," he said. "We should all do something. Get drunk or high or something."

"Sure. Sounds like fun. I should be recovered by then."

By Saturday, I was recovered fully to the point where I felt like I could get drunk again. I threw on some clothes - a pair of jeans and a school hoodie, nothing fancy or flashy since nothing was happening except I was going to get fucked up with a bud of mine and one of his buds. I'd met Sean once before, at a party of the forum-dwelling nerds at the end of the summer, when he visited Adam for the weekend. Sean was a big guy - military, you know. Big arms, big pecs that stretched his T-shirt. But he was also, like Adam and I, a big geek. He wore glasses like both of us (it made me wonder how he dealt with glasses when he was deployed overseas), and he was very much into nerdy TV shows.

When I got to Adam's apartment, I found Sean smoking outside.

"Hey, Max," he said, smoke puffing out of his nose, his deep voice reverberating. I wished my voice was that deep.

"What's up, dude," I responded, reaching out to high-five/shake his hand. He offered me a cigarette and, since at this time in my life I smoke socially, I accepted. Lighting up, we both looked up at the darkened evening sky.

I asked Sean about what was going on his life. We made the usual small talk. When my smoke was finished, I looked around. "Where's Adam?" I asked.

"He's inside. Taking a shit or whatever," Sean responded. The thought of Adam taking a shit made him extremely less attractive, so I figured that any residual horniness I had from our encounter last weekend would dissipate entirely. Thank fuck for that. I could have an evening just hanging with buds, smoking buds and drinking Buds and not have my dick interfere.

Adam walked out, bouncing like the fucking nerd that he was. If there's one thing I'll say about Adam and myself is that Adam out-nerds me to the nth degree. I'm pretty bad - I wear comic book print T-shirts a lot, still to this day, and I can quote any number of ridiculous movies and stuff. But I think I don'[t have the gawky physicality that a lot of stereotypical nerds do. That might be because of my stocky body, but still. Sometimes, I'm incredibly thankful for that.

"So, fellas, you ready to blaze?" Adam asked. See? Total fucking nerd.

Sean had the weed. He began rolling a joint, but I decided to bring a pipe with me, since I think that's a much more economical way of smoking weed. With a joint, you need to a) know how to roll it, which is a lost artform, even among the most dedicated stoners; b) you lose a lot the weed when smoking in a loosely-packed joint. I took my portion of the bud and packed it in my pipe, while Adam and Sean shared the joint. After a little while, we were all appropriately blazed.

The first part of the evening went as expected. We walked around town, laughing, bullshitting, staring at blinking street lights in the distance and either being in awe of them (Sean and I) or freaked out (Adam). I got to know Sean pretty well that evening, having only spoken to him briefly before. He talked in very vague terms about his deployment abroad, which was understandable. He also talked about knowing Adam since they were kids, the stupid shit they would get up to (sneaking out of their houses to play video games at the other's, that type of stuff). But no mention of them fooling around. Which made sense, honestly, because Sean was much more stereotypically masculine than Adam was and, being a Marine, would you really let it be known that you and your best friend fooled around?

I mean, whatever that meant. I was determined not to be a perv and start boning up on thinking about one of my good friends and fucking around with him. It happened once, and done. No need to let my cock ruin a perfectly good friendship. But I was curious what he and Sean could have done. Physically, they were very different. Like I said, Adam was short and wiry, with surprisingly defined muscles and abs. But he was still tiny. He weight maybe 110 soaking wet. Sean was taller, around my height at 5'10. dark hair, glasses. He had solid freckled forearms, and you could tell that he was probably ripped underneath his shirt. Which made sense, obviously, he had been in the military. But I wondered what they did - did they just blow each other? Fuck? How did that work? But then again, Adam had fucked me and I was taller than him. Hmmm...

After going out to grab some greasy late-night food, we stumbled back to Adam's place. I don't know why I did it. I could easily have stumbled back to my own apartment, but I guess I would be embarrassed if I stumbled in high and my roommates caught me (I love my roommates from that time, but they were definitely on the prudish side). I guess I also did it because it seemed like the thing to do. I wasn't sure what was going to happen and, looking back on it, I don't think I was expecting anything. I just felt like me and my buddies needed to go crash on Adam's messy floor or something and sleep off the buzz.

Falling into Adam's room, Sean instantly collapsed on the bed and passed out on his side. Almost immediately, I heard his snoring, boring through the room. The spinning room. I'm not sure if I smoked something different, because I never used to get the spins from a few joints. I felt like I was drunk, except luckily for me, no sickness was coming. After Sean went down, I felt the gravity in the room and, after Adam fell into the remaining space on the bed, I fell onto the floor next to him.

I lay on my back, feeling my spine stretch out. I felt remarkably relaxed and, strangely enough, Sean's snoring created a sort of rhythm in the room. I closed my eyes and intended on falling asleep when suddenly Adam's hand dropped down towards my face. I giggled and swatted it away. The bastard was playing with me - he kept swaying his hand in my face and I kept trying to hit it. I was like a cat being teased with yarn. I was determined to get him to stop, because the thought of sleep was so inviting, but it was also, in my marijuana-jangled mind, something that was hilarious.

Then something happened. As he lowered and swayed his hand, both of us giggling like nervous schoolchildren doing something illegal, his fingers traced along the length of my face. It was ever so light, but ever so slow. The hairs all over my body stood up, my nipples hardened, my groin began to tighten. My breath deepened. The air was thick with tension, just like that Halloween weekend night. He kept softly tracing my face, and then I decided to make a move. When his fingers brushed my lips, I opened my mouth, and a long digit entered my waiting mouth. I closed my lips over it and sucked really hard. I felt the hard nail against the tip of my tongue and raked my teeth gingerly against the warm flesh.

With my free hand, I slowly put it underneath my shirt, seeking out my nipples. I found my left one and gently pinched it. My cock jumped. Adam put another finger in my mouth, and I sucked on both at the same time, flicking my tongue and adjusting the suction as much as possible, to make him imagine me doing that to his dick.

His head popped out from the side of the bed, and I looked up at him. He just stared at me, working his fingers in my mouth as I squeezed my tit, the tent in my pants getting bigger. Neither of us said a word. Sean's continued snoring resonated around us. He started pulling back his fingers and my mouth, still attached, moved my head upwards, until he lowered his face, pulled out his fingers and our mouths met. Our tongues danced with each other, slowly at first, inside our locked lips, then grew more intense as the moments ticked by.

I pulled my lips away begrudgingly, then gestured with my eyes at the sleeping figure of Sean next to Adam on the bed. I hoped my eyes asked him "What if he wakes up?"

They apparently did as Adam whispered to me, "He's knocked the fuck out. It always happens when he's drunk or high. He won't hear a thing." With that, Adam slid off the bed down to the floor with me. Our faces met instantly, our noses mashing up against each other, our tongues wrestling outside of our mouths. Our hands were all over each other.

Now, sexually, I'm not usually a dominant person. At least, I wasn't back then. I was really timid and passive. But I don't know if it was the weed or what, but I suddenly felt like I had to take charge of the situation, to make Adam mine. I put my arms around his waist and lowered him to the ground, me on top of him, our lips and tongues never separating in the interim. Once he was on the floor, I took my shirt off and threw it somewhere in the dark void. Adam took his shirt off too and, after discarding it, lay beneath me, his thin hairy torso illuminated by the light coming in from the tiny window above his bed. I spread his legs apart with my knees and leaned down to kiss him while I started unbuckling his belt.

By the time my mouth had reached his long slender neck, I had pulled out his rock hard cock from his boxers and heard it slap his abs. I quickly unbuckled my jeans and slid them, along with my boxer briefs (which were already damp due to the sticky pre-cum leaking out of my impossibly hard dick), halfway down my thighs, my ass exposed to the thick air in the bedroom. I lowered my stiff cock against his, felt the shafts touch, our balls rest again each other's. I reached underneath him and slid his pants off. I squeezed his calves ever so lightly as I ran my hands back up.

When I realigned with him, my cockhead rubbed against the space between his balls My foreskin, long and thick, spit out a drop of precum against him. I thrust a bit upwards, the bottom of my shaft sliding along his, as my hands grabbed his wrists and stretched his arms above his head. My face dipped into his chest, my tongue flicking out against his right nipple, the wrinkled flesh rising against my tongue, my nose submerged in the long brown curls on his torso. I heard him take in breath and felt him try to move his arms, but my hand kept his wrists in place. I wanted him to be exposed, completely open to me.

I lifted my hips up and started sliding my fat tongue down his chest, through the hair, scented with Axe body wash, marijuana and sweat, and down past his belly button and through his happy trail, where the hair got longer and thicker. The hair began curling upwards after being laved with my spit, and then I got to where I wanted to go, his cock, pink and hard, the head flared, the underside of the shaft sticky with my precum. The scent was intoxicating, and all I wanted to do was stuff it in my mouth.

So I did. I felt the meaty spear flex in my mouth, rubbed the head against my gums and sucked it for all as I worth. I bobbed my head up and down slowly, my hands still grasping his wrists so that he couldn't reach down and control my head. I wanted to go at the speed I wanted. It was slow at first, tasting ever inch of that thin long schlong, my nose in his curly pubes, my chin brushing his bouncing balls ever so slightly. I flattened my tongue along the underside of his cock, like I did last time, and licked it as my mouth sucked going upwards. His legs began to tremble and his hips slowly began to move upwards. Soon enough, he was fucking my mouth and I kept my head still so he could do so. After a few seconds, I got the sense that he was close to cumming. I wasn't going to let that happen.

I lifted my mouth off of him and moved up to his face. I let his wrists go, but he left his arms above his head. I traced my fingers down his face and pressed them against his lips. Two of my digits pried his lips opened and entered his mouth. As I pistoned my fingers in and out of his wet mouth, feeling his tongue dance along the taught skin, I spread his lips apart, lowered my face and shoved my tongue into his waiting mouth. Our tongues battled for supremacy, and rather than let him think he'd won, I lifted his left thigh and wrapped it around my back. He took the hint and wrapped his right thigh around me. His arms followed, and soon he was completely dependent on me. I got turned on by this, by the thought that he'd done what I wanted him to without me saying anything, and I began thrusting as fast as I could. My cock undulated wildly from rubbing against his cock to rubbing against his thigh, to rubbing against his hairy taint.

For a brief few strokes, my cockhead brushed against his asshole. I couldn't stop what I was doing. I wanted in that ass. I leaned back and sat on my haunches and pulled Adam up with me (I could never understand how I'm such a weakling in life, but when I'm fucking, I'm capable of some feats of strength that are typical to most guys but completely beyond my realm of understanding). Our bodies were so close together, and with the horniness and the physical dexterity involved, our bodies were slathered in sweat. Our chests rubbed together, the slickness adding extra sensation as we once again tongued each other outside our our mouths. Had Sean been awake, he definitely would have woken up by the sounds we were making - sloppy, slick sounds, loud breathing - let alone seen us, since at this point, our heads and shoulders were clearly visible to anyone on the bed.

Adam began undulating his hips against my groin and I grabbed his ass cheeks, pushing him against me even tighter. He was going wild, his face diving into my neck and his tongue eventually slithering into my left ear. This was the moment. One of my hands left his ass cheek and traveled lower until it brushed the outside of his hole. In a split second, I was inside him, my finger wriggling furiously to give him sensation and to find his prostate. He stopped kissing me and looked at me. His eyes were at once frightened, then calmed down. I took this as an invitation to keep going. I moved my finger in and out of him, then slowly added a second finger. His ass lips clamped down on him and he took in a deep breath. The heat emanating from his insides was incredible, so I knew I had to go the next step. He had fucked me first, after all.

I slowly withdrew from his ass - I knew from experience that a quick pull out can be really fucking unnerving - and grabbed the base of my impossibly hard cock. I moved it over to his hot hairy opening and, feeling my foreskin kiss the forest of tangles around the hole, pushed upwards. Once I entered, I felt something I'd never felt before. The heat enveloped my corona and sparked something in me. I felt completely connected to Adam, in a way that I hadn't been when he was fucking me. It was romantic per se - this was my buddy, after all, and even with my dick up his ass, I didn't feel in love with him or anything - but it was something pretty fucking deep. My foreskin peeled back as his asshole constricted and I felt even more of him.

I looked into Adam's face and saw that he was grimacing. It didn't look like he was having fun. And then I remembered, through my sexual haze, that I was attempting to fuck him bareback without any sort of lubrication - I hadn't even eaten his ass out. Like I've said, I don't have the longest cock. In fact, it's average on its best day. But it is pretty fucking thick - I jerk off with both my hands because jerking off with one hand, as most guys do, tends to cramp up my fingers and feel pretty uncomfortable after a while, so I could imagine what a giant's fistful of cock would feel crammed up your ass. I decided that maybe this wasn't the time. As dominant as I had been feeling, I wasn't going to get off at Adam's expense. What fun was it to cum like a train if he wasn't going to either?

I slowly lowered my hips, drawing myself out of him. He looked relieved once I was out.

"I don't know how you could have done this," he whispered to me.

I smirked. "You're not as big as me."

He smiled, "The fuck are you talking about? I have at least two inches on you."

"I have like four inches on you in the way that matters. You'll feel a long dick, sure, but you'll feel a fat dick after it's out of you."

He nodded. "You're right about that."

"Let me make it feel better."

I kissed him slowly, tenderly, then I turned him around. I unwrapped my legs from his and moved back, stretching his body out. Soon, he was face down on the floor. I lay on my stomach and looked at Adam's ass. Tight, taut, small white globes of muscle, dusted with hair with a cascade of curls sprouting from the crack. I spread his ass cheeks apart with my fingers gingerly, looking at the bright pink hole which a few minutes ago was plugged with my hard fat brown cock. I leaned down and buried my face in the chasm and felt his body arch upwards. My tongue darted in and out of his hole while my lips sucked at his ass lips. I ate that man pussy for all I worth, imaging his eyes rolling to the back of his head. Whenever I was with a chick, I loved eating her out and was told I was great at it (granted, they could have been lying, but I don't see the purpose of that because my ego isn't fragile and doesn't need to be propped up, heh), so I applied the same to his asshole. After a few minutes of this anal ministration, he moved up on his knees and shoved his ass further into my face. I started motorboating Adam tight ass - something I never thought I'd ever do.

He then turned around and pushed me down on the ground and dove down on my dick. His tongue flicked all around my cockhead and I felt in heaven. Granted, Adam didn't seem to know much about sucking dick, so I thought I'd teach him. I moved my body around so that we were in a sixty-nine position. I dove down on his cock like I was underwater and his penis was full of oxygen. Every move I made, Adam imitated on me. Every flick of my tongue, every pucker of my lips, every suck of my mouth, he did it on me, and it was fucking awesome. He eventually moved his face down and began lapping at my taint and I felt like a rock star. As much as I wanted to suck the cum out of him, I needed something else.

I moved up and got on my haunches, my ass right over Adam's face. I felt him start licking and sucking on my hole and, as he did so, I started moaning like the loud fucker I am, hoping that Sean was still knocked out but wanting to let the world how fucking good Adam was making my ass feel. I couldn't deal with it, so I started jerking off, both my hands grasping my cock and moving up and down along the shaft. I was so hard it almost hurt, but the best kind of pain. I rocked my hips over Adam's face as he ate me out, and I saw that Adam had started jerking himself off. The sight of him working his cock was beautiful and that, along with his tongue working itself in and out of me, and the ever-present thought of Sean waking up and catching us (and in my pervy mind at that moment possibly deciding to join in), was what did me in and caused me to blow. My cum spewed out of me at an almost painful rate, my mauve head piercing out from behind my hairy foreskin, the white liquid flying out and globbing onto Adam's hairy chest beneath me. I spurted another four times, and I watched the semen seeping into his skin. A few seconds later, his mouth dislodged from my ass. I fell to my knees, my face hovering over his crotch as I heard him whine lightly and his own cock erupt. The cum, a bit more watery than mine, intermingled with mine on his body. I leaned down and licked it all up, swabbing it up with my tongue.

I turned around and saw Adam, sweaty, breathing in and out heavily as if he had been running a marathon. I grabbed his face and kissed him, and our loads swooshed back and forth in our mouths. I hadn't cum so quickly in a long time (I take an annoyingly long time to cum - it makes my jerk off sessions kinda difficult, even to this day), but it was such an intensely satisfying cum. Adam laughed and I did too. He got up and walked to the bathroom to wipe himself off. I searched in the dark for my boxers and found them, slipping them off. I knew they were mine because I wouldn't have fit into Adam's tiny ones. Finding my T-shirt, I then found my way to the bed and lay down next to the sleeping Sean. His body heat emanated from his sleeping frame, and I think that if I hadn't just cum, I would have sprung a boner right then and there. But I had just cum and, frankly, I was ready to pass out.

Adam walked back in and fished his boxers out from the darkness of where we had just fucked. He slipped them on,the waistband going over that cock, those balls, that bush and hiding them from my view. I smiled at him, like "I'm sleeping in the bed, you have the floor." But then he somehow was able to get into the bed, push me towards Sean's body, my covered cock touching his covered ass, and I felt Adam behind me. He put his arm around me and kissed my cheek then whispered "Good night."

It sure was.

Next: Chapter 3

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