Friendly Skies

By David Young

Published on Jul 12, 2022


Copyright: All rights to the story belong to the a5789uthor

and must not be republished for use without the author's


This story involves sex among consenting adults, if it is not legal to read this type of material where you are located then proceed at your own risk.

My goal is to provide you with some sort of sexual contact in every posting, some will be masturbation but mostly it will involve two people who either love each other very much or are on their way to falling in love, or just need to relieve themselves.

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Chapter 3


Toby and I had exchanged numbers and email addresses, but as

I said earlier I am sure he would not call me and I would

probably not call him. For some reason though last night

would be etched in my mind forever.

Kind of nuts but I have been screwing guys for years and I

have never felt this way about someone else. I hoped it would

pass eventually.

I made it back to Atlanta after midnight and took an Uber to

my apartment. I refuse to buy a house because being a pilot

keeps me traveling so much. Sometimes it would be nice to

come home to a yippy little dog and a nice big house with a

husband and all that stuff. For now, this is my life.

On the other hand, I have the next three days off and I am on

my own turf, so the mission of the next three days is to make

every attempt to fuck the feelings I have for Toby out of my


As I unlocked the door to my apartment I took the liberty to

pull up GRINDR and see who was on this evening. I was just

about to hop into the shower when Sebastian, a

twenty-three-year-old hottie that lives in my building, hit

me up.

Sabastian and I hooked up regularly when I was in town. We

both knew it was nothing more than sex and both of us are on

prep so we fuck like wild animals when he comes over.

I wasted no time in messaging him back and letting him know

that I was going to hop in the shower, but that I would leave

the door unlocked and for him to come right on in.

Not even five minutes later a naked Sebastian softly knocked

on the bathroom door before entering. He was not really

asking to enter, it was more like ensuring I knew it was him

and not some crazy person coming to kill me.

Sabastian wasted no time in stepping behind me and wrapping

me in his strong embrace. Sebastian knew I had been flying

pretty hard over the last couple of weeks and he was a

natural people pleaser. He had a knack for knowing what would

make me feel good in almost any situation.

Sebastian moved his hands from my abs to my cock and slowly

began to stroke me with his left hand while kissing the right

side of my neck. I could feel his growing erection pushing

its way into my ass crack and it felt amazing.

Sabastian (choose Seb or switch back and forth)

slowly pulled away and said, "let's get you washed and

fucked good before bed, okay."

I have always loved his way with words ever since we started

this friend with benefits thing about six months ago when he

moved into the building.

Sebastian is a gorgeous specimen of a man, he is Asian and

about five feet seven inches tall and weighs around one

hundred thirty-five pounds. He is built very slenderly and

every ab in his midsection could be seen as well as every

vein could be identified in his slender arms. Sebastian has a

very nice six-inch long and skinny uncircumcised cock and he

really knows how to stuff me full of it.

He took the liberty to grab the loofa hanging on the hook in

the front of my shower and squirted some soap onto it before

he started cleaning the front of my body. Sabastians touch

was so soft and he paid special attention to my nipples and

my neck because he knew how sensitive I was and how horny

that made me. He loved to tease me before he stuffed me full

of his cock.

He slowly scrubbed my armpits and took the liberty to wash

every nook and cranny of my front before easing me around to

wash my back.

He started at my neck and slowly washed down my back until he

got to my crack in which he stuffed the loofa in to ensure my

hole was clean as a whistle. He loves to lick my hole so he

prefers to get it clean before dropping down to his knees. As

he moved lower his face became level with my ass. Sabastian

continued to wash my thighs, my calves, and then even my


After he had scrubbed my feet to his liking he dropped the

loofa and parted my cheeks so he could bury his face in my

ass. Soon he pushed his face in my crack and started softly

licking my hole. His tongue felt like velvet running up and

down my hole and then side to side. After a few seconds of

licking, he pushed his tongue inside of me.

Sebastian wasted no time in burying his tongue in my ass. I

could feel the slight stubble on his chin rubbing the skin

under my hole. The friction of his stubble and the softness

of his tongue was driving me crazy and making me moan loudly.

He takes great pride in making me squeal.

Sebastian stopped tonguing my ass and moved back up my body

with his tongue until he was standing straight up. He put his

cock at my entrance and gently pushed forward as he placed

little kisses on my neck. God his body felt so good behind


I whispered we should move this to the bedroom in which he

wasted no time in moving back and reaching for a towel to get

dried off.

We dried off and walked naked to the bedroom where Sabastian

waited for me to lie down before he positioned himself

between my legs and then came in for a long wet kiss. He is a

very passionate lover and like I said he loves to make other

people feel good.

Once we parted from our Kiss he reached over into the

nightstand drawer, once again he has been here a few times,

and grabbed a bottle of lube. He pushed some out onto his

fingers and began massaging my tight pucker with his lubed

fingers. Slowly Sabastian pushed one finger into my hole

which elicited another moan from me. He slowly worked my ass

to accommodate his single-digit before adding another. He

finger fucked me with more force with each additional digit

until he had three in my ass and pushing with such force my

body was moving around on the bed.

Sebastian pulled out his fingers and wiped some of the lube

onto a towel we had brought to the room with us for clean-up


At this point, he repositioned himself and lined his cock up

with my aching, needy hole before slowly moving forward and

inching his cock into me. His cock felt amazing entering me,

unfortunately, my mind drifted to Toby and I was hoping it

would be him about to fuck me.

Sabastian and I had an understanding that sex was fun

together, but we were not relationship material and from what

I understood neither of us really was interested in a

relationship with each other or anyone else. That is why my

inability to stop thinking of Toby was so troubling.

Sebastian slowly pushed into me and now had his cock

completely seated in my hole before he began bringing it out

and then pushing it back in. I was in heaven, his cock was

just the right size to make sex enjoyable.

The downside to sex with Sabastian was that while he felt

good, he could not last very long. This is probably why he

likes foreplay, it allows him to prolong the pleasure for the

other person.

Sebastian fucked me for a good ten minutes before he

announced he was going to cum at which point he filled my

bowels with his sticky man juice.

He collapsed on top of me and lay there for at least another

ten minutes while his cock softened inside me. He slowly

began to pull his flaccid cock out of my ass and I

immediately felt empty.

My hole felt slick with his cum since we didn't use condoms.

He knelt between my open legs and began to suck my cock. As

with everything his touch was soft and slow so he could

prolong the activity.

After about ten minutes he could probably tell I was tired of

the wait and he began to suck me faster as well as play with

my balls with his right hand. He continued this rapid oral

attack on my dick for another minute before I splashed the

back of his throat with my cum. Sabastian loved the taste of

cum and he began swallowing and drinking from my hose until

he drank it dry at which point he pulled off and smiled at

me. He slowly fell to the bed beside me and nestled up to my

side and then asked "How was your week?"

I answered with a grumble before telling him I had met a guy

in Denver that I had a fun night with. I gave him all of the

sticky details except for the one about me not being able to

get Toby out of my mind.

He replied and told me it sounded pretty hot. I nodded in

agreement and said, "It was very hot."

Sebastian left my apartment around 2:30 am and I lay back in

my bed and neglected to get dressed as I prefer to sleep in

the buff. It was a very short time before I drifted off to

sleep and probably thanks to my being really tired and having

a satisfying orgasm I slept deeply all night long.

I awoke the next morning and took off for a morning run.

Running helps me to clear my brain. I wish I could run more

than I actually do, but I work four days on and three days

off. During the time I am on shift I fly for twelve hours and

then shut down for twelve hours. The other night in Denver

was a fluke occurrence, but one I enjoyed wholeheartedly.

On my run this morning I thought some more about Toby and

about work. I also thought a little bit about the things I

had to take care of while I was home for the next few days.

One of those things being that I have to deal with my

brothers and wrap some things up at our father's house. Our

father died a few months ago and we had all agreed that our

youngest brother could have the home.

My younger brother Terry was a screw-up in every sense of the

word so we knew if we didn't give him the home he would more

than likely be homeless. In order to keep him from selling it

and using the money for drugs, we also agreed the property

would stay in all of our names and the verbiage and would be

used to protect the property. This would prevent anyone from

selling or mortgaging the house without all of us agreeing to


Terry had already moved himself and his nut-job girlfriend

into the house. A lot of our father's belongings still

needed to be gone through so I had to spend a little time

over there working on that.

As dysfunctional as our family was, my father was the least

so, so he had a lot of documents that needed to be saved and

of course some that needed to be thrown out.

After a quick shower, I dressed in my civilian attire and

made my way to the bank. I was meeting my older brother David

at the bank to see what all dad had in his safety deposit


The bank was slow since it was early on a Monday and getting

into the box was no problem at all. Inside the box, there

were several watches that had little tags on them. One tag

said Grandpa Loy 1953 and another had Grandpa Milton 1965. It

was fun seeing some of this old stuff, but we had no clue

what to do with it.

Along with the watches, there were some old coins and a few

older bills that our father had collected over the years.

There was also paperwork on a life insurance policy made out

to us three boys and a few letters addressed to us as well.

My father knew he was dying and I am sure the letter will go

on and on about how he loved us each in very different ways

and was proud of us, blah, blah, blah.

I guess you could say I was not really the sentimental type.

Our father was a good guy while we were adults but he was not

always that way. He and our mother fought constantly while we

were growing up. A few times the police were involved because

he would get drunk and be violent with our mother.

Domestic violence laws were not what they are now. The police

got to decide how bad the situation was so Dad sat in jail a

few nights but never anything serious.

Our mother on the other hand was a nut job through and

through. She disappeared after years of fighting with my

father. I was thirteen, Terry was eleven and David was

fifteen. Terry is the only one of us who has even talked to

our mother in years.

Terry thinks family is only about a bloodline and not about

the emotional connections and bonding that a family should


Myself, I gave up on blood a long time ago. My mother

condemned me after catching me watching gay porn at eleven

years old. She told me I was a sinner.

The funny part about my mother was that she was a cheater and

addicted to heroin, but I was the sinner going to hell for

looking at a few dicks on the computer.

Oh well, I haven't heard anything about her in years so that

is water under the bridge.

Also in the safety deposit box were instructions on where to

spread his ashes. Our father thought being buried was crazy

and he was afraid of his body being eaten by insects. I know

it's kind of dumb, but in keeping with his wishes we had him

cremated, and after tying up several loose ends we were all

going to venture out and spread his ashes.

The note read as follows:


As you all know my wish is to be cremated. After I am

cremated I would like for you to wait until the 4th of July

that year at which time I would like to have my ashes spread

out along the west coast of Florida in the Gulf of Mexico.

Please take a portion of the money from my life insurance

policy and rent a boat and slowly pour me out into the water

as you venture along the coast. It is very important to me

that the three of you go together. Take a six-pack and enjoy

yourselves, you're great kids, and you've earned it.

That was my father a complete softy once he stopped drinking

and hitting his wife to settle down and take care of his


After emptying the deposit box, myself and David drove over

and talked to Terry. We all started planning our trip to

Florida to pour our father overboard. It sounds even dumber

when I say it like that.

Since dad died in August it would be almost an entire year

before his wishes were carried out. It was only December now,

so we had several months to plan the trip and rent a boat.

The next order of business was to go through some old papers

at our father's home. We have been slowly going through

drawer after drawer and trying to decide what was trash and

what was not.

We sat around going through photo albums most of that evening

and then I ended up back at my apartment around 6:30 pm. I

was thankful my brothers kept me busy for so long. As much as

I didn't want to hang out with them, it kept my mind off of

Toby for the most part.

David and Terry both knew I was gay, but neither of them

talked about it much. I knew Terry was not thrilled with the

idea of a homosexual brother, since he tended to side more

with our crazy mother, he believed it was a sin against God.

David on the other hand didn't really seem to care. He was

mostly interested in working and taking care of his family.

David is married to a really nice woman named Mary and they

had three children. One boy named Bryce and two girls named

Sarah and Amy.

David and Mary were really good parents and kept their

children in line most of the time. It was nice to see him

happy. I wished one-day l could find that sort of happiness,

but with my career choice, it would be difficult, to say the


Anyhow for these reasons, I didn't talk much about my love

life or the lack thereof with my brothers. Neither seemed

very interested.

Once back at my apartment I ordered a pizza and started

scrolling through NetFlix to see if I could find a movie to

watch for the evening.

Getting on GRINDR and finding sex seemed like way too much of

a chore this evening. So I would settle with my hand, maybe I

would use my right hand this time to switch it up a bit. Or

maybe I could just mix up some drinks and drift off to sleep

and try not to think about much at all.

Well in the end I decided on a movie and no booze. I thought

about Toby a bit and then read a quick story on

before falling asleep on the couch. I was out before 9:00


I was awakened a little after 10:00 pm when my phone started

buzzing indicating I had a text message. I misplaced my phone

earlier in the evening so it took me a few minutes to locate

the damn thing.

Once I did I was a little surprised to see a text message

from Toby.

10:05 pm Toby: You still awake

10:10 pm Me: Hey, yea I am still awake, just enjoying my

three days off. How are you doing?

10:11 pm Toby: I am good. Hey, I wanted to tell you that I

really enjoyed the night we spent together and let you know

anytime you come through Dallas please give me a call.

10:12 pm Me: I sure will, I had a really good time too.

I wondered if I should tell him that I couldn't stop

thinking about him, but ultimately I thought it would be


10:15 pm Toby: Night Sexy, sleep well.

10:16 pm Me: I will and you do the same, stud.

Chapter 4:


I wanted to text Jason the minute we had parted ways to tell

him how I felt about our meeting. I opted to wait some time

and let the proverbial dust settle on the situation.

Again an urge came over me to text him the minute I had

calculated his plane should have landed back in Atlanta. I

still figured it was too soon and it would make me look

clingy so I decided I would wait until the next evening. By

that time if he was not interested in me he would forget who

I was anyhow.

Not like I am real relationship material with my closeted

situation and bible-thumping family.

I was done in Denver on Saturday but was not scheduled to fly

out until Sunday afternoon.

My meeting with some investors in Denver went quite well if I

say so myself. They agreed to allocate another $50,000,000

over the next year. My family owns and operates a security

firm that has been in the family for nearly 100 hundred


BB Security has been in business for more than one hundred

years since my mother's great grandfather Tobius Franklin

returned after fighting in World War I.

I am now the company's CEO, which makes me the face of the

company. That is why I keep my sexual exploits to a minimum

and keep my sexuality to myself.

Gun-Toting conservative country people are the people who

work in this industry and for some reason, same-sex

attraction between men scares them.

I had my first sexual encounter when I was nineteen and

attending college at Texas Tech University in Lubbock,


His name was Trenton and he was also a Cyber Security Major.

We were studying late one night and one thing led to another

and he popped my cherry.

It's kind of embarrassing how much like young boys we were,

much younger than our actual ages, but due to us both being

raised in conservative Christian homes we never experimented

much with sex.

Trenton and I were talking about class notes and sharing

ideas when he fell back on my bed and sighed really heavily.

"I need to get laid," he said as he fell back. I was taken

aback because we never talked about sex or anything we

focussed on studying all of our free time.

I laughed and said where did that come from. Trenton and I

talked and he admitted he was a virgin. I told him it was no

big deal because I was as well. Trenton said, "but don't you

want to screw someone." I laughed and waved my hand in the

air indicating I had Rosie and her five sisters.

Trenton, out of the blue said "you should let me borrow her

some time." Wow, that took a whole new twist I guess.

Eventually, we got to talking about if anyone had ever

touched our dicks but us. As it turned out neither of us had

ever felt anyone else touch our bodies. I placed my hand on

Trenton's thigh and was just pestering him when I noticed he

was tenting his gym shorts a little.

Without warning, Trenton grabbed my hand and placed it on his

cock over the outside of his shorts and smiled, and said "my

dick is up here if that's what you're looking for."

I didn't say a word, I just started massaging his cock on the

outside of his clothing. After only a few short seconds

Trenton was rock hard. Nobody would ever accuse Trenton of

having a large cock, but it was still a handful to me. I let

my instincts take over at this point and I grabbed his shorts

on both sides and inched them down his thighs.

Trenton didn't attempt to stop me and was soon laying there

with his shorts around his knees while I was groping him

through his underwear. Trenton wore boxers, you know the

loose-fitting kind that looked like shorts only there was a

slit in the front to pull your penis out and pee.

I slowly inched my hand into his boxers and before I could

grab anything, Trenton looked at me and said, "go lock the

door, I will get more comfortable." Trenton had thought

about this before because while my mind was whirling asking

myself what was I doing, he seemed so relaxed and natural

about it all.

I got up and walked over and locked the door and when I

turned around Trenton was standing there with his gym shorts

and boxers laying in a pile on the floor. He only had on his

shirt, socks, and shoes. I took a mental note of how sexy he

looked in his new attire.

I walked over to Trenton and like we both knew what we were

doing we embraced and my hand went straight to his genitals.

I started by rolling his balls in my hand. As I was massaging

his nuts Trenton moaned quietly and began to push my shorts

down a little at a time. He whispered in my ear "we should

both get naked." I agreed and we pulled apart for a few

short minutes to continue undressing.

In no time at all Trenton and I were standing there staring

at each other's naked bodies before easing back together at

which time we moved in for a kiss.

I remember Trenton's lips felt oddly silky smooth and coarse

all at the same time. I had never kissed anyone before and

now I was immediately in love.

We stroked each other for a minute before Trenton whispered

in my ear to suck him. I moved down his body and I started

sucking him. He didn't last long at all. Maybe only five

minutes before he shot his load in my mouth. Trenton gave no

warning he was going to cum either.

After He had cum Trenton stroked my cock for a few moments

and then knelt before me and took my cock into his mouth. To

my surprise, he looked up and said "don't cum in my mouth."

Wow the guy who gave me no warning wanted me to be respectful

and not fill his mouth with my seed. Trenton sucked me for a

few minutes before he came back up for another kiss at which

time he whispered into my ear "I want to fuck your ass."

I was very nervous at this point but I let Trenton turn me

around with my back facing him and he pushed me forward where

I was bent over resting my hands on the bed. Trenton rubbed

some saliva on his fingers and massaged my hole just a bit

before lining up his dick and forcing it inside me.

The pain was almost unbearable at this point. Trenton didn't

seem to care much about my discomfort.

Even as tears filled my eyes I kept myself from asking him to

quit because I knew this was what he wanted. Trenton slammed

in and out of me for at least twenty minutes before he filled

my bowls with semen.

After which I lay facedown on the bed and never said a word.

I guess Trenton felt odd too because he dressed and let

himself out of my room.

The only times I saw Trenton after that were in class and the

few brief times we crossed paths in the common areas of the


My self-esteem took a heavy blow from this and it was years

before I found the strength to trust another human being. I

am still not sure how I feel about trusting someone with my

most prized commodity, my heart.

With my other few and I mean very few sexual exploits I

remained in charge. I forced my way to the Alpha role by not

allowing myself to become vulnerable to anyone. One guy I

sucked his cock and when he came I stood up and stroked my

cock to completion. Blew my load on his stomach and then

cleaned up with his shirt, dressed, and walked out.

The encounter with Trenton had made me jaded and sex was now

about an orgasm, not a connection. What bothers me most is

that with Jason I can't seem to shake the connection that I

feel and the longing desire to be with him.

By Monday night my desires got the best of me and I couldn't

put it off anymore. I texted Jason.

10:05 pm Me: You still awake

10:10 pm Jason: Hey, yea I am still awake, just enjoying my

three days off. How are you doing?

10:11 pm Me: I am good. Hey, I wanted to tell you that I

really enjoyed the night we spent together and let you know

anytime you come through Dallas please give me a call.

10:12 pm Jason: I sure will, I had a really good time too.

I couldn't dare bring myself to tell Jason that I couldn't

stop thinking about him. I just hope we can stay in touch and

become friends. Lord knows I need a gay friend in my life. I

feel I have no one to confide in.

10:15 pm Me: Night Sexy, sleep well.

10:16 pm Jason: I will and you do the same, stud.

I guess I should really just work on getting Jason out of my

head, because I live in Dallas, Tx and he lives in Atlanta,

Ga., therefore, meaning we had one fun night of sex and there

can be no more.

Oh well for now I need to try and get some sleep, with me

being gone over the weekend I am sure to have several fires

to put out at the office in the morning.

With that, I turned off the television and headed to my

bedroom. I stripped off my clothes and took a nice long

bubble bath. I scrolled through my email several times in an

attempt to get Jason out of my head. To no avail, my mind

kept drifting back to him and at that moment my phone rang.

My heart nearly skipped a beat, I just knew it would be him,

but no it was my assistant Jennifer.

Jennifer apologized for calling so late but she wanted to

bring me up to speed on everything concerning the office. To

my surprise, it looked like everything had either been taken

care of by one of my supervisors or the problem had taken

care of itself.

When I disconnected the phone with Jennifer I started

thinking about Jason once more. Why had I been so sure it

would be him on the phone when it started ringing?

At that moment I knew that I had to call Jason. I dialed the

number and took me another five minutes before I was actually

able to hit the call button. What am I going to say?

Without thinking anymore I hit the dial button and as if

awaiting my call he answered on the second ring.

Jason said, "and I thought I had heard the last of you for

the evening." I cut him off and immediately started telling

him all of the reasons a relationship with him and I would

never work. I told him I really enjoyed our time together and

hoped we could be friends but nothing more.

He laughed and stated "what, you act like we were planning

our wedding a minute ago." then he told me he just wanted to

get to know me and be my friend. He said, "dont get me

wrong, the sex was amazing, but you're right, we live in

different states and both have pretty demanding careers."

Jason laughed and said "so does this mean the wedding was

off, because I already sent out invitations."

Wow this guy was inadvertently working his way into my heart

and pushing my buttons all at the same time. He is funny and

a dick in the same sentence.

With that, we said goodbye and disconnected the phone. I lay

there for a few more minutes and with that off of my chest I

was able to fall asleep quickly.

I had the best night's sleep I had had in years that night.

Knowing I liked Jason and that he liked me, but both of us

understood where things were going was a huge weight off of

my shoulders. Of course, knowing I was going into a quiet day

at the office with little to no drama was also keeping me in

a fairly good mood.

Thank you for reading my story, please provide feedback. I do not mind people being critical of my work. I would prefer someone to be honest with me about my work. I am working on a few other stories and would love some insight into my character development and the general flow of my stories. From this point on my goal is to upload a new chapter once a week. If you would like to be notified when a new chapter is up, email me. I will put you on my mailing list.

I have created a Facebook group and will be working to grow it over the next few months. The Facebook group is or you can search for Nifty Writers Guild. I am also working on a podcast where I will be reviewing stories from other nifty writers. If you would like me to read your story and promote it on my podcast please email me.

Next: Chapter 3

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