Friendly Neighbor

By Adam

Published on May 7, 2023


In all the time that Andy and I were together, I never really experienced the butterflies that friends had described when they talked about their lovers. Andy and I had a low, constant burn. It was a relationship that was born more out of consistency than of passion or love. Granted we'd been together for long enough that the love grew, but in this moment I realized that it was a love for someone you care about, it wasn't a passionate love for someone you can't live without.

Those thoughts flashed through my mind as I looked into the beautiful eyes of the man on top of me, still inside me. I couldn't believe that within 24 hours of our first carnal, animalistic connection, I knew that I loved this man. As his weight rested on top of me, it felt like the universe had connected us like two puzzle pieces.

We stayed there, gazing into each other's eyes for several minutes. Light kisses occasionally, but mostly just lost in each other. Connected to each other at a deep level, not just but the cock that didn't seem to want to wilt enough to slip from my body. Eventually Tim moved, slipping from me, and lowering himself beside me. I rolled toward him and slipped under his arm, resting my head on his chest.

"I've never felt this way about anyone..." I whispered, afraid that saying it out loud was going to shake us out of this dream.

"Neither have I. As soon as I was inside you yesterday, I knew that nothing would ever be the same." his voice hushed, but I could hear the desire in it.

"When I turned around and saw your face, I thought that you regretted what had happened..." I said, propping myself on my elbow while my other hand played with his chest hair.

"As I slipped from you, I realized that you were what I was waiting for, and it scared me. I've been hiding myself for so long, and the feelings that were racing through me were so overwhelming. They scared me." He said, looking into my eyes.

I leaned forward and kissed him, first a chased kiss, but then growing deeper. When I eventually pulled away, he had a smirk on his face that was so fucking hot. Before I could tell him just how hot he looked, both our stomachs growled. We both chuckled at the loud protesting of our bodies, telling us we needed sustenance before we continued our physical explorations.

Not bothering to get dressed, we made our way to the kitchen. I pulled some bacon, eggs, and hashbrowns out of the fridge. It was like we'd been working together in the kitchen for years. We moved like a well oiled machine, almost like a choreographed dance. I put the bacon and hashbrowns on pans and placed them in the oven. I knew that we had a good 20 minutes or so minutes before we needed to start cooking the scrambled eggs that Tim had whipped together.

I turned to him and pulled his naked body against me. Our cocks smashed together as I ran my hands down his back to his ample ass. I gripped each cheek in my hands, before slapping them both eliciting a giggle from this beautiful man. Not to be outdone, he pushed me back against the counter behind me. His mouth hungrily working its way from my lips, traveling over to my ear, down to my collarbone, before he did something that was totally unexpected.

Without breaking eye contact with me, Tim kissed his way down my chest. Moving to the right, lightly biting my nipple causing me to moan, then he moved left and did the same to the other with the same response. By this point my cock was awakening. As his lips drew closer to the base of my cock, my skin broke out in goosebumps and it felt like my hair was standing on end.

He avoided my cock at first, kissing down the sides, and onto my thighs, I was gripping his hair, and moaning loudly at this point.

"FUCK..." I cried out as he grabbed the head of my cock with his lips.

His tongue swept across the head of my cock, no doubt getting covered with a huge dollop of precum. Based on the loud, vibrating, groan that radiated from his chest he liked the taste of it. He looked up at me, I could faintly detect what I think was a grin. It's hard to tell though, because his lips were stretched around my dick.

"You look so fucking hot with my dick in your mouth" I growled from above.

As those words escaped me, he plunged down my cock. This man was amazing. There was no way a mouth this talented had never tasted dick before. I didn't care either way, I need his mouth more than anything in this moment. The kitchen echoed with the obnoxiously loud sound of slurping and sputtering. Then I felt something I truly didn't expect to feel from him. His throat opened up and the head of my cock slipped into the tight recesses of his throat. I felt my balls resting on his chin, and let out a sigh at an octave I never knew I could hit.

"I'm gonna fucking cum..." I cried out.

He pulled back all the way to the head, and took a loud intake of breath without letting my cock slip from his lips. Then he plunged back down my cock, not to the base this time, but far enough that I felt his throat touch my head. I lost it with that.

"I'm cumming baby, I'm fucking cumming..." I grunted more than cried.

I expected him to pull off, but he just looked up at me and nodded. I let go.

"Swallow my fucking load Tim...UHHHHH, FUCK" I curse as my balls pulled tight and unloaded in his mouth.

Tim never missed a beat, gulping down what was obviously a sizable load. Opening my eyes, looking down at Tim, I could see the spit at the corners of his mouth, I pulled him up and attacked his mouth. Our tongues once again wrestling. I could taste the muskiness of my cock and cum on his tongue and it was fucking hot.

"That can't have been your first time baby" I said breathlessly as I broke our kiss.

"Honestly, it was. I've always wanted to taste a dick. I used to practice on one of Barb's dildos when she wasn't home." He said with a chuckle.

"Well FUCK, clearly it worked." I said kissing him again.

It was at that moment I remember that we needed to finish making breakfast. Luckily nothing had burnt yet, because even though it felt like he'd just luxuriated over my cock for the better part of an hour, it was less than 10 minutes. We finished cooking, eating, and cleaning up after breakfast without further fooling around, and I don't know how.

After we wrapped up in the kitchen, we ended up back in the bedroom. It didn't take long before we were sound asleep. I've never been much of a napper myself, but something about laying there with Tim made me drift off to a deep sleep quickly. When I finally woke up and looked at the clock I realized that we'd been sleeping for hours. Given the events of the past day for both of us I think we were mentally, emotionally, and physically exhausted.

My stirring must have woken Tim, because he groggily lifted his head and brief moment of uncertainty flashed across his face.

"It wasn't a dream..." he whispered, as he looked at me.

I rolled over and slid my arm across his midsection, and stroked his hairy stomach.

"It wasn't a dream." I said as I nuzzled in closer.

His arm wrapped around me, and lazily stroked my back. Occasionally he dipped lower to graze my ass cheeks, as we were still naked from the morning.

Lost in the comfort of feeling Tim holding me, my phone chirped from the nightstand. I hadn't really even noticed that I never unplugged it from it charger this morning. I reached over and grabbed it, finding a message from Ryan.

"Hey Mikey, I had a great time last night. What time should I come over for dinner tonight? Will Andy be there?" he asked.

"OH SHIT!" I said sitting up quickly, having forgotten in the drama of the past day that I'd invited him over.

Tim was concerned and sat up asking me what was the matter.

"Well you remember me telling you about Ryan, and what happened with him yesterday?"

He got a sexy grin on his face before responding, "You mean the guy you let fuck you after Andy's butt dial?"

I smacked his stomach, but had to chuckle, "Stop it, but yes...I forgot I invited him over for dinner tonight, and he just asked what time he should be here."

"Well we have a couple of options babe, you can cancel - and you have a pretty good excuse for that...or we I can run to the store and grab what we need to entertain." Tim said matter of factly.

"Does it bother you that he fucked me not 24 hours ago?" I asked him pointedly.

"Honestly Mike, it's kind of hot." I knew he wasn't lying when he said it, because his cock was rapidly hardening before me.

"Down boy, we have to get cleaned up if we're going to do this..." I said, grabbing and squeezing his cock as I did.

"Don't tease me like that." he growled as he launched himself from the bed.

I watched his gorgeous dad butt go down the hall the bathroom as I replied.

"Hey Ryan, how does 6:30 sound? I should let you know it's been quite a day, we can talk about it more when you get here."

Setting my phone down, and started rushing to get ready myself. We really didn't have that long to get everything pulled together. Thankfully there was a store not too far away. After we'd both showered we ended up back in the main bedroom and realized that Tim didn't have any clean clothes in the house. While he could have run next door and grabbed some, we really didn't have time for that right now. It was pretty fuckin hot to see him putting a pair of my boxer briefs on. Once he was fully dressed, we were off.

It was a bit of a mad dash to get everything put together, and once again we worked like a well choreographed unit. There was no bumping into each other or stepping on toes. We just did what needed to be done. We'd lost track of time though, and before too long the doorbell rang.

"Can you grab the door babe?" I said to Tim, as I was in the middle of finishing something.

"Sure thing..." he said, stopping to kiss me on his way.

" must be Ryan?" I heard Tim say, and could hear his smile.

"Oh...yes, I am, and you are?" Ryan said, as he entered the house.

"Hey Ryan, I'm in the kitchen, come on it..." I called out, not wanting to leave Tim to answer the question alone.

Ryan walked through the entry to the kitchen and gave me a hug, he whispered, "Whose the hottie?" with a wink.

"Ryan this is Tim, Tim this is Ryan." I said introducing them.

It wasn't hard to tell they were sizing each other up. I wasn't surprised to be honest, they were both hot, Ryan being a hair shorter than Tim. Both of them had hefty meat, and knew how to fuck though. As I watched them sizing each other up, I knew there was no easy way to say what I was going to say, so I blurted it out.

"As I was leaving the hotel yesterday, I saw Andy with his tongue tonsils deep in a coworkers mouth in the elevator. Tim found me in my car, in shock, and has stayed since. Andy told me this morning that he's leaving me, and has planned to for some time." I said, and as I said it realized I felt no sadness.

Ryan's jaw hit his chest, "What the fuck, I'm so sorry Mikey." he said.

"Actually I'm ok, I think that Andy and I had grown apart a long time ago, and I think I knew he was seeing someone else for a long time. It was inevitable. And Tim here, well he's lived next door since we moved, but we discovered that we have more in common than our street address." I said looking into his beautiful eyes.

Tim must have been emboldened by my brutal honesty, because he said, "I saw this one outside yesterday and couldn't stop myself from pouncing. He made me realize that continuing to live a lie with my wife wasn't doing anyone any good."

"Wait WHAT?" Ryan squeaked with shock?

"Well before coming to see you yesterday I had sex with Tim, it was the first time. When I got home from seeing you, and seeing Andy and Tommy in the elevator...Tim made sure that I got in the house and that I was ok. This morning he told me about his past, that he knew he was gay, and got trapped by a drunken mistake, and that he told his wife he was gay." I said.

Now, normally I am a people pleaser and don't just go around throwing brutal honesty at people, but I didn't feel like there was any point in sugar coating things. Ryan was in a mild state of shock having heard that the two men in front of him had just ended their relationships, and were clearly into each other.

"I'm going to start the grill" Tim said, looking between Ryan and I.

"Thanks Tim" I said, pecking his cheek.

As soon as Tim was out the french doors, Ryan asks, "Does he know we fucked?"

"Yes, I told him everything." I responded, not missing that his bulge was expanding.

Tim came back into the house and noticed Ryan and I standing a little closer. Then I saw his eyes slide down Ryan's body and land on his obvious cock bulge. I ran my hand over it, causing Ryan to close his eyes and sigh. As I gripped his fat cock through his jeans, I felt Tim's body press against me, specifically his hard cock.

"Mike wasn't lying, looks like your cock is big." Tim said, with a husky voice.

Ryan's eyes shot open, as his face turned a deep shade of red.

Next: Chapter 5

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