Friendly Neighbor

By Adam

Published on May 2, 2023


As I lay there, feeling Tim's boxer brief covered cock nestled in the crack of my ass. My mind went back to seeing Andy in that elevator with that little, foppish twink Tommy. There was something about that scene that felt different. Perhaps it was the fact that it reminded me of when Andy and I first started dating, and the hunger I could see in his eyes when he was about to tear my clothes off and fuck me. It'd been years since I'd seen that hunger, and if I was honest we had been seeing less and less of each other given our ever advancing careers, work trips, and late nights. I knew that we were both satisfying our carnal needs elsewhere, but I was sure that our love for each other remained. Those thoughts were replaced as the man who lay behind me began to stir. Pulling me closer to him, he groggily came to, and nuzzled into my neck.

"Hey Mike, how are you feeling this morning?"

"I'm good Tim, what exactly happened last night?" I asked him, rolling to face him.

"Well, I saw you pull into your driveway while Barb and I were having another one of our fights, the fight went on for a good 20-30 minutes and I finally told her that I was leaving. When I came out the front door, you were still sitting in the car, just staring into space. When I came over to check on you, you mumbled something about Andy. I tried to get you to tell me what happened but you didn't want to talk about it. I took your keys and got you in the house, but when I went to leave you asked me to stay so I did." As he told me this, I could see a tenderness in his eyes that I hadn't seen before.

"Thank you for staying with me Tim." I said, and judging by the heat flash through my face, I was obviously blushing.

"You looked like you needed me, like you were lost and hurting. What happened?" He asked softly.

I recounted the story to him, I figured I didn't really need to spare any details considering he'd had his dick in me not 24 hours ago. He didn't flinch when I told him that I'd walked in and fucked myself on Ryan's cock, as if he already knew what I was going to say. When I got to the part where I saw Andy in the elevator with Tommy, his eyes flashed what can only be described as something you'd see in an angry protector. I explained I had no illusions about whether Andy was faithful, but there was something about the look they were giving each other that made me feel like something changed.

"Is this Tommy blonde, about 5'10", a kind of skinny kid who couldn't be more than 25 or so?" Tim asked me.

My eyes flashed up to meet him, "How did you know that Tim?" I asked, pleading.

"I hate to tell you this, but I've seen him at your house every time you're out of town. It's been going on a year that he's been there when you're not." His eyes showed a sense of hurt that a person has when giving bad news.

I knew that something had changed, and I'd suspected something was going on for about that long. Tommy had been an intern at my husband's organization last summer too, and when he came back he was all Andy could talk about. Something just didn't sit right with me, but I thought I was just being ridiculous. It was about that time that I was up for a huge promotion at work, and we both knew that it would require me to frequently visit some of the other offices in the company. Essentially, about half of every month I was traveling - San Francisco, St. Louis, New York, and once a year to our Amsterdam and India offices. Andy was very supportive of this move, even though I'd raised concerns about how often I'd be away from home. Did he want me gone?

All of that flashed through my head in a second, before I looked back up at Tim. I could tell he was battling himself, wondering if telling me was the right decision or if it had somehow jeopardized us having something. I caressed his cheek, running my fingers through his beard.

"I appreciate you telling me that Tim. Wait...are you going to get in trouble for being gone all night?" I asked propping up on my elbow.

With a slightly pained look on his face he said, "Well when I said I left last night, Barb and I were having a pretty big fight. I told her that I couldn't stay with her anymore..."

Shocked, I said, "OH Tim, I'm so sorry, what happened?"

He looked at me both sad and sheepish, "I met Barb at a party my freshman year in college, we were both very drunk and one thing led to another. I thought that was the end of it, but couple months later she came to my dorm room saying that she'd gotten pregnant from our little tryst at the party. I didn't believe her at first, until she showed me the pregnancy test. I didn't know what to do, and when I talked to my dad about it, he sounded so proud. I asked him what I should do and he told me the only proper thing to do was marry the girl."

At this point Tim had stood and was standing facing the window. I could see the tension in his shoulders.

He continued, "My dad had always known just the right thing to do, so I did what he told me. I told her we should get married. She agreed. It was obvious once Matty was born that he was my son. I mean he looks just like me. I was so in love with that little boy the minute I saw him, I knew that I needed to do anything necessary. If that meant that I stayed with that woman, I was going to do that. But, that meant that I had to repress the part of myself that I'd been struggling with for years. I knew that I wanted to be with a man. I actually went to that party and got drunk so that I could work up the courage to ask out a boy that I met. I got so wrapped up in things with Matt, and Barb planning the wedding, I just told myself I could make it work. Barb and I never really had sex, I always begged off saying I was tired, or telling her that wasn't in the mood. Then after a while I started drinking to keep myself from going crazy. After one of the times I drank myself to sleep, she was pregnant with Addy. I honestly think that she did it on purpose, because she was starting to wonder why we didn't have sex."

I stood up and wrapped my arms around him, to comfort him. The tension in his body was palpable.

"When you and Andy moved into the house, I knew I had to keep my distance. I was terrified..." he turned to face me, "Mike you look just like that boy in college I was trying to work up the courage to ask out. Obviously, a little older, I actually prefer that salt and pepper look you have going, but it's uncanny. I knew that you were dangerous to me. It was at that point that our fighting picked up. I just couldn't hide myself anymore, I knew that the only way I could be the father those kids need is to be my true and authentic self for them. Last night's fight, Barb asked me why I don't ever touch her, why I'm not like her friends' husbands. Finally, I just blurted it out. 'I'm gay Barb, I've always been gay...and I can't do this anymore.'"

"Oh Tim..." I said, as I pulled him into a hug, knowing that must have been hard.

"What's really shocking is how well handled it, and when I asked her why, she told me that deep down she thinks she always knew. I was shocked. I thought I'd hid that so well." he said with a wry smile.

"So what does that mean for you?" I asked, looking up at him.

"Well, last night when I left, I did so because I'm leaving her." He said, his eyes locked on mine before leaning down and kissing me.

As the kiss began to grow in it's intensity, my phone began chirping.

"I'm sorry, let me find it...." I said breaking our kiss.

Following the sound of the chirping phone, finally locating it in the pocket of my shorts. I pulled it out and saw Andy's number.

"Hi Andy..." I said, turning to Tim and rolling my eyes.

"Hey Mikey..." Andy said with his deep, smooth voice.

I maintained eye contact with Tim, he never looked away.

"What do you need, Andy?" I asked, trying to keep the edge out of my voice.

"I saw you last night, as the elevator doors closed....I never meant for you to find out like that, you have to know that." he said, though his voice was void of any remorse. "I figured now was as good of a time as any. I had a lawyer draw up papers, I'm filing for divorce....before you say anything, I took some of my inheritance and I've already bought out my share of the mortgage. That paperwork is going to be in the documents that the lawyer sends over, once everything is finalized, you can refinance the remaining balance. I really didn't mean to hurt you, and didn't mean for this to happen. I hope you know that."

As was the usual, I wasn't able to get a word in edgewise with him, he was always someone who dominated the conversation. By the time I fully processed what he said, he was gone, and the line was dead. My face must have had my confusion written all over it because Tim asked what happened, with a combination of amused and confused look on his face.

"Holy shit - Andy just told me he's filed for divorce..." I said, looking at Tim.

"WOW, that's huge, are you ok?" he asked, concerned.

"Actually, I am, which says a lot, doesn't it?" I said, grabbing him by the waistband.

I pulled him to me, sliding my hands into the back of his underwear, cupping his nice, round ass. Looking between his eyes and his lips, I slowly moved forward kissing him tentatively, before pulling back.

"Should we wait?" I asked, not looking him in the eye afraid of his answer.

"I've waited my whole life to make love to a man, and I'd like that man to be you." He said with his lips pressed to my ear.

"What was yesterday?" I asked, looking into his eyes.

"That wasn't making love, that was like taking a sledgehammer to the walls I've had around me since my son was born...." he said forehead to forehead.

I didn't need any more explanation than that. I dove into his lips, and practically devoured them. We were hungrily battling for dominance in that kiss. My hands desperately roamed his body to familiarize myself with every inch of this man, before settling back at his boxer briefs where our rock hard cocks were pressed together. I broke our kiss and looked down, seeing the prominent ridge of his cock head tipped with a wet ring. Seeing the wetness that had seeped through his boxer briefs, I grew hungry.

Dropping to my knees, taking his boxer briefs down with me, I caught the head of his cock in my mouth. Swirling my tongue around the tip, savouring the heady taste of his precum on my tongue. Looking up at him, I maintained eye contact as I slowly descended his shaft, controlling my breathing to ensure that I could slide him down my throat. As he entered my throat, I closed my eyes to concentrate on giving this man the most delicious pleasure I possibly could. As his head slipped into the tightness of my throat I heard a gasp from above me, and felt his hands grip tightly on my shoulders. Kneading my shoulders in a desperate attempt to hold his moans and pleasure at bay.

I felt the burning need in my lungs for oxygen, so I knew I had to make the climb back up; his shaft. As I made it back to his head, I opened my eyes and connected with his. His intensity remained, his eyes radiating a need for me. Sliding him out of my mouth, I pulled back.

"How does that feel?" I asked, maintaining eye contact.

He didn't answer but pulled me to my feet and kissed me. His tongue felt like it was seeking out any remnant of himself in my mouth. Finally, breathless, he broke the kiss and slowly lowered himself down my body. Slowly, sensuously, he kissed his way down. First my neck, then my nipples, then my stomach, before he was on his knees before me. He looked up at me, his face desperate for permission, and I just nodded. That nod allowed him to proceed with his desires, bottled up for too long.

He practically tore the front of my jockstrap down my legs and was pressed his face into my crotch. First kissing just next to my throbbing, bobbing cock, then gripping it and sliding his hand up the shaft. His thumb found the tip of my leaking cock and swiped over it, almost making my knees buckle. As I groaned in pleasure, he looked up at me and smiled, without breaking eye contact with me he slid his thumb into his mouth tasting precum for the first time. His eyes narrowed with hunger and he pounced.

You would have thought this man had been a gloryhole queen his whole life the way he plunged down my shaft. While I may not have the size my husband...well ex-husband has, I'm not slouch in the cock department. Tim was sliding base to tip, like a calf suckling for milk. I've never really been much for getting blowjobs, because most guys are in it to get it over with, but it was as if Tim was hooked into my pleasure center. I knew if I let him keep going I wasn't going to be able to hold back, so I pulled him off.

"Was that ok Mike?" He asked, afraid I'd stopped him because it was bad.

"That's fucking incredible Tim...I just didn't want to cum too soon." I said panting.

Pulling him up, I grabbed him and pulled him to me, our cocks grinding against each other. I pulled him back as I collapsed onto the bed, and he crawled up on top of me. He pressed himself down onto me, grinding our wet cocks together, our precum mixing. Our kissing was deep and animalistic. He began to thrust into me, obviously enjoying the sensation of his cock against me. His fourth thrust, his cock slipped lower, and found my hole. He groaned, and pushed himself up on his arms above me. We looked into each other's eyes, and he slowly pulled back, and this time purposefully pressed forward into me.

"Please TIm...." I begged.

As soon as I said it, his head was inside me. Without hesitation, and with the confidence of a man who knew what he was doing, he continued slow and steady, deeper and deeper. I felt his ample sack make contact with my taint, as he came to rest, bottomed out inside me.

"Fuck you make me feel so full" I moaned.

"You're so tight Mike, it feels so fucking good." He said, leaning down to kiss me.

His thrusts were almost imperceptible at first, just micro movements as he kissed me. As the intensity of the kissing grew, so did the intensity of the thrusts. Eventually, he is on his knees, gripping my hips, slamming into me.

"You're so fucking tight baby, GOD DAMN you feel good" he cried out.

"FUCK ME" I growled back at him.

I can't explain it, but this man was making me feel things inside me. Andy was able to reach depths inside me never reached before, he was able to make me limp with the intensity of the fucks he threw me. But Tim, this wasn't just about him proving what a man he was. He wanted me to feel him. I knew that I was as important in this as he was.

As if hearing that thought register with me, he collapsed forward. Our bodies slapping together, our sweat and my precum ensured there was no friction. His arms slid under me and cradled me as he ground deep inside me, and my cock was trapped between us. The combination of the deep grinding of his cock, and his hair grinding against me, brought me quickly to the edge.

"OH GOD BABY, I'm so close..." I whimpered.

Impossibly, he thrust a little deeper inside me and continued grinding into me.

"MIKE, OH GOD..." He grunted burying his face in my neck, shaking.

White exploded in my closed eyes as my body rocked with an intense orgasm at the same time his did. Our bodies twitched in harmony and our heartbeats seemed to meld into one combined heart beat. Staying on top of, and inside me, he lifted his head and kissed me gently.

"This is what I always wanted MIke." he said.

I pulled him down and kissed him, and thought, "Me too Tim, me too..."

Next: Chapter 4

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