Friendly Neighbor

By Adam

Published on Apr 26, 2023


After Tim left, I cleaned myself and my entryway up, not wanting to leave a mess for when my husband got home. Thankfully with the nice weather, I was able to open the screen on the storm door and let the ripe smell of man sex clear out. Around the time that my husband was supposed to be getting home, my phone buzzed with his number. "Hey babe..." I said. There was no response but I could hear my husband, he'd clearly dialed me on accident. I was curious what he was doing, and honestly bored, so I listened. I never expected to hear what I heard. "FUCK, you're so big daddy..." I heard a slightly feminine but clearly male voice whine. "You like my cock don't you boy?" Andy growled. "It hurts daddy..." he whined back. It was like I was listening to a train wreck, and I couldn't stop. "Shut up boy, you wanted this, so quit whining..." Andy spat back at the kid. Whimpering from the kid and growls from my husband were all I heard for a minute. "You want my load Tommy?" Andy breathlessly grunted. "Give it to me daddy..." came in a high pitched squeal. With that name, I knew exactly who my husband was fucking. There was a new intern at the news outlet my husband was news director for. He was a little 22 year old twink, who I knew had eyes for my husband the moment I saw them around each other. Now, clearly I'm no saint and I have known for a long time that Andy isn't either. Working in his industry, the man had too many opportunities and too little self control to be a man of high morals. I'd need a calculator to count the number of times I've found evidence of his wandering. I hung up the phone, knowing that neither of us would acknowledge what had happened. It definitely lessened what little guilt I'd felt about letting Tim take me so roughly in the entryway. Not too long after I disconnected the call, I got a text from my husband, letting me know that he was going to be late at work and that I shouldn't wait up. I figured that he knew he was caught, so he figured he'd go for broke. Sighing to myself, I fixed myself a vodka soda, and headed into the backyard to enjoy the evening. Sure enough, there was Barb, Tim's wife in the backyard. "Hey Mike!" she called out in her shrill, sing-songy voice. "Hi Barb! How are you?" I said trying to be neighborly. "Oh you know, trying to get my good for nothing husband to do something around this place." She said with a tone. "I know what you mean" I said back, thinking about the things I'd do to him were he in my house. Just then I see Tim step out the backdoor and glance my way, giving a simple head nod and sly grin. "Hey Tim, how's it going?" I asked, trying to keep the edge out of my voice. "Good Mike" He replied shortly, before busying himself with other things. Before I could come up with a way to further engage him, my phone buzzed. Glancing down I saw a text from a name I'd not seen in quite some time. Ryan was a man that I knew before I met my husband. He was about my height, furry, muscular, with one of those raspy voices that could make a man melt. He and I had history, and by that I mean whenever we bumped into each other at the bar we fucked. He knew I was always game to take his load. "Is this still your number Mikey?" the message said. "Ryan? WOW, yeah it's still me!" I responded. "Man it's been a long time..." He said. I have to say, I was absolutely shocked when he told the last time we saw each other that he was getting married. I'm not sure if the shock was because he told me as he was pulling his spent cock from my ass, or that he was getting married before me. "It sure has, how's married life my friend?" I asked. "Oh you know..." He replied quickly. "I do my friend, Andy and I have been married almost 10 years." I replied with a wink emoji. "Fuck, has it been that long?" he asked. I knew there was something more to this exchange, so I decided to take a slightly more direct approach. "So what's up, you messaging me out of the blue?" I asked. "Well I'm in town and thought we could grab a drink like old times." He replied with a devil emoji. "Where are you staying?" I asked, knowing where this was going. "I'm down by the airport at the Westin, room 619" He replied. I went in the house, and changed, pulling on a fresh jockstrap and a pair of shorts that accentuated my ass and crotch. Letting the dog out for a quick potty break, I texted him back. "On my way." It didn't take long to get there, as it was just a quick trip down the freeway. About 20 minutes later I was knocking on his hotel room door. The door shot open and he was standing there dripping wet with a towel around his waist. I pushed him into the room and shut the door. Guiding him back to the bed as I pushed his towel off. Once the towel was on the floor I pushed him back on the bed and his rock hard cock slapped back against his stomach. Without a word I dropped my shorts and climbed up on top of him, reaching back and guiding his cock to my ass. I felt the blunt tip of his cock touch my still puffy hole, and I pushed back. We both gasped as his thick cockhead burst through. "FUCK..." he gasped. Opening my eyes, I locked my sight on him, his crystal blue eyes, cutting through me with their intensity. "Fuck me" I moaned before leaning down and kissing him hard. Ryan and I didn't have a lovey dovey fuck bud relationship. Our previous sessions were always rough, and often in a car or bathroom. "I missed you..." he sighed as I bottomed out on his dick. Pulling back, I started grinding on him, feeling his thickness and moaning. He raised his upper body and hugged me sucking on my nipples as we fucked. "OH GOD, Ryan" I whimpered to him, lost in the intensity of what was happening. He lay back and grabbed my hips and started hammering up into me. I lifted myself slightly to give him room to fuck. I was panting at this point, lost in the sensations of his thick, veiny cock slamming into my prostate. Heat began to rise from deep inside me, pulsing through me. The hair on the back of my neck was standing on end, and wave after wave of pleasure was coursing through me. I threw myself forward and hungrily sought his mouth with mine. Kissing him ravenously, nibbling at his lip. "How are you doing that..." Ryan panted in disbelief as my ass was milking his length. Before I could respond my body exploded, "AHHHH FUCK..." I cried out, in a shaky growl. My cock erupted between us, rocketing cum clear up to our chins. Leaning down I licked my cum off his chin and kissed him. "MMMMPPPHhH" he grunted into my mouth, as I felt him cumming inside. Feeling the head of his cock expand with each load, it felt like a balloon was pulsing inside me. The warmth of his load filling my loins. We collapsed into a heap of sweat and cum. Kissing deeply. My face slowly moved to nuzzle his neck, and slowly kissed across his collarbone. I felt his softening cock slip from me, and felt the lonely, barren feeling of a man just fucked. "That was incredible..." I whispered in his ear. "We always have been great together in bed..." He said with a chuckle. I rolled off of him, and we lay there for a minute, cum cooling on our skin. Within minutes both of us fell asleep, sated by the amazing sex. About an hour later, I woke up, Ryan was spooned up against me, his cock nestled in my crack. I went into the bathroom to piss, and clean up some of the crusty cum that covered my ass and stomach. On my way back into the room, I reached for my phone which was still in my shorts pocket and there was a message from my husband saying he wouldn't be home tonight. That meant I'd need to go home for the dog. I went over to the bed and woke Ryan, who groggily turned to me. "I'm sorry to run, but I have to get home to the dog. I really enjoyed seeing you. How long are you in town?" He pulled me down to him and kissed me. "I understand Mikey, I'm here all week." He said looking at me with a longing in his eyes. I grabbed the little notepad most hotels have these days and wrote down my address. "You should come to the house for dinner tomorrow." I said. There was a part of me that wanted to have him there, Andy knew Ryan used to fuck me. We were honest about our past. Ryan agreed. Walking to my car, I smelled ripe, a mixture of sweat and cum. I hopped on the elevator, and rode it down to the lobby. Stepping out of the lobby, the next elevator doors were open and I glanced over. There in front of me was my husband, playing tonsil hockey with Tommy. Tommy's hand was gripping my husband's obscenely bulging 9inch cock through his suit pants, and my husband's hand was down the back of Tommy's chinos. I got to my car, and must have been in a state of shock. I don't really remember driving home. It wasn't until I heard someone knocking on my window, that I realized I was in my driveway. "Hey, are you ok buddy?" Tim was standing there with a concerned look on his face. "What?" I was lost in my thoughts. "What happened?" He asked. I told him what I'd just seen at the hotel, sparing him the details of me having fucked Ryan. "FUCK, that's rough, lets get you inside." He said, helping me into the house. The next thing I remember, I was waking up in my bed, the dog on one side of me, and Tim spooning me from behind. His boxer brief covered, rock hard cock pressing into my ass left bare by my jock.

Next: Chapter 3

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