Friend in Need

By Rob Hoek (Bob Hook, Storyguy22)

Published on Jul 6, 2007


It surprised Jordan a little to realize that he was actually enjoying himself as the evening wore on, despite his original misgivings about the Sadie Hawkins dance. He and his date, Shelby, had gone to dinner beforehand with a group of their friends, and while Brett was never far from his mind, he had actually really enjoyed the fresh company of his other friends.

Now in the school gymnasium, he leaned against the back wall, sipping on a cup of some overly sweet punch while he waited for Shelby to return from a trip to the ladies room. He gazed around the crowded room, checking out the various getups the more creative kids had put together to represent the theme of the dance, a kind of `Lil Abner and Daisy Mae kind of look that the annual event called for. It was a theme that Jordan enthusiastically embraced, given that the look resulted in the open display of a lot of the toned and succulent flesh of the costume wearers. Most of the girls wore tiny little shorts, or jeans that had been hacked off as short as the wearer thought would be tolerated by the dance chaperones, and bared little teen girl tummies were everywhere, as many had worn what were probably their fathers shirts, with the tails tied on a knot up under their pert breasts. He particularly was enjoying the numerous shapely, and firm little butts that gyrated saucily as the girls danced to the raucous, and blaring music, and the jiggling movements of all those aforementioned pert little tits, as well.

Given his recent interest in the male form of the species, Jordan was also appreciating many of the skin-tight jeans being sported by several of the boys at the dance, and ample packages were abundant, as he scanned the room, as were some highly intruiging specimens of the male version of gyrating little asses. Several of the boys, like him, wore the denim variety of bib overalls, sans shirt, which offered a veritable buffet of well toned, and tanned chests, muscular arms, and a regular cornucopia of small nipples for his viewing pleasure. He felt his cock stir, as he zoned in on one of his football buds, watching with new appreciation, as the good looking boy ground his tight little ass, as he wiggled around the dance floor with his date. He closed his eyes, and visualized Brett's pretty little ass, and he shivered, his cock thickening in his overalls. His reverie was interrupted just then, as Shelby returned at his side, and laced her arm with his, as she pressed the firm mound of her left breast against his bicep, smiling saucily at him.

"Miss me...?" she cooed, all sexy smiles, and flashing eyelids.

Jordan smiled down at the pretty girl, and nodded his head, as he savored the pillowy feel of her breast against his upper arm, and he replied,

"Most definitely...I was starting to think you had cut out on me, or something."

Shelby giggled sweetly, adding more pressure to the breast nuzzled against his arm, and said,

"No chance of that, Jordan, no chance at, I might be persuaded to cut out with you at some point...but I am definitely not cutting out on you, no way."

Jordan weighed that comment, fully catching her drift, and wondering just where this little hottie had been hiding back when he was so desperate to dip his wick. She was obviously everything that her locker room reputation held forth, and he was beginning to consider a little personal mission to test its full veracity, not withstanding his promise to Brett earlier. Shelby snuggled against him tighter still, as she smiled sexily, and batted those bedroom eyes at him, as she asked, boldly,

"Are you going to do that, Jordan..hmmm..? going to try and persuade me to cut out with you somewhere...more private...hmmm?"

Jordan was totally aware of her curvaceous young body pressed close, and of her "get me-do me" expression, and the light scent of her cologne filled his senses, as she rocked lightly on her feet, deftly causing her firm boob to work against his arm. Looking down, his eyes settled on her golden tan, and flawless little tummy, bare from breast to below her tiny navel, the skin absolutely creamy appearing, until it disappeared beneath the waist of the tiny little shorts that clung to her like skin. Letting his eyes drift lower still, he again felt his cock stir, as he focused on the crotch of her tiny shorts, and clearly discerned the pouty shape of her pussy, the skin tight shorts all but imbedded between the full lips. In his mind, he could almost see his promise to Brett sprout tiny wings, and fly out the window, as he continued to gaze upon that so very tempting display of the organ that ruled so many men's lives, and he forced his eyes away, mumbling,

"I'm not sure that would be the best idea, actually Shel...I mean, you are way too big a temptation for a clutz like me...I'm really not sure I could handle all that, you know?"

Shelby giggled sweetly, and brazenly worked her crotch against his outer thigh, as she replied unabashedly,

"Oh Jordy...that's just silly...of course you could...and, even if you couldn't...well, I certainly could, and I'd be more than happy to help you, if you needed it, which I seriously doubt...a girl can just tell these things, you know what I mean...stud?"

Inwardly, Jordan moaned, his cock now throbbing inside his overalls, and he was suddenly glad that they were somewhat baggy, which served to mostly hide his pulsing erection. Shit, he thought, this chick is all but dragging me to the floor, and jumping my bones, Jesus...what the hell am I supposed to do now, he wondered. Struggling to gather his thoughts, still painfully aware of her body undulating against him, he stammered, weakly,

"Do you want to dance, Shelby?"

She giggled sweetly again, not relinquishing one ounce of the charm that she fully understood she was exerting over the slightly dazed boy, and she just shook her head in response to his suggestion of a dance, as she let her tongue slide out, then drug it slowly over her lush, full lips, as she throatily replied,

"Uh huh...I do, actually...all evening I have been wanting to sneak you out to the car, and dance with you...horizontally, if you get my drift...stud."

Poor Jordan...he had absolutely no chance, the wily charms of this very experienced girl melting through all his resistance barriers like a white hot laser beam, and he numbly nodded his head in acquiescence, or maybe better said as surrender, as he croaked,

"Um...yea...think so...yea, I get it....but..."

Deftly angling her lithe little body, Shelby quickly maneuvered so that she moved directly in front of Jordan, with her back facing the crowded room, which effectively blocked any sight lines to Jordan's crotch, and before he understood her intention, her hand clamped firmly on his pulsing erection, and squeezed it, as she purred,

"Oh lovely...and, he seems happy to see me, YOU want to dance with me...hmmm?"

Jordan very nearly jumped out of his skin, feeling Shelby suddenly grab his cock, and he blinked rapidly several times, stunned, and totally focused on the sudden fire that was now raging in his loins, as this girl-gone-wild boldly manipulated his rampant erection, and dared him with her far-too-sexy look, and obvious intent. Meekly, Jordan knew he was lost for sure now, and he very much doubted that even had Brett been standing right there, that he could have mustered the strength to reject such a wanton come-on as this, as all his long pent up desires to experience this very thing came welling to the forefront of his consciousness, and, his voice cracking badly, he mumbled, his choked volume barely even audible,

"Oh God...yeesss...I do....oh man, yeess...I really...want...that...!"

Shelby stared into Jordan's wide open eyes, and grinned, as she gave his raging erection one last stroke, then, let it go, as she reached to take his trembling hand, and said,

"Good boy, just come with me, baby...everything is going to be just me!"

His heart a run-away jackhammer in his chest, Jordan stumbled along behind Shelby, his head all but spinning, as he let her lead him through the lobby of the gymnasium, and out through the doors, into the large parking lot. Without breaking stride, she led the dazed boy to his car, and they climbed into the back seat, with its darkly tinted windows, and the wide bench seat. Jordan slumped weakly into the corner, his body trembling, and his rampant cock throbbing in anticipation, as Shelby settled in next to him, and all but mounted him, as her lush, full mouth descended, and covered his own. Jordan moaned, succumbing completely to the overwhelming heat of the moment, and his tongue slide into the warm cavern of her mouth, where it met with hers, and the duel of eternity began, the last shred of his shattered resolve melting like a snow cone in August.

Shelby's hands, and mouth, seemed to be everywhere, tugging at his clothing, as she worked the bibs open, and pushed them, along with his briefs, to his ankles. Then, her soft, sweet mouth was everywhere her hands had been, licking his bare skin, and lapping at his rigid nipples, as her hands explored his pulsing hardon, and his acing balls. Not even aware of her having done it, he suddenly realized that she was totally naked, and that he held her naked breasts in his hands, his fingers tweaking over the stiff and swollen nipples as if he had done it forever, and their combined groans, and ragged panting filled the small space of the car. Shelby deftly stroked his drooling boyhood, her touch expert, and so very effective, and Jordan abandoned her pert tits, and ran his hand down over her smooth, and firm torso, until he threaded his fingers into her silky pubes, then, invaded her very wet slit.

Oh God...oh my God...I am...I am actually fingering a pussy...holy wet...slippery oily, almost...oh God...thought Jordan, his excitement totally out of control now, as he worked his fingers into the slick tunnel, his thumb seeking the hard little nub of her clitoris, as he rubbed it, amazed at how stiff, and swollen it seemed under his touch.

"Ummm...yea baby...that's it...oh man...nice...God, your big, want to...suck it...!" Shelby moaned, her words broken by her breathless reactions to his fingering her pussy.

Reluctantly, Jordan acquiesced his feverent exploration of her juicy slit, and fell back against the seat, breathless, even though he was panting like a sprint runner at the finish line. He watched, incredulous, as the naked girl squirmed across his thighs, and settled herself on the floor between his splayed legs, and then he watched, even more incredulous, as she gripped the base of his drooling cock in her delicate fingers, and lifted it, as she moved her pretty face right up to it, and said,

"Oh God Jordan...your cock is awesome...really thick..and big...all drooly, and wet...nice...oh man...!"

With that curt proclamation, she leaned down, and slid the entire length of Jordan's throbbing erection into her warm, wet mouth, her soft hair splaying across his heaving tummy, and thighs, as she began bobbing up and down, lighting his balls on fire. Jordan rolled his head against the seat back, his body filled with the tantalizing sensations her silky mouth was rendering on his acing cock, and he groaned loudly, as her slender hand gently cupped his full ball sack, and rolled the orbs with her fingers, as her amazing mouth continued to glide up and down on his cock. Lost to the myriad of amazing sensations that coursed through him, Jordan's overloaded brain could scarcely comprehend what was actually happening, and in his lust, he brought his hand to his face, Shelby's scent flooding his senses, and he quickly pushed his fingers into his mouth, his taste sensors springing to life with the acrid taste of her pussy, as he sucked the slimed fingers, experiencing that totally unique flavor for the very first time in his young life. It was not, he decided, actually an attractive flavor, and for just a split second, he made a mental comparison to the much more pleasing taste of Brett's creamy semen, and that briefest of seconds jerked his consciousness to the stark reality of what he was doing.

He reflexively recoiled at the thought, his body jerking strongly back against the seat, and his cock dislodged from Shelby's buttery mouth with a loud popping sound. She looked up at him, and completely misreading his expression, she quickly pulled herself up, and mounted Jordan, a knee settling on the car seat on either side of his thighs, as she reached under, and again grasped his saliva soaked cock. Adjusting herself, Shelby centered his rock hard cock at her core, and moved the sensitive head over her swollen, and sodden pussy lips several times, as Jordan groaned, and reached out to grab her shoulders, as Shelby panted breathlessly,

"Rubber, Jordan...get out a rubber...God, I want this... want you to fuck me...hurry...!"

Jordan was on the verge of passing out from hyperventilation, so rapid and shallow was his labored breathing, but he gulped hard, and managed to croak,

"No I don't have one, rubber...hear me...?"

Shelby froze, not one iota of movement in her curvy little body, as she stopped dead still, her dripping slit scant inches above the drooling head of Jordan's aching cock, as she stared into his eyes, a look of total disbelief on her pretty face, as she said, nearly a shriek,

"WHAT...??...YOU do NOT have a fucking RUBBER...?...SHIT...Jordan...what in the FUCK is wrong with you...asshole...GOD DAMN IT!!"

So savage was her outburst, that Jordan shrank as far into the car seat as possible, and he felt his nearly-ready-to-burst penis begin to instantly shrivel, and wilt into near nothingness, as the irate Shelby climbed off him, and began rummaging around for her clothes, still grumbling under her breath about what an asshole Jordan was, and how she simply couldn't believe that any boy would go on a date with HE,R without an ample supply of condoms. Once back into her meager clothing, the exasperated young temptress placed both hands on her hips, and glared at Jordan, her expression so fully hateful that he actually lifted his hands up as if to protect his face from her predicted onslaught. Once more nearly shrieking, she bellowed,

"You hopeless fucking moron...don't you even pay attention to all of the locker room gossip about me, and how crazy-hot I always get from making out with any one of your friends, and team mates, and that once I get like that, I just have to be fucked, sometimes several times...?....Christ, Jordan...your worse than a're totally fucking useless to me!"

And with that final salvo of biting insults, she clamored over the front seat, and exited the car, then, stormed off in the direction of the gymnasium, her fading voice still hurdling unintelligible insults about his failed manhood. Jordan breathed deeply, striving to regain some degree of composure, and he looked down at his wilted penis, still gleaming with Shelby's saliva, and he let a slow smile paint over his face, as he started to chuckle softly, thinking now of Brett, his Brett, and how, through absolutely no direct intention on his part, he had, pretty much anyway, kept his promise to him. He searched the dimly lit car interior, and located his bibs, and his briefs, and on a whim, he dropped the briefs back onto the floor, as he struggled his way back into the bib overalls. What the hell, was his reasoning, I won't be needing any briefs when I get back to Brett's, and they would only slow things down some, because after all this, I am definitely going to, as promised, arrive totally horny, and way ready for some of his amazing loving, and the good part is.... no rubber is required.

Chuckling softly, Jordan started the car, and exited the parking lot, his thoughts full of Brett, and his sweet little ass, as he idly fingered his cock back to throbbing hardness.

(To Be Continued)

Next: Chapter 15

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