Friend in Need

By Rob Hoek (Bob Hook, Storyguy22)

Published on Jun 21, 2007


Following their shared shower, and other insundry morning ablutions, the boys moved on to the kitchen in search of the second most favored commodity of teen boys everywhere, food. Brett had long held a more than passing interest in the culinary arts, and was surprisingly a very good cook, and in short order, he had whipped together a sumptuous repast consisting of crispy bacon, well browned sausage links, hash brown potatoes, and perfectly fried eggs. Jordan had managed, barely, to contribute to the effort by not burning the toast beyond all recognition, and the still naked boys settled in at the breakfast bar to indulge. They found it quite a hoot to be able to carry out these normal domestic events while totally naked, and as they ate, they traded off scathing wise cracks, interspersed with a steady barrage of furtive gropes of each others anatomy.

When each had consumed all available food stuffs save for the flowers that were painted on the plates, they undertook the task of cleanup. Brett gathered up the plates and silverware, then moved to the sink, while Jordan put away the orange juice carton, and the jams that they had used on his toast masterpiece. Turning away from the fridge, Jordan paused, his gaze settling on Brett as he moved about the kitchen preparing to rinse the dishes, and load the dishwasher. He moved with an easy grace, and an obvious familiarity with the task at hand, and Jordan seized the opportunity to appreciate his friends trim, and fit body. He is hot, thought Jordan, no doubt about it, and it still amazes me to think of all the time it took me to figure that out about him. As he hungrily eyed Brett's swinging cock, and plump balls, he again gave silent thanks for that half drunken evening at the lake following the party, and he slowly shook his head, thinking how very long ago that now seemed.

Brett finished wiping down the counter tops, then, turned to the sink, and turned on the hot water. He began rinsing the dishes under the running tap, as Jordan stood still, admiring the slight wiggle of Brett's pretty butt as he moved between the sink, and dishwasher along side it. Jordan felt his cock stir, as the memory of his recent encounter with exploring the depths of that sweet ass filled his mind, and he reflexively reached down, and gripped it, idly stroking the already firm appendage as it rapidly grew to full erection. Suddenly seriously horny, he quickly moved in behind Brett, and slipped his arms around him, one hand settling palm down on his smooth chest, and the other moving to close around Brett's tumescent cock. He leaned in close, and kissed the nape of Brett's neck, the tiny hairs there tickling at his nose, as he slowly stroked Brett's rapidly hardening cock back and forth.

"You're totally fucking hot know that...?" he all but whispered against Brett's neck.

Brett chuckled softly, relishing the incredible sensations Jordan was evoking as he stroked him, and he turned his head to the side, and replied,

"Well, I can tell you keep doing what your doing, and I will most definitely be hot...already am, actually!"

"A really good answer there my man...really good...and you bet, I could keep doing this like forever...this, and a whole lot more...shit, just watching you wash the fucking dishes got me hard." Jordan replied with a soft chuckle, as he smeared Brett's already flowing precum across the smooth knob of his dick.

Brett shuddered, the dish slipping from his fingers, forgotten, as the heat rapidly built up in his aroused body, and he leaned slightly backward, settling his backside against Jordan's front. He gripped the edge of the counter with both hands, and tilted his head back, closing his eyes, as he gave himself over to the waves of pleasure that Jordan was evoking by fondling his rigid erection, and toying alternately with his balls, as his other hand moved across his chest, fingering his sensitive nipples into stiffness. Jordan easily supported Brett's weight against him, and he extended his tongue, licking all around Brett's ear, and sucking the lobe, and he became aware of his own hardness thrusting against Brett's firm ass cheek. As he continued to manipulate Brett's drooling cock, he moved his free hand away from Brett's chest, and let it drop between them, as he gripped one smooth ass cheek in his hand. Brett moaned softly, and shifted slightly, widening the stance of his legs, and Jordan maneuvered his middle finger into the warm crease of Brett's ass, probing gently, until he encountered his target, and pressed the fingertip firmly against the tightly clenched oval. Brett moaned again, and Jordan simultaneously swiped the drooling precum over the satin smooth head of Brett's cock, and added pressure to his finger, until once again, the small orifice relaxed, and his finger slipped inside.

Just as before, Jordan felt Brett's muscles first tighten intensely, seeming to seize upon his invading digit, then, soften and relax, creating a near vacuum that actually seemed to pull his finger deeper. Brett released a long hiss of air from his lungs, his body seeming to catch fire as Jordan eased the full length of his finger into his buttery depth, and he moaned loudly, shifting his weight forward so that he leaned against the counter in front of him. The movement caused his pert little butt to extend slightly backward, a kind of jutting out toward Jordan, and Jordan moaned then, as his rigid cock pressed firmly onto the firm pillow of flesh. Tentatively, Jordan wiggled the imbedded finger around some, his senses keenly aware of the incredible snugness, and amazing softness of Jordan's tunnel, and he experimented with a slow, twisting withdrawal, sensing a sudden tensing from Brett just as he neared the entrance, followed immediately by a low groan from Brett. He froze, keeping his finger at its current depth, and wiggled the tip of it, and Brett all but wailed, as his body lurched strongly. Jordan froze again, and leaned his face against Brett's warm cheek, as he quietly asked,

"Hurting you Babe...?"

Brett shuddered again, and rotated his butt, apparently seeking to reposition Jordan's imbedded finger to it's previous position, as he sputtered, his voice cracking slightly,

"NO...fuck no...that was...awesome...someplace....something you...touched...dunno...find it again dude...!"

Confused, but totally curious now, Jordan immediately resumed probing the tight sheath, twisting his finger, as he tested various depths of penetration. After a few seconds, he suddenly felt some sort of small mass, a more firm, nearly actually hard spot of tissue, and he aimed his fingertip at it, drawing it to, and fro, across the small nub. Brett wailed again, his bubble butt practically driving backward against Jordan's finger, as he hissed,

"OH FUCK YEA....Jesus dude....that...right there....fuck, that is... SO amazing...!"

Jordan had it now, and was certain of the terrain of this little hot spot, and he savored Brett's intense reaction to his stroking the spot, as he did it again, and again, all the while painfully aware of his throbbing erection pumping steadily against the firm mound of Brett's butt. He concentrated on the firm nubbin, dragging his fingertip across its width again and again, then zeroed in on it, and pressed his finger firmly into it. As a result, Brett all but jumped into the sink before him, as he jerked upright, and rolled up on his toes, a loud grunt escaping along with a full tank of air, and Jordan wrapped his free arm around Brett, fearing that he might fall. Brett groaned again, and squirmed in Jordan's grasp, twisting his body slightly, so that Jordan's rampant cock ended up inserted into the crease of Brett's butt. Jordan looked down, his eyes going wide with the visual of his erection poked between the perfect globes of Brett's pretty ass, and he automatically thrust forward, the knob of his cock poking into Brett's crease just above his probing finger where it eased in and out of him.

In that single instant, as if one being, both boys suddenly knew, were in fact certain, that it was going to happen, and right now. Jordan eased his finger from Brett's warm sheath, and quickly grabbed the shaft of his throbbing cock, and aligned the oozing head with the tiny, pink wrinkle that filled him with such lust that he was barely in control. Brett sensed the thick hardness dividing his mounds and he jumped sharply when Jordan poked the round knob against his pucker. Oh God, oh God, oh God, Brett thought, it is so much bigger than his's like huge, even....fuck...oh man...he is....going to fuck me...Jordan was panting like a sprint runner after a race, as he struggled to align his aching cock with Brett's little entrance, and for all of his wantonness, a part of him feared tearing his friend up badly, and he struggled with the burning desire to just drive into him with all his strength. He wanted desperately to fuck Brett, had been so long obsessed with burying his hard cock somewhere, anywhere, that it infuriated him to hesitate at this particular moment, but, his deep concern for Brett ruled, and he paused, the shiny wet head of his cock perched at the very entrance he so lusted after.

", um...okay with this...?...don't wanna fuck you up...?" Jordan ventured.

Brett was acutely aware of the heat, and the width, of Jordan's penis pulsing against the tender tissue of his anus, and every fiber of his being wanted him to plunge it inside, to fuck him deep, and hard, while at the same time the nagging fear of permanent damage loomed at the corner of his mind. He was totally amazed at Jordan's ability to maintain control this way, and he loved him for it, and then, the solution to the dilemma suddenly filled his vision. He reached out to his left, and seized the bottle of cooking oil that he had used for the eggs, and flung it toward Jordan, as he hissed over his shoulder,

"Make it slippery, Jordan...hurry dude....then, damn it...fuck me, okay!?"

Grabbing the bottle of oil, Jordan feared briefly that his pounding heart was going to explode, or simply rip out of his chest, as he fumbled with the bottle cap. Finally succeeding in getting it off, he upended the bottle, and drizzled the slick fluid over his throbbing cock, and drizzled another long streamer of the stuff into the crack of Brett's ass. He dropped the bottle, and again gripped his rigid shaft in his hand, and centered the bulbous head at Brett's entrance, and pushed.

Brett tensed his entire body at the sudden pressure he felt at his most private place, and he sucked in a deep breath, holding it, as he felt Jordan add pressure. The now slippery head of Jordan's cock eased forward, the elastic ring of Brett's hole widening, and stretching, as the knobby head slid past the ring of muscle, and moved inside his narrow sheath. Jordan gritted his teeth, and forced himself to stop moving, as he panted and huffed, watching, incredulous, as he saw the head of his cock disappear inside his friend.

"Holy shit..!" he barked, scarcely believing his eyes.

"UNGggg....yikes...!" chirped Brett, his own breathing rapid, and shallow.

"You okay, Brett...?" asked a panting Jordan.

"Uh a lot, you know....its cool bro....easy is all...!" came the halting reply.

The reply was all that the very excited Jordan needed to hear, the unsure assurance that his friend was okay, and with those words, he let himself go, and surrendered to the burning desire that nearly consumed his being. He sucked in a huge breath, and held it, as he struggled for as much gentleness as he could possibly muster, and he thrust his hips forward, adding push, as he watched, mouth agape, his cock slide slowly inside his friend, inch after inch, until he had it all, and Jordan saw his pubic bush flatten against his friends pretty, upturned little ass.

"AGggggg, fuuuuuck...!" wailed Brett, his rectum searing, and feeling as though it were engulfing a multi-cell flashlight.

"OH My GOD...!" barked a stunned Jordan, his entire being suddenly alive with sensation, as Brett's warm, smooth tunnel seemed to seize upon his throbbing cock like a vise.

"Gimme a sec, still, okay...?....just for a second...!" pleaded Brett, his voice hoarse, and cracking.

Summoning every ounce of self control left in his soul, Jordan dumbly nodded, as if Brett could see him, and forced himself to stay dead still, as he concentrated on the gripping tightness, and incredible warmth of Brett's silky soft tunnel. His cock throbbed mightily, each beat of his rapid pulse sending a thumping sensation along the shaft of his aching cock, and he longed to withdraw, and again bury it fully into this amazing softness, but he waited, and almost forgot to breathe in the process.

A minute passed, and then another, and finally a still panting Brett mumbled,

"I'm all good dude...its cool now...go on...I want me...!"

Jordan shivered, a sudden chill sending goose bumps along his spine, and he slowly flexed his hips, gently and steadily drawing his thick shaft backward, and withdrawing until only the knob remained inside of Brett's tight grip. He paused again then, his hands moving to grip Brett's hips, and he began another slow push forward, relishing the unbelievable tightness he was encountering, and the truly amazing elasticity of Brett's rectum, as it seemed to stretch, and soften, as it accommodated his girth.

Amidst much grunting, and panting and gasping, they eventually found some sort of rhythm, and the smoothness of their actions became nearly fluid, and synchronous, as their bodies learned very quickly the dance of eternity, and soon they were coupling as though they had done it forever, the lust now very nearly animal in its expression. In and out, Jordan steadily drilled his friend's soft, smooth tunnel, his sweating body rife with totally incredible sensations, the likes of which he had only previously imagined. Brett, panting and grunting, met each thrust with a skilled roll of his hips, as if the act were an every day event, and, strangely enough, each new plunge into his buttery depth seemed much better than the last. And all too soon it was over, the mind bending sensations, and overwhelming pleasures, along with the sheer eroticism of the act they were performing overcame both boys, nearly simultaneously. Jordan was a mere step ahead, as he picked up his pace, drilling into Brett's tightness with several rapid, rabbit-like strokes, as he felt his swinging balls boil over, and his searing semen race through the length of his spasming cock, erupting with staggering force to flood the tender walls of his friends gripping rectum with volley after volley of his creamy fluid, until he was drained, and more spent than at any other time in his young life. Shortly thereafter Brett's own balls expended their sacred nectar, his creamy load ejecting forcefully in thick ropes that drizzled down the cupboard doors that he leaned on.

Exhausted, a panting Brett sagged forward against the countertop, his trembling body releasing all of the tightly wound tension that had gripped it over the last several minutes, and he sucked in huge gulps of air. Jordan shuddered strongly one last time, then, relaxed his over taut muscles, and leaned against Brett's sweaty back, bracing his weight by extending his arms to the counter on either side of Brett. He lowered his head, and licked the slightly salty skin of Brett's shoulder, his ragged breathing making small puffs of warm breath on Brett's sweating skin, as he panted breathlessly,

"Jesus, Brett...holy shit, fuck...just....JESUS...!"

Brett chuckled softly, still struggling with his breathing himself, as he focused on the strange sensation of his friends creamy discharge filling his bowels, and the continuing sense of incredible fullness he felt with Jordan's wilting cock still imbedded in his rectum. Deciding that Jordan's comment pretty much reflected his own feelings, he shivered slightly, and uttered,


As Jordan's mind began to recover from the intense orgasm, he suddenly realized that he pretty much had Brett pinned against the counter top, and that his deflating cock was still deep inside him, and he pushed himself upright, then slowly withdrew his cock from Brett's battered sheath. The head came out with a soft popping sound, and Jordan's eyes widened at the sight of Brett's gaping entrance, and the sudden river of semen that began steadily flowing from it. Brett let out a little grunt as Jordan's cock dislodged from his hole, and he suddenly felt a strange sensation of being very empty, and very wet. He closed his eyes for a minute, fully aware of the drizzle of Jordan's cum trailing down his thighs, and he let the realization gel firmly in his mind. I just got fucked, he told himself, well and truly fucked by my very best friend in the world, and, it was fucking awesome, totally fucking awesome. He pushed himself upright then, and turned to face Jordan, feeling the flush in his cheeks, and his upper chest, and the faint sweat on his brow. Their eyes met, and held, and Brett suddenly felt sheepish, nearly embarrassed, and he dropped his gaze to Jordan's now deflated cock, as his mind pictured it fully erect, and thick, and buried fully inside his ass, and he knew that he wanted that again, and soon.

Jordan reached out, and took Brett's hands, then pulled him forward, and wrapped his arms around him, holding him, as he stroked the smooth skin of his back. Brett wrapped his arms around Jordan, and hugged him, then their open mouths conjoined, their tongues dueling back and forth in a heated, and heart felt kiss. Breaking off the kiss, Jordan looked directly into Brett's eyes, and smiled, as he quietly said, meaning every word,

"It's prolly way corny dude, but...fuck it...I love you, man...I honest to God love are the most amazing person I know..!"

Brett smiled broadly, his heart doing small flips, as he nodded his head, and replied,

"Nice dude...really nice....cause you know... I love you, too...!"

(To Be Continued)

Next: Chapter 12

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