Friday night camp

By Gay Pop Idol

Published on Jul 3, 2002



Hey guys!! This is a story of my friends and me. It happen a number of years ago, but it is v special to me. I hope you enjoy it.

Legal bit (concentrate!!)

Are you sure you are old enough to read homosexual erotic stories which will make you have an erection and with continued stroking of said erection are likely to have an orgasm? Yes -- Love the story.

No - F**k Off and do your homework

Friday Night Camp

I have known for a long time that I am different from the other boys who I consider to be my friends. There were five of us -- James, Tim, Steven, Jonny and me, Keith. We had all been friends for years, probably right since our first day of primary school together. We all started at the same time, the same day, all in our little uniforms, all glistening four year olds. We all got on well, and indeed one of my earliest memories is playing with them in the school sand pit on the first afternoon of our friendship.

We spent fourteen happy years as friends, and almost all of my happiest, and saddest, moments in their company. At fifteen we all went on our first camping trip together. It was 6pm on a Friday evening, and we all met at James house, all with out sleeping bags and bags. We were guys, we didn't need very much for two days in the wild, but we still had our standards -- at least two changes of clothes. James's dad drove us to the local forest, and we started our hike into the woods, until we found a clearing. As we set up camp, the one tent to house us all, I noticed Jonny looking through some magazines.

"What are those?" I asked.

"Ah, nothing. Just something to keep us entertained later." I couldn't help thinking about the magazines the whole evening. I had no idea how a bunch of mags could keep us `entertained'. After supper we all sat round chatting, just about the normal teenager stuff like school, the latest rugby match (we all played on the school team) and of course girls.

It was while talking about the final topic that I discovered what the mags were all about.

"I so would do it with Joanne," said Steven, an opinion shared by the other three. Steven was quite tall, with a muscular body and black hair. He was rugged, but had this really amazing soft face, a smile which could make even the worst news seem like nothing.

"Well, none of them have tits like this," Jonny declared as he pulled out one of the magazines. It was a porn mag, one which he had stolen from under his dads bed, full of women with the hugest breasts I have ever seen in my life. The guys swooped, as Jonny produced four more magazines. He handed them out and we all started looking through our mags, no one able to say a word. After a while Jonny broke the silence.

"You guys ever wank off?" This was one of those topics we never even thought of talking about it. It was private, not even to be discussed by the best of friends. Of course we all masturbated, but we weren't going to share it.

"Well, do you? Come on guys, we're all friends here. I do it; in fact I am dying to do it right now. Come on, what you say, we got the mags, we've all seen each other naked before. It could be fun." Was he being serious?

No one objected, so Jonny slowly stood up, undid his jeans and slid them down to his ankles. "Come on, don't let me stand here like this on my own."

Tim, probably the one of us who was shyest, was the second to stand up. He too was wearing jeans, which he undid and took right off. He stood there in his grey boxers, his hardon sticking straight out, guarded by the material of his underwear. "I'm in," he said, almost in a whisper.

I was next, I could think of nothing more exciting than watching the four others pulling themselves off. When I had taken off my joggers Steven stood up and took his off too. Now, James was the only one still sitting, the rest of us all standing, our trousers around our ankles, our hardons straining against our underwear.

"Come on James, just you left," Jonny said, knowing he had won the battle, and had got us where he had wanted. Slowly James stood up, and unbuttoned his jeans. He hooked his thumbs into his pockets and slowly lowered them, revealing his cautiousness -- he wasn't wearing underwear. He stood there, his ginger pubes forming a frame for his 7" uncut hard penis. We all cheered as it sprang upwards, and he turned red with embarrassment. Together, in one swift movement the rest of us removed our underwear, and the rest of our clothes, until we all stood there, five fifteen year old, all completely naked, standing around an assortment of porn mags.

"Right, lets get on with it," James said, as he sat down, rubbing his dick as he did. We all followed suite and with 30 seconds we were all sitting around, jacking off for all we were worth, looking at the mags. However, I couldn't look at mine, my eyes were too busy looking at the other guys, ferociously pounding their poles. Steven caught me looking.

"Guys, how about we trying something different. How about we do each other?" Dear Lord, what was Jonny talking about? Why was he even considering that we would wank each other off? Could this be what he was talking about? Of course not!

But, it was what he meant, and, being the young curious boys which we were, we did. Sitting, in darkness save the light from our makeshift campfire, we all began a journey of exploration. One of not only emotional and psychological exploration, but a journey which would reveal for us the joy of the male form, the fantastic pleasures which are to be experienced only by the stronger sex.

Our ring was made -- Jonny with Tim, Tim with James, James with Steven, Steven with myself, and me with my fingers entwined around the magnificent penis of my dearest friend, Jonny. It was a sight which anyone who knew us would never have believed. We were all naked, all as naked as the days of our birth, all as hard as tree trunks and all using our hands to cause our friends the greatest pleasure we have ever collectively experienced.

Well into the night we continued our exploration. Since then I have never reached orgasm so many times in a single night -- an amazing 7 times, each time taken to climax by a different hand, or mouth. Indeed, after exploring with out hands, our mouths soon took over, and I received from Tim and Jonny, and gave to Steven. I hope James didn't feel left out.

Our night was one to remember, and indeed a memory which I shall treasure. When I look back as the class photos of all those years ago, and I think of "our night" I can almost taste the sweet, salty taste in my mouth.

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