
By Alan McGregor

Published on Aug 17, 2009


This story is fiction. Any similarity to any persons living or dead is merely a coincidence. If you are not allowed by law to view this material, please do not do so. If you are under 18 years of age, please leave now. This is a love story between two young men who just graduated high school. If that offends you, I apologize and ask that you not read any further. Otherwise, enjoy.

Chapter 5

The morning seemed to come as soon as Ryne put his head on the pillow. He didn't want to get up, but knew he needed to go get Cody's medication. Slowly, Ryne pulled his arm from under Cody's neck. Once he was out of bed, he grabbed a shirt and socks from his dresser. After he was clothed, he quietly exited the room so that he didn't wake Cody. He then put on a pair of shoes, grabbed his keys off the counter, and drove down to the pharmacy. Dr. Rolland had already told the pharmacist that Ryne would be picking up Cody's meds, so there were no issues.

On the way home, Ryne's father called him to check in. Ryne filled him in on yesterday's events-minus the kiss. After explaining Cody's situation and asking if Cody could stay for a few days until his parents were able to get home, Ryne's father agreed that it would be best for Cody to stay with them. Before their conversation was ended, Ryne's father told him that he would not be home until late tonight. Just as they finished their goodbyes, Ryne pulled into the garage.

Ryne then slowly opened the door to the house to prevent the dog from barking and waking Cody. He then went over to the kitchen sink, got a glass of water, and removed the prescribed dosage of Cody's medication from its bottle. He then proceeded to go up stairs. As he reached the door to his room, he slowly opened it and stuck his head inside. Cody was still sleeping. He slipped inside, carefully closing the door behind him.

Ryne put the glass of water and the pill on the bedside table and slipped into bed and put his arm around Cody. Cody stirred slightly, but didn't wake. Ryne just lay there, staring at the back of Cody's head. What was it about this boy that made him act the way he did? What was it about Ryne that made Cody act the way he did? Ryne wasn't anything special he was average. Nonetheless, Cody made him feel like he never has before. The only way he could describe it was love. It wasn't long before Ryne found himself starting to doze off again

Ryne was awakened an hour later and opened his eyes to see Cody staring back at him.

"Good morning, how ya feeling" Ryne said.

"Thanks to you, not too bad. I've got a headache though." Cody replied, rubbing his head.

"You are giving me way more credit than I deserve. All I did was try to keep you conscious, which didn't work. You took a nasty hit to the head." Ryne shot back, handing Cody the pill and the glass of water. "Take this, it'll help with the headache."

"Yeah, well I don't care what you say, you are still my hero. I love you." Cody said leaning in for a kiss.

"I love you too." Ryne said meeting Cody halfway. It still felt weird saying that to another guy, but it also felt right.

"Are your parents out of town this weekend? The doctor tried to get in touch with them, but couldn't." Ryne asked.

"Yeah, they are out of the country on business until Saturday. The only way I can get in touch with them is by email. I'll send one later and tell them that I'm alright."

"Ok, cool. Lucky for you, I talked to my dad this morning and he agreed that you should stay with us until your parents get back."

Ryne could see Cody's eyes light up with that thought.

"You're sure that I won't be in the way? I don't want to be a nuisance." Cody said.

"Nah, we've got room. It's just dad and I." Ryne said.

"So your parents are divorced?" Cody asked.

"Yeah, since seventh grade. I've got a question for you." Ryne said, quickly changing the subject.

"Ask away!" Cody said, sensing a little tension with the mention of the divorce.

"I've seen the way that the girls in school throw themselves at you. I know you've dated one or two of them as well. Why guys and why me?" Ryne asked.

"I've been in a few relationships, but in everyone of them I felt like I was lying to myself. I told them I loved them and I told myself I loved them, but I was never actually in love with them. I tried so hard to make myself feel about them the way they felt about me, but I never could and I had no way of explaining it. I had no clue what was going on. I haven't been in one of those "relationships" for a year and a half. I've been asked many times, but I told them that I wasn't interested, and I wasn't." Cody explained.

"But how did you know that you would be happy with a guy?" Ryne jumped in.

"Hold on buddy, I'm getting to that." Cody chuckled. "About six months ago, I found myself staring at one of my buddies in the locker room. He saw me and called me out on it. I played it off as just absentmindedly staring. I knew I wasn't. It was that moment that I knew I wasn't who everyone thought I was."

"Ok, now why me? I'm nothing special." Ryne questioned.

"You aren't a real patient person are you?" Cody commented.

"Not when I want info, now answer the question." Ryne sarcastically said.

"Well then, I'll remember that. I guess this goes back about three weeks. I was standing at my locker with a few of my teammates. You had happened to walk by. One of the guys, Jeremy, had stopped and asked you for some help with a math assignment. You probably don't remember it, but it stood out in my mind. For the next week, I paid attention to how you treated everyone. I started asking around about you. I was amazed by how well they liked you and how comfortable they were around you. I couldn't stop thinking about you. The way you smiled. The way you talked. Both of which would make anyone melt with delight." Cody had to pause and dry his eyes.

"Someone has told you how to get on my good side. Don't worry, you were already there." Ryne smiled.

"See, that is exactly what I'm talking about. That is what made me fall for you. After watching you for three weeks, I decided that I needed to experience it for myself. I finally got up the nerve to talk to you on Friday. After I spent those few hours with you I felt like I was on top of the world, until that night. After you had fallen asleep, I told myself that there was no way you would have any interest in me. I knew that you could have any girl you wanted just by talking to her. That's when you woke up. After I was sure you were asleep, decided to leave. I went down to the kitchen, wrote that note and went out the front door." Cody explained.

"Wow, I had no idea you felt that way. What made you finally approach me about it last night?" Ryne asked.

"When I was trapped in my car, I could see the concern in your eyes. The way you kept talking to me confirmed that, but when you showed up at the hospital, that's when I knew there was something more there. So I went for it. As I saw it, I had nothing to lose. And I am so glad I did." Cody said with a smile on his face.

"Well, I'm really glad you did too!" Ryne whispered into Cody's ear.

For the next two hours, Cody and Ryne just sat on the bed holding each other.

Ryne was the first to break the silence.

"Not to sound ignorant, but does this mean that we're "together"?" Ryne asked.

"I guess it does, but only if you're comfortable with it." Cody said.

"I am, but lets just keep it between us for a while. I don't think I'm ready for my dad to know." Ryne said.

"I completely agree."

They sat there for a few minutes before Ryne made the comment, "I suppose we had better go get you some clothes for the week. I can't have you running around naked."

"Yeah, I suppose." Cody reluctantly agreed.

After getting Cody into some of Ryne clothes, Ryne helped Cody down the stairs and out to his truck. They then made the quick drive over to Cody's house.

As the two entered Cody's house, Ryne noticed that was very plain. It was a very nice home, but it didn't have the character that most homes have. It didn't feel as is it had been lived in. There were not family photos anywhere. The walls were bare. There were very few furnishings; it just didn't feel like a family home.

"What do your parents do?" Ryne asked.

"My dad has his own business, not sure exactly what he does, but he travels a lot. My mom doesn't work, she travels with my dad." Cody replied.

"So, you're home alone a lot aren't you?" Ryne asked.

"Yeah, my parents are home maybe one or two days a week." Cody sighed throwing his clothes into a duffle bag. "Ok, I'm ready to go."

As they exited the home, Cody locked the door behind them. Ryne didn't question Cody anymore about his parents; he could tell that Ryne didn't have a very good relationship with them.

By the time they had gotten home, it was going on 5:30. Ryne helped Cody back up to his room.

"If you want to take a shower, I'm gonna go down and start dinner. Is there anything in particular you want?" Ryne said while pulling a towel out of the closet.

"No, I'm sure whatever you make will be great." Cody said

"Ok, if you need anything, I'll be down in the kitchen."

In addition to being a decent mechanic, Ryne was also an accomplished cook. He went out to the garage freezer and pulled out two steaks and stared to thaw them. He was going to make steak, baked potatoes, and steamed broccoli in a cheddar cheese sauce.

Just as he put the potatoes in the oven, Ryne got a text from his father saying that he would not be home until after midnight and not to wait up for him.

Cody came down son after Ryne started the broccoli.

"How was the shower?" Ryne asked.

"Very refreshing thanks, what's for dinner?" Cody asked.

"Steak, baked potatoes, and broccoli." Ryne said, "Is that o with you?"

"Yeah, I love steak." Cody said, "Where are my meds my headache is coming back."

"They're up in the cabinet. Other than the headache, how are ya feeling?"

"Oh, I'm just a little sore. The shower really helped that though."

"That's good."

The two continued to talk while Ryne finished dinner and they ate. Afterwards, they both went upstairs, Cody took the bed while Ryne took a shower and shaved.

When he finished in he bathroom Ryne went over to his closet and pulled out an extra pillow and blanket and began to lay down on the couch.

"What do you think you're doing?" Cody asked.

"I'm going to let you have the bed and I'll take the couch tonight." Ryne replied.

"Ryne, this is a queen sized bed, it's meant for two people." Cody explained.

"Well, I wasn't sure if you'd want to share a bed." Ryne defended himself.

"Why wouldn't I want to share a bed with my boyfriend?" Cody asked.

When Ryne heard that word, boyfriend, butterflies started to flutter in his stomach. He was in a relationship. He had someone who loved him and he had someone to love.

"I guess you wouldn't." Ryne answered, jumping into his bed. He scooted up next to Cody and put his arm around him. "I love you babe."

"I love you too." Cody whispered. He pulled Ryne in for a kiss.

The kiss turned into a thirty-minute make-out session. When they had finished, Ryne lay there spooning Cody taking in all of his musk and the scent of his own body wash. For the rest of the night, they didn't move from this position except to turn on the TV. Ryne turned out the lights and they both slowly drifted off to sleep.

Authors Note: Write to me with any comments you have.

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