
By Alan McGregor

Published on Aug 12, 2009


This story is fiction. Any similarity to any persons living or dead is merely a coincidence. If you are not allowed by law to view this material, please do not do so. If you are under 18 years of age, please leave now. This is a love story between two young men who just graduated high school. If that offends you, I apologize and ask that you not read any further. Otherwise, enjoy.

Authors Note: I want to thank all of my readers for the words of encouragement I have received. I would also like to apologize to everyone who thinks that the story is not progressing fast enough. I am trying to let the readers get to know the characters a little before the characters get to know each other. Also, I am trying to fill in a lot of details that I had not thought of. I know where I want to go with the story, but I still have to pave the road to that place. Again, I'm sorry but I promise that it will get there.

Chapter 4

The ride back to the firehouse lasted only about 10 minutes, but to Ryne, it felt like hours. The only thing he could think of was Cody.

As soon as the truck turned into the parking lot, Ryne jumped out of the cab and ran to his truck. Halfway to the hospital, Ryne realized that he was still in his turnout gear, but he didn't really care.

Ryne shortly arrived at the hospital and parked in the first spot he could find. He barely got the truck into park and shut off before he threw the door open and began running to the emergency entrance.

As Ryne entered the ER, he noticed that it was surprisingly empty. He had seen this place packed on multiple occasions, but was very glad to see it empty on this particular night. As Ryne approached the front desk, a rather plump woman, probably in her fifties, appeared in the doorway leading to what Ryne thought were several offices. Her nametag read Mary.

"How may I be of assistance sir?" Mary asked.

"Hi, my name is Ryne Stoller, I need to know the status of a guy who was just brought in by ambulance. His name is Cody Joel." Ryne said, rather sternly.

"Are you family or friend?"

"I'm a friend."

"Ok sir, the only thing that I can release to you is the he is conscious, and alert."

"Ok, let me get this straight. I just worked to pull him from a vehicle that could have killed him, seriously hurt or even killed me, and the best you can give me on how he is doing is the he is awake. I just watched him go into and out of consciousness for twenty minutes. You WILL tell me what's going on with him."

The woman looked a little upset that she was being talked to in such a way. Luckily, as soon as he finished talking an ER doctor walked around the corner. He had apparently over heard Ryne's little rant and decided to step in.

"Hi, I'm Dr. Rolland." The man said. Dr. Rolland looked to be in his lower forties and showed every day of it. Is hair was starting to gray. He had bags under his eyes and looked as if he was in dire need of a vacation. Nonetheless, he was very helpful. "Listen, I know you are worried about your friend, but he is going to be fine. You guys did an excellent job of removing him from the vehicle and the sustained only minor injuries from the accident."

"What kind of injuries are we talking about doc?" Ryne pushed.

"I'm really not supposed to tell you this, but I can tell you are very concerned. He has three bruised ribs, a sprained ankle and a concussion."

"Is there any way I can see him?"

"Unfortunately, he is resting right now. If you would like to wait, I will let you know when he wakes. It shouldn't be too long, I expect him to be discharged tonight."

"Thanks a lot doctor, I really appreciate it." Ryne said, relieved that his friend would be all right.

Satisfied with the answer he was given, Ryne took a seat in the waiting area. He looked at his phone. It was only nine, it seemed like it had been hours since he was at the accident scene. After being bored out of his mind for two hours, Dr. Rolland finally came out to talk to Ryne again.

"Mr. Stoller, I would like to discharge Cody, but I cannot reach his parents, do you know how to get in touch with them?"

"No, I have no clue. Do you have to get their permission to discharge him?"

"No, but I can't send him home alone. Since he has a concussion, someone has to be there to watch him for a couple days. I don't suppose you would be up to the task?"

"If you hadn't already figured it out, I will do anything I can for him. Just let me know what it is."

" I didn't think it would take much persuasion. I'll go tell him what's going on. Why don't you go pull your vehicle up to the door?"

With that, Ryne picked up his helmet and coat and walked out to his truck. He threw his stuff in the backseat and drove to the door. When he got out, Cody and Dr. Rolland were waiting.

"Ryne, here is a list of medications that I have called in. They are all covered by Cody's insurance so you just need to go pick them up tomorrow." Dr. Rolland then turned to Cody. "Cody, you be careful. I don't want to see you in here anymore unless you have an appointment. You've got a good friend in Ryne. Take care."

"Don't worry doc, you won't see me anymore." Cody chuckled.

With that, Ryne loaded Cody into the front seat and drove home.

On the ride home, not a word was spoken. Ryne wasn't mad; he just didn't know what to say. He could see that Cody was upset, but he didn't ask why.

It wasn't long before Ryne was pulling into his garage. After closing the garage door, he went over to help Cody into the house. Seeing as Cody couldn't walk on his sprained ankle, Ryne supported him while he hopped on one leg into the living room.

"Unfortunately we don't have any beds down here, so I'll have to help you up to my room here shortly." Ryne said, "You want a drink or something?"

"No thanks, I'm just glad to be out of that Hospital." Cody replied.

"Ok then, lets get you upstairs." Ryne said.

Again, Ryne supported Cody, and helped him up the stairs and onto his bed. Ryne then went over to his dresser and pulled out a pair of basketball shorts.

"You can sleep in these tonight and I'll find you some clothes to wear tomorrow." Ryne said handing Cody the shorts. "I'm gonna jump in the shower."

Ryne went into his bathroom and took a quick, but satisfying shower. He then returned to check on Cody who looked extremely upset.

"Ryne, I'm sorry." Cody said with tears welling up in his eyes, "I'm sorry for everything I've put you through tonight."

"Cody, you don't have to apologize. I'm just glad you weren't hurt worse than you are. Cody, I did everything tonight because I care about you. I would do almost anything for you." Ryne said, sitting next to Cody on the bed and putting his arm around him.

"Ryne, there's something I need to tell you, but I need you to promise me you won't get mad." Cody said, the tears in his eyes starting to fall.

"Cody, you can tell me anything." Ryne said reassuringly.

"For the past week I've been trying to get the nerve to talk to you, but it wasn't until yesterday that I realized that I had to do it, or risk losing you forever. I wanted to get to know the person I had been infatuated with for months. I wanted to finally get to know you. Yesterday was one of the best, but scariest days I have ever experienced. After we came back from dinner and started watching movies, I was completely smitten. After spending the evening with you and falling asleep watching a movie in your room, I realized it was too good to be true. There was no way in hell you would want anything to do with me. That's why I left this morning. I couldn't let you see me. Tonight, I was out driving, trying to clear my head. Got distracted by my thoughts, lost control and, well you know what happened after that. When Dr. Rolland told me that you were waiting to see me and how much of a scene you were making in the waiting room, I decided that I needed to tell you ho I feel. Ryne, I love you."

As soon as those four words left Cody's lips, Ryne pulled Cody in for one of the most passionate kisses he would ever receive. After overcoming the height of passion, Ryne with falling from tears his eyes said, "Cody, I love you too!"

Ryne and Cody just lay there on the bed. Shortly, they fell asleep in each other's arms.

Authors Note: I know it took a while to get up to this point, but I hope you are enjoying the story so far. Like I said, I'm still trying to pave the road to where I want Ryne and Cody to go, so please be patient. Write to me with any comments.

Next: Chapter 5

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