Friar Tucker

By Robert Winthrop

Published on Nov 29, 2023


Friar Tucker and the Men of Hardwood Forest 2

By Bald Hairy Man

This is a story for adult men. It depicts gay sex. If this offends or bothers you, DO NOT READ IT. It is a fantasy and is not a sex manual, or a discussion of safe sex. If you have comments send them to

Our connection to the Chicago Club brought us an unexpected booking with a group called the Collector's Circle. They were a group of art collectors. They visited historic and cultural sites. The Circle visited major European cities at Christmas and mid summer. They had shorter excursions to American sites in the fall and spring. The members were collectors, artists, and men who liked to hangout with arty types.

They hired us to be the entertainment on a cruise on the Pacific cruse. They wanted both our classical chants and our sexual show. We normally wouldn't take this sort of job, but Edmund wanted to show off our classical skills. The club hired a small ship, the Pacific Dream. It could accommodate only a hundred passengers and had a crew of twenty-five. It provided exclusive cruises for wealthy people. When Edmund directly told the leadership of the Collector's Circle we were gay, he was assured that would not be a problem at all. While Edmund booked the gig, I had to make all the detailed arrangements with the purser, Luther Miller.

He knew his stuff, so it was an easy task for me. He said they could transfer some staff to the ship to make it an all gay cruise. I said that would be appreciated. I mentioned that we asked that our audiences be tested.

"We require that of our crews too," Luther said. "I have been assigned to the crew, so I will insure all our crew in good health. For your information, while our crews are total professionals, what they do in their spare time is up to them."

Two months later Friar Tucker and the Men of Hardwood Forest were on the Pacific Dream sailing north along the coast of Washington State and British Columbia. When we met the members of the Collector's Circle, it seemed that most of the members were between the ages of forty and seventy-five. The older members were spry and in good shape. The crew was attentive and professional. Many the staff members were over the age of fifty.

We were in the more basic cabins, but they were luxurious compared to our normal rooms when we were on the road. The crew was most attentive to the younger men in our group. I was sharing a cabin with Juan, the bass. I didn't know him well but I soon realized he was easy to get along with.

The first performance was after dinner. Edmund started with real Gregorian chants. Eventually he eased into bawdy medieval songs. He ended with several of his own chants. Edmund could read a room well. He made it sure that the group knew that we were talented and could sing. The audience was impressed and appreciative.

Since some of the club members were aware of our bawdy song and our sexual interests, several made contact with us. Juan's deep bass was noted and admired. After the concert, several of us went to the Pacific Dream's "gym" that consisted of a few exercise machines, a sauna and a shower.

Juan and I decided to try out the Sauna. Two members of the Collectors' Circle joined us. Archie Lewis introduced himself and his friend Peter. Juan is out going and he asked if the collectors in the group actually collected things. Archie said his grand parents had bought paintings sixty years earlier. They bought them from starving artists, but some of those artists were famous now. He inherited them and his buddy Peter told him they are worth a bundle now.

"I think Archie might be best described as a collector lite," Peter said. "I have been trying give him some art education."

"Is that working?" Juan asked.

"It only works if I combine it with current auction values of the work," Peter said. His towel slipped exposing his genitals.

"I see you have some educational aids hanging from you crotch," Juan said. The men laughed. "My friend Terry is our business guy. He is a former nurse. Some of our group have been trying genital approaches to teaching him music."

"Has that been successful?" Archie asked.

"It has been modestly successful, but his knowledge of the male reproductive system had been good for us, a success," Juan said, "He's a believer in teaching by doing. He discovered that some of our group needed some rectal stretching."

Ten to twenty seconds later Archie was on his knees sucking my cock and Peter was sucking Juan. I soon realized he needed no further instruction on sucking techniques.

"I never thought I would ever get to suck Bigfoot," Peter said. Beefy men aren't always well endowed. Juan's cock looked small, but I grew to an impressive size. Peter was pleasantly surprised.

Archie was sporting a handsome, semi-erect cock. I dropped to my knees and helped him get rock hard. As soon as his foreskin pulled back I tasted pre-cum. He was ready. Five minutes later he shot off and I took his load. I was surprised to find that I was the first to take and swallow his semen. I caresses his cock head with my tongue to coax the last ejaculations from his cock. A few minutes later Juan took Peter's load. They left the sauna.

The next morning after breakfast Archie came over to me. "I hope I didn't offend you last night. No one has taken my load before; I was overwhelmed," he said in a whisper.

"Are you okay now?" I asked.

"I didn't know you could feel that much." He said, "It was beautiful. Did it bother you?"

I smiled and said, "It is exciting to taste a man loosing control and feeding me his orgasm. Your balls were loaded. Since this the first time you let yourself and your cock go all the way, your man seed gave me a chance to share your orgasm."

"Do I need to take yours?" he asked."

"You only need to do it if you want to do it," I said. "If you don't want it there is little chance you will like it."

"Did you like it the first time?" he asked.

"That is an embarrassing story. I was with a friend and I was sucking him. When he oozed a glob of precum mixed with sperm, I knew he was going to shoot." I explained, "As a nurse, I was trained to clean up any messes as soon as possible. I had to either spit his cum on the floor or swallow it. I didn't want to make a mess, so I swallowed. Taking a man's load is about as personal as two men can get." Archie laughed and told me he had to meet with some old friends, but he would like to get together again.

A little later Peter came over to me. "I enjoyed last night. I explored some new territories," he said. "Is Juan a good guy? He seemed nice."

"With Juan, what you see is what you get, no more and no less," I said. "I have to say finding a man more masculine than Juan is hard. He's a big man! He is big in every respect."

"He is a big boy," Peter said. "I tend to like pretty young things. I didn't know what to expect to like a guy like Juan. He and his cock are huge."

"If I was to make a wild guess, did his cock turn you on?" I asked.

"Is it that obvious?" he asked.

I smiled. "For many men dating a man who looks like Bigfoot is a problem. For Gay men dating a man who looks like Bigfoot and has Bigfoot's cock is a different matter all together," I said.

Peter laughed and said, "Am I that superficial?"

"You are a man. While men usually make decisions with their minds, sometimes our cocks make a different decision." I said. "It isn't you. Every man has similar problems. Sometimes you need to go with the flow."

"Do you think I'm a wimp?" he asked.

"Every one is different, and they have their own pace," I said. "I do know that you have a nice cock."

Peter looked at me oddly and then burst into laughter. "That's a good start!" He said with a smile on his face. He went off and I went to my room. I went to bed.

When I work the next morning, Juan was entertaining a guest in his bed. I got up and started to leave when Juan said, "There is room for a third if you are interested."

"Are you sure?" I asked.

The man with Juan said, "I sure as hell am sure!"

I closed the door, stripped and joined them. The man introduced himself as Cassidy. He was the Senior Steward on the ship. That evening, one of the guests had a fear of water that induced seasick event. Cassidy had been with him and cleaned up the event. He was on the way to sleep when Juan caught his eye. Cassidy was about fifty, in good shape and he had a fetish for hairy men. Cassidy had a dusting of chest hair. I am hairy; Juan was about as hairy as a man can be and not be in a sideshow at an old fashioned circus. Cassidy was in seventh heaven.

Cassidy was into sex big time, but it wasn't horny as shit aggressive. He was more like being a worshiper at the cock of an ancient sex god. He both wanted make sperm offering to the god and receive sperm blessings. Soon he was sucking Juan as I worked my cock into Cassidy's ass. Cassidy wasn't a virgin, and his ass welcomed me. His sphincter was not an obstacle to entry.

It was almost as if Cassidy had trained it to massage my cock. It caressed my fuck tool and also gripped it when my knob rubbed his prostate.

"Damn, your ass is a wonder," I said as I shot off. I pulled out and Juan took my place in Cassidy's ass.

"I love a sperm lubricated ass!" Juan exclaimed. "It's smooth as silk. I assume you want a second load in way deep? I shoot a huge load. I assume that is not a problem?"

"You can read my mind," Cassidy said.

Cassidy had a nice cock and average balls. I was sucking Cassidy when Juan entered his ass. Cassidy's sex juices instantly began to flow. The flow increased as the cock moved deeper into his ass. Cassidy's sex juices let me taste his response to Juan.

Juan made a hard thrust and shot off. Seconds later, Cassidy shot off in my mouth. This was spectacular for all three of us. We were totally involved, enjoying and sharing the orgasms. We were all sexually experienced and knew this was about as good as it could be. I had a strange sense that Cassidy's personality flavored his sperm. I had just met him, but all I needed to know about him was in his sperm. We slowly disentangled. I hadn't swallowed all of his sperm and I savored it. Juan shivered as late ejaculations added more of his sperm into the sexual stew in Cassidy's ass.

When we broke apart, Cassidy said. "I didn't know I could feel anything new. This has been great."

"It has been good for all of us," Juan said.

"I have an old friend who would love to meet you," Cassidy said. "Would that be a problem?"

"I would be shocked if it was a problem," Juan said. Cassidy dressed. John and I went to a rehearsal for the night's entertainment.

While were knew the routines by heart, Edmund tweaked each show for each audience. He would integrate nautical elements for the show on the Pacific Dream. Our performance always had a little peek-a-boo element in them. Edmund had a good sense about how much nudity would fit the audiences needs.

None of our performers were uncomfortable being naked, nor were they uncomfortable being publicly nude. It was clear that the Collector's Circle had no problems with nudity. Edmund had been working on a new chant based on Adam and Eve. It was called Adam and Trevor. Edmund planned it as a reverse strip tease. The men would start nude and end the skit dressed.

The men had rehearsed the chant, but the nudity was a new element. We practiced it a few times and it was more convincing as a skit that I thought was possible. Jasper the counter-tenor was selected to play Trevor (Eve). His genitals were female and that made sense. Juan played an ultra macho Adam. Some of the Merry Men had met members of the Collector's Circle in the exercise room showers and in the Sauna. Edmund mentioned that Merry Men and the Circle members seemed to be quite compatible.

The Adam and Eve chant was the grand finale of the performance. Even though it was fall, it was a hot day and the ship was warm. While the first dinner on the ship had been a bit formal, the dress code was greatly relaxed to shorts and sport shirts, mostly Hawaiian.

Friar Tucker introduced the Adam and Trevor chant, with a description of the nude world before the incident with the snake. "In order to be totally correct, I will set the scene in proper biblical dress," Friar Tucker said as he removed his monk's robe and stripped naked. "Now if any of you wants to add to the authenticity of the scene, please feel free to join me in the nude."

The chant began with gales of laughter. Juan was big, hairy and with an eight inch cock. He was every inch a man. Jasper was very masculine too. He was muscular and hairy. At first they were in an amorous embrace. When they broke apart, you could see Juan's cock had been in Jasper's cunt. The audience roared in approval.

Juan had made a little impromptu addition to the scene by shooting off in Jasper. When the audience saw Juan's semen dripping from Jasper's lady parts, they knew they were seeing a theatrical first. Ten minutes minutes later the skit was over and half the audience was all but rolling on the floor. A good portion of the men were nude. The ship's staff distributed a desert of penis shaped cookies.

Our performance was very well received. I was on the side of the room and both the quality of the voices and the bawdy lyrics were well received. The beautiful voices and the pornographic lyrics were a total success. Our men mingled with the crowd. They were wearing their monks robes, but without the ties, so their cocks were exposed.

Everyone was feeling good. The good feeling lasted to midnight, although some went to their rooms where the fun lasted into the early morning. The night turned into a sex party. It wasn't a frantic orgy. It was calm and quiet except for the men having orgasms.

I think everyone had been around the block a few times, but the rather calm build up to the orgasm did not reduce the intense orgasms in any way. Some of the men were lovers, some were friends with benefits, some were meeting a new man first time. All seemed to be good.

An older man who called himself Buster and I connected. I think he was about seventy, and he told me he couldn't get it up. He then told me his ass was still functional. I took that as a hint and nudged my cock into his ass. He was still tight and my cock loved his tight hole. Buster got hard so I quickly pulled out of him and sat on his cock. To paraphrase Mark Twain, the reports of his impotence were premature.

When I felt his sperm tickling my ass, I looked him in the face. His eyes were closed and he was shivering with each ejaculation. All was well. When I got off his cock he whispered, "Cum in me." I re-entered his ass and shot off in him a few minutes later. Buster was a happy man.

I got back to my room around midnight. Cassidy was waiting for me with two friends. Gus was the pastry chef, and Nick, the Chairman of the Collector's Circle.

"My pals would like to meet you. If you are too tired we all understand," Cassidy said.

"Let's just say I feel a bit used." I said, "I'm a bit tired and am afraid I might fall asleep." I thought I was saying that I wanted to sleep. For some reason I asked, "Would you guys be shocked if you encountered another man's cum deep in my ass?"

"I hope you wouldn't think I am a slut, but I dream about using another man's cum at lube," Nick said.

I would have thought that being gang fucked by a group of men you didn't know would be crude and rough. They took their time and were gentle men. At one time I had my cock in Nick's mouth, and Gus's cock in my ass, as I sucked Cassidy. All of them were experienced and careful.

It wasn't love, but we were soon pals and buddies. We showered several times, but since we all either swallowed ejaculations in our mouths, or shot off deep in an ass, there wasn't much sticky stuff. Gus, the chef, liked to lick up anything drooling from my ass. He had a lisp due to his overly long tongue. He liked to get it in my ass as soon as someone pulled out after an ejaculation, he loved the post orgasmic drool.

At some point I fell asleep. I awoke at six. Juan had returned and was fucking Cassidy's ass as Cassidy sixty-nined with Nick. Gus had left to make pastries for breakfast. It was a gay man's wet dream, but it was real and not a fantasy.

This was the last full day on the Pacific Dream. It had turned around and was heading south. The return trip was an extended orgy. It was a tasteful and relaxed, no stress orgy, but if you measure an orgy by the number of orgasms, we were doing well. I was certainly happy.

Next: Chapter 3

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