Freshman Year Roommate

By NY GayGuy

Published on Jun 21, 2024


Freshman Year Roommate, Part 7 Everyone is over 18 years of age

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You haven't met me, but you may know me a little by now. So have I mentioned that I tend to overthink things? Yeah, well, that's me. And since whatever this was with John was so deeply important to me, my overthinking was in high gear.

John had turned into a dream come true. I'd like to say we even pushed our beds together to make one big bed, but while the thought occurred to me, these beds weren't suitable for that. They were simple twin beds with crappy mattresses in what was basically a wooden base with sides that meant you couldn't bring the two together and roll comfortably from one mattress to another. So we had to stick to just one bed or the other. As much as we wanted to be together, it was a little tight some nights. I mean, we kept fucking like rabbits, and I'm not complaining, but this was a tough school with a demanding schedule. Some nights, we just needed to sleep.

But enough about that. The fun stuff matters more. And more than that, the connection to John. Soon, it seemed we were doing everything together, at least when we weren't going to class, writing papers, prepping for exams, or, in John's case, going off to do ROTC stuff. To this day, I'm not entirely sure what that entailed. Stuff to get him ready to be an Army officer, of course, but he didn't talk much about the actual activities. I think he saw all of that as a necessary means to an end. They were paying his tuition, so he did what they said.

Still, the best parts of any day were when the door closed, and I could kiss him. As great a lay as he is, kissing him felt so intimate. I was hoping it didn't just feel like foreplay to him, because it didn't to me! As I ran my hands through that thick hair and our mouths connected, I felt such deep emotions. It wasn't just because this was going on so long now, at least by college standards. I really felt so much for him.

One afternoon I vividly remember, we were just standing together, kissing and feeling each other's bodies as we got more and more turned on. Suddenly, my powerful man bent down and lifted me off my feet. I laughed and he smiled at me, like I was his new bride. Then he spun me around as we laughed... and he managed to smack the side of my head into the dresser. Well, that hurt. But really, I wasn't injured. Just momentarily stunned. John, on the other hand, looked mortified.

"Oh my god, Jess! I'm so sorry, honey! What did I do?"

"It's okay. I'm okay. It was an accident."

"I'm such an idiot!" He looked so upset.

I was standing on my own again, and I took his face in my hands. "It was an accident. Let it go. It was fun the way you picked me up. Please don't feel bad!"

"Yeah? Well then," and he picked me up again, but no spinning this time. Instead, he carried me over to my bed and gently laid me on it. He knelt next to the bed and kissed me. Then he kissed down to my neck. Oh, how I loved this. Then he moved back up. "Sorry about your head, darling." I smiled at him, told him I was okay and that what he was doing now could make anything okay. And really, calling me things like "darling" forgave many sins!

He went back to kissing me, then my neck again, and at the same time he was pulling at my shirt. That quickly came off, and he started sucking on one nipple and pinching the other. My dick immediately swelled, like it would tear right out of my shorts. He stopped long enough to smile at me, grip my dick and say, "yeah, you always like that."

Smitten teen that I was, I said, "I like anything you do!"

He was rubbing my dick but kept his mouth working on my nipples. I told him he was a dream come true, and every day of my life was great because of him!

"I need all of you!" he said and pulled all of my clothes off in a flash. I was lying there naked and he still was kneeling next to the bed. "You're so beautiful!" I thought he was crazy, but I wasn't about to argue. He kissed his way down and had me in his mouth in no time. Oh, wow, how had he gotten so good at this? In high school, I never got off from blowjobs, but this "straight" boy sure knew how to make me feel good. He licked around the head, then down my shaft. My balls weren't all that sensitive to licking, but it still felt nice when he gave them a tongue bath. I think the idea of him doing that turned me on more than the actual sensory feelings.

Then he licked back up and took my length in his mouth. He took me deep, until my balls met his lips, then started bobbing up and down, as he sucked and his tongue kept working on me in ways I couldn't see but I definitely could feel. The sensations were amazing! Then one of his hands moved around to cup my ass. A finger found its way to my hole, and I was pretty sure he was about to finger-fuck me when I stopped him. "John, wait! If you do that, I'm going to blow my load in your mouth!"

He laughed, "that's the idea, hon."

"Yeah, but I don't want to cum yet. Here, you get on the bed with me."

I slid over to make a little room, and he dropped onto the bed.

I said that I thought one of us was a little overdressed.

"Fair enough. I can fix that."

He pulled everything off in about five seconds. His body was a beautiful sight, every time I saw it. I'd never get tired of this view!

"Mmm," I purred at him, and I leaned over to better be able to run my hands over his gorgeous smooth skin and long, hard muscles.

He looked at me and asked, "what are you shaking your head at?"

"I just can't believe my eyes. Every time I see you, I marvel at how gorgeous you are."

"I'm not all that."

"Oh, please. You can't really be that oblivious to your looks, can you?"

He smiled. "How about you show me how you feel?"

I took one of his nipples in my mouth and sucked hard. Hard enough it might leave a bruise, but the way he moaned, I was pretty sure neither of us would care if I did. As I sucked his nipple, that billy club between his legs stood up fast. We moved around, and he knew from how I was moving that I wanted it in my mouth with him on top. I didn't even have to say a word.

As we moved into position, he grabbed my pillow and pushed it under my head. Yes, baby, that's it. Use my mouth!

I looked up at this god above me and smiled. I couldn't imagine being happier. He held his dick in his right hand and rubbed the head on my lips. "You want this?"

"Oh, yes. Please!"

"Yeah? You like this big dick stuffing your mouth?"

"Mmm, yes. Give it to me!"

"You want me to long-stroke your hot mouth and breed your throat with this big dick?"

Wow, this dirty talk was turning me on!

"Yes, give it to me!"

"Say please."

"I already said please!"

"I didn't hear you. But maybe you just don't want this so much," as he smacked that monster on my chin.

"Oh, fuck. Yes, PLEASE give me that dick!"

He smirked, "well, since you said please." And he immediately slid his length into my mouth. By this point in our relationship, I knew how to take that big dick like a pro. His whole length slid in, and I heard him moan as he thrust, running it back and forth, getting all the way into my throat. He was on top of me, using me for his pleasure. No, really, it was for the pleasure of both of us, `cause I never could imagine something to beat doing this for him. And as I enjoyed that big dick fucking my mouth and throat, I got to feel his big balls repeatedly slapping my chin, his amazing ass in my hands and the sight of his abs moving inches from my eyes. Before I met John, even my wildest dreams weren't this hot.

After several minutes of this man fucking my mouth, he stopped and pulled out for a minute. Panting from the effort, he said, "want to try something else?"

"Like what?"

"I don't know. Whatever you want. A different position or something."

I smiled, because I already knew what I wanted. "Are you wussing out on me? I thought you're my king stud. How about you finish the job?! Get that big dick back in my mouth and breed my throat!"

He looked so hot in that moment, sort of perched over me and so turned on by that answer. A sound came out of him that was like a growl, and without another word, he slipped his length back in my mouth. He went back to fucking my mouth long and hard. He wasn't holding back, and the way I was grabbing that ass-from-a-Michelangelo-statue, he knew that's what I wanted. Hard and fast! Just use me for your pleasure, stud!

He was thrusting, panting and moaning, and I knew it wouldn't be much longer. "Oh, Jess, you're amazing," as he kept at it. "Fuck, I'm getting so close!" I sucked even harder, although my jaw was about to come off! He gave several last, deep, hard thrusts and cried out in pleasure as he started spurting in me.

That's so hot for me, feeling my man's dick pulsating as it delivers its seed. Yes, baby, shoot it in me!

He kept breathing hard, moaning and moving as his dick nearly drowned me in his hot semen.

I kept sucking and swallowing, as I listened to him moaning and watched those abs moving as his erratic breathing carried through his powerful orgasm. I just held him with his dick fully in my mouth, but eventually he pulled back and I started to catch my breath. He's always been very mindful of me, no matter how much I encouraged him to dominate, so I never worried that I wouldn't have a chance to catch my breath. He knew that big dick was a lot to take. We always hit the right balance.

But he didn't pull all the way out. As he pulled back, he left a few inches in my mouth, and I licked him, tasting him as he continued to leak on my tongue. Finally, he pulled all the way out of my mouth and moved to kiss me. Our mouths met, and he got to taste himself as our tongues intertwined. He was so wound up. "What did I do to deserve you?"

I responded, "My feelings exactly!"

With that, he started kissing down my body. He didn't even stop for nipple play. In moments, he was down there, taking my throbbing dick in his mouth again. It felt so amazing, and my hips came up off the bed to thrust into his hot mouth.

"Wait, wait, wait!"

He looked up at me. "What?"

"I don't want to cum yet."

"Okay. But..."

"Can you go again, my big stud? I want you in my ass!"

"Can you give me a few minutes?

"Sure! I need to go get ready anyhow."

He kissed me and said, "Sure. Hey, let me help!"

I hesitated. Getting ready to bottom wasn't exactly the sexiest thing, in my view. I told him as much, but he said, "I could use to learn how to do it."

Oh, this was interesting. What was he thinking?

"You could?"

"Well, I'm not sure I'm ready to try yet, but I've been thinking maybe I will be at some point. Even if we don't go there, I don't want you feeling like it's something you have to shield me from."

"Uh, it's not really something hot. But if you want... well, it's not like I have to hide it from you. Come on."

So yes, it's not all romance, but he wanted to learn. Who am I to say no?

So we went to the bathroom and I showed him to empty the fluid an enema comes with, fill it with warm water and yeah, all the rest. I got nice and clean inside as this sexy man watched. It felt terribly awkward, but he didn't look put off at all. I think this man could make out-patient surgery feel like a loving event.

Anyhow, we got it done, and I hopped in the shower to clean the outside very well. For me, I never could be too clean if we were going to make love. I toweled off, and we headed back to the room. We hadn't even said a word and just got back into bed.

John got on top of me, and we started kissing again. He really was a considerate lover and would do what I asked, but I found him so manly and sexy, and that often drove a desire to have him dominate me. This definitely was one of those times. He asked what I wanted to do.

"Are you ready to go again?"

He didn't answer. Just pushed his hips forward a little to grind that big dick against me. I smiled, "I guess you are."

He kissed me again, tilting his head a little as we kissed deeply. On that subject, I'd always heard you should close your eyes when you're kissing someone. Sometimes I would, but other times, like this one, I loved looking into his eyes, right in front of mine, as we were in each other's mouths. It's like our souls were connected. Yes, I know how sappy that sounds, but I loved these moments as I continued to fall hard for him.

We broke the kiss, and I said, "I want to just give myself to you. Can we do that this time? Don't make love to me. Just fuck me hard and deep. Can you do that, stud?"

Not a word, just a lustful growl, and he was grabbing my legs.

I laughed. "Nope. Off the bed, big guy."

He jumped off in a flash, and I rolled over. "Now fuck me! Deep and hard! Use me as your cumdump!"

He was back on me, rubbing his dick in my crack as he grabbed the lube. He lubed up his dick, and quickly started pushing at my hole. He knew to apply more lube as he started to work it in. But I was feeling impatient and particularly slutty right then, so I taunted him, "Was there something you didn't understand? Fuck me hard!"

Well, I asked for it. He pushed forward hard, plunging his whole length into me! "Oh, fuck!" I cried out.

"Oh my god, Jess! Did I hurt you?"

I started laughing as the pain slowly let up. "I asked for it. Just hold still a minute."

He was so sweet. He really seemed upset that it hurt.

"Hey, relax." And I turned my head and asked him to kiss me. He was so tender. At the same time, I felt the massive intrusion in my hole. Not the first time, but I was amazed by how it felt every time he was in me.

"Okay, babe, I think I'm good now. Let's fuck!"

That growl again. Damn, that's so sexy! And then he was thrusting in me. Long, hard strokes! Up on his arms, so his hips and my ass were the main points of contact. Slam, slam, slam, as he used his strength to really fuck me hard. I was loving being taken. His raw flesh was pulling at my insides with every thrust and every time he pulled back, never coming all the way out but leaving just the head in me until a moment later when he was buried balls-deep again. "Fuck, Jess, you always feel so amazing! Like nothing and no one else ever!"

He made me feel so special, even as he ravaged my hole and stretched out my insides with that big babymaker. I could feel his balls on my ass each time he bottomed out. He was giving me everything he had, and I reached my hands back to feel his hips and ass as he pistoned into me. This man was so fucking sexy, and every day I marveled at how I'd been this lucky. I just hoped it wouldn't end!

He stopped for a second and grabbed my hips. "You want to be my cumdump? Then let's try this!" He pulled me up, so I was on my hands and knees. Then he was grabbing my shoulders and thrusting again. Slower thrusts with a short pause in between each, but deep and hard. Less slap-slap-slap and more of me going "oof!" each time he slammed that big meat into me. This was a different angle and hitting different spots, but it was awesome, too!

This position didn't seem to be massaging my prostate as directly as some of the other ones we'd done, but it still felt amazingly good! As he was thrusting, he reached around and grabbed my hard dick. He still had lube on his hand that hadn't dried, and he stroked my dick as his moved inside me. I knew this wouldn't last long!

Then he wrapped his other arm around my chest and pulled me up, so I was sort of upright on my knees, but his long dick was still buried in me. He kept stroking as I turned my head and we kissed. Before long, he felt me cry out, right into his mouth, as I started to cum. I shot over and over, and we just kept kissing as he kept thrusting in me. As my orgasm subsided, I felt he was pushing out even more of my cum as I dropped back to my hands and knees and he went back to thrusting full-force. He panted out, "I barely kept from cumming when you did, the way your hole was squeezing me."

I said, "Don't hold back! Give me those little swimmers! Breed my ass!"

I was in full, submissive cumdump mode, and he was giving me what I wanted. He kept thrusting, harder and harder. Finally, those last shaky, deep, hard thrusts, and "Oh, fuuuuuck!" and I could feel him pulsating in me and that warmth spread in me. I loved feeling that big load flooding into me. A part of him that would remain in me even once he had to slide his dick out.

I felt him keep spurting, maybe 6 or 7 times as his dick pulsed and his hands kept a firm grip on my hips. I was in heaven! Finally, he collapsed on top of me, and I dropped flat onto the bed. He was kissing my neck, and I again turned so our mouths could meet.

I said, "it feels like I'm lying in someone's cum."

"I wonder whose that could be!" he chuckled. "We're going to keep going through lots of quarters in the laundry room, at this rate!"

Yeah, I'd given the sheets a pretty good hosing down. But then he added, "and after we get up, we need to clean the floor and the wall!"

I looked past the end of the bed, and he was right. I hadn't even noticed when it happened. I was so lost in that mind-blowing orgasm. Plus, my head was turned as I kissed him while I came, so I didn't see it. But there was the evidence. Cum on the floor, and on the wall that had to be 5 or 6 feet from where my dick was when he got me off. Wow, I shot hard!

John added, "I gotta tell ya, that was quite a fireworks show! How that didn't make me cum right then--that and the squeezing your ass was giving me--is a mystery. Probably good you made me cum so hard with your mouth a little while ago, or I never would have lasted!"

With that he slowly pulled out of me, and we got down on the sheets to cuddle and kiss. I'd never tire of that!

"You know," he said, "the holidays are coming. That's going to be so tough! I've gotten used to having you in my life every day!"

"Oh, I know! I've been trying not to think about it."


"No," I said, "it's not like ignoring it is going to make it not happen. Hey, maybe we should just stay here together!"

"I'd love to, babe, but my parents really want to see me. I have to go home to Texas. But imagine how good the reunion will be!"

I tried to smile through this, but I'd gotten very used to John being a part of every day. To go back to New York while he went to Texas was something I really wasn't looking forward to, but I didn't really see a choice, either. As much as his parents wanted to see him, mom and dad wanted to see me, too. I suppose we'd survive.

Next: Chapter 8

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