Freshman Takes Absolute Control

By austin

Published on Aug 25, 2023



Be over age 18 to read this gay erotica fiction. If male on male sex, slavery, group sex, kink or teens having sex offends you, don't read this.

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The rest of the day dragged on. It was strange that I hated the situation, but at the same time something in me was excited... at least my cock was excited. I just couldn't believe the luck of Ryan catching me. The school day finally ended... I went home jacked off twice to thinking about what just happened and most of all to remembering his scent. Then I changed into a pair of jeans and a tight gray t-shirt, I guess I was making a point of looking good for Ryan After all he was the all American jock boy. I had dinner with my parents before leaving to meet Ryan. Was hard to focus on what my parents were saying at dinner.

Our town was small, and Ryan lived on the other side of it. I was middle class, but he lived in a tree lined wealthy neighborhood. I would image his parents were loaded; he only wore name brand clothes and look like the rich kid type. I left around 6:30 and drove to his home. I had a Honda Civic, it was a nice car although I wasn't into tricking it out the way the other kids did. I was sort of conservative. I dressed preppy. So arrived at his home about 6:55 and there were no cars in the drive way and the porch light was lit. The house was stone, with large windows. Everything looked perfect.

I got out and went to the front door. On the door was a note that read, "Austin, Come right in, I am in my bedroom. Straight up the stairs, 3rd door on the left." I thought to myself, the note seemed nice enough, maybe this wouldn't be so bad. I walked in and saw a very well decorated house, very traditional and classic. The stairs were right by the door. They were a large staircase with what looked like very old hand crafted oak staircases.

I began to quietly walk up and realized not only was my hard cock showing in my jeans, but also my nipples were hard and showing nicely through the tight gray t-shirt I had choose to wear. I hoped jacking off twice would prevent a wet spot from forming through my underwear and jeans. I got to the top of the stairs and walked down a long hallway, which had a lot of doorways, I came to the 3rd on the left and it was cracked a little. I pushed it open and saw Ryan sitting at his computer desk typing. He must have heard the door because he told me to come in and sit on the bed. I didn't say anything and just sat down. He was shirtless and barefoot, wearing only short soccer trunks. His body was a sight to behold. My cock was raging in my pants. I literally drooled. Fuck he was so defined and muscular without being huge. Such nice skin. Hairy legs and an inviting happy trail. Pits were hairy. After 5 minutes of me soaking in the view of his body while he typed and ignored me, I finally asked what the hell he wanted. He yelled: "Do not speak unless I tell you to or ask you a question, now sit still and I don't want to hear another sound."

About 5 more minutes later he stood and authoritatively ordered me to strip and stand with my legs spread as wide as possible and my hands behind my head. I hesitated and he smacked me hard on the side of my face. I had 15 pounds on him and was taller but then again he had incendiary pics of me. So I resisted urges to tackle him and I obeyed. It was a tremendous rush to take off my clothes just because a freshman I had only really met today told me to. Since then I've jacked off many times to remembering the rush of being ordered to strip and complying.

He circled me with his hands touching, squeezing and generally doing an inspection as if I was a horse or valuable animal he was considering buying. He said "nice but it needs to be better."

He then took out a tape measure and measured my body in every way imaginable. Not just my chest, arms, and quads. Not just my neck, arm length and leg inseam., He not only asked my shoe size but he measured my feet top to bottom and left to right at the widest part. He measured my forearms and how long my ass was top to bottom and left to right. He measured my hard cock which would not go down and its circumference. He measured the length of my torso front and back. He told me to think what I had to make my cock get soft so he could measure it soft too. I thought about all kinds of bad things happening to people I know and animals. Despite my wise jacking off prior to coming over, my cock was still pointing up. He grabbed my balls and squeezed with no mercy. That just made my balls rage more from this hot athletic freshman touching my junk. He put his hand on my neck from behind me and guided me downstairs to their kitchen. I was petrified someone would be home and see me naked but we were alone. He got ice and a cloth and held it against my dick and balls. My erection finally subsided. He then ordered me to walk back up to his room with my hands behind my back. He got a good view of my ass and balls from behind as he walked up the steps right behind me.

When we got back to his room Ryan measured my cock soft. But me looking down while he grabbed my dick and measured it caused another erection. He then got his phone and started taking pics of my ass. I went to grab his phone but he held it away from me as he said "I have copies of everything stored in multiple ways. You need to get it through your thick skull that you are the submissive and I am your dominant. You are athletic and have a decent body but even before I caught you wearing my shit, I knew you were a natural born sub. You know you crave serving a man like me. For total proof--look at your cock--he is excited--AGAIN. Yes for sure I found me a true blue faggot. I OWN YOU. Now bend over up on the bed with your ass cheeks spread as far as possible."

I sheepishly obeyed. Then he got a professional light on a tripod out of his closet and lit it and started taking pics. The particular angle showed my hands spreading my ass cheeks as far apart as possible, but also my balls hanging down and my dick behind that. What's more it had a perfect view of the soles of my feet too. But first he made me turn my head as much as possible so my face was as visible as possible.

If I wasn't done for before, I sure was now. Then he ordered one suggestive naked pose after another and I complied. I was getting in deeper and deeper shit but it felt great to have the light and camera on me and be the focus of attention of a body I am rather proud of. He then took close ups of my pecs, face, feet, cock, piss slit, balls and more of my ass. Pics of me flexing. Bending over. Stroking my cock. Putting my tongue as close to my pits as possible and me licking my left bicep.

He laid down on the floor and had me stand over him with a raging erection as he took pics upward of my legs, erect cock, balls, ass and asshole. But that wasn't enough. He ordered me to get my face in as many of the shots as possible. He had me lay on my back on the bed and pull my legs back as far as possible. I did. Then he had me get on all fours and took that shot from different angles.

He then told me to get down on my knees with arms behind my back. He said "nature intended most people to live in the boring middle. But on the extreme ends some are born worthy of being served and even of owning other men. On your end are guys born to serve naturally dominant men like me--natural born subs, slaves and faggots. It's nature full circle.

You obviously need control, discipline, direction, shaping, guidance, and being molded how a naturally born dom wants you. I was born to dictate and be served. You were born to serve, please and obey. So I am taking complete ownership of you now. Do you submit to me boy? Fully submit your mind and body? Do you surrender to your fate?"

Ryan continued: "think hard about two things. 1. Down deep you know you are inherently submissive and crave being close and serving men like me. You know it. Or else wouldn't have been in that closet with my gear on--including my jock. 2. I not only have the power to yank you out of the gay closet but also out of the sub closet. I'll give you three minutes to think it over. If you say no, you can get dressed and walk out of here. But you know what will follow--pics of you everywhere. Everyone in town will know, your family will know and of course everyone in school will know. I'll even track you down at college next year and let everyone there know too. If however you accept your destiny, we will begin my ownership of you now. Total. My rules. My orders. Instantly obeying. No matter what, where or who can see. I will own your body, mind, sex, labor and all future actions. So think it over quickly and give me an answer boy. One more thing to keep in mind--boy could you possibly get a hotter Dom than me?" He then flexed in front of me and then stuck a bare foot in my face. His foot was beautiful and it smelled even better.

I had no real option. Truth be told I loved the idea of serving him. I was though terrified he would go too far. I knew I was gay and having sucked cock several times already, I was looking forward to the right time with the right man to offer my virgin ass. So was I submissive. Well ya, if every bottom is "submissive." But his definition of submissive coincided with "slave." That was a whole other realm I hadn't ever thought of. I'd love obeying when I was horny but what about when I wasn't? What about when I had other things to do or when I wanted to do something else? Could I surrender to what he wanted every single time he issued an order?? Shit!

He then turned his computer towards me. It had a pic of me in his soccer gear clearly showing his soccer number, me stroking my dick, and his jock cup up around my nose and mouth. Another was taken a second or two later when I had the jock cup in my hand but no longer over my nose and mouth. Clear as can be. Humiliating as can be as well.

I said "Sir may I speak?" He said "go ahead boy, what's on your fag mind?"

I said "first of all, I'm gay. You got me. But I'm not a fag." He stopped me and said "Only fags get naked and fully dress in another guy's sports gear and sniff his jock cup. You're a fag. You might not be sucking or getting fucked by half the guys in school but you're a fag."

I then said "This is a huge decision. Can I please have a few days to think it over? This is so rushed. I can't think clearly. And please, if I'm going to say yes, we need a negotiation on what is fair game and what's not. I'm telling you--if I say yes, I'll go far to please and serve you. If I get to trust you then you can take me far in service. You've uncovered some deep things about me. I admit it. I was a freak to put all your clothes on. I've got nothing to hide from you at this point Sir. Can we please negotiate the possible details Sir. I say that respectfully Sir!"

He put his hand on the top of my head and bent down to get an inch from my face and said "Nice try boy. But you have nothing to bargain with. I have all the power. I hold all the cards here. I am extremely naturally dominant and you are extremely naturally submissive so it would upset the natural order if I consented to "negotiations." It's my way or the highway. I don't care what you want to do and what you don't like. If you agree, you will surrender all ownership of yourself to me. I will be in total, absolute and unquestioned control. Got it? You will hear an order and not second guess it. Hear it and immediately obey, no matter what or where. I do the thinking. I plan for contingencies. You just focus on immediately obeying and pleasing me. I don't want to see pouting or reluctance. I won't put up with a whiny bitch. As you think this over quickly you know it strikes the main cord in you. You're taller and bigger than me. That doesn't matter. I'm the Dom and you're my slave. If you say yes you will call me Master all the time. Only in some situations in public will I let you call me Sir. But in most public places I don't give a shit who hears. You will properly address me as Master. You should add in some Sir's after properly addressing me as your Master. It will help adjust your mind space to accepting that you are a natural born slave and that you are owned. That you are MY SLAVE. Now I'm giving you a generous two minutes for what may be your last big decision. What's it going to be?"

I fucked up and got caught. But this was so unfair. I had no real options. He captivated me big time. I wanted to serve him but I was unsure about being a total slave. I still had dignity. I had firm likes and dislikes, I quickly thought I could come out as gay and then just act like I have no shame to anyone he sent the pics to. But that wouldn't really work. Oh fuck I'd love to suck his dick, balls and lick his feet. Fuck, I'd lick his pits. I'd be his bottom in sex. But unquestioned ownership??

He said "30 more seconds and forget any qualifiers. Yes or no?"

My nerves were short circuiting. I've never been under such stress. I froze. He smacked me on the face, left then right. I didn't react. He then went over to his desk, sat and opened an app on his computer. He looked back at me.

Crying with tears flowing I answered "yes."

He grinned and said "yes what?" Then he said "you will also always preface what you say to me with a proper `Master."

So I said "yes Master."

He said "Yes Master what? Say what you mean and get down on your knees. Hand behind your head. Bow your head but speak up and clearly. Explicitly.

Just then I looked over at a bookshelf and there was a GoPro camera aimed at us. I said "you've been recording this whole thing!" He said "yes but who gives a fuck? I already have a shit ton you boy. Go ahead now, tell me what you said yes to."

Utterly defeated, I said "Master Sir, yes Sir I submit to you. I will be your slave. I will follow orders. I will serve you Master. I surrender."

He said "nice start. Now what do you surrender?"

I said "Master I surrender ownership of me to you Sir. I guess that will make me your slave Sir."

He said "better but no "guessing." You will be my slave. So say it. Say "I surrender ownership of me as your slave Master Ryan." But now lay on the floor and keep your ass up while you bring your chest and head down to the floor with your arms outstretched in front of you. It's called being prostrate or groveling. Proper for such a weighty subject as we have before us."

I groveled and said "I surrender ownership of me as your slave Master Ryan."

He leaned down to pat my head but showed me not only did he have the GoPro but he had two GoPros for different angles and also captured it at a different angle on his phone too. I was toast. I could never resist this man. He was naturally dominant. Deep inside I craved serving him some of the time. But all of the time and being owned with no say in things about me scared the shit out of me. I was trembling. What seemed like a tall, fit athletic guy was a now a trembling faggot out in the open to my Master.

He said "You are down on the floor mourning the Austin you knew who just died. Start the tears of joy now for the new beginning and new life as my slave.

He had a written slave contract. It was two detailed pages. He told me to read it silently. I did. Again, I wanted to serve him but had a lot of objections. He didn't care. Then he told me to kneel and read it out loud as he recorded me reading my slave contract before I signed it. My hands were trembling wildly as I was getting ready to sign it. My whole body was shaking.

In a way it was a relief. In the most perverted way possible it was freeing me from societal norms. After I finished he zoomed the camera in on my cock which was raging hard and dripping. This! Despite having jerked off TWICE just a couple hours before. As he focused on recording my hard dick, he said "Your cock has spoken for you fag boy. It's eager to be my slave and be owned by me. Now sign this realizing the moment you finish you signature you become irrevocably owned by me. Of course this is not legally enforceable but take 15 seconds to imagine your family, friends and neighbors seeing you read your slave contract and then signing it."

After I signed it. He had a small bottle of rubbing alcohol. He took a piece of cotton and quickly soaked it in alcohol and then had a sharp pin and he wiped it with alcohol and pricked my right forefinger. He held my hand as he squeezed a little blood out of my finger and coated my fingertip in blood and then affixed that next to my signature. Then he said "Now masturbate yourself to ejaculation as quickly as possible. This isn't for pleasure. As my slave it is purely to fulfill my first order"

A younger guy--a freshman demanding a senior to I masturbate to ejaculation right in front of him and with his damn camera taping it, oh fuck!!!!

Again, my hands were still shaking but I started to masturbate. It was so humiliating to do that just because he ordered me to and also in front of him. He was shirtless and barefoot but was wearing shorts. He put a paper towel down on the carpet but told me to catch most of my cum in my hand. When I did he took my hand and put it over the contract and dribbled some on the contract so my sperm and semen DNA was also on the contract. And all still being recorded. Then he ordered me to lick up the rest of the cum off my hand and swallow it. Oh fuck was that humiliating and degrading.

He then said, "It's going to be a while before you are permitted to cum again and when you do it will be in my presence at my direction as I milk you. But now the contract has your signature, bloody fingerprint, and your cum on it. I think that demonstrates you willingly agreed to surrender ownership to me. And of course I have video of you reading and signing your slave contract, affixing the bloody fingerprint and dripping your cum on it. It's now final. You are permanently owned as my slave."

Master Ryan continued: "If you defeat obstinacy in you as well as societal crap about independence and anti-slavery attitudes, you will actually enjoy some of your service. But get it in your mind--it's total service, total ownership. I give an order and you instantly obey without second guessing it. Never think. Never, ever, ever, ever question an order. Just hear an order and obey. No matter what, where or who sees as I said before. You now live to obey, serve and please me."

I thought to myself: "Enjoy some??" Is he going to be cruel and evil?

He said "What have you been planning for college?" I told him the schools I applied to that me and my parents wanted. He said "forget it. Next August you will enroll in the local community college for two years, then take a year off and then we will make sure you go to the college I decide I'm going to. This is for life boy. I am bi-sexual. I may get married and have kids. But you will still serve me. My kids will think you are some kind of uncle. I'll find a wife who is tolerant of my gay male slave. Easier on her as most women don't like to suck cock and tire of sex altogether. Never can they deep throat. And these days wives don't submit to whipping. That's what I have my slave for.

He said "when you and then I finally turn 18, I will have you sign a durable power of attorney to me over your finances, medical and general affairs. You will be provided for but you will own nothing. Get that in your head."

"This week I am going to hire a personal trainer for you and you will spend two hours a day in the gym, mostly with me. I will give the trainer your body part measurements that I took and then give him goals for the precise measurement I want each body part on you. Your workouts and the food you eat will all be designed for your body to meet my exact specifications as fast as possible. Then you will keep working out to maintain and not get any bigger."

"The more you go to exceptional lengths in pleasing me in all areas of life, the more rewards you will earn. You are new to this. You crave serving men but as I said, being a slave is new to you. That doesn't give you any slack whatsoever. Punishment is a vital tool to train a slave. You will probably learn your best lessons by really painful punishment. The more excruciating the pain, the more the lesson is likely to be permanently memorable and alter your behavior. I will condition your mind as much as your body. Focus on cooperation. Do your best to erase all urges to resist. Get ready to change what you like. This is real boy. You are owned. You are a slave. You must always obey 110%. No exceptions. No free passes. Every transgression must be punished for your own good. Not most of the time but always. Your training begins now and will continue for years.

He said "Stay on your knees and bow while you repeat after me: (I voiced everything he said right after he said it). "I have surrendered total and absolute control of me and ownership of my body, my mind, my sex, and my actions. I fully and unconditionally submit to you Master Ryan as your permanent and irrevocable slave. Please Master Ryan Sir, accept ownership of me as your dutiful slave. I now live to serve you Sir. I am profoundly grateful it is you Master Ryan to whom I surrendered ownership of me. "

I took the vow. And again he recorded it.

He said, "This first year is going to be rough on you while I break habits you have that I don't like and I literally break your will. But OUR goal is for you to get to my exacting standards in every facet of life as soon as possible. Therefore, you never ever will get empathy from me even when things get particularly tough and even seemingly impossible for you to adapt. You will be reprogrammed to like what I like and how I like things. Everything always MY way." Expect no exceptions ever. No breaks. No "understanding." Just total obedience always without exception."

"You will almost surely grow to love me. I however will simply love owning you."

"Remind yourself frequently that you are a slave and obedience is what fuels you. Forget the particulars of what you are ordered to do--just focus on the fact that you are living the life you were born for and that you are obeying which is your calling. Obedience and pleasing your Master is the overriding value in your life. It will be the only way you feel fulfilled."

"When the going gets tough, just remember you are natural born slave who has met your destiny. Most of all you are lucky to have me as your Master and not some 60-year old 300 pound slob who smokes and lives in a dump. You are fucking LUCKY."

He said "To repeat: you will call me Master at all times and before every sentence you are allowed to speak to me. You can say Master Ryan or Master Sir to express more devotion. Use Sir in questionable public situations only when I tell you that you are permitted to say Sir instead of Master. The more people who hear you call me Master the better. Societal attitudes are changing. Becoming less judgmental. So push the envelope and be proud to be my slave. If anyone ever questions you, just say "Yes I am a slave and I have a Master who owns me and I serve in obedience."

"I will enroll you in massage classes soon. I will also enroll you in martial arts training so you can protect me in public as well...not that I need protection. You will be sorry to your core if you ever physically resist me. You will be severely punished for disobeying any order. But physical reprisals by you will be cataclysmic to you. I am talking putting you out on the street with nothing and homeless and everyone knowing about your slavery, to horrendous canings, beatings, weeks restrained in a dark, damp basement to losing your balls. Any physical violence from you--no matter what I do to provoke you--will have catastrophic consequences for you. Understood faggot? I answered "Yes Master Ryan understood, Sir."

"I will however make medical and dental appointments for you. I will go with you to doctors appointments and I will do all the talking. I will make sure you have health insurance after your insurance by your parents comes to an end. I will control your diet and ensure you only eat nutritional foods to stay in the shape and have the skin tone I want on you."

"I will control all your money. You will never have more than $20 on you and you will have to account where it was spent to me. You will get a debit card for expenses that are preapproved by me. I will closely monitor the monthly statements."

"Before you leave here, you will give me passwords to your phone, all your apps, and by tomorrow at 8 am, all passwords to financial and other personal accounts you have."

Master Ryan then went to my pants on the side of the floor and got my phone out of my pocket. He demanded "What is your passcode?" I said "This is going too far." He said nothing but took the belt out of the loops on my pants on the floor and cracked it hard against my back twice. He said "I demanded your passcode and I meant for a quick response. Don't test me slave."

I gave him the passcode. He spent about 30 minutes going through my phone and forwarded my porn and questionable messages from my phone to his. My knees were killing me still kneeling. When I sat back on my heels, he got the belt and flung it hard at my chest and abs this time. I reached out to grab it with my arm and he held it back and said "Boy is this a sword for you to fall on??? Put your fucking arm behind your back now!" I did and he belted me full force front and back. I was sobbing and this was the first time I cried since I was a little boy.

He then said "I'm keeping this phone. I'll have new one with your same number tomorrow for you."

He asked me lots of other personal questions and it was like an interrogation. I answered fully and honestly even though some answers were hugely embarrassing.

He asked my birthday (wanted to know when I turn 18 to be able to get him stuff that 18 year olds are permitted). My address. We exchanged phone contacts. He then showed me his phone again with the pics of me in the closet wearing his stuff. I guess I never realized how clear the picture showed me looking so pathetic with his clothes on, my dick in my hand and his jock cup up over my nose and mouth. And another with the cup away from my face. Then he flipped through his phone as he started sending me pics he took just minutes ago of more compromising pics of me. I got the picture and my predicament.

He asked about my sex skills and how many times I've had sex with males and with females.

I said I jacked off with 6 guys, had oral sex with 8 guys, three of whom also blew me. I fucked two girls. I answered an ad for a dom who spanked me over his knee, and one who tied me up and tortured me for an hour. Never went back to either. No anal ever. First sex was with a guy at age 15.

He said "So your anal cherry is intact?" I said "Yes Master Ryan my cherry is intact and I guess it's going to be a nice gift to you Sir."

He said "Well boy we are getting somewhere. That was a proper answer."

He said "How are your cocksucking skills?" I said "Ok Master but I have more to learn and improve upon."

He answered "Progress. Good attitude."

He said "What do you crave from me?" I said "Master Ryan I crave your approval and also your patience."

He responded: "Well I'm surprised you didn't say you craved my cock. It will be possible but difficult to earn my approval. But you can. You definitely need to strive for my approval. However you will never get patience from me. Never."

I said: "Master, permission please to further elaborate on my answer Sir."

He said "permission granted."

I said "Master Sir, thank you for noting me being remiss in not admitting I crave your cock and your whole body Sir. I really do. I know you know that Master. You know I find you exceptionally hot Sir."

He demanded to know what about his body I crave. So I had to get into all the degrading specifics. His cock, his balls, his sweaty feet, his sweaty pits, massaging his back, his legs, even his fingers, ears, his eyes, nose, jaw, chin, teeth, hair, kissing, what it will be like to get fucked by him, what his cum tastes like on different days."

He responded: "I like your honest answer. But understand this "I'm bi, not a fag and I will never kiss you. I know myself and I have a cold heart. But it's a fucking hot heart when it comes to myself. Don't mind you craving getting kissed though--it's just not gonna happen. I do demand that you are as naked to me on the inside as you will be on the outside. You will always strip naked when we are indoors in one of our homes or someone else's, unless I tell you not to before we enter. Don't ever think I forgot to give you an exception. Unless I tell you before we enter somewhere, you strip even if other people are there immediately upon entering. I always want you to regularly spill your guts when I allow it and I want you to write me emails every day going over what you like and you didn't like and how you feel. You won't be punished for your honesty in those circumstances."

He said his parents are divorced. His mom's job is based in California and she has another house there and rarely comes back.

"My mother owns this house. She'd give it to me if I came back here after college but I have no intention. So this house will be sold right after I leave for college."

"My father and I are close. He was more open than most parents about a lot of things. Including about controlling other people and the rights and techniques of using good looks and natural dominance to get your way. When I came out to him as a natural born dominant alpha he was pleased. He wasn't so pleased that I favored controlling and owning a guy but he got over it. I called him after school today and he knows that you are becoming my slave tonight. He's surprised that my dream of owning a man has come true while I'm still a freshman. Until your idiotic stunt in the closet at school we had thought it may take a year or two. Instead you just dealt us a royal flush right off the bat. I will draw on his experience in bdsm and get his take on things. Should make you feel a bit safer. I'm also in regular contact with other masters and reading up online. Been researching bdsm since I was in 5th grade. My dad owns a woman as his slave. As I said, he had to adjust to me wanting a male slave but he's proud of me. Fuck, I'm proud of me."

When my father comes for a visit and you meet him you will get down on your knees with your head bowed and address him as Master. Hide nothing. Obey everything he orders immediately without hesitation. He is exacting. He will be difficult but you will serve him as you do me with no limits. No transgression will be greater for you than embarrassing me in front of my father. Good for you that that will probably be in a month or two. Your training will end up saving your ass a thousand times."

He then reached in a desk drawer and got a twisted thin metal collar and he snapped it shut around my neck. Only his tool could remove it. It has two loose ends that hang in front. He said it is my slave collar for now. I overreacted and said "I can't wear a collar home, in school or around town--especially before high school is over."

He calmly said "What about ownership do you not understand?"

Then he ordered "Hands behind your back!" He rapid fire smacked my face left and right and then punched my chest four times hard and so fast it was all a blur. But it knocked the wind out of me. I fell over. He kicked me and said get up. So I did but I had to use all my mental strength left in me not to punch him. As athletic as he was I am sure I could have knocked him out.

He said "Prepare for lots of changes SLAVE. My life is my life and your life is now my life too. You get none. Once you accept that and take it to heart this will all go a lot smoother for you slaveboy. The collar stays on. For now you don't have to admit it's a slave collar. But don't get used to that."

Then he said: "Be here at 5 pm tomorrow. Be here every weekday at 5 pm sharp. Walk in and immediately strip. Wait by the door downstairs until I instruct otherwise. Always at 5 pm sharp. Tell your parents whatever you have to because starting this week you will stay here from after school on Friday until 11 pm on Sundays. It won't be long until you're living here full time. You are 17 and your parents know you can leave any time after 18. And leave you will."

IF you fully cooperate your parents will not understand many changes you undergo. They will be mildly upset and concerned over much of it. But I will try my best to shield your parents and grandparents. Maybe, MAYBE your siblings. But school mates are fair game if I want to show my dominance. Strangers are absolutely fair game for outrageous displays of public obeisance ordered by me. Over time you will publicly come to terms with your submission and slavery. I have ideas and intentions that will blow your mind but for which you will willingly obey. Won't you boy? You consented to all of this--are we clear on that? Say it!"

So I said "Master Ryan I wanted you to be my Master and own me. Control me Sir as you wish. I am fulfilled by serving you Master Sir."

I knew he needed that recorded. It's consensual so far. Even the fucking collar.

He sat in his desk chair and flipped it around facing me. He ordered: "Kiss my feet and then give them a tongue massage from top to bottom. Use force in your tongue to make it feel powerful as it massages my feet. Greedily lap up any dried sweat. Be hungry for all my sweat all the time." I laid down on the floor and went to town on his gorgeous feet. I was going to act grossed out but I wasn't. I actually craved this. So I thought just dive in and stop acting repulsed.

After 20 minutes he said "kneel" and he pulled his shorts off. I was mesmerized by his cock. Also 7 inches but meaty and thicker than mine. Full nice balls. He said "Let's test your cocksucking skills boy. Get to it." So I did. I took his head in my mouth by the tip of my tongue under his cockhead. I wrapped it around and then quickly all the way down the underside of his shaft with my tongue. Then back up and then I put the cock in my mouth and tried my best to relax my throat and got it about two-thirds down. But then my gag reflex took over. I had tears and snot and drool on his cock and my face.

He had a deep, calm and reassuring voice. He said "Good first attempt boy. In fact A+ for intended effort. Now follow me. The body has defense mechanisms. It has reflexes and instinct to protect itself. Your body thinks a dangerous invader is trying to get down your throat. But you and I know that my cock is not a dangerous invader to you. Don't you faggot? In fact you crave it. You want to suck it all the way down. You love pleasing cock." And you know what? I love throat massages of my cock. You will learn that first."

I said "Master I want your cock and to learn to take it all the down which is proper. You are right Sir it is not a dangerous invader.' He replied: "Great. Mind over matter boy. Forcefully tell your body that my cock is not a dangerous invader. Tell your body to allow my cock into your throat. Stop, just stop the gag reflex. You know my cock is coming as it enters your mouth. So relax and defeat the gag reflex. Override it. Mentally defeat your gag reflex. Make way for my cock to take its rightful place in my slave's throat. Relax your throat. Once my master cock is all the way down your throat leave it there. Breathe through your nose. Or hold your breath. I don't care. I'll revive you if you pass out. The important thing is the uninterrupted feeling on my cock. Leave it all the way down and use your throat muscles and tongue to massage my cock while it's in your throat. You must perfect this skill asap. Especially before my father visits or when I offer your cocksucking skills to a friend or even a stranger."

He kept saying "override your gag reflex...tell your body to allow my precious cock down your throat. Defeat the gag reflex. Unlearn it. Mentally override instinct. Tell that to your brain and to the back of your mouth and throat. Don't gag. You know it's safe for my cock to invade your throat. You know that's maximum feeling for a man getting head to have his cock all the way down the sub's throat. Why the fuck else would I go to all the trouble of keeping a slave?"

He helped me do it once and I kept his cock down for about 40 seconds. He is an amazing trainer and astounding for a freshman in high school. It was like he had 20 years teaching this. And his voice was so soothing and mesmerizing.

He was very pleased and told me so. "Well I have a budding natural cocksucking champion here as my slave."

Then he wanted me to pull his cock almost all the way out but not all the way out and then ALL the way back down again and again and again and again and again. I succeeded. His balls were hitting my chin. He has the most awesome scent I was smelling and tasting. My nose would mash itself in his pubes.

Finally he held my head and ejaculated down my throat. I felt cheated. I didn't get to taste all but a small part of his cum. He said "It wasn't a flawless cocksucking but it was pretty damn good slave. Pretty damn good. Still, you are going to do better aren't you my faggot cocksucker? I was out of breath, but I said "Yes Master I want to perfect my cocksucking skills for your Sir and I will Sir."

As I looked up I saw his phone recording the BJ. He then sent the link to someone. I freaked. I did as he told me, surrendered and accepted his collar and then he does this? I looked incredulous. He said "relax faggot it's to my dad. I'm sure he's proud of his alpha son. It's not going to anyone else for now unless you disobey boy."

Thinking of his father I thought to myself this man terrifies me. But I also was stunned that any high school boy would freely send a pic of his dick getting sucked, let alone by a man, to his father! He sent video of him getting his hard cock sucked to his father! Another man I've never met watched me suck a cock and has it on video. My life was upside down. Just a couple days ago I was free to do and think as I pleased. Little burdens on my mind. Now I am a slave. Owned. Willingly.

Master Ryan grinned or smirked. I don't know. But I pleased him.

His final words that epic day were: "Steel yourself boy. Tomorrow and this weekend will put enormous pressures on you as you learn to serve me. The coming days, weeks and years are going to require radical changes for you. Ah---but not to your core. Your core is a naturally born sub who was born to serve me. We will bring out your core as you live in accordance with it. It's the only way your life will meet its purpose. The only way you will be fulfilled. Focus on living in harmony with your nature boy. It will make it easier on you. Not that I worry about your feelings. Actually the more stress you put on yourself as you are given more and more difficult orders, the easier it is going to be for me to break you. Then I get to reshape you my way. Completely and totally MY way in every way in every aspect of life. I am your Master. I own you. Now get out of here."

After I got dressed and was leaving he said "slave, don't ever say I didn't give you anything." He tossed me his sweaty jock to take home. I immediately brought it to my nose and smiled wildly. I thought "fuck it, he understands me. I'm his fucking slave so I don't have to hide shit like this." He definitely smirked. As I got to his front door I put his jock in my pocket. I felt naked without my phone but I trusted him that I'd have a new phone tomorrow. At home I slept with his jock on my pillow. Inhaling all the scent I could from it and knowing where it had been--on my Master's cock.

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