Freshman Roommate

By Wyatt Anderson

Published on Jun 2, 2014



None of these characters are representative of any real people, this is not a true story, and if consensual sex between two males over the age of 18 offends you, perhaps you should reconsider what site you are on, and not read on.

Wyatt came back into the room and flopped face first onto the couch, which, like most other pieces of furniture in the room, belonged to Kyle. It wasn't exactly planned that way, but Wyatt lived eight hours away from campus, and Kyle lived a measly one. Planning their dorm earlier that summer had been an exercise in patience as both tried to get the other to bring more. In the end the most Wyatt was able to bring with him on the plane was a sickeningly swirled green-and-blue rug, which currently occupied the floor and clashed horribly with Kyle's bright yellow-orange couch that, much to Wyatt's dismay, had apparently looked very dapper in Kyle's room at home.

Kyle looked up and dropped his highlighter onto his biomed notes. He stood and stretched his legs, walking over to his coffee maker. He put Wyatt's favorite blend, hot chocolate, into the holder and a mug underneath the spout. Turning on the machine he turned slowly and smiled, the setting sun was shining in through the window, accentuating the supple curve of Wyatt's ass in his shorts and making the faint dusting of summer-bleached hair on his firm calves shine. He sat on the cushion next to Wyatt and placed one hand on either shoulder, slowly circulating his thumbs, he bent and fit his chin into Wyatt's neck, feeling the upset boy's blonde hair gently stroke his cheek and temple, he closed his blue eyes, feeling Wyatt relax in his grip, "What's wrong?"

"Everyone here knows more than me. Why the fuck did I think I could do this? I took one year of training in one language, and I'm far from good at it! All the rest of them have been programming for years! I should've just stuck with chemistry."

"You hate chemistry."

"I didn't use to! I'm pretty sure it was just the teacher, it's not nearly too late to transfer, I can still go pre-med."

"Oh come on, you know that's not what you want."

"It's better than being stupid."

"You're not stupid."

"I know that. But the professors probably all think it by now, I don't know anything!"

The coffee maker dinged and Kyle released Wyatt's broad shoulders, "Sit up, I made you a drink." As Wyatt dredged himself out of the depths of his self-pity, Kyle unscrewed the lid to a bottle of peppermint schnapps and poured a healthy dose in the drink. He stuck the bottle back in his bottom desk drawer under his binders, and walked over to Wyatt, handing him the mug.

"Thanks" Wyatt took a large swig and set the mug on the dark oak end table next to the couch that was, not surprisingly, Kyle's. He kicked off his shoes and lay back on the couch with outstretched arms, looking at Kyle pleadingly.

Kyle sighed and consented, laying down and tucking his arms under Wyatt's back, he set his ear in the middle of his roommate's chest, hearing the faint beat of his heart, and the faint swishing of the abnormality Wyatt had been diagnosed with at age 12. He sighed contentedly, and brushed his own blonde hair against Wyatt's badly-in-need-of-a-shave chin. They laid like this for a few minutes, Wyatt breathing steadily and Kyle thinking, before finally breaking the silence "You know you've only had a few days of classes right?"


"I doubt the professors even know your name by now, let alone how good you are at programming." Kyle pushed himself up and looked into Wyatt's eyes, grey as the sea in storm, "You're going to be fine, I promise."

Wyatt looped his arm around Kyle's waist and pulled himself up. He reached behind his back and grabbed the hot chocolate, never breaking eye contact with Kyle, who, for his part, was just beginning to feel the strong and strange attraction he always felt in moments of closeness with Wyatt. Kyle leaned in, about to lock his lips with Wyatt's, when the hot chocolate snuck between them. Wyatt took his time with this drink, swallowing everything left in the mug, eyes dancing with mirth like smoke from a crackling midsummer fire surrounded by your closest friends. Kyle feigned insult, and tried to squirm from Wyatt's grasp, but now that the mug was back on the end table, Wyatt could use both arms, and he was negotiating from the position of strength, his arms both already around Kyle. Wyatt pulled hard and Kyle collapsed downward, his head landing, not gently, on Wyatt's upper left chest. Instantly Wyatt's arms released Kyle, both flying to his heart, he coughed and shuddered, unable to speak.

Kyle filled with cold fire, afraid he had killed his roommate in the first week. Wyatt gagged. Nearly crying Kyle jumped off the couch and fumbled in his pocket for his phone. His hand closed and he pulled it out, already unlocking the screen, through his tunnel vision he opened the phone app and pressed nine, one twice and right as he went to press call Wyatt stopped gagging, "Don't call, I'm fine" he said shakily. "You just knocked the wind out of me, didn't even land on my heart. Don't worry."

"I thought you were going to die!"

"No, I'm not that fragile thanks," Wyatt laughed and sat up, he held his arms out and grabbed Kyle's hands. "Now where were we?" He pulled Kyle close and kissed him. Their lips pressed together perfectly, tongues danced across opposing lips and each other, until Kyle broke the kiss.

"Those professors probably do think you're stupid."

"Thank you Kyle, the attempt to kill me didn't work, so you're trying to drive me to suicide?"

"Let me finish! I was going to say people as hot as you, generally, aren't very smart—STOP IT!"

"Stop what?" Wyatt asked innocently, still chewing on his bottom lip, with full knowledge of its effect on Kyle.

Kyle pushed him back onto the couch, "Shut up, you know exactly what you're doing. I'm going back to my studying, at least I'll know what I'm doing."

"That was low," Wyatt grumbled and rummaged in his pack for his Micorsoft surface 3. He pulled it out and opened the web browser, checking his email he found nothing interesting, just a reminder of the chapters he had to have read for English in two days. Closing the browser he smiled at his wallpaper, a picture of him and a few of his best friends from back home at the lake, most of whom he didn't talk to anymore. There was Micah, who had been his best friend, brown hair and bad acne leading to a surprisingly smooth and bare chest, with a nice set of abs, more from a lack of fat than any real muscle, from his red and gold swimsuit peeked two surprisingly hairy legs, his arm was around his, now, ex-girlfriend Mikayla, a redhead with a ton of freckles and an alright body wearing a green and white polka-dotted bikini. Next to them was Wyatt, then Katie, Wyatt's ex-with-benefits, a brunette runner with an amazing butt and a killer set of blue eyes that went great with her button nose, and double-d's. Timmy was next, he had a bit of pot belly, and was hairy all over, something Wyatt definitely was not attracted to, but his chesnut brown hair and mellow green eyes relayed a kindness that was hard to not love. Sarah was looking off to the side, apparently she had seen a rabbit, and even as a high school graduate that had been important enough for her to run off an instant later. Her sharp nose and chin were delicately outlined in sunshine, which bounced of her shiny light brown locks, her body was amazing, the only drawback was not displayed in this picture, the only reason Wyatt even knew about it was because they'd been like brother and sister in another lifetime, a few months ago; Sarah refused to shave, sure her legs were smooth, but there was something else that wasn't. Timmy, after Wyatt had told him what Sarah had said, had taken to referring to her pubes as "the forest of doom".

Bored he stowed his tablet and walked over to Kyle's desk, "You put more schnapps in than usual."

"Yeah, but only so you would shut up and leave me alone."

"Oh come on, you said yourself it's only been a few days, why are you studying when you could be rolling around naked with me?"

"Don't flatter yourself, you're not that hot."

"I'm hot enough to be stupid, or so I seem to remember someone saying. I think it was right after doing this--" He leaned down, pushing Kyle's highlighter away despite his protests about smudging his notes, and kissed him. Wrapping his arms around Kyle's neck he slid off the desk, pulling them both to the ground. Kyle landed on top of Wyatt, but didn't break this kiss. He tugged up on Wyatt's shirt, pulling it up and off, bringing Wyatt's chest and abs into the fading twilight, he slipped off his own shirt and then grabbed Wyatt's wrists, pushing them down, they landed on top of the puddle of shirt the boys had left on their dorm room floor. He slid his mouth down to Wyatt's neck, gently biting and sucking until he had the other boy moaning and rolling under his touch. Meanwhile his hands slid down Wyatt's sides, feeling the strong muscles flexing beneath his touch. He pushed with his thumbs on Wyatt's abs until finally, slowly, he arrived at Wyatt's waistband. Sliding his mouth skillfully down Wyatt's chest he arrived at the nipples. Wyatt loved this part and he curled his toes in anticipation as Kyle set to work.

Wyatt moaned, loud, so loud that Kyle grabbed one of the shirts and stuffed it over Wyatt's face, effectively silencing him from any nosey neighbors. All this time, though, Kyle never stopped working on Wyatt's nipples, he switched between the two, working one with his mouth and one with his hand, he brushed them with his tongue and lips, he flicked them, and bit them until Wyatt could take no more. Wyatt reached down and pulled Kyle up to his mouth and they kissed, tongues dancing back and forth in the ultimate dance of passion.

Kyle broke the kiss again, this time he completely ignored Wyatt's chest and in one fell swoop pulled off Wyatt's blue shorts and boxers, exposing his hard cock. Six and three quarters inches long the circumcised pole captivated Kyle in a way biomed studying never seem quite capable of. Wyatt's shaved balls bounced to a rest below the base of his shaft, they hung loosely now, as if something were exciting Wyatt. It began with Kyle's hand, pumping up and down on the cock while his mouth went back to Wyatt's nipples. That didn't last long before Wyatt was pressing the shirt into his own face and Kyle knew it was time. He slid his mouth back down to Wyatt's head and began to slowly suck his cock, swirling his tongue around the tip. He picked up the pace and soon was taking in Wyatt's whole cock as quickly as he was breathing. Kyle began to jack Wyatt off in time with his mouth and pretty soon Wyatt's hand was on the back off his head, "Kyle... I'm gonna, I'm gonna cum Kyle." Kyle only picked up speed. When it came, it came hard, one, two, three, four shots hit the back of Kyle's mouth and he swallowed every last drop.

Kyle came back up and started to kiss Wyatt. Wyatt sat up with Kyle in his lap and then flipped the two around back down, laying back down with Kyle on bottom, he broke the kiss and winked at Kyle, slowly sliding his roommate's shorts down off his legs, Kyle's seven and one quarter inch cut dick flopped from his pants and Wyatt, who was never one for dramatic effect, went to suck it He'd just managed to get his mouth around the tip when there was a knock at the door.

I can't promise this won't be the last submission of this story, but I plan to try and work on it and submit whatever new things I have every week, so if this isn't the first and last I have no basis on what the length of the future submissions will be. Anyway, you can email with questions and concerns. I also welcome any criticisms, but please don't be a jerk, if you're going to rag on my writing at least offer suggestions.

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