Freshman Exploration

By BiBuckeyealum

Published on Apr 30, 2018


Disclaimer: if you are not of legal age for the community you are from leave now. If you are offended by sex between consenting males then I am sorry for your loss but you should leave now for this story will offend you.

I swear to you this is true ( of course to the best of my memory I retell the story with little blanks.). I have changed the names to protect those involved. I vividly remember Vince often and regret how our freshman story ends. He was a gorgeous man in every way physically but most importantly personally. I still vision some times with him when I beat off.

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This is a true story and told as I can remember it best. We weren't as experienced and probably weren't as good as this makes it sound but we had fun and if times were different probably would have had a lot more!

Vincent and I became more comfortable around each other after our first night out but there was still the tension of what happens next. Vincent was still not sure how far he wanted to go and if he could ever suck me. We both had a conflicted relationship with stew, who was the ultimate straight alpha male. The more I think about it now the more I think Stew wanted us both. Many of the things that go wrong over the next 12 months do so because we can't deal with Stew or the pressures of being gay bi or whatever label you want to put on it in a straight world.

Vincent and I continue to sleep naked and openly jack off around each other and we talk more and more about sex. I admire Vince's perfect body, his thick cock with its big cut defined head. His perfect dimples ass. To say there was constant sexual tension in our room would be to say it's cold in Columbus in January.

Vince even tells me about waking into a scene in the 3rd floor restroom in William Oxley Thompson Library. An student a year or two ahead asked him if he could suck him under the stall. This guy was already sucking the guy on the other side. ( I guess I was ahead of him in my development because he ran away I would have joined). Silly Vince didn't realize that bathroom was primarily for extra activities. He even noticed for the first time that their were holes in the stall wall so you can see the stud next door. I visited often for the next four years.

One day in November we both had late classes I was in the shower when Vince walked in. He opened my shower curtain ( there was two showers in the room) and said no one is around. Come in I said. We grabbed each other's stiffening cocks. I am not large an average five inches he was a good six and a half to seven. We were both cut and thick with black bushes. His balls were bare though as his Hispanic heritage would indicate. He was so tight and had the perfect muscle development as I was a little stocky and we both had great asses. Stew would even tell me I had a nice ass from time to time. It is clearly the best part of my body and maybe why I am such an ass man.

Our hands immediately were all over each other's cock and ass and chest and we rubbed together and ground together as we beat each other to a violent explosive simultaneous climax ( amazing I matched him as I always have been a quick cummer more so now than then I guess) we brushed our heads together as we climaxed and came within an eyelash of kissing. As much as I wanted to kiss this beautiful man it spooked me as much as Vince and we came down from our high and showered in separate showers to get ready for class.

Things had changed though clearly as Vince and I were even more open in a room we often had by ourselves. Naked ass slapping and a mutual jerk or too. Then one night we knew our roommate was gone until st least two am. We had come back from the bars before the rest of our group because I had had enough beer for the night ( in this time they actually served beer on high street in buckets.. red five gallon buckets not bottles I mean beer in the bucket that we would share). They were going to end the night at my least favorite bar. They all knew I didn't like the place so when I left to head home they actually told Vince to go with me so I wouldn't do something stupid. We had been drinking and when I went to climb to the top bunk I stumbled. "Trent you are to drunk to get up there just stay in my bunk and go to yours before stupid gets back ". I shed my underwear as we both slept naked and slipped in beside him.

I tried to convince myself that I was supposed to go to sleep as I think Vincent did also. We laid on our backs and stared at the bunk above us. I tried to close my eyes but I could feel Vince's heartbeat in my chest we were both so tense and excited and nervous and oh so clueless. I didn't want to make the first move because I didn't know where Vincent stood. I didn't know what he wanted or what he felt. I knew this.....I wanted him I wanted all of him.

We were both breathing heavy and then it happened. I felt it light at first almost as though it was an accident then I felt it again Vince's hand was on my thigh it began to gently rub up and down my hairy muscular thigh. I reached over and rubbed his smooth tight developed abs and slid down just past his cock to his thigh barely grazing his balls as I went. He moaned softly.

He whispered "can we go slow can we see what we want?"

I turned and looked him in the eye and said "Vincent I want you I want whatever you want and I will wait til you are ready." This is so out of character for me. Anyone that knows me knows that I am introverted and surely not comfortable in my bisexual skin. I'm not sure even now but I was clearly more experienced then Vincent.

Vincent's warm hand enveloped my hard cock as mine did his, it was clear that we both wanted this to happen as we were both Rock hard and oozing juice like a faucet.

Vincent whispers again "will you.... will you try again?"

I said "Vince do you want me to suck you again?"

He moaned and nodded in affirmation that he wanted what I had a great desire to give. ( I am not much of an anal bottom but holy tuck I love to suck cock and damn it I'm good at it too.... don't mind being sucked either, in fact won't turn you down, but honestly I want to give a blow Job to a hot guy and grind our hot hard cocks together more than anything else.).

I rolled to my stomach between Vincent's legs and started licking his nips and sucking on his perfect hard nipples and pecks ( another new and satisfying sensation for Vincent). I licked down his beautiful tight abs to his very faint happy trail I licked around his thick bush and all the way up Vincent's big thick throbbing shaft. He moaned so loud I had to put the pillow over his face for fear our suite mates had come home from the bar and would hear him. I licked the big bulb head. And tasted the sweet nectar as it escaped his large slit. I was moaning to for the object of my desire was now in my mouth and honestly sliding down my throat a thick inch at a time. I used all the tricks my brother had taught me growing up. All the tricks I had used on my high school teammate and my cousin. It amazes me today as I look back that in the mid 1980s in rural farm town Ohio I could claim these experiences in high school. I guess I should have trusted myself more.

I had Vincent bucking his hips like a wild bronco. Then it happened....he grabbed me and flipped me he climbed on top of me and ground our cocks together.

"I'm going to try Trent I need to try I need to do this. Don't hate me if I can't or if I'm not good".

" Vincent I can't ever hate you whether you can do this or not will not change what I think, what I want, or what I will do for you."

With that Vincent went down to my body and picked up my pulsating cock he looked at it and he licked it. Slowly tentatively but oh so sexually. He wasn't great but damn he was Vincent and it was all I needed. I am a bear though very hairy ( today I sometimes manscape for those that don't like hair but I live a straight life most of the time and in my day manscapping wasn't a straight mans game.). I think the hair more than anything was too much and Vincent stopped short he climed back up and we ground our cocks together again until we were both near cumming it was hot and passionate and honestly heaven for my young soul. I turned Vincent again and took him in my mouth and sucked moving my mouth up and down slowly at first and more intensely with each stroke. I used my tongue to increase the sensations as I circled his thick cock. I wish I could say it was minutes but more like seconds Vincent was ready to shoot. He moaned so loud and screamed his need to cum. I was convinced that all the seventh floor could hear his ecstasy. For some reason one I can't explain today I didn't swallow him then. I would today in a second. I had swallowed once or twice before but often even my high school buddy I would stop short. Today I kick myself for tasting him so seldom ( Vincent asked me to so often as we became more experienced).

Vincent moaned and shook as his climax erupted from his rock like prick. I had never experienced a cock that became that hard and that intense in all my sexual encounter before or I think since. Vincent shot all over me my chest his chest my face. He screamed with each shot. He shot at least seven streams of hot young college cum. I thought there must have been at least a half gallon of his creamy think white cream. I tasted a little of the salty but sweet nectar.

He apologized for not sucking me off as he pulled me to him and. I climbed up on him. We laid chest to chest and cock to cock. I aches as my cock was so hard and so in need of release. To my surprise Vincent was solid again. I ground my cock into his blissfully sexy body. He ground his up into me. His hands all over my ass and bad as we fucked into each other's groins. Our breathing was labored and our blissful moans are intense and loud. Thank God that it was a big bar night for there was no way out suite-mates could not have heard our ecstasy had they been home. Our hard cocks slid together easily as we both oozed Precum to lube our movement. We were again within an eyelash of kissing each other passionately. We weren't ready for that yet and we knew it. Still at this time this was just us trying our way to find our path and with the only person we knew we could trust. Yet we still both had a crush on Stew and we knew it.

I understood and I knew our passion and we just kept grinding and gyrating and literally intensely fucking our cocks fighter. Slow at times and more intense at times. it seemed like forever but I know from experience I couldn't have lasted that long. With a loud moan and a jerking body and with Vince's hands on my hard tight ass I came I shot stream after stream 1...2.....7. At least 8 shots of powerful cum between the two of us we soaked our pubes stomachs and and chests in hot cum. Suddenly Vincent jerked below me and screamed "oh FUCK"into my ear as he deposited his second load of the night to mix with mine. We rubbed our heads together as we fought to control our breathing the look of absolute sexual satisfaction and lust in our faces.

We came down from our orgasmic bliss and knew we had to clean this up before all of the suite was home. We ran and took separate showers and cleaned up our beds as best as possible. We climed into our separate bunks. As we began to drift to sleep

Vincent said "Trent I don't know where this is going or even where it can go and I don't know that either of us are ready for any of this but if this is exploring then I think I am ok with exploring more with you."

"Vince I know I am ok with exploring all of this with you. If you are ok I am ok it is your call to make".

We drifted off to peaceful sleep until our roommate came in from security duty at 3:30 am "what the fuck smells in here?" The cocky asshole said. Vince and I chuckled and then I said "Toby"our other usually absent roommate "had a fuck fest with his girl while we were out.. her room was occupied"I said.

I woke up the next morning with a headache. And a hard cock as I saw Vincent bent over pulling on his shorts. I know he is getting ready to go for a run. That means one thing ...: Vince is overthinking again. He looks at me blankly as he ties his running shoes. I smile at him trying to calm his nerves. He opens the door and turns to me.. he looks up then looks back to the ground....." how do we live this way Trent?" My beautiful scared roommate whispers to the floor more than to me. "Damn what do we do now ?"

Another chapter ? Let me know or BiBuckeyealum on tumblr. O-H

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