Freshman Exploration

By BiBuckeyealum

Published on Apr 21, 2018


Disclaimer: if you are not of legal age for the community you are from leave now. If you are offended by sex between consenting males then I am sorry for your loss but you should leave now for this story will offend you.

I swear to you this is true ( of course to the best of my memory I retell the story with little blanks.). I have changed the names to protect those involved. I vividly remember Vince often and regret how our freshman story ends. He was a gorgeous man in every way physically but most importantly personally. I still vision some times with him when I beat off.

Please forward your thoughts comments and reviews to or visit my tumblr blog, Bibuckeyealum, and message me there. Go Bucks!

This is my true story:

Lived in Morril tower my freshman year on the seventh floor. Looked over the band practice parking lot haha. The towers still had 16 per suite four per bedroom at the time. It was the last year for that. My cousin did live in taylor tower st the time though he was a smart one. ( we explored also ). I was fortunate as my suite was full of hot guys, quite the trial for this very closeted very interested bi guy who loved men's bodies at a time it was not always well accepted to do so. Very true for two guys straight from the farm lands of rural Ohio. We were a shared interest themed suite and ours was sports and recreation. So all of my roommates played or had interest in sports and many of their bodies reflected this interest!

Each room had at least two absolute studs in it. I had one roommate with a girlfriend across campus who we seldom saw as he was always across campus. A second roommate who was a campus rent a cop who used his yellow security coat to turn us all in for something. We didn't see him much but when we did we noticed his huge damn cock. Too bad he was as big of a dick as he was hung. Then there was him. I'll call him Vince. A stunning half Latino jock. He looked a lot like the kid on my tumblr blog, bibuckeyealum, that I blew one day last summer. He had a perfect body not too muscled but toned by cross country and track and I think he swam too. He had perfect pecs with nice hard nipples a almost hairless face and a very cute slight happy trail to a nice thick but controlled black bush above his cock and perfect low hanging hairless balls below. His cock oh my his cock. It was nearly perfect. Not the largest in the suite by far but perfect. Thick with a large vein and at least 6.5 inches hard with a pronounced cut head. ( which I have since learned was unusual for a man with a Latin American heritage). His ass was just as perfect. Round and muscled and perfectly dimpled. I couldn't help but stare as he dressed in front of me. I have always been very hairy, at the time slightly overweight and well not well hung. Vincent was everything I wasn't and everything I wanted to be with. I couldn't admit it to anyone but at least I admitted it to myself.

We were both best friends with the absolute alpha male stud in the bedroom next door. And too find out we both probably had a crush on the Arian God ( I'll call him Stew) with the biggest cock I have ever seen in person. Blond hair blue eyes and faint blond bush on the cock of a god a gymnast who honest to god eventually became a varsity cheerleader. This was my freshman year and I was an introvert especially as a confused bi boy from the country. Vince and stew got me out of my shell by getting me involved in homecoming festivities decorating the dorm float. And our friendship exploded. One night I knew that Stew and Vince were having an intense conversation but I wasn't included as I spent time with my girl ( I'm bi and in the closet what else would I do?) I knew that Stew was still our best friend but between Vince and Stew, Stew acted differently. Finally one weekend the Buckeyes played away from home and Vince and I were the only males from our group that stayed on campus ( two guys from each of our rooms, total eight guys, ran around with eight girls from the suite below.) Vince confided to me earlier in the week that he had a secret one that he shared with Stew. He told me that some day when I was ready he would share with me but that my friendship was too good for him to ruin. ( he probably knew my mom was a homophobic rural Christian if he and she only knew the sins of others in my family.) During the weekend we were together constantly and finally Saturday at lunch I was was able to convince him I needed to know.

"I can't be alone." Vince said.

I assured him that he would not be alone. I had heard a conversation between Stew and a couple of others in my room. I was beginning to hope Vince's secret was the same as mine. I also knew if it was that I could not trust Stew to keep my secret.

Vince confided that in high school he "experimented". I was naive and honestly didn't know what that meant. He told me that he looked at boys and that he had touched another boy and left the boy touch him. ( I thought my he needed my moms "you'll go blind masturbation speech")

What I did say was "thank my fucking God I'm not alone."

Vincent stared at me and mouthed "what"?

"I have touched boys before too, and I didn't stop there.......". " I liked it " I said...... And " I think I want to try it again...... Maybe with you."

" I don't know if I am ready for that not here not with you.... Not yet". Vince said.

So I waited, weeks passed and my infatuation with Vince grew. We didn't talk about it but we also made sure the other wasn't " alone". We both began to sleep naked and often at night we beat off as we knew the other one was beating off also in our bunk beds. Finally one night we were walking back from dinner separately from the rest who were going to Larkins Hall (the Rec Center) to play basketball or something. Vince convinced me not to go. As we got on the elevator back to our room Vince simply looked at me and said "I'm ready". I fucking almost blew my load all over the inside of my underwear right then right there. We knew we couldn't in our room that would be social suicide. So we got my car keys went to west campus and got my car. And we drove and drove looking for a secluded place to practice our secret.

I reached over as I drove and messaged his hard cock through his shorts as he groaned. "man if you keep it up I'm going to blow before I can touch you" he said "You need to find a place quick."

I did . I remember the lot behind the Big Bear well. We both pulled out our cocks. Both soaked with precum and as hard as mine had ever been. I didn't know the limitations of Vincent's experimentation and didn't realize I had done more. I leaned over and took his gorgeous thick tasty perfect cock in my mouth. I could not believe it I had this studs cock in my mouth. The problem?...... He couldn't believe it either. I spooked him. It was too much too fast. He pulled my head up and came as he put his cock away.

"I haven't done that" he said "I don't know if I want to do that ....I don't think I can do you".

I sat with blue balls and a stunned look on my face. I blew it I thought and drove silently back toward campus. Horny and depressed and scared to death that I just lost my best friend.

Days later we sat in our study room studying and taking and he spoke up. Soft at first

"You scared me ". He said, I could barely hear him. "I liked it.... It felt good" "I'm "...." I'm scarred" he said...

"I'm scarred too" I said.

Vince said I'm sorry I don't know if I can do it for you". " what was it like". He asked.

" Vince it was amazing because it was you. It's ok you don't have to do it for me "

"But.... But ". He stared...."I don't know."

" It's ok Vince when you do know I'll be here."

To Be Continued?? It's up to you!

Next: Chapter 2

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