Freshman Campus Life

By Eddie Brown

Published on Aug 28, 2003


Hey! My name is Ryan. I was 19 years old. I have brown hair and blue eyes. I am 5' 8" tall and 155 lbs. It was my first year at the University. I got moved into my dorm and hit it off great with my roommate Rodney. He had blonde hair and blue eyes. He was the same heighth and probably 150 lbs.

I knew this was going to have a great year together. We both moved in on Saturday. We both unpacked and were putting our clothes away. We both setup our own computers and put the rest of our other belongings away.

"I am so hot!" Rodney exclaimed as he took off his shirt.

He had a great body. Tight washboard abs that were awesome. I could see his waistband of his blue underwear. "FTL". Fruit of the Loom I thought to myself and smiled. I felt my cock start stirring in my short and my Hanes boxer briefs. I was dieing to find out if they were briefs or boxer briefs. His shorts were riding low on his hips and narrow waist. I smiled to myself.

"What's the matter with you?" Rodney asked smiling back at me.

"Oh? Nothing. Just thinking." I replied back to him kind of embarrassed.

Rodney walked over to his closet and flipped off his flip-flops. He walked over to be bed where I was sitting. He unbuttoned his shorts and let them drop to the floor.

"They are boxer briefs." He stated leaning over, smiling at me.

All that I could do was just sit there and stare at him. His chest. His bulging cock. His abs. His tight thighs.

"Oh man. You have an awesome body." I stammered.

"Thanks, Ryan. If you would loosen up - maybe take your shirt off or something - I could return the compliment." Rodney replied.

I leaned forward toward Rodney and then stopped. He made fists and put them on his hips, right above the waistband of his boxer briefs.

"Go ahead." Rodney told me.

I stuck out my hands and felt his washboard abs. They were firm and rigid feeling. I felt up to his darken, erect nipples. I rubbed then with my finger tips. Rodney closed his eyes tilted his head back. I glanced down and noticed that his cock had hardened and tenting out his boxer briefs. I noticed a small wet spot forming at the tip of his penis. I stood up and leaned my head down to his chest and started licking his nipples. Rodney lazily opened his eyes and looked at me.

"We are going to be an awesomely great year together. Let's slow down a little and savor the moment." Rodney stammered.

He stepped back and looked me up and down. "Take it off." he told me.

I kicked off my Nike's and pulled off my socks. I pulled my shirt over my head tossed it to him. Rodney caught it and brought it to his nose and inhaled really deep. He closed his eyes and enjoyed my boy scent on my shirt. I opened his eyes and tossed the shirt on his bed and then motioned for more. I stood there in my shorts with my Hanes waistband exposed above the waist of my shorts and hesitated for a moment. I looked at him standing there in his FTL boxer briefs. I unbuttoned my shorts and then unzipped them. This exposed the front of my grey boxer briefs. Rodney's eyes lit up and started grinning. I slide my shorts down and stepped out of them. I stood up straight with my cock hard as rock tenting the front. I stood there some what embarrassed. I glanced down and notice my very own wet spot appearing. Rodney stepped over to me and looked me up and down in the front. He rubbed my erect nipples for a second and then brushed his hand across my abs. He knelt down in front of me and stared at the increasing wet spot and smiled up at me. I took his hand and trace with his fingers both sides of my hard cock all the way down to my ball sac. He cupped these in his hand and nodded. He stood up and walked around behind me and ran his hands down both of my ass cheaks and cupped them in his hands. He leaned in close behind me. I could feel his underwear covered hardon pressing into my butt. He leaned over my shoulder and whispered into my ear, "Very nice packages. Very nice indeed. We will have a lot of fun with these this year in school."

I signed and whispered, "Thank you, Rodney."

We got dressed and chatted a little and went out that evening to investigate the campus life and see what was going on.

To be continued.....

Next: Chapter 2

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