Freshers' Freedom

By danny4nifty

Published on Oct 31, 2019



Hey! Firstly, thanks for reading my story. This is something new for me so I'd love to get as much feedback, good or bad, as possible. If you have anything you want to say, or ideas to add, or anything at all, please email me at:

All of the usual things that we always see at the top of the stories apply here. These events are not real, although some aspects may be loosely-based things that have happened in my own life, so any similarity to your own experiences is purely coincidental. If you shouldn't be reading these stories, whether because of the country you live in or because of your age, then don't. Equally, these chapters will contain sexual encounters between two consenting men (or more in the future) so if that offends you in any way then please don't read this - and maybe question why you are on the site in the first place.

With all that said, if you're still here then please enjoy.


There they were. Both of them were laid there on top of the soft, white sheets that had clearly been freshed laid for this moment. One of them, the smaller of the two, began to remove the few items of clothing he was wearing. They came off with ease: his pale-blue t-shirt sliding over his head, only temporarily hiding his short blond hair and beautiful blue eyes. His torso was, as you'd expect, near to perfect. His smooth, blemish-free skin had only a wisp of hair in all the right places for a twink of his age and the definition was exactly what you'd want - not too much nor too little. It was no surprise: he had been chosen for this after all.

Upon seeing his partner remove his t-shirt, the other man began to undress as well. He was slightly older but not by much, perhaps a few years at the most. However, his look was completely different. Where the twink's removal of his clothing had revealed a near-hairless body, this man's showed a more traditionally masculine torso. Dark hair covered his pecs - not enough to hide them from view but it was sufficient to show how his body was different to the twink's. As well as this, he had significantly more definition to his upper body and arms with clearly outlined muscles that were now beginning to tense as the twink began to run his hands lightly over them.

It was no accident that the two of the them contrasted so well. Their coming together on this bed had been carefully preplanned. Every aspect of his encounter had been precisely designed from the look of both of the men to the arrangement of the room. As they touched, it was like a dance: each movement was precisely cheorgraphed.

They kissed, both sets of lips touching each other. It was gentle, at first, and then it was as if a flame ignited between them, setting all passion ablaze. Everything moved quickly after that. Thier kissing became more frenzied as hands roamed over the two bodies. Their boxers were discarded. Both of them had been hiding impressive weapons with the man sporting one which was both longer and thicker than the twinks, of course. First it was hands, then mouths and then came the inevitable: "Please fuck me," the twink cried out.

And what was I doing during all of this, I hear you ask. Well, despite my overwhelming desire to be a part of that was happening on that bed and my insane jealously of this twink who was about to have his tight, little arse stretched open by the man's thick cock, I could do nothing but look at them. I stared at them as they began to fuck, their cries and moans filling my ears. I gazed longingly as the man bottomed out inside the twink, whose eyes were rolling in his head at this point. I watched as the video came to an end and an end-card popped up offering me a whole host of other porn videos from the site.

Actually, it's not technically true to say that I was only looking at them. My hand was pretty busy as well as it was inside of my own boxers and stroking my own rock-hard dick. It wasn't as remarkable as the man's, which must have been at least nine inches and the main reason that he had been cast in this particular scene, but it was comparible to the twinks: around seven inches, uncut and with a reasonable thickness. It certainly filled my hand at least and I used it to pull my throbbing cock from its confines and out into the open as I loaded up the next video.

Unfortunately, I didn't get the chance to load up the next video, which was a shame as the preview image showed a particularly sexy twink getting his arse pounded quite roughly by a real stud of a man, as my wank was interupted by a knock on the door.

"Come on, Daniel!" my dad's voice called out through the door, "We need to go soon! You need to be there before 3!"

And, just like that, any horniness that I had simply vanished. To be honest, I'm lucky that all he did was knock on the door; it could have easily been my mum who always seems happy to barge into my room whenever she wants. I don't think she'd have taken kindly to catching her eighteen-year-old son wanking his cock and watching gay porn, especially because she had no idea that I'm gay. This lack of privacy was one of the things I hated most about living here with my parents and one of the things I was most excited about with what was happening today.

I removed my headphones, pulled up my boxers and closed my laptop, adding it to the case that was still laying open on my bed. My reflection caught my eye in the full length mirror next to my waredrobes and I couldn't help but compare my own build to that of the twink's from the video. As I said, our cocks were similar, although mine was no longer hard after my dad's interuption. Still, even soft, I had a decent piece of equipment that seemed to hang quite well at around four inches whilst in its flacid state. The twink's body was better than mine though with his abs more noticeable, which made sense - he was the one doing porn after all. I didn't look bad, just more of a slim build than a toned one. I shared his smoothness with only a light dusting of hair coming up from my pubes to my belly button but no more across my whole torso. I believed myself to be shorter than he was as well. Although I didn't know the twink's height, it was reasonable to assumed that, with my 5ft5 frame, I would likely be the short of us too. That's something that used to bothered me, especially when all of my friends started to surpass me in height, but I've felt a lot less insecure about it recently.

"Daniel, now!" my dad's voice again, sounding more frustrated this time. Picking my clothes back up from the floor, where I'd thrown them earlier, I dressed, closed the case on the bed and carried it out of the room. Despite the rush, I took a moment to pause and look back at what had been my bedroom for the last eighteen years of my life. I thought I'd feel some kind of sentimental rush of emotion but I didn't. In fact, I didn't really feel anything.

"Oh baby," my mum said in a soft voice as she saw me coming down the stairs, "I remember bringing you home from the hospital in my arms and, now, you're heading off into the world. It doesn't feel like long enough." Her eyes were beginning to water.

"It's been my whole life, Mum," I said with a smile, "and it's not like I'm moving to another country: I'm just going to uni."

"But it's so far away." She took hold of me as pulled me into a hug.

"Mum!" I laughed, "it's really not that far. Leeds is only like two hours away."

"Two hours too far to be away from my baby boy."

We had all predicted that she would get like this as it became time for me to leave, which was the main reason why we had all agreed well in advance that Dad would be the one to drive me to the campus and Mum would stay here at home. After another ten minutes of hugs, kisses and reminders about how little I used to be, I was finally in the car and on my way.

My dad and I have always had a pretty good relationship, although I don't know if that would change if he knew that I was gay, and the majority of the car journey was filled with laughter, banter and fun. However, the tone changed as we neared the campus. "Listen," he began, his voice deepening slightly, "I know you're nervous, even if you don't show it, but you will be fine. This time of your life is going to be so much fun and it could really open you up to a whole host of new experiences. But you need to let it."

"What do you mean?"

He sighed, "Daniel... you've always been more on the quieter side and I think it's fair to say that you'd identify far more as an introvert than an extrovert, yeah?"

"I guess," I said softly.

He wasn't wrong. Throughout my childhood, I'd been one of those background kids. I mean, I had friends of course but I was never what you'd call popular. A significant proportion of the people in my year at school probably wouldn't even know who I was by name alone and would struggle even if you showed them a picture. I'd been painfully shy as a younger child and, although that had improved as I got older, I still felt far more comfortable at home with my laptop than I would at a party. Although I had hoped that going to university would have been different - I wasn't feeling nervous at all, I mean, I wasn't really feeling much of anything.

"You are going to need to push yourself to get involved and to try new things. There will be loads of stuff for you to get stuck into as part of Freshers' Week and I want you to do as much as you can."


"No," he said, looking over at me for a moment, "I'm serious. This is going to be so good for you but I'm worried Daniel. I'm worried that, without your mum and me pushing you, you'll let yourself retreat back into your room and you'll miss the most important part of being at university."

I laughed: "Getting the degree isn't the most important part?"

My dad smiled, "To be honest Daniel, no. For you, the most important part is going to be the connections you make here and the experiences you have. I want you to promise me that you'll give it a real go, that you'll try whatever there is on offer here."

I paused for a moment - he seemed so sincere that he'd caught me off-guard a little. "I... I do Dad. I promise."

It was only around 15 minutes later that we were pulling up to the registration office. We'd decided that Dad wasn't going to hang around: he'd drop me off at the right place and then head off home, leaving me to register and settle in to my new life. It was the right choice but, as I saw him drive away, I'll admit there was a part of me that wished that he wasn't. The reality of my situation hit me like a ton of bricks as his car pulled round the corner and disappeared from view. I was here, on my own, about to start a new life in a new place where I knew precisely no-one. Oh gosh, there were those nervous feelings my dad had been talking about.

Most of that first day was a bit of a blur if I'm being totally honest. The guy registering me did attempt to give me a load of information about the campus and what I needed to do but what he was actually saying to me didn't really register. It might have just been me feeling overwhelmed and struggling to hear anything because of the pounding of my own heart in my ears, or him talking far too fast as this was the twelfth time that day he'd given the same speech. Or, quite possibly, it might have been the fact that he was a stunningly beautiful man and I definitely spent more time imagining what it would be like to kiss those lips rather than listening to the words that were coming out of them. Whatever was the cause, I soon found myself a little bit lost and wandering around the campus looking for my accodomation.

The place was beautiful: big, old buildings with impressive architecture and carefully planned out gardens and open spaces gave the campus a truly wonderful feel. Unfortunately, the vastness of it did nothing to help me find where I needed to be. Nor was my situation helping with the growing feeling of panic that was threatening to engulf me from within.

"Hey there," a voice came from the left, "Do you need a little help?"

I turned and saw a young woman, probably only a couple of years older than me. She was wearing one of the university hoodies and holding a clipboard so I assumed that she was probably here for people exactly like me who had no idea what they were supposed to be doing. Knowing that didn't stop me from blushing terribly though; I was almost too embarassed to look at her.

"I... er... I'm..." I started to say but couldn't quite find the words.

"Looking for your accommodation?" she finished off my sentence for me.

"Yeah," I smiled, "It's Storm Jameson."

"Ah," she cried out as if a sudden realisation had dawn upon her, "I thought so. Don't worry, you aren't the only one who has struggled to find it today. It's part of our Charles Morris Halls so the signs say that instead of Storm Jameson."

"Oh, ok... sorry." I turned and got out of there as quickly as I could - I felt so stupid. I'd walked through the Charles Morris Halls and had not even realised that that was where I needed to be.

It didn't take long to get back there and, after an awkward exchange with a clipboard-holding young man in the lobby, I managed to find my room and closed the door behind me. A wave of relief that washed over me as soon as the door shut was indescribable. It was so stupid but just proved my dad right - I was going to have to deal with this shyness and nervousness if I was going to be able to get anything about of coming here.


Hey again, I hope you've enjoyed the start to the story. I'm sorry that this chapter didn't include any actual sex - Daniel is a virgin at the moment but, don't worry, he has quite an interesting Freshers' Week planned for him. As I said before, if you have any ideas, suggestions or feedback please send me an email on:

Oh, and remember to donate the nifty if you want to keep this site up and running and, let's be honest, who wouldn't want to keep it up ;-)

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