French Kiss Me

By Pris G

Published on Jan 30, 2001


I don't think this is the best chapter of my story. Actually I don't like it one bit (ok, I like little pieces here and there but that's not the point) so I'll understand it if you guys don't like it either. I started writing this in the middle of dealing with some of my emotional crap and it definitely didn't turn out the way I wanted but oh well, I decided to send it anyway so I wouldn't leave you guys hanging for much longer.

I have to send a big thanks to Melanie for helping me out with the French in this chapter. Because of her you won't need to read my mutilating such a beautiful language lol The important sentences in French are translated between ( ) so you're not thrown out of the loop. There it goes. Thanks once again, Melanie :)

Also, I wanna make it clear that I've never been to Paris, thus I don't know what it's like to be under the Eiffel Tower or even if there's any way of doing that. Just for story purposes I decided that, yes, you can visit the Eiffel Tower and stand under it after midnight. Well, it's the BSB we're talking about, they probably can go anywhere they want, anytime they want lol

My chocolate thank you's: Trenchie (I loved this one and I'm still going to ask you the reason of it lol), Ross (thanks for listening to me and know that I'm always here for you too :) and Eddi. And also, if you've sent me any kind of feedback, this one goes for you: THANK YOU!!! I love you guys! :)

Disclaimer: Don't know them! Don't own them! Am not them! Too young? You know you shouldn't be reading this but who am I to stop you? Too homophobe? You should be ashamed of yourself and crawl back into your mother's womb. This if she would still want you there, scumbag!

Sorry for the outburst hehe Hope you enjoy it (even though I didn't)! Luv, hugs and chocolate! Fallen Angel

******************************************************************* French Kiss Me - Part fourteen by Fallen Angel

"I wanna go to the Eiffel Tower" I answered when AJ asked what everyone was gonna do after that night's concert in Paris. We had just had breakfast and were just hanging out.

"Count me in" Brian replied from his place behind me on the couch. He was sitting with his back rested on the arm of the couch and I was in the middle of his legs with my back against his chest and his arms around me. I don't even have to say I'd like to stay like that forever, do I? Good!

"Really? I would've never guessed!" Kevin said in mock surprise

"If J decided to jump off the roof of this hotel you would go with him" Howie teased Brian

"Correcting: if he was to jump I'd be down on the sidewalk to keep him from hitting the ground" Brian replied smugly and they all started making gagging noises, except me of course who was laughing at all of them "You asked for it!" he completed

"And if you were down there I'd jump quicker" I joined

"Good answer, Pooh" he whispered and kissed my ear

"Stop! Please, stop!!!" AJ nearly yelled "I have my sanity to keep!" he completed and we laughed

"OK, anybody else going with Brian and J?" Kevin asked, rolling his eyes at our antics

"I am. I've never been there" Mark answered

"And I assume Nick's going too?" Melanie teased him

"Assumed right" Nick replied

"Count me in too" she joined

"It might be nice. I'm going too" Kevin replied

"That leaves me and you, D" AJ looked at Howie

"Clubbing?" Howie asked

"Sure" AJ replied and just then the phone in Kevin's room (where we were all gathered) rang. He was the closest to it so he picked it up. We didn't pay much attention until we heard Kevin sigh and say ok before hanging up

"It was Fatima. There has been a change in one of the routines and we have to go meet with her" he said as he sat back down

"We have to go all the way to the arena?" Nick whined

"No, there's a room downstairs in the hotel that we can use. We're supposed to be there in 15 minutes" I heard Kevin reply but then his voice faded when I started drifting off to sleep with my head resting back on Brian's shoulder, his chin softly nuzzling my forehead. The last thing I remember was him kissing my forehead and I was back to lalaland.

I woke up (it seemed as 5 seconds later) to lips on mine. I slowly parted them welcoming Brian's tongue in my mouth. We kissed for I don't even know how long. When we parted I opened my eyes to find his beautiful smiling face "Wakey wakey" he whispered and I chuckled

"Do we have to go already?" I asked rubbing the sleep off my eyes

"Yup" he nodded and kissed the top of my head

"K" I replied as I sat up. When both Brian and I looked around everyone was silently staring at us with goo goo eyes. We looked at each other and rolled our eyes

"You guys might seriously want to consider keeping your current jobs, because comedy is lost on all of you" Brian said as he sat up by my side

"You guys are just too cute together" Melanie pressed our cheeks and everyone laughed

"Is the kodak moment over? Can we go now?" AJ asked as he stood up

"Careful, Kev, he's trying to take your mother hen role from you" Nick teased pointing to AJ

"Let's just go" Kevin rolled his eyes and we all laughed before heading to the door. I just had time to steal a quick but lingering kiss from Brian before we were rushed out on the hallway. Time to be friends again. We all exchanged small talk on the ride downstairs, just the usual "picking on someone" stuff. Today Kevin seemed to be the target and he just took it all quietly. He knew that anything he said would be held against him so he just sighed every now and then. He was fun to watch when he was pissed off. He knew (of course) where the previously mentioned room was so we followed him through the hotel lobby, attracting quite a bit of looks I might add. When we reached the room, Fatima, Frank and Pamela were there already

"Hey, guys, good morning" Fatima greeted us and we all groaned. She was in her "hyper Tima" mode. That meant we were in for a looooooooong rehearsal "Oh, c'mon, I know you all just loooove me" she grinned like the cat that ate the canary

"Sure we do, Tima" I grumbled

"Just for that, you're staying longer."

"Not fair!" I whined

"There are some stuff I wanna talk to you about anyway" she replied quite proud of herself when everyone laughed

"Oh, c'mon, why me? Pick Mark!" I kept whining

"Because you're whining and he isn't" she replied with her hands on her hips

"He would be if he had to stay longer" I pouted

"Save that for someone who caves in" she winked at me and I'm sure I blushed. I always do anyway...

"Fine..." I mumbled

"It won't be that bad" Mark patted my shoulder and I scowled at him

"Shut up, blondie" I shot him what I meant to be my best "I'll kill you later" look

"Hey!" came the replies from Nick, Brian, Melanie and Kristin, the blonde population of the room

"Thankfully I don't fall in that category today" AJ laughed and so did I. And so did all the non-blonde ones in the room

"CHILDREN! WORK! NOW!" Fatima yelled and everyone went to their places. The song "Everyone" started playing and she fast-forwarded it till the part she wanted to change "In this part, I want just the dancers, paired in couples, to 'dirty dance' with each other. J will go with Mel, Frank and Pamela, Kristin and Mark, Joshua and Carol, Scott and Lisa" she said and we paired as she said

"C'mon, french boy, show me what you got" Melanie teased and I laughed before putting my hands on her waist. Fatima grabbed Kevin (which got another round of teasing on him of course) and showed what we'd have to do. We repeated as she wanted and after some more tries we finally did exactly as she wanted. Then it was time for the boys to do almost the same thing. They did it and then she turned to me again. uh-oh...

"Would you be able to cross this room flipping backwards?" she asked and I bit my bottom lip

"Don't know... I can try..." I replied but I wasn't really confident

"You're sure to be the lightest here and I really really wanted you to do that" she pleaded and I sighed

"Sure..." I shrugged. Everyone cleared the area behind me and I took a deep breath before flipping. After the first one, the others came quite easily. I stopped just inches from the wall and grabbed it for support "Guess I have to practice a little bit more" I laughed at my dizziness while everyone clapped "I'd bow for you all but if I do it right now I'll fall on my face" I said and they laughed

"You're my hero" Fatima hugged me "You won't have to do so many, it'll be just during the little circus part in the song"

"OK" I replied and went to my place after the dizziness was gone About an hour of rehearsing later, everything was like she wanted and she let everyone go back to their rooms. Everyone except lil' ol' me here, right? Oh, joy! "So, what's it that you wanted to talk to me about?" I asked as soon as we were alone in the room

"I wanna change the routine to 'The Call' and I wanted your help. The boys will keep their rotine but I wanted to change the dancers'. Everytime I listen to it I find some kind of latin beat to it and who better than you to help me with a latin choreography?" she grinned

"WOW! Thanks for thinking about me like that... but what did you have in mind?"

"Have you seen the movie 'Dirty dancing'?" she asked and I raised an eyebrow at her "OK, stupid question, of course you have. So, I was thinking..."


When the guys came in my room to get me to go to the arena, they found me on my bed just in boxers and t-shirt with a hot washcloth on my right knee. Brian immediately ran to my bed asking me what happened "My knee's hurting a little. Don't worry I'm fine. Give me ten minutes and I'll be ready" I smiled at him

"If your knee's hurting shouldn't you stay back and rest?" he asked me as I stood up and walked to the closet

"Brian's right" Kevin agreed

"It happens every now and then. Nothing to worry about." I replied as I put my knee protection. I didn't use it too often, just when I had to dance and my knee was almost killing me. I didn't want to admit it to them but that was exactly the occasion. Brian was worried already, no need to make it worse, right? I put my pants on with a little more difficulty and then put a button down denim shirt over the white t-shirt I was wearing and my tennis shoes "I'm ready" I replied as I turned around, coming face to face with Brian. He kissed me and I couldn't help but moan from all the passion he showed through it, even though it wasn't a deep kiss

"Now you're ready" he smiled and I smiled back

"My dentist will be so happy by the end of this tour..." AJ muttered under his breath

"Shush! They're cute and you're just jealous" Melanie playfully hit his arm

"Yeah, we're cute" I agreed

"Yeah, and you're just jealous" Brian joined making everybody laugh

"Oh, God, help us! They have an ally now" Mark said with his eyes turned upwards

"Shush you too!" Melanie shoved him out of the door

"Hey, I'm older than you!" Mark whined

"But I'm butcher, now just go" she replied and we all laughed while Mark sulked

"Have I told you you're my heroine?" I asked her with my sweetest smile after locking the door

"Yes, as a matter of fact, you have. But I'm never tired of hearing it" she grinned and I put my arm around her shoulder as we went into the elevator

"Won't Nycky be jealous that you've replaced her as your heroine?" AJ grinned at me

"She knows she's my royal and unreplaceable (is that a word? lol) heroine. Mel's my heroine while I'm away from Nycky"

"So now I'm your step heroine?" she asked in mock hurt

"I think I'll shut up now before I get spanked" I replied "Gee, and I thought it was 'picking on Kev' day"

"Why did you have to remind them?" Kevin moaned

"Oh, but we hadn't forgotten you, Kevvy" Nick said with that (damn cute) eyebrow raised and that (damn cute) smirk on his (damn cute too) lips.

"That makes me so happy" Kevin replied sarcastically as we got out of the elevator

"Glad we can help you somehow, Boo" Howie gave him a shit-eating grin, making everyone laugh. And Kevin groan of course.


That concert went quite great, though by the end of it I was cogitating the possibility of yanking my knee off my body. And Brian, being the sweetie he is, noticed my flinching when I plopped down on a couch in their dressing room "What? Your knee again? I told you that you shouldn't have performed tonight" he said concerned as he sat down by my side. We were the only ones in there.

"Shhh... I'm fine. Nothing that some Tylenol won't solve, k?" I replied "I just forced it a little harder today" I carressed his cheek with the back of my hand "We have a day off tomorrow, I'll rest. I'll be fine"

"If you say so..." he replied skeptically

"Yes, I say so" I smiled at him "Actually there's something you could do to make that 'fine' come faster" my grin expanded

"And that would be?" he grinned while bending down closer

"I'd say you're in the right direction" I whispered

"Is that so?" he asked softly nuzzling my nose with his

"Pretty close actually" I replied as I tried to bring my lips to his just to have him pull back

"Really?" he said teasingly as he approached me again

"Just shut up and kiss me" I ordered as I put my hands on the back of his neck and bringing his face to mine for an earth-shattering breath-taking kiss

"And there they're at it again" we heard AJ mutter behind Brian when they all came in and they all just laughed when both Brian and I gave him the finger without breaking the kiss. But the realization of what we had just done caused us both to start laughing too. I don't know if you've ever noticed but laughing and kissing don't quite work well together and we broke apart

"I call dibs in the shower" Kevin yelled and ran for the shower before Howie could get there

"You should! You stink!" Nick yelled at the closed door

"Like you don't" everyone shot back and Nick rolled his eyes

"I'm going to go and take a quick shower too. See ya in a few" I kissed Brian quickly and stood up

"Be quick." he smiled at me "But don't run" he pointed at my knee

"K, dad" I rolled my eyes and smiled at him before leaving the room, trying my best not to limp. I opened the door to the dancers' dressing room just in time to come face-to-face with Frank. Even an up-day has its down's, right? He passed by me in that oh so classy way of his, making sure to glare at me and hit my shoulder as he went by. Whatever crawled up his ass and died...

"Hey, J. Is your knee better?" Mark asked as soon as I came in

"Not really" I winced a little

"Shouldn't you see a doctor?" he asked concerned

"No need for that. I've seen enough doctors" I replied as I looked for the bottle of Tylenol I kept in my bag. After fussing over everything I finally found it and immediately took two and swallowed them with the water Mark offered me "Thanks" I smiled "Chill, it's nothing a hot shower won't help. You guys are too overprotective" I completed and he laughed

"Including a certain blonde-haired blue-eyed shortie back in the other dressing room, I assume?" he teased in a hushed tone so that Scott, who was changing, wouldn't hear us

"Mainly that certain blonde-haired blue-eyed shortie actually" I replied in the same hushed voice and he giggled "I don't mind. I think it's sweet, you know, him wanting to take care of me. I haven't had much of that lately. It feels good to know that someone cares enough to be worried about me. Even if it's over something as little as a pain on my knee" I smiled and we both waved goodbye to Scott before he left

"You guys are really cute together. And I mean it. I know we have been kind of teasing the hell out of the two of you but we mean it in the best way. It's good to see how happier he's now. I had never seen him with that 'child in Christmas night' look he has in his eyes everytime you're around and God help me he has never looked cuter" he completed and we both laughed

"He really is fine, isn't he?" I bragged

"No need to rub it in, sweetie"

"Just pointing the obvious" I replied and he laughed

"People look so cute when they're in love" he teased

"Falling in love applies better here" I replied kinda seriously

"Nut-huh, sweetie. You've fallen already. Hard. Hopelessly. And helplessly" he replied. Why was it so hard to admit I was in love? I felt it, why couldn't I just say it? "Go take a shower" he laughed when I zoned out "You stink"

"HAHA You and your boyfriend are too alike for my taste sometimes. And one smartass remark about my taste and I'll kick you out of that door straight to the hotel" I completed and he just laughed

"See ya, frenchy. I gotta go find my own blonde-haired blue-eyed hunk"

"See..." I replied and he left. I was left in the room with just Joshua who had just gotten out of the shower. I made a beeline in that direction and took as quick of a shower as my knee allowed me to. I was getting pissed off that it wouldn't get better. I had taken the medicine. Medicine was supposed to help. I left the shower stall and put the clothes I had left the hotel in back on, all the while muttering about why men created medicine if it didn't help (A.N.: this is kind of a joke with my future carrier. I study Pharmaceutical Sciences to the ones who don't know yet lol). When I went into the commom area of the dressing room I jumped just about ten feet when a hand was placed on my shoulder while I was hanging the stage clothes I had been wearing. I spunned around to find Brian's smiling face "You startled me" I said with my hand over my heart (awww... that sounded so sweet lol sorry, I'm just in a smartass mood today. Go back to your reading)

"Sorry, didn't mean to." he smiled and I (of course) melted "Is there any way I can make it up to you?" his grin expanded

"I can think of some, yeah..." I replied as I stepped into his arms. The thought of someone coming in and catching us did cross my mind but it flew away when his lips connected with mine. My fingers softly played with the curls in the back of his neck, causing him to moan against my mouth

"Am I forgiven?" he asked, as out of breath as I was, when we parted

"If I say no will you kiss me like that again?" I smirked and he laughed

"If I kiss you like that again, we'll take too long in here and Kevin'll have a coronary" he giggled "C'mon..." he said as he threw my bag over his shoulder. I stopped shortly just to fix my hair a little and followed him out of the door

"Took you guys long enough, huh?" AJ smirked

"Don't even start. Pick on him" I pointed at Kevin

"You are just asking for a spanking" Kevin gave him a death glare

"He wants me. You heard for yourself" I looked at Brian with the most shocked and innocent look I could muster without laughing

"Kev, I expected that out of anyone but you" Brian mocked hurt and Kevin rolled his eyes

"I shouldn't have gotten out of bed this morning" he moaned and we laughed

"Let's go. The Eiffel Tower waits for us" I said laughing, deciding Kevin had had enough. For now that is.

"We're outta here too." AJ said in his hyper, pumped up, after-concert mood

"Bye, guys" Howie rolled his eyes and followed AJ who was doing his own maniacal version of the Thong Song down the corridor to the back door

"Attend les filles, je m'enviens!" ("Hold on, ladies, I'm coming!") he cracked up doing his typical pelvic thrusts

"Can you say freak?" Mel said and we all laughed

"C'mon..." Kevin said and we all went out to the waiting van that would take us to the Eiffel Tower. As we passed the streets, I couldn't help but smile at all the memories flooding my mind. Little things like a playground where me and my sister had played, or a park where we had sat down to eat popcorn and caught our parents kissing kinda passionately. Little stuff like that. Little stuff that I missed a lot I had to admit

"You ok?" Brian whispered in my ear while his fingers played with the hair on the back of my neck

"Just got kinda melancholic there for a second. I'm fine" I kissed him softly and looked out the window again after getting a smile from him "Lots of memories..." I trailed off

"Bad ones?" he whispered

"And good ones too" I looked back at him "Are we going to stop somewhere to eat? I'm kinda hungry" I asked him

"Kev said we'd go to some nice restaurant management recommended. It's near the Eiffel Tower so it's easier. And apparently it's the only one that would be open at this time."

"I have a pretty good idea what this restaurant is" I smiled. I wonder if Sophie still works there?

"Crowded?" he asked with a frown

"Nope. Quiet peaceful little place. The best tables are outside though. Great view. Right in front of France's biggest postcard"

"Quite romantic then?" he smiled

"Guess you could describe it like that" I nodded and we both looked out when we felt the van pull up "Bingo!" I grinned looking at the restaurant I had come to so many times before. We were led to a table, their best as they had put it, and soon the waitress came over "Puis je dire que tu est encors la plus belle des cartes postale de Paris?" ("May I say you're still the most beautiful of Paris' postcards?") I asked before looking up at her shocked face "Et tu est encors belle avec ta bouche ouverte." ("And you look great with your mouth open too.") I completed and I knew she was about to slap me when realization hit her

"Jeremie! Mon Dieu! Est ce que c'eat vraiment vous?" ("Jeremie! Oh My God! Is that you?") she asked when she put her jaw back in place

"Oui c'est moi" ("Yes, it's me") I smiled up at her

"Oh donne moi une bec" ("Oh, give me a hug") she smiled and I laughed before standing up and doing so "Tu est tellement beau" ("You are so handsome") she said looking at me and I blushed

"Merci beaucoup" I replied "Oh, my God, sorry guys. Guys, this is Sophie, a friend of my parents'. Sophie, these are my friends, Brian, Kevin, Melanie, Mark and Nick"

"Nice to meet you" she said with a thick french accent

"Nice to meet you too" was the reply from everyone at the table

"What brings you here?" she asked me, obviously thinking that talking in French would be rude, as I should've thought before.

"Touring. I'm touring as a dancer to these guys' group" I replied

"Oh, you're those boys Emma doesn't stop talking about?" Sophie asked, when she recognized them, getting giggles out of me, Mark and Melanie when the three "boys" in question blushed

"The Backstreet Boys? Yup, that's them. How's Emma doing by the way?" I asked her. Emma was Sophie's only daughter. She was probably around 15 or something now.

"Growing up" Sophie laughed "So, how may I help you?" she asked everyone and wrote down what was asked "It'll be here in a few minutes" she smiled after getting everyone's orders and left towards the restaurant

"Didn't know you could speak french so fluently" Melanie smiled at me and I shrugged

"My parents are French and we used to come here a lot. Besides that, it's a beautiful language"

"Your parents... you don't talk much about them..." Kevin said cautiously and I put my hand on Brian's when he glared at his cousin

"It's okay..." I smiled at him "I haven't seen my parents in the last five years. Not much to talk about when they're not much a part of my day-to-day life" I shrugged "They freaked out when I came out and they kicked me out. I live by myself since then"

"I'm sorry" Kevin replied, obviously embarrassed to have asked

"Don't worry" I smiled at him trying to assure him everything was fine. Sophie came back right on cue to end the uncomfortable silence that settled over us

"Excuse moi" she smiled as she put our plates in front of us "Can I help you with anything else?" she asked sweetly and after getting our negative answer she bowed slightly "Enjoy your meal" she said and left

"She wasn't so polite with me when I came alone" I joked and they laughed

"You've come to Paris alone?" Brian asked

"Once. During college some friends decided to do a trip and asked me to come too. I invited Nycky and we spent two days here" I answered and then we resumed eating. When we were finished, Sophie came to the table again. I asked her to bring the bill but she just shook her head no

"It's on me" she smiled

"No way" I protested

"Yes way. I hadn't seen you in a really long time, consider it a 'come back soon'" she replied

"But, Sophie..."

"No whining!" she pointed her finger at me

"Fine" I mumbled, already planning about what I'd send her as a thank you gift

"Good boy. Now go and have fun with your friends" she said as I stood up

"It was really good to see you again" I said softly as I hugged her

"Likewise, sweetie. Come back soon"

"I'll try" I smiled and she said her goodbye's to my friends before going back inside "C'mon, I still want to go to the Tower" I said and they all stood up. We walked the short walk to the oh so famous tower and soon we were inside the gates. I couldn't help the smile on my face when I spotted a small bench nearby. My sister and I had sat there countless times, listening to our parents tell stories of when they still lived in France, of when they fell in love. I went in that direction and ran my hand over a small inscription on that bench "She wasn't lying" I whispered

"Who?" Brian asked as he stood beside me

"My mother. See the inscription?" I asked him pointing at it

"Yeah but I don't understand it" he smiled

"'Notre bebe a etait fait ici' means 'our baby was made here'. The initials there are G from Gerard and J from Jackeline. My parents. And I'm the baby." I smiled and then laughed at his shocked face

"Your parents had sex under the Eiffel Tower?" he asked incredulously

"That's what my mother told me once. I didn't believe her then but I do now"

"My boyfriend was made under the Eiffel Tower? How romantic" he whispered and we laughed "But what would be even more romantic was if I kissed you 'like that' now" he wriggled his eyebrows and I laughed

"What's not one bit romantic is the glares your cousin keeps shooting at us" I replied looking over his shoulders at Kevin

"He's just jealous" Brian replied

"Is that so?"

"Yeah. Kristin will soon join the tour for a while and help him with that" he completed and we laughed

"Speaking of joining tour, what time is Leighanne's flight landing in Manchester?"

"Around 10am. Nervous?" he grinned

"To say the truth, yeah. Wouldn't you be if it was the other way around and you were to meet Nycky?"

"I'd be a nervous wreck, that's for sure" he laughed

"See?" I replied and then resumed looking around "I had never been here during the night. It's peaceful" I said looking around

"Yeah... I just think we should get back in the van quickly" he said and I looked questioningly at him "I won't be able to keep looking at you here and not kiss you for too long" he replied and we chuckled

"I'll make it up to you later" I whispered and winked at him

"Promises! Promises!" he sang and I laughed

"Hey, guys, what are you up to?" Mark asked as he approached us followed by Nick and Melanie

"Just finding out some nice facts about my boyfriend's life" Brian answered and I laughed

"What?" Melanie asked looking at us curiously

"Did you know it's possible to have sex under the Eiffel Tower?" Brian answered with a question of his own, causing all eyes to fall on me

"You've had sex under the Eiffel Tower?" Nick asked incredulously causing me to almost roll on the floor laughing

"No. Not me." I said between laughter "My parents" I answered and their jaw dropped even more, if that's even possible "I wasn't born in Paris but I was made in Paris. Under the Eiffel Tower to be more specific" I said and they laughed

"It doesn't get more romantic than that" Melanie replied with a sigh

"Told you" Brian pointed out

"Yeah. Yeah" I smiled at him "Where's Kevin?" I asked causing everyone to look around

"He was here few minutes ago..." Mark replied vaguely as we tried to spot him

"Wait here" I said when I saw Kevin sitting on a bench a little away from us, looking at the ground "Hey..." I said softly as I sat beside him

"Hey" he replied, seeming startled for my sudden appearance

"You ok?" I looked at him closer

"I'm fine... just... lonely I guess. I miss Kristin" he shrugged, turning his head to look ahead of him

"I'm sorry" I said and he smiled

"Don't be. I just got a little overwhelmed. This place is beautiful and it's something I'd have wanted to share with her, that's all"

"When is she joining us on tour?"

"She'll arrive with Leigh. Two days" he smiled, obviously thinking

"Two days" I repeated. Thinking too. But in a different perspective

"You don't have to worry about Leigh, y'know? She loves Brian as much as we all do and she'll love you the minute she sees that silly smile on Brian's face" he said and we laughed

"Brian told me that already but I don't know, feels like being introduced to family, y'know? I'm new at this" I chuckled

"Don't worry. She's really cool. A nuttcase, that's for sure" he laughed

"Nycky #2 from the way Brian talks about her" I laughed along with him

"I don't know Nycky that well but your friendship with her and Brian's with Leigh are really alike. She'll love you" he patted my shoulder

"Hope so" I smiled at him

"Thanks for the peep talk, I needed that" he laughed

"At your service, sir" I saluted him

"I don't know why but I didn't like what I just heard" we heard Brian say from behind us, his comment causing Nick, Mark and Melanie to crack up laughing "What was that?" he asked as he sat down by my side

"Nuthin, Duckie" I smiled sweetly at him

"Don't duckie me. First my cousin wants to spank you, now you're at his service and calling him sir? I don't like that" he said trying to keep a straight face

"Keep it up and you'll be the one getting the spanking" I threatened him

"Again I say, promises, promises..." he grinned and everyone but Kevin laughed

"I didn't need to visualize my cousin like that" Kevin covered his ears and we laughed

"Let's go, shall we?" Melanie said, rolling her eyes

"Yes sir, Melanie sir" we all saluted her and she flipped us off

"So unlady-like" Nick said in mock shock as we followed her

"Weren't you picking on Kevin before?" she whined and we all looked at Kevin

"I want my bed" Kevin cried out and we all laughed. Yes, sir, he was fun when he was pissed off...


***************************** I know it sucks. I'll try to make the next one better. Promise! Oh! And part 15 will take a little longer because I haven't finished writing it, k? So don't go yelling at me too soon lol Mail me and tell me what you thought at See ya! Luv, hugs and chocolate! Fallen Angel

Next: Chapter 9

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