French Kiss Me

By Pris G

Published on Jan 13, 2001


Disclaimer: I wish I knew the Backstreet Boys but I don't. I wish I owned the Backstreet Boys (woohoo! that'd be GREAT!) but I don't. I can't tell you if any of them is gay and even if I could that's none of your business hehe This isn't meant to imply anything about anyone mentioned. If you're under 18, get the hell out of here (this is a hypocritical statement but I have to put it here lol). If you're homophobe you have to expand your horizons or get the hell out of here. Now that's out of the way :)

Thank you to all the people who have been sending me such kind words regarding my story. Thank you from the depth of my heart and soul! :) And now I have to send my special covered-with-chocolate-and-stuffed-with-cherry-brandy thank you's: R James (I AM DUMBFOUNDED LOL But thanks for trusting me :) and I'll try to apologize less? lol), Andreas (thank you for playing "shoulder" g And thank you for wanting to listen to me blabbering about my screwed-up family lol), Eddi (Wuz up, BOY g), Ross (see? I didn't beg on my knees in the last installment lol) and Josh. I'm sorry (here I go again James lol) that I can't mention ALL the people who have been sending me feedback here. The list has become too long (thank God g). But I've thanked you personally already and if your name isn't here doesn't mean I have forgotten about you. I remember everyone who has sent me even a short mail. And if you've sent me feedback, the thanks goes to you too :)

Well, people, this is a bit longer than the ones I've been sending. Trying to reedem myself for the lack of... content I've been sending hehe

Hope you enjoy it! Luv, hugs and chocolate! Fallen Angel

*********************************************************** French Kiss Me - Part eleven by Fallen Angel

The concert was a blast. It went so good that most of the people decided to go out and celebrate. I was too tired to go and decided that my bed back in the hotel was much more inviting. Nick, Mark, Brian, Pamela and Kevin thought so too and an hour after the end of the concert we were riding up in the elevator. We all went straight to our respective rooms (except Mark that went to Nick's of course). Once in my room (I was used to calling it mine by then, seeing that Mark spent most of his time in Nick's anyway) I went straight for the shower, which took half an hour of my time. I was still pumped from all the adrenaline of being on that stage and, though I was tired, I was too hyper to go to sleep. TV was the best (and only) option then. After the shower I grabbed the first thing I saw (and that was beat-up jeans and white t-shirt) and threw on the bed. I put the jeans on and just as I had picked the t-shirt and pulled it over my head my cell rang. I went on a crazy search for it and found it under the pile of clothes I had previously thrown on a chair "Hello?"

"Hey, there, French boy!"

"Kat! My God! It's good to hear from you"

"It's good to hear you too. The girls here miss you..." she said in a mischievous tone in her voice

"Tell them I miss them too..." I replied in the same tone

"So, I hear tonight is your first concert..."

"Was is more like it. Just got back from the arena" I replied just as I heard a knock on the door "Hey, Kat, hang on a sec. Someone's at the door"

"Sure" I heard her saying just before opening the door and coming face to face with Brian

"Come in" I mouthed and opened the door wider. He smiled (damn him!) and came in "Hey, Kat, I'm back" I said and she chuckled

"I was hoping I could say good luck but as it's too late for that I'll ask how it went" she asked laughing

"It went great. Really. I think I'm still in a daze. It doesn't seem real" I chuckled and went to grab the TV remote that was by its side. I saw throught the tv screen that Brian went and sat down on my bed, looking deep in thought and I wondered what could be wrong to make him so worried

"That's good. Look, it's probably late there and you should go to bed..."

"Believe me: I wouldn't be able to sleep now if I wanted to" I replied "But I have a guest in here..."

"OK! Call you later. Bye bye. Luv ya"

"Luv ya too... bye" I replied and we hung up "So, Brian..." I started as I turned around and I just had time to see him right in front of me before his lips were on mine. My eyes shot open and I was motionless for about a second before I started to respond the kiss. His lips felt great and when I started to really get into it he pulled away. My breath was so heavy and my heart was beating so fast I thought I was going to pass out. And the kiss wasn't even a deep one "Am I... dreaming or did you just kiss me?" I asked with my eyes still closed. I opened them when I heard him chuckling

"Does this feel like a dream?" he asked softly before cupping my face in his hands and kissing me again. Just as our lips met, his parted and I felt his tongue outline my lips. Mine parted, welcoming his tongue and he deepened the kiss as his arms went around my waist. Have you ever been electrocuted? That was how I felt when his tongue met mine. Just as my hands went to his face my cell phone rang. I groaned as we pulled away, making him chuckle. I flipped my phone open and put it to my ear as Brian hugged me and rested his chin where my shoulder met my neck, looking up at me


"Woah! Were you sleeping?" Nycky said and I smiled down at the blue eyes staring at me

"Sleeping? No. Dreaming? Kinda..." I replied and Brian giggled softly

"Huh?" she asked and I chuckled


"Whatever. So... how was the concert?"

"Amazing! There's no other word to describe it"

"That's good. What time's it there?" she asked at the same time Brian lightly kissed my neck (which is one of the weakest of my weak spots I might add). No need to say my mind was in no condition to assimilate whatever Nycky was saying

"Huh?" I asked and she giggled

"Is there anyone there with you, Pooh?" she asked in a seductive tone but I kept silent. When I didn't answer she shrieked "OMG! Who's he?" she asked and I chuckled


"Fuck you!" she laughed

"Look, we'll hang up and if I don't call you back in five minutes, you call me, k?"

"Jeremie! What are you hiding from me?"

"The sooner we hang up, the sooner you'll find out"

"OK! Bye" she said and hung up before I could say anything

"Nycky?" Brian asked and I nodded before kissing him softly

"Come here" I said as I took his hands and led him to my bed. I sat down and pulled him down by my side, facing me "Well... you know me and Nycky are really close and... I've never been able to keep something from her... and..."

"You're asking me if you can tell her about us?"

"Actually I haven't even told her about you being gay and..."

"You haven't?" he asked and it was obvious that he was surprised

"Of course not!" I replied a little more harshly than I intended "I mean... it wasn't something mine to tell..." I said and he cut me off with a kiss

"Thank you" he smiled "I just didn't expect you to keep that from her. I've seen how close the two of you are..."

"It wasn't an easy task..." I chuckled "But her lost puppy dog face doesn't work over the phone" I completed and he laughed

"You gotta a problem with lost puppy dog faces?" he asked and I looked up at him to find an almost Nycky-like lost puppy dog face on his and I groaned. As you probably already know, that's another of my weaknesses...

"You won't start with that too, are you?" I asked and he laughed

"It might be handy in the future..." he wriggled his eyebrows making me giggle. He was just too cute "Uhm... J..." he started softly as his face fell serious and his thumbs stroked the top of my hands "I decided to come here tonight 'cause I just couldn't resist the urge to kiss you everytime I was near you. I knew there was the risk of you pushing me away -and I was even prepared for that- but I wanted you -no, I needed you- to know that I really really like you" he said almost in one breath and I knew that it had taken all of his courage to come to me and say that

"First: there was no way I'd push you away when you're such a great kisser..." I grinned and he looked down blushing. Adorable! "And second: I really really like you too..." I said as I lifted his face so I could look into his eyes

"So... would you unofficially officially date me?" he asked skeptically and I chuckled

"My total and unconditional pleasure" I smiled and squeezed his hands in mine. He smiled a little but then fell serious again

"But... you're aware that... well... we can't..."

"Be together in public? I know and understand"

"Really?" he asked hopefully and I nodded

"And I've never been much into public displays of affection anyway" I shrugged and he smiled

"And you don't have a problem with my engagement, do you?"

"As long as it stays fake, no, I don't" I smiled and laughed when he let out an exagerated "phew!" while wiping his eyebrow

"Can I kiss my boyfriend now?" he winked and scooted closer

"Oh! And you haven't yet?" I asked as he bent his face closer and closer and his hands went to the back of my head, forcing me to slowly bend in his direction

"Nope. You weren't my boyfriend yet" he grinned and I chuckled before our lips met. Just as I deepened the kiss my cell rang again

"It can't have been five minutes already" I whined and Brian laughed "Yeah?"

"Spill it! Who's he?"

"Brian" I replied and smiled at him as he moved around in the bed so he was sitting behind me. I had to suppress a moan when he pulled me to him so my back was resting against his chest. I had never felt safer than when his arms went around my waist

"A-HA! I knew it! How long have you been hiding the two of you from me?" she asked and I knew she'd be pouting

"A little over fifteen minutes" I chuckled

"I'm the first to know?"

"Yes, you are, Miss Jennings"

"Awww... thanks" she said and I laughed "So... how long have you known about him?"

"Ever since the first day I spent in his house. The day I told him about me"

"You've known about him for over a month and haven't told me???"

"Nycky! You know me better than that"

"OK. OK. Sorry" she said and I sighed softly when Brian kissed behind my ear (the one that wasn't on the phone of course)

"Weak spot number three" he whispered in my ear before biting my earlobe and I giggled softly

"Uh-oh! Am I interrupting you guys' fun?" she teased

"Not now" I laughed

"What do you mean not now?"

"You interrupted our second and our third kisses" I teased

"Awww... man, I'm sorry" she said and from the way she said it I knew she was serious

"That's ok" I assured her "So, how's your lover-boy back there?" I asked and she sighed "Uh-oh! What happened?"

"Our first fight. Nothing serious. He wants me to quit my job"

"And you think that's not something serious?" I asked incredulously "Doesn't he work in the same club?"

"Yeah! That's what I told him. He said that -and here I quote- 'working so much is gonna ruin your studies.' He's been a pain about it since the beginning of this week when he saw my grades"

"What's the problem with your grades?"

"They aren't the best ones right now... that's all..."

"Is there anything I should be worried about?"

"No..." she answered but I didn't notice the usual confidence in her voice

"You know you can tell me anything, right?"

"I know. And thanks for that. But everything's alright, J"

"If you say so..."

"I'm fine. And I gotta go now"

"K... Luv ya"

"Luv ya too. I'm really happy for you, J. Tell Brian that too"

"Will do. Bu-bye"

"Bu-bye" she said and we hung up

"Nycky says hi and that she's happy for us" I smiled at Brian who had his chin on my right shoulder

"She didn't freak?" he grinned

"No. She says she knew it"

"Am I that obvious?" he frowned and I chuckled

"No, you're not. She just has this skill. She sees things people normally don't. And she's been bugging the hell out of my life because she says she saw you and Nick checking me out that night she met you at the club" I laughed

"Well, I don't know about Nick, but I sure was" he winked and my mouth fell open

"You were?"

"Oh! C'mon. Have you ever looked at yourself in the mirror? You're gorgeous!" he said and I looked down at my hands "And you look adorable when you blush" he giggled before kissing my jaw

"Thanks" I smiled. I wasn't used to people saying those things to me. Just Nycky and Kat but, when they did, it was always in the middle of a joke, so it wasn't a reliable "source". It was good to have someone to tell you that, mainly when this someone is the beautiful man with his arms around you

"I didn't have a chance to ask you: what did you think about your first concert?"

"It's amazing. And it's gonna be a little weird from now on..."

"Weird?" he made a face

"Well, I'm not exactly used to have a boyfriend who has so many people screaming at him" I smiled and he laughed

"It's weird"

"What is?"

"To know that so many people, most of them women, lust after me. I mean... I don't understand..."

"It looks like I'm not the only one who needs a mirror every once in a while" I said and it was his time to blush

"Well, I don't think I'm ugly..."

"Good. It means you're not blind"

"But I still don't understand it..."

"I do. But you're right. It's probably weird"

"It's gonna be so hard to be near you and not kiss you" he whispered as he bent down and kissed me. His fingers stroked my abs softly over my t-shirt as my right hand went up to his neck and my fingers slowly played with the curls on the back of his neck. His hair was so soft. I could spend the rest of my life like that. This if Nick and Mark hadn't decided to get in the room then and make their presence known by throwing the door shut with a bang, causing me and Brian to jump and break the kiss "Geez! Guys, the hotel might need this door to still work after we leave, y'know?" Brian teased them as they made their way to Mark's bed

"So, finally the two of you came to your senses?" Nick asked

"We don't know what you're talking about" I replied

"The gleam? Remember?" Mark put in his two cents

"What gleam?" Brian asked


"The one in his eyes everytime you were near" Mark cut me off and I gave him a look

"You had a crush on me, Pooh?" Brian grinned at me and I groaned

"Yes, I did. And you're not gonna adopt that as your 'pet name' for me too, are you?"

"I might. Will you let me? Pwease?" he gave me his version of Nycky's puppy face and I rolled my eyes

"I'll be strong this time and resist. NO, you can't" I replied and he smiled

"I've got to improve it, right?" he giggled and I finally laughed along

"Yes, you have, chéri"

"I like that" he whispered in my ear and I grinned

"Then I'll have to find something you don't like" I giggled "Duckie seems to be a nice choice..." I completed and laughed when he groaned

"Nut-huh... I like to see you speaking french... the way you pout..." he grinned before kissing me. I noticed he paid much attention to my tongue ring, running his tongue over it several times as we kissed

"You like my ring, huh?" I grinned and he smiled back

"Yeah. It's weird but it's nice"

"Remind me to thank Nycky then. It was her idea"

"I'll thank her myself" he smiled and kissed me again

"My God! Are we that mushy?" Nick asked and we all laughed

"No, this is just for cute couples like us not ugly couples like you" I stuck my tongue at them

"Hey, Nicky, don't you think it would be cool if you pierced your tongue?" Mark asked and we laughed at the terrified face Nick gave him

"Not actually. It hurts!" Nick whined "Besides that, my tongue would be out of use for a while..." he grinned devilishly

"Come to think about it, it wouldn't be so cool..." Mark replied and we laughed

"So... you finally decided to come back to your room?" I teased Mark

"Not exactly..." he grinned "Came here to get some clothes" he stood up and went to the wardrobe we shared. Nick, Brian and I threw small talk while Mark got what he wanted

"Are you tired?" Brian asked softly when he saw me yawn

"A little..." I replied and snuggled further in his embrace

"You comfy?" he giggled and I smiled

"A lot"

"We can go now, baby" Mark said and Nick stood up "We'll let you go back to what you were doing" he grinned at us

"We were just talking" I glared at him

"Mind to teach me this new language of yours? Y'know, it seems a little difficult(sp?) to talk with your tongue inside someone else's mouth" Nick replied

"Bite me" I shot back

"I'll leave that to Brian" Nick glared at me

"And I won't mind" Brian grinned "I better go too" Brian kissed the top of my head and I slowly stood up, pulling him up too. I walked them to the door and Brian turned to me while Mark and Nick went to Nick's room "See you tomorrow" Brian kissed me softly

"You bet" I rubbed my nose with his before kissing him. This time, a deep one

"I call you in the morning so you can come and have breakfast with us, k?"


"Nighty night" he smiled

"Nighty night..." I smiled back "...Duckie" I completed and he chuckled

"You're really gonna call me that?"

"You've been calling me Pooh ever since the night you met Nycky"

"Fine" he laughed "See..." he said as he touched my nose with his finger

"See..." I replied as I watched him walk down the hall. We smiled at each other and closed the door at the same time. I was trying hard to resist the urge to start jumping up and down. I don't remember being so happy ever since my Granny gave me my first ballet outfit saying that she'd pay for my dance studies. I'm sure she'd love Brian. I remember once how she described her idea of an angel: blue eyes, blonde curls and blindingly shiny smiles. I had just found mine...

***************************** French Kiss Me - Part twelve by Fallen Angel

I woke up the next morning to the phone on my bedside table ringing. Reaching out without even looking over (and almost dropping it I might add) I picked it up and brought it to my ear "Yeah?"

"G'morning, Pooh" I smiled at how thick Brian's accent was over the phone

"Hey..." I sat up in my bed and rubbed my eyes "Just let me ask you one question, k?"


"Did last night really happen?" I asked and he chuckled

"I was about to ask you the same..." he said softly as I stood up and walked over to the closet

"Some of Mark's clothes are missing so I'd say that yes, it happened..."

"Good, I was afraid that had all been a dream..."

"Guess it was not, huh?"

"Thank God! I don't think I'd have the courage to do it all over again..." he giggled "I really enjoyed last night. It would be a shame if it hadn't happened..." he said "so-damn-cutely" (AN: that didn't sound good, huh? lol)

"Behind you a hundred percent... It was good..."

"That it was..." he said in a dreamy tone "You still coming for brunch with us, right?" he asked hesitantly

"Do you still want me to come?" I teased

"'Course I do..." he said and I could almost hear the smile on his face "Kev's probably ordering it now and it'll be in his room in 20 minutes or so..."

"I'll take a shower and be ready in less than 20 minutes..."

"Good. Come by my room so I can have you to myself a little more before I have to share you..." he giggled. One of the best sounds ever. It just couldn't top his voice singing...

"K... See ya in a few..."

"See..." he said and we hung up. The idea of having alone time with him fueled me and in fifteen minutes I was putting a sweater over my head and going toward the door. I grabbed the keycard and left, almost running to his room. I controlled myself though and went walking normally. I knocked on the door and less than a second later Brian was pulling me inside his room and slamming the door shut behind me "I missed you..." he whispered against my lips before lightly biting my lower lip

"The feeling is mutual..." I replied looking deep into those blue seas staring back at me. His eyes had such a beautiful and amazing shade of blue... I don't think I had ever seen that shade of blue... Or maybe I'm just being my mushy self again...

"Good..." he whispered and kissed me. Deeply, forcefully, passionately... yet lovely... I tried my best to calm down the butterflies flying in my tummy but everytime his tongue touched mine they came back all over again... it was one of the best feelings in the world... man, I'm falling hard... it can't be, can it? "Would it be too soon to say I'm falling in love with you?" he whispered as he rested his forehead on my chin

"I'm so scared..." I said and his head shot up

"Scared? Of what?" he looked up at me. There goes the butterflies again...

"What I'm feeling... it's so intense and it's happening so fast... I don't know what I'm doing and it scares the shit out of me... I think I'm falling in love with you too but how do I know it if it's never happened before?"

"Shhh..." he kissed me "I've never been in love before either if that helps..." he smiled

"Then how do you know?"

"When I'm with you, it's the same feeling I get when I'm singing... It feels right..."

"What if I can't give you everything you deserve? What if I'm not good enough?"

"You think too much..." he smiled "When you're on stage, do you think about what you have to do, which step's next?" he asked and I shook my head no "You just feel, right? You let the music take you over and go with the flow?" he asked and I nodded "That's what loving is to me... I don't think, I just feel..."

"My sister would love you if she met you..." I smiled at him "It was like the words you just said were coming out of her mouth..."

"I'd be really happy to meet her too... She sounds like a smart woman..." he smiled

"She is... and you're a smart guy too..."

"I have my moments..." he giggled "Now shut up and kiss me..."

"Oh! Bossy..." I teased before kissing him. He was right about something: it felt totally right to be in his arms. Compared to that, nothing had ever felt right... besides when I'm on stage as Brian had mentioned it... why can't I just let myself go? Why does it have to be so fucking hard to open myself? To just go with the flow? Why do I have to think so much?

"We better go or else Kevin'll kick my ass" he giggled, interrupting my previous train of thought and bringing a new one: the guys didn't know about us yet of course... what if they hate me? "What's wrong, J?" Brian asked, interrupting my thoughts again

"I guess I just got kinda nervous..." I trailed off as he reached for his keycard with his right hand while his left one was still on my waist

"Why?" he asked as he put the keycard in his back pocket and looked at me "You already know them and they already know you..."

"Yeah, but they know me as J, the dancer, not J, Brian's boyfriend... I'm scared of how they'll react..."

"Nick already knows about us..." he started. It was good to hear about an "us" with me involved "and though the others don't know about you, they know about me and I don't think they expect me to be single for the rest of my life..."

"They don't know I'm gay?" I asked shocked

"It wasn't something mine to tell..." he smiled as he quoted me "Nick just knew because of Mark's big mouth and because I had to talk to somebody about what I felt for you or I'd drive myself insane..."

"Then I wasn't the only one who had a 'secret crush', huh?" I teased and he blushed

"No, you weren't... I've been attracted to you since you walked into that room to be auditioned..." he smiled

"You remember me from then?" I was shocked to say the least

"'Course I do... and that attraction gave space to admiration and a whole bunch of new feelings as the time went by..." he kissed me softly "There's nothing you should be worried about. The guys already know you and like you, that won't change in a matter of seconds..." he completed. I didn't exactly agree with that theory of his but decided to let it drop

"Then how are we going to do it? Just come into the room and announce we are a couple?" I giggled which got him to do it too

"Bluntly? We come in hand-in-hand, drop the bomb and wait for them to react?" he asked

"Can I add the 'run at the mere sign of a bad reaction' part?" I added and he laughed

"Yes, you can, though I don't think it'll be necessary..."

"Then let's go before I lose my resolve" I replied and dragged him out of his room, heading straight to Kevin's. I knocked on the door at the same time Brian squeezed my right hand in his. I glanced nervously at him from the corner of my eyes then at our entwined hands, just as Kevin opened the door.

"Hey, guys! Come in..." he trailed off as he looked down at our hands. Have you ever dreamed you were butt-naked in the middle of Manhattan and people turned their heads to look at your butt and all you want to do is crawl in a ball and disappear? I had that exact feeling during the few seconds it took for Kevin to give us an approving smile. He hugged me and laughed when I let out a breath I didn't even know I was holding in "Welcome to the family..." he said, causing both Brian and me to laugh

"Thanks..." I replied blushing as he released me "Well... two down, two to go..." I smiled at Brian who smiled back

"Two?" Kevin asked

"Nick already knows..." Brian answered him

"OK..." he replied " Come in..." he smiled opening the door wider for us to follow him inside. Brian squeezed my hand one more time before we walked inside. I stuck my left hand inside my pocket and I just couldn't force myself to look up and see Howie and AJ's reactions. I finally looked up when I heard sound of glass breaking. Both of them had dropped their mugs and were looking at us like we had grown seven heads

"Shit..." I muttered before taking my hand away from Brian's and running out of the room, straight to mine. I had been through that too many times to be able to stand it all again. I plopped down on my bed, buring my face in my hands. Just as I flopped my cell phone open and was about to call Nycky, I heard a knock on the door "Come in..." I replied and, as I predicted, Brian came in and walked to where I was. Kneeling down in front of me, he took my face in his hands and lightly carressed my cheeks with his thumbs

"Are you ok?" he asked with so much concern in his face. I looked down as much as I could with his hands holding my face and sighed

"Y'know... when Kevin smiled at us I was hopeful that they would all accept us but I should've known it would be too good to be true..."


"I mean... I should've been prepared for this but..."

"J!!!" Brian said a little louder, making me look up "They're ok with us" he smiled

"But they..."

"They were shocked! I just think it was too much for them right after waking up" he laughed "I mean... they didn't know you're gay for once and then they hadn't had to deal with me having a serious boyfriend up until now... it was the same when Nick brought Mark to meet us... just without the mugs episode..." he said, causing us both to giggle. I had to admit it would be hilarious if it wasn't so tragic

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, I'm sure" he smiled as he leaned in and kissed me "Aren't you hungry?" he chuckled

"Starving actually" I replied and he laughed

"Me too. C'mon" he pulled at my hand making me stand up

"I think I should stay here..." I whined as he dragged me out

"Stop whining, Pooh" he laughed

"Fine. But I keep my 'run at the mere sign of a bad reaction' rule" I added and he laughed

"They were already feeling bad for acting that way when I left and I doubt Kevin's giving them the best time of their lives" he chuckled as we reached Kevin's door again. Brian pushed his way in and dragged me along

"Hey, J, sorry man. We were just..."

"Surprised" AJ completed Howie's sentence

"That was kind of an understatement..." I smiled and they laughed

"Really, man... we're sorry..." AJ said, obviously relieved that I wasn't that mad at them. I was feeling the same way about them.

"That's ok..." I said honestly "I just think we should get plastic mugs from now on..." I said and hid behind Brian from the pillows both of them threw at me

"Hey, how did I get dragged into this?" Brian whined as the pillows hit him

"When you asked me to be your boyfriend?" I grinned at him and he rolled his eyes

"Told you all they were sickening..." Mark said and we both glared at him as everyone else laughed

"Jealousy is so ugly..." I looked at Brian

"Tsc... tsc... tsc..." Brian shook his head at Mark

"Me? Jealous of you too? Have you even looked at MY boyfriend?" he asked

"Uhm..." both Brian and I murmured while looking Nick up and down, making him blush (AN: everybody together now: awww.... lol)

"You can stop now!" he replied, putting his arm around Nick's shoulder, and we all laughed

"I hate to interrupt this 'my boyfriend is better' competition but we have rehearsal in like 30 minutes and the arena is like 20 minutes from here..." Kevin said, trying to sound stern

"Yes, sir!" we all saluted him

"Fuck you all" he finally laughed

"We love you anyway, Kev!" Brian batted his eyelashes at his cousin and I had to hold myself pretty hard not to grab him and kiss him all over. I don't think the other people in the room would enjoy it as much as I would. Brian and I then went to get our food, seeing that we were the only ones that hadn't even started eating yet, and resumed eating, stealing kisses every now and then. Hey, we're human!

After breakfast, we went back to our respective rooms, Mark for once following me instead of Nick. Of course I knew the reason he was following me instead of his oh so cute boyfriend. And I wasn't going to make it easy for him "Oh! You've finally found your way back here? Or is this one time just to get clothes like the ones before?" I teased him as I opened the door, letting us in.

"You know exactly what I came here for..." he looked at me with a devious look

"Uhm... I don't think so... could you enlighten me?" I replied, heading for the bathroom

"Bitch! You know I'm talking about Brian!" he laughed as he came to stand in the doorway, watching me brush my teeth

"Can't talk" I managed to say around the toothbrush without spilling any foam

"You are such an asshole!" he laughed and caused me to almost gag with the paste in my mouth. I rinsed my mouth and hung the brush back in its holder

"I am an asshole for not wanting to go into details of what happens between me and my boyfriend? Shouldn't it be the opposite?" I replied as I passed him and ducked a smack in the back of my neck

"You're impossible!" he laughed as he went into the bathroom

"Good to know" I replied as I put my tennis shoes on

"You know that someday I'll pry it out of you, don't you?" he asked as he came back into the bedroom

"There's nothing to pry out of me" I replied "We just kissed and talked"

"No fooling around?" he pushed

"No fooling around. What did you expect me to do? Jump in bed with him right after our first kiss?"

"Uhm... have you ever really looked at your boyfriend?" he gave me a look

"Point taken. Yes, he's gorgeous, wonderful, handsome, hot and respectful! It's my first relationship that I think has a real potential and I don't want to screw it up. And from what I know so far, Brian's never been in a serious relationship either. We're both new to this whole couple dynamics and I don't think it'd start right if we jumped in bed. I'm not like that. I believe in love before sex, not sex before love"

"If you've never been in a relationship and you don't believe in casual sex... then... you're virgin???" he asked surprised

"Yes, I am"

"Guarding yourself for your favorite Backstreet Boy?" he teased me and we laughed

"Maybe. Who knows?" I shrugged with a sideways grin "I may be guarding myself for my favorite *Nsyncer" I said the last two words loud enough for Brian, who had just come in, to hear the last part

"Did I just hear what I think I heard? MY boyfriend has a favorite *NSYNCER???" Brian asked as he came over and we laughed at his face

"You have to admit Lance's cute" I pointed out and he pretended to be considering it as he sat down by my side on my bed

"Well, yeah, that he is" he admited as he put his arm around my shoulder "Not as adorable as your current boyfriend but he's kissable" he said and we laughed

"That I have to agree with" I replied and Mark rolled his eyes

"I just hope we can stand this much sugar for five whole months" Mark said

"What were you saying about jealousy before, Pooh?" Brian looked at me "Oh, I remember, such an ugly feeling"

"Tsc... tsc... tsc..." I shook my head as he had shaken his before

"You guys scare me. Bye. I have a boyfriend and a sister to look for"

"Bye, Mark" we chorused and he went away laughing, closing the door behind himself "Alone time again" Brian grinned and almost immediately his lips were on mine. I moaned into his mouth when I felt his fingers lightly stroke the back of my neck. We kissed each other for all we were worth, after all, we had a whole afternoon not being able to touch each other. I'd have to ask Nick and Mark how they did it. His pinky finger slid a little under my t-shirt and start stroking my waist when we heard a knock on the door

"What did that dork forget this time?" I asked and Brian laughed as I stood up and went to get the door. I opened it to find Kevin giving me a foolish smile and all the other guys were behind him

"For the record..." Mark started "I heard what you said, frenchy, and I'm NOT a dork!" he said and we laughed

"Uhm... Yes, you are, baby!" Nick smiled at him while patting his head making us laugh harder

"I won't open my mouth today anymore" he pouted "And I knew I shouldn't go for the charming young and innocent Backstreet Boy" Mark sighed

"Too late" I replied "The other charming one isn't single anymore" I smiled at him

"Thank you" Kevin, AJ and Howie chorused and we laughed

"Awww... you guys are cute too" I gave them my fakest smile

"Let's just go" AJ laughed and we followed him to the elevator. We pilled the elevators, me, Mark, the guys, Melanie and Frank in one, Fatima and the rest of the dancers in the other. Brian and I were in the back of the car and as Nick and Mark were right in front of us, nobody could see us. I just smiled when I felt Brian entwine his pinky finger with mine. I looked sideways at him to find him smiling back and blushing slightly. I was feeling so foolish... it was like I was smiling for no reason but at the same time I had all possible reasons to be smiling... if love does this to people, I should've found it sooner... though it wouldn't be with Brian... I am such a fool... and I'm loving every damn minute of it...


***************************** Redeemed myself? At least a little bit? sweet smile Oh! And don't worry, people, Nycky'll come back soon :) Mail me and tell me what you thought at See ya! Luv, hugs and chocolate! Fallen Angel

Next: Chapter 7

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