French Kiss Me

By Pris G

Published on Jan 7, 2001


Disclaimer: OK, here we go again ahem I don't know the BSB (sad but true), I don't know anybody even remotely related to them and I'm not anyone even remotely related to them. And that means: this is all fruit of a delusional (and kinda dirty at times hehe) mind from a person that didn't have anything better to do at the moment. Good enough? OK, moving on: If you're not old enough to read this stuff you know you shouldn't be here so I won't be held responsible if you get caught. And if you're not comfortable with romantic relationships between two adult consulting men then what the hell are you doing here??? OK, that's enough I guess.

In this part, I'd like to say thanks to Nifty for posting my story, to all the people who sent me feedback (you guys are really good at it! Thanks) and to R. James. You rock, boy! And your story rocks too (people, go read "As yet untitled" if you haven't yet. I cried like a baby while reading it lol). You're a great writer. And you're the best at feeding my ego lol Thanks for the kind words of support. I appreciate it a lot. Oh! And I'm praying that everything goes smoothly well with you and your baby, k? :)

Now that I've said that, I'm preparing my knees for some pleading. Mail me!!! I'm begging! Mail me and tell me how I'm doing so far. And I love to meet new people (I've met some nice people already :), so it would be really nice to hear from you. Comments, criticism, compliments should be sent to Mail me even if it is to say hey. I answer all the e-mails I get. Pinky swear! :)

Now that I've said enough: sit back and enjoy yourself!!!

French Kiss Me - Part five

by Fallen Angel

The two following days were passed shooting their new video. And it went really well. I felt so welcome like I hadn't felt in a long time. All the dancers, Fatima, the guys, everyone did their best to make me feel like that was my place to be, with a few exceptions but I guess that was part of the business...

"We could all go out and celebrate our last night in L.A." AJ suggested as we prepared to leave the studio where the video shoot took place

"Perfect opportunity to meet the oh so talked about Nycole" Kevin grinned

"Down boy! You're a married man!" AJ elbowed him and we laughed

"You know what I mean. J talked so much about her and we all want to meet her..." Kevin tried to defend himself

"OK. We got it, Kev" I tried to put him at ease

"Kev's right. It's perfect! We go to the club she works and we get the pleasure to meet her" AJ grinned from ear from ear

"And I get the pleasure of revenge" I grinned and the mischief in my grin caused them to grin back "This if Mr. McLean is willing to help moi..."

"Bring it on!" he laughed and I had to laugh back. I had just found my new partner in crime. From then on I knew we'd get along just great...

Later that night...

I had agreed with the guys that we met around 11pm at the club. I went around 10:30 to meet with Nycky before. I hadn't told her who I was meeting but that was part of my plan. I kept looking at the door every now and then to see if they had arrived already and when they did I excused myself to go find them "Hey, Nycky, I'll grab us a water, k?" I told her and she just nodded while changing cd's. I left her booth and went to where the guys were. To my surprise, I found some of the dancers too: Mark, Melanie (who happened to be brother and sister), Frank, Kristin and Pamela "Hey there!" I greeted them and they greeted me back

"Time for the plan?" AJ rubbed his hands together and we all laughed

"Anytime you're ready" I replied

"Let's go then" he replied and I guided them to where Nycky was

"Excuse me?" I said as I opened the door

"Just a minute" she replied without looking up, holding up her index finger before changing cd's again. When she had done that she put the headphone away and turned to our direction. The expression on her face was priceless as her jaw almost hit the floor. Damn, I should have my camera with me!

"Guys, this is the so infamous Nycky. Nycole, these are AJ, Kevin, Howie, Nick, Brian, Mark, Melanie, Frank, Kristin and Pamela" I pointed them and it took her a minute to place her jaw back in place

"Hi, nice to meet you" she smiled and shook hands with each of them, the last one being AJ

"My pleasure" AJ rasped as he kissed the top of her hand. He held her hand to his lips for longer than she expected I think

"Uhm... you can let my hand go now" she replied rather uncomfortable. And I could see her getting even more uncomfortable when he put his cheek next to hers and whispered something. I knew what was that something when I saw her eyes bulge out of their socks and her mouth hang open

"You are so fucking dead!" she hit my arm and I burst out laughing "How could you?" she kept hitting me as everybody laughed "You b..." she started and I covered her mouth

"They don't need to know any of your 'sweet' pet names for me just yet. Thank you very much" I gave her a 'they don't know I'm gay and I intend it to be that way for now' look and I think she got it 'cause she nodded and I cautiously took my hand off of her mouth

"OK, Pooh Bear" she grinned and I groaned

"Why did you have to call me that in front of my new bosses?" I asked and they all laughed "Now they'll spend the next five months calling me that"

"Us? How can you even think something like that?" Brian faked offense "I'm offended, Pooh" they all laughed as I rolled my eyes

"You're not getting into our apartment tonight" I told Nycky after she changed cd's again

"Hey, you started it"

"Nut-uh. If I recall you were the one responsible for my blushing ninety seven shades of red the other night. Payback, baby" I scowled at her

"OK, kids. Let's stop that before you kill each other" Kevin pretended to separate us as we stuck our tongues at each other and everyone laughed

"Talk to you later" she scowled at me

"Can't wait" I pretended to be mad

"So, why do I get the pleasure of such great company tonight?" Nycky asked everyone, not before shooting another look at me

"Last night in L.A., last opportunity to meet the oh so talked about Nycole, right?" Nick turned his charm on and Nycky blushed

"I don't even wanna know what you told them about me" she muttered

"Nothing that wasn't true" I replied

"That's what I fear" she grinned and everyone laughed

"See? Told you she was a smartass"

"Thank you very much" she replied bowing


"Yeah, that too" she grinned and I rolled my eyes

"We're having a look around, k?" I told her

"Be back in a few 'cause you owe me a dance" she replied

"Can you leave here?" I raised my eyebrows

"Tonight I can. Zach said he'd take charge so I could spend some time with my roomie who happens to be going away for some time, y'know?"

"I'm sure he'll appreciate that." I touched her nose with my index finger "See ya in a few" I said before leaving her booth. By then all the dancers were already on the dance floor and the guys were waiting for me. We wandered for some time and then settled on a quite secluded table. Soon after Howie and Nick went to the dance floor to where Mark and Melanie were dancing. The rest of us sat on the table chatting heatedly (yelled is more like it but that's beside the point) and laughing a lot till I felt arms coming around my neck from behind almost giving me a heart attack "You owe me a dance, monsier" Nycky said in my ear as her hands slid down my chest. I took her hands in mine and stood up

"Excuse me, gentlemen" I smiled at everyone before turning around in her arms "Lead the way, mademoiselle" I gave her what I hope was my most seductive look as Enrique Iglesias' "Bailamos" filled the club. One of the first things you learn as a dancer is that if you can't trust your partner, you just won't be able to dance at all. If you don't totally give yourself to them, you'll be liable to fall on your face. And ever since the first time Nycky and I got to dance, I knew she'd trust me with her life. The kind of connection we had was beyond blood. There was just a chemistry there that made our dancing seem magic. That's why she's always been my favorite partner ever

"I just can't believe you did that" she tried to hide the smile behind the scowl but failed badly

"Did what?" I faked innocense, being able to keep a straight face though I didn't know for how long I'd be able to

"How could you tell AJ?"

"Well, you asked me to check if he had orgasm written on his forehead..." I let the smile finally come to my face

"I asked you to check it for yourself, not to let him know I had asked!" she hit my arm and I laughed

"Ooops... my bad!"

French Kiss Me - Part six

by Fallen Angel

"G'morning" I greeted Nycky when I came in the kitchen the following morning, finding her sipping from her every day coffee

"Woohoo! Gotta love a man who sleeps in silk boxers" she whistled and I scowled at her as she laughed at my flushed face

"Shut up!" I replied, trying not to smile but failing miserably

"Slept well?" she changed subject

"Not really. Too excited to get to sleep. I'll sleep on the flight. No need to worry about that." I assured her, though she wasn't exactly in the place to reprimand me for lack of sleep.

"If you say so..." she trailed off and fell silent for some seconds "The guys are really cool..." she completed

"Yeah, that they are. I can honestly tell you that I wasn't expecting them to be so nice. I mean, I've ran into a few 'famous' people here in LA and I was expecting them to have the same attitude. I'm actually relieved. Wouldn't want to spend the next five months of my precious life with five stuck up assholes" I chuckled and she did along

"Wanna know something?" she asked as I filled myself a glass of water

"You're gonna tell me either way so why did you bother asking?" I replied with a devilish grin on my face

"Bitch!" she shot back "Anyway, I thought you'd like to know that both Brian AND Nick were checking you out yesterday" she said matter-of-factly causing me to choke on the water I had just sipped. If her intentions were to have the apartment all to herself, she came pretty close to it

"WHAT?" I let out as soon as I had calmed down enough to form any words

"They . were . checking . you . out!" she answered slowly

"Oh! Please!" I rolled my eyes

"You know I've always been good at watching people!" she pointed out and I had to agree with her. She ALWAYS knew what happened around her. She was mistaken this one time though

"Hello-o!!! Brian's engaged to a WOMAN and Nick...... well..... uhm....... Nick's got a girlfriend as far as I know"

"So what?"

"Is it just me or are you being unusually dense this morning?"

"What? Having girlfriends doesn't make a guy straight. YOU had a girlfriend!"

"A 'relationship' that lasted not even a month" I pointed and she kept staring at me "Oh! C'mon, we both know they're straight. You're just too obssessed with the idea of finding me a boyfriend"

"Shouldn't I? How many boyfriends have you had since I met you? Or period for that matter? Wait! Don't answer, I'll guess. NONE?"

"That's not true..."

"It's not? And don't you dare saying Darren because I don't consider a guy you went out with five times a boyfriend"

"I don't either. And it was six by the way"

"Whatever! It still was the longest relationship you had with a guy ever"

"Well, I'm fine as I am"


"I don't feel lonely. I don't have time to feel lonely. And I have no reason to 'cause it's my choice not to go boyfriend-seeking"

"But you should"

"We both know I'm not good with this relationship stuff, Nycky. It just doesn't work for me" I said and it was obvious that I was tired of trying to explain myself "Maybe you're right, I'm lonely. But I feel comfortable being lonely. I just think the idea of happily ever after doesn't fit me, ok?"

"Bullshit and you know that. But it's no use to argue with you when you're this stubborn"

"I'm not stubborn I'm just trying to explain my point of view"

"I still say you're stubborn"

"OK! Enough of that, I still have some last things to pack. You coming with me to the airport?"

"Sure. You need someone to bring that super car of yours back, right?" she grinned from ear to ear and I laughed

"I'm sure you'll gladly do that, huh?"

"That's what friends are for, right?" she giggled and I left the kitchen laughing. I'd definitely miss her...

An hour later both Nycky and I were sat with some of the dancers waiting for our plane (and the boys for that matter) to arrive. We sat there exchanging small talk till, 20 minutes later, the guys came in the room we were waiting in. We all greeted each other and I made a mental note to tease Nycky about how close she seemed to be with AJ. It was obvious that they were flirting. About ten minutes later, we heard the call for our flight over the speakers and stood up "I'm gonna miss you" I whispered as I hugged Nycky as tightly as I could. That hug would have to last us five months worth of hugs. OK, maybe a little less but it still would have to last us a long time...

"I'll miss you too, Pooh" she whispered back "Call me or e-mail me every now and then at least to let me know you're alive and haven't forgotten about me" she said and I chuckled

"You're unforgettable, babe" I replied

"Sweet talker" she replied and I squeezed her one last time before slowly letting go

"Careful with all those wandering hands back at the club" I kissed her forehead

"Will be" she smiled "Promise me something?" she asked falling serious

"I promise you something. Good enough?" I teased and she playfully hit my arm


"Serious, what's it?"

"Promise me that you'll open your heart given the opportunity?" she pleaded and I sighed

"Tough one" I muttered "But I'll promise just because I can't stand it when you look at me that way" I smiled

"Good to know" she rubbed my cheek "Go and have fun"

"Will do" I kissed the palm of her hand "Enjoy the car while you can" I winked and her mouth fell open

"You're letting me use your car?"

"Yup. Enjoy my good mood while it lasts" I said and we laughed "Gotta go now" I said when I heard the last call for my flight

"Love you" she kissed my cheek

"Love you too" I replied and kissed her cheek back as we hugged one last time. I took my backpack and went to my gate. I glanced back and waved one last time before handing the woman at the gate my ticket to my new life...


There you have it! I'm sorry it's so short but I promise I'll make it up to you all later ;) Mail me (pwease???) with you comments at I'd love you forever if you did that hehe See ya... Luv, hugs and chocolate! Fallen Angel

Next: Chapter 4: French Kiss Me 7 8

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