French Kiss Me

By Pris G

Published on Aug 30, 2003




Hi, long time, huh? waves awkwardly

I hope this makes some sense since I started writing it like loooooooooooooong ago. And I do mean really, really long. I re-wrote it a lot too and I'm still not sure if I'm happy with it but it'll have to do.

My thanks: to my sweet best friends (I'm sorry I've been so absent and I do have a few excuses for it), to the great writers who sometimes inspire me with their great work and to all the people out there who still have the patience to read this, mainly the ones who let me know what they think :)

My site: And I actually have updated it a while ago. Go there hint hint hehe

Disclaimer thingy: This is still as untrue as when I started writing it way back when. I still don't know anything about anyone famous involved except what they make public. This isn't for underage people to read. Prejudice pisses me off, so don't even start me on that, just do me a favor and get away from my story if you're too stupid to handle gay-themed stuff.

Peace out Pris G

French Kiss Me - Part 21 by Pris G

"Ooooh! This view is great!"

"Waaaay too high," Brian replied as he stepped closer behind me, putting his arms around me, his chin resting on my shoulder.

"Oh! C'mon! Don't be a baby!" I replied as I stepped closer to the edge and looked down, spotting a small amount of people gathered in front of the hotel. Small if you compared it to the mob of people that usually was there to wait around and get a glimpse of the guys, screaming every time somebody stepped on a balcony. Not that they'd be able to recognize them when they were so high up in the building. But they screamed nonetheless, "I think they like me." I smirked and he laughed as I waved and threw kisses exaggeratedly in the fans' direction "Or maybe they think I'm Kevin."

"You're impossible! Come spend time with me before I leave." He pulled at my sweater and I followed him inside.

"I hate reporters. Always taking you away from me." I mock-pouted and he chuckled as he sat down on the couch before laying down and pulling me to lay on top of him with my head snuggled under his chin and his hands softly rubbing my back.

"Have you decided about the song?"

"I'm not sure yet. I've narrowed it down to about ten. I'll try some moves for each, get Nycky to try them out too and see which ones we like better then she can decide, since she'll be the one dancing." Nycky had been able to talk to her teachers back in LA and explain her situation and they seemed to take it really well. Except for Miss Calendar, the contemporary dance teacher, "Miss Hitler" for the close ones. She had always been known as the nightmare in the whole school, and of course she couldn't just accept Nycky's motives. Nycky'd get to go back to her classes but she had to bring a new dance piece. Sort of a test thing to see if she still was good enough to be there. Nycky and I both knew that Miss Hitler wouldn't accept anything less than perfect. And we were going to show her perfection if we had to sweat blood to get there.

"True. And how is Nycky holding up?"

"She seems to be doing well... it could be from the fact that she has the Atlantic Ocean between her and that ape, but she seems very calm and collected, y'know? I mean, the first night she did have some nightmares and she was a bit freaked out by them but she seems to be doing fine."

"Isn't it eating you up inside not to know if she's actually OK? I mean, if it were Leigh, I would have gotten her to talk as soon as I saw her."

"I have to wait until, and if, she decides that she needs to open up. She will open up if she thinks she needs to. She's not one to bottle things up like me. I think that's why I was so surprised that she didn't tell me about the problems she was having with Greg."

"Maybe she thought she could deal with it on her own."

"That's what she told me too."

"You notice how AJ seems to be crawling at her feet?" He snickered and we both laughed, "He is SO damn obvious!"

"I think they'd be cute together."

"AJ? Cute? C'mon! Sexy? Sure, but cute? He couldn't pull the cute look if he wanted!" He chuckled.

"Now, now, what is this 'AJ's sexy' thing, huh?" I pinched his waist and he jumped as he laughed.

"He is! He has this predatory tiger aura around him and don't look at me like that because you know it's true!" He said chuckled and pointing his finger at me as I glared at him. Or rather tried to.

"Fine. Don't complain when I start saying stuff about your cousin."

"Hey! What about him?"

"In Nycky's words? Sex. On. Legs." I replied and he scrunched up his face.

"Ewww! Don't put Kevin and sex in the same sentence! That's like forbidden!" He replied and I laughed.

"Doesn't change the fact that he has a great ass."

"You're so not talking about my cousin's ass." He pinched me and I laughed.

"Hey, you can talk about AJ's tiger aura and I can't talk about your cousin's ass? That's kinda unfair!"

"That's kinda you're talking about the guy who nearly dropped me head down trying to teach my mom how to change my diaper when I was a baby!"

"Awww, baby you." I chuckled as I pecked his lips "You got any picture of baby you?"

"Don't change the subject!"

"You're the one who didn't want to talk about Kevin's ass."

"Ewww. Sure, I must have some baby me picture around somewhere. Don't worry though, those are probably the first ones mom will show you as soon as you step into her house." He chuckled, "You'll probably bond instantly and I'll have to stand around listening to her rambling on about every embarrassing situation of my whole childhood. And believe me, she has a lot to tell on that." He grinned and I chuckled.

"You really think she'll like me like that?"

"Yes, I do. The way you smile reminds me of her sometimes. You both smile in this I'm-happy-to-live way. It's beautiful."

"Thanks. I really hope she likes me. Your dad too."

"Dad will love you as soon as he finds out you're a basketball freak, like him." He grinned and I laughed, "Emily, my niece, will probably carry you to show you her dolls collection as soon as you set step in the house. My brother won't be very receptive at first. He'll kinda study you for a while."

"Uh oh."

"Until mom tells him to get a grip." He grinned and I chuckled.

"Interesting family you got there." I kissed him and he deepened it, "Of course Kevin should be kicked out of it for being so inconvenient." I groaned as I heard the knock on the door to our room.

"Kirs is nice so we keep him around 'cause of her," Brian said as he opened the door and smirked at Kevin who scowled at him, "Hey, Kev."

"Haha. That was funny. You," he said and pointed at Brian, "van, now!"

"You're no fun." Brian pouted and I chuckled.

"I'll have the staff bring lots of junk food before you come back," I stage-whispered in his ear.

"Yay! See? He's fun," Brian said pointing at me and sticking his tongue out at Kevin, "Bye bye." Brian turned and kissed me, "I'll want to see the stuff you and Nycky came up with while I'm away."

"You just want to catch him sweaty," Kevin smirked.

"Sure, that too," Brian admitted shamelessly and I laughed.

"Just go." I kissed him and he grinned before turning to go. I walked to the main part of the suite, thinking that maybe Nycky could be there but she wasn't so I went to knock on the door to hers and Leigh's room "Nycky? It's me!"

"Hey!" She opened the door almost instantly and let me in, "I'm almost ready. Sit down, I just gotta grab some stuff in the bathroom."

"Sure." I sat down and soon Leigh showed up, "Hey, Leigh." I kissed her cheek as she sat down beside me.

"Hey, boy wonder. How are we?"

"We happen to be ok and we also happen to hate the boy wonder thing."

"Tough shit!" She stuck her tongue out at me, "I hear you're getting sweaty with Nycky now? And Brian knows?" she smirked.

"Yeah. We're just warming it up for an orgy. Wanna join in too?" I replied and she cracked up.

"Nah. Can I watch though?" she snickered and I laughed.

"Sure. Nycky! C'mon!"

"OK, I'm ready," Nycky replied as she finished tying up her hair.

"'Bout time. Sorry, Leigh, we gotta jet."

"No, you gotta lift your leg higher," I said as I demonstrated the move to Nycky, "Maybe we should leave it to some other day," I continued when I saw how tired she looked.

"God! I'm too out of practice!" she complained, frustratedly whipping her face with a towel.

"It hasn't been that long. We'll get you in shape sooner than you may think. Hey, how long have you been there?"

"Long enough to see what a slave-driver my boyfriend can be?" Brian replied as he approached us, causing Nycky to laugh.

"Hey, I'm not!" I replied, trying to act insulted, but it was sort of hard to feel insulted when Brian's arms went around my waist.

"Oh! Yes, you are!" Nycky replied laughing.

"Maybe a little. OK, so, maybe a lot!" I threw my hands up since it wouldn't do me any good to deny it anyway.

"That's OK, baby. Everybody loves you anyway," Brian replied and kissed my cheek.

"Some more than others," Nycky winked at Brian as she gathered up her stuff, "And now I'll be going. See you guys later."

"See," Brian replied as he waved.

"See ya. Go soak your foot in warm water. We can't have you having a fall out now," I said.

"Yes, dad!" Nycky rolled her eyes as she headed for the door, "Bye!" She blew kisses and went out.

"So, how did it go? Did you guys get a lot done?"

"I guess you could say so. We picked the song and we started putting together the choreography. Relatively, we're pretty ahead with it since this is the slowest part of the whole thing. Once we have the choreography ready, rehearsing it is the easy part. What?"

"Just wondering if I look like that when I talk about music," Brian replied with this cute little smile on his lips, making me blush, "You're so cute!"

"Shush!" I replied laughing at how girly Brian made it sound.

"Make me," he challenged me.

"Glad to," I replied before planting my lips on his and putting my arms around him, pulling him closer, "I'm all gross. Wanna waste water with me?" I wriggled my eyebrows at him, causing him to laugh.

"As tempting as that sounds, I've had a song begging to be written running around in my mind all day. If I don't write it down soon, I'm afraid I'll forget it," he replied with a sheepish grin.

"OK, I guess I'll just have to take a shower and we'll waste water some other time." I kissed him again as he chuckled before I went to the bathroom and he went over to his guitar. I took a somewhat long shower, trying to relax after the work out Nycky and I had endured that afternoon so I wouldn't be totally destroyed after tonight's concert. When I got out of the bathroom, Brian was so lost in his own little world that he didn't even notice my presence, which worked for me since I rarely got to just watch him without a lot of people around. And even then I couldn't stare too intensely because I was always afraid I'd be too obvious about it. I laid down on the bed and just watched him. Sometimes he'd start humming lowly and then take it from there with his guitar, stopping every once in a while to write down on his lyrics book. Sometimes he'd just stare off into space, with a dreamy expression on his face, drumming his fingers on the guitar and mouthing words I couldn't really hear or understand from where I was. Every little once in a while I'd get a glimpse of the song itself but never enough to satisfy me, he'd never really sing it out loud. I loved his voice. Every time he sang and reached those high notes it was like he was taking me to heaven. OK, so, maybe I was a little biased since Howie reached much higher notes and it didn't feel like it was taking me anywhere.

"Oh! Hey, how long have you been there?" Brian asked when he finally noticed me. Somehow it felt like I should be insulted that he could just ignore me but I couldn't bring myself to do it. Especially with him smiling at me like that and putting his guitar and notes aside before walking over to the bed.

"Don't know. I got distracted watching you," I replied as he laid down against my side, putting his head on my chest and his arm across my waist.

"Sorry I neglected you like that," he said softly, ending his sentence in a sigh when I started running my fingers through his curls and stroking his arm with the fingertips of my other hand.

"Like I'm any better when I'm thinking about dancing and choreography. I've been known to be spacey for a whole week when I'm creating," I replied, "Once Nycky nearly force-fed me because I hadn't eaten in over 24 hours," I continued and he chuckled.

"I can so see Nycky doing that!"

"You say I'm a slave-driver? I'd be sorry for the students if she was the teacher," I replied and he chuckled, "Did you get the song down?"

"It's coming along. I've been on it for a few days."

"Is it coming out the way you want it?"

"I guess so. I'm not sure it would be a song for a Backstreet album or for any album for that matter. It's more of a creation for myself."

"I see. Will I get to hear it?" I grinned and he chuckled.

"Eventually," he replied vaguely, "Maybe," he completed.

"How was the interview?"

"Same as always. It's funny to watch Nick squirm every time they ask him about having a girlfriend," he replied as he cracked up, "Once he tried saying this whole vague thing about dating someone and nearly outted himself."

"Was he dating Mark already then?"

"They had just started dating and, you know Mark, of course he helped us out by picking on Nick about it too."

"That's very Mark-ish too."

"They're good together. Nick deserves having a good guy after his first shitty boyfriend."

"Have you guys... like... ever thought of..."

"Me and Nick? Oh! Ewww! That'd be like kissing my little brother!"

"Woah! It was just a question!" I laughed as he shuddered exaggeratedly, "Haven't you ever thought about the guys in a more than friendly way? I mean, you guys are together 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year, it'd be totally normal to think about them."

"I used to have a crush on AJ," he replied and I chuckled.

"I can see why."

"I suspect he knew about it but he's too cool to let something like that get between us. Of course that only made my crush grow," he continued and I laughed.

"If he wasn't so obviously straight, I'd be worried."

"Hmm..." he smiled up at me and pecked my lips, "You got nothing to worry. As far as dark and handsome goes, you're perfect."

"What about the tall?"

"AJ's taller than you," Brian grinned and I glared.

"Har har," I replied as I pinched his side. He jumped and laughed when I rolled over on top of him. The laugh stopped though when I leaned down and kissed him, his hand going down my side to run over the skin on my back. Our lips moved slowly against each other's, almost lazily, deepening every once in a while, but neither one of us seemed too eager to start anything more so we just lazily made out until I laid my head on Brian's chest.

"What time's it?"

"We have three hours before we have to be at the venue. That's great because I need a nap," I replied as I groaned, arching my back, trying to relax my sore muscles, "I shouldn't feel this tired."

"Just remember that after tomorrow's concert you have two days off."

"Oh! Sweet bliss!" I replied, though I already knew that in those two days I'd have a lot to do. And I'd need Leigh and Nycky's help with it.

"Where are we going again?" Nick asked distractedly, not taking his eyes off of his gameboy. When he couldn't have Mark beside him on planes, he'd always be attached to that thing.

"Mannheim," Kevin replied just as distractedly.

We had just gotten on the plane that would get us to Mannheim and I was anxious to talk to both Nycky and Leigh. But that had to be away from Brian since it was about his birthday. Talking to Nycky was the easy part since she was on the seat beside mine. But Leigh, for obvious reasons, was on the seat beside Brian's and it wouldn't be easy to get to her without Brian suspecting anything. My opportunity came though when I saw Brian's head fall slightly to the side and realized he was asleep, "Leigh!" I hissed and motioned for her to come over when I had her attention.

"Yeah?" she asked as she kneeled down by my seat.

"I'll need you and Nycky to help me with my plans for Brian's birthday."

"Oh! Count me in! What do you need me for?" Leigh grinned a grin that would cause the Cheshire Cat to turn green with envy.

"Well, the deal is..."

"Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday, dear Brian, happy birthday to you..."

"Hmmm... hey..." Brian replied, his voice throaty and sleepy, as I kissed up his spine.

"Good morning," I said softly by his ear as I covered his body with mine, entwining his fingers with mine, beside his head.

"G'morning. Oh! Breakfast in bed?"

"Don't get too used to it," I replied.

"Too late," he replied and I chuckled as I kissed the back of his neck.

"C'mon, sit up," I said softly as I sat up and he stretched before sitting up too. I got the tray from the cart I had placed by the bed and put it over his lap, watching how childish he looked rubbing his eyes. I sat beside him with my back resting on the headboard and ran my fingers through his hair, trying to bring some order to it.

"You're too good to me," Brian said as he kissed my cheek and laid his head on my shoulder before he reached for his juice and then a slice of apple.

"Did you sleep well?" I asked as I covered his neck, collarbone and shoulder in soft kisses.

"Hmm... Oh, yeah..." he replied absentmindedly as he chewed on another slice of apple, letting out a small moan as I started nibbling on his earlobe, my hand ending on his stomach so I could stroke his skin, "You do realize that you're extremely distracting, right?" he asked when he finished chewing, the muscles on his stomach clenching in reaction to my fingers running over his skin.

"Am I?" I asked as I chuckled, "Sorry," I completed, not sounding the least bit sorry as I nuzzled his neck.

"Sure you are," Brian replied as he laughed before kissing me, making me moan and deepen the kiss, weaving my fingers through his hair, ending it in a series of little kisses, "Aren't you hungry?"

"For food?" I asked back at him and he laughed, "I've already eaten some."

"Some as in how much?" Brian looked pointedly at me.

"Some as in enough, mom!"

"I'll pretend I believe you."

"Yeah. You behave, eat your breakfast and let me go back to my fun," I replied as I went back to kissing what I could reach of his skin, causing him to laugh. After that, we got through our activities rather silently until Brian tilted his head back, letting out a moan and a sigh.

"I don't wanna work. It's my birthday," he pouted.

"Poor you," I replied as I bit his lower lip, "You finished?" I asked as I kissed his cheek.

"Yeah," he replied and I took the tray and put it back on the cart. Then I took him off guard as I straddled his lap, kissing him as I put my arms around his neck. He moaned deep in his throat when I deepened the kiss, letting my tongue slide slowly against his in his mouth. I invited his tongue into my mouth as I slid one of my hands down his chest, stopping for a second to circle his nipple with my index finger before going further down, eliciting more of those sexy little noises he did when I touched his stomach, "J... no time..." he mumbled between kisses as his hands gripped my hips.

"We'll make time," I replied against his lips as I managed to lower the sheets down his legs and took his growing erection in my hand, causing Brian to drop his head back, eyes closed, mouth open, hands gripping my hips tighter. I kissed down his chest and abs, taking my time to cover everything thoroughly, till he started squirming.

"J, please, c'mon..." he moaned, his hands running urgently over my shoulder blades and what he could reach of my back.

"OK," I replied flippantly before taking what I could of his cock in my mouth without stopping, causing his hips to jerk forward, nearly choking me. I grabbed his hips, pressing them down, before I started to slowly take more of him down my throat.

"J? Oh, God..." he groaned, grabbing my upper arms, when I finally managed to get all of him inside. Well, they do say practice makes perfect, don't they? I started moving my head up and down on him, mindful of the fact that we really didn't have much time and the last thing we needed was for somebody to interrupt us now. Maybe I had gotten exceptionally good at giving head or maybe he was overly horny for it wasn't long until I felt him grab my shoulders tighter and his whole body lock right before I felt him shoot in my mouth. I was choosing to go with the former. I kept swallowing and licking him clean till his body relaxed and his arms fell to his sides before I kissed up his chest till I reached his lips.

"Sorry it was so fast," he panted as I spread kisses along his jaw.

"I'm taking it as a compliment," I replied against his lips, kissing him as he chuckled.

"Take these off," he tugged at my boxers before I batted his hands away.

"You gotta shower," I kissed him before I dropped to the bed beside him, "And go before I lose my resolve to be a good boy which will make you incredibly late for your interview. I wouldn't be able to sleep at night if I were the one to cause little girls' hearts to break all over the world."

"We still have some time..." he replied before he kissed me as he climbed on top of me, his hand running down my chest to my hip.

"No, Brian, c'mon... God!" I moaned, my breath catching in my throat, when his hand grabbed me through my boxers. I managed to stop his hand before it went any further though and kept him from kissing me by pushing at his chest, "Shower. Now," I breathed out.

"You're no fun," he pouted.

"Brian, baby," I started as I nipped on his bottom lip, "That's so not what you were thinking just five minutes ago. Shower," I finished as he laughed before getting up from the bed and going for the bathroom. When I heard the shower start, I reached for the phone and dialed. I didn't need to wait a lot until someone picked up.


"Nycky? Get ready 'cause we're leaving right after they do."

"Yes, boss," Nycky replied before hanging up. Now I just needed a really cold shower. Really cold.

"Hello? Oh! Hey, mom! Awwww, thanks... We just got back from the arena, there's sort of a party going on... It was OK, the fans sang happy birthday to me, that was cute..." and then he laughed at the same time as I saw Leigh and Nycky coming back into the room. I caught Brian's attention for a minute and whispered that I needed to get something in our room. He mouthed OK before going back to talking to Jackie as I headed for the door. On the way out, I winked at the girls, getting salutes from them both. I think those two were spending too much time together. When I got to Brian's and my room, I was amazed at what those two had been able to do in such a short time. The room had the blinds shut and only the lamps on the bedside tables were lit. They had draped white veils over them, making the room be illuminated just enough to be able to walk without hitting anything. The sheets on the bed were satin and there was a red rosebud in the middle of it. I snapped out of it, remembering I didn't have a lot of time, and got rid of my clothes. I went into the bathroom to brush my teeth and noticed they had gone a step further than I had previously planned. The bathtub was filled with water and covered with white rose petals. It looked beautiful and I'd have to thank them even if that was just too tacky, even for me. I finished in the bathroom and went back to the bed to wait. I don't know exactly how much time passed but it felt like an eternity before I heard the door opening and closing.

"J? Leigh said you asked- Oh, more presents?" he asked when he finally could see me on the bed with the rose on my chest. He smiled at me as I extended my hand to him and he took it, using it for leverage so he could climb on the bed and lay beside me, "I'm liking this already."

"I was hoping you would," I replied before kissing him. I let my tongue lazily run over his teeth and against his tongue as I felt him slowly melt against me.

"This explains the girls suddenly disappearing from the party, right?" Brian grinned as he ran his hand down my side to rest on my hip.

"They've helped a lot, yeah. Ever since I told them I had plans. They even went further than I had thought. You should see the bathroom," I said as ran my hands down his back before kissing him.

"Maybe we should get dirty first?" Brian grinned mischievously causing me to chuckle as I rolled us over and straddled his thighs, pinning him down.

"You're a genius," I said as I bent down so we were facing each other directly, "Make love to me," I whispered, causing him to smile slowly.

"Happy birthday to me."


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