French Kiss Me

By Pris G

Published on Jan 5, 2001


On with the formalities: this is a work of fiction! F-I-C-T-I-O-N!!! Understood? That means: if you're not up to read what my insane (and sometimes dirty! hehe) little mind might come up with then LEAVE!!! NOW!!! Moving on: if you're under the age of 18 and shouldn't be reading this then what the hell are you doing here? Joking! hehe If in your country, state, city, house, whatever, you're not allowed to read potencially porn material then don't read! Or do! I don't care! Just don't get caught! hehe If you're uncomfortable with relationships between two adult consenting men then shame on you! You really shouldn't! But, anyway, if you are, then I don't know what you're doing here either! I won't put up with close-minded stupid assholes clogging my mailbox saying that I'm a sick pervert or I should be baned from earth's surface for writing this! I don't give a shit about that! I'm comfortable writing, if you're not comfortable reading then just leave! I'm not holding you here! This isn't meant to imply anything about any of the BSB's sexuality! It's written for purely entertaining purposes! I don't know any of them sigh and I don't know if any one of them is gay! And I don't care! It's none of my business! I like their music and being gay or not won't make their beautiful voices any different (thankfully, right? ;)

Now that I've said that: I wanna apologize to the understanding, open-minded people who are reading this! I'm a little deffensive and I'm sure you understand why I said what I said above! Sorry for that! :)

Third: I'm not new at writing fan fiction (I've been doing it for the last year and a half or so!) but I'm new at writing these kind of fan fiction if you know what I mean! This is my first attempt at doing this, so I'm asking you to be nice and patient 'cause I may not be as good as the others writers in here! I've read some of the stories here and they're really good! I don't know if I can be that good so I'm asking you to be once again understanding! :)

And last: mail me! mail me! mail me! mail me! mail me! mail me! mail me! mail me! mail me! mail me! mail me! mail me! mail me! mail me! mail me! mail me! mail me! mail me! mail me! mail me! mail me! mail me! mail me! mail me! mail me! mail me! mail me! mail me! mail me! mail me! mail me! I'm begging! Mail me and tell me how I'm doing so far! And I love to meet new people, so it would be really nice to hear from you! Comments, criticism (inteligent criticism! please!), compliments should be sent to! Mail me even if it is to say hey! I answer all the e-mails I get!

Now that I've said enough: enjoy the story!!!

French Kiss Me - Part one

by Fallen Angel

Hello, my name is Jeremie Lapierre. My close friends call me J. I'm 23 years old and I'm a dancer. Ballet dancer to be more exact. I'm a teacher in a ballet school in Los Angeles, CA, and I love what I do. I'm 5'9, have blue eyes, sun tanned skin and black straight hair cut just above my ears. I share an apartment with my bestest friend, Nycole Jennings. I just love her to pieces. She's one of the most beautiful women I know, inside and out. She studies during the day (dance too, by the way) and she's a waitress/DJ during the night. I don't know how she does that and still manages to look gorgeous. I asked her once and she said it was family secret. Yes, she's a smartass too. She's 22 years old and she's like the little sister I didn't have, though most of the time she's more mature than me. She's been there for me ever since things got bad and I moved here. We're both originally from NYC but we gave everything up and came to live here. A new start kinda thing, y'know?

"Straighten your back, Emma! Don't look at your feet, Julia!" I yelled as I went around the room where I give my classes "Remember: doesn't matter how much pain you're feeling, keep your heads up and do NOT show the pain on your face!" I guess I was kinda familiarized with this sentence. My mind kept reminding me of that. 'If people find out you're hurting, they'll do everything to hurt you more'. I had learned that the hardest way, I guess "Fred, hide your thumb, yeah, that way! No, but do not stick your pinky! Your hands must look like seashells and your thumbs are hiden inside it! Yeah, that way!"

"Jeremie, may I speak with you for a minute?" the school principal asked as she stuck her head inside the room

"OK, class, take a small break, I'll be right back" I said and had to hold my laugh when I saw most of them collapsed exageratedly on the floor. I followed Kat, the principal, outside the room and she immediately started walking "Hey, Kat! What's wrong?" I asked as I caught up to her

"We got a phone call about ten minutes ago and there's something I want to go over with you. Let's go to my office and we'll discuss it" she said still walking. I kept silent till we got inside her office "Sit down, J"

"OK! Now tell me what's wrong!" I asked worriedly. Kat was never someone to be so misterious about something

"Actually I think you're gonna like it!" she said, her trademark grin finally coming to her face and I couldn't stop but smile too

"What's it then?" I'm really curious. And I hate it when people make such suspense about a subject. My mind goes on overdrive!

"We got a phone call from Fatima"

"WOW! She's still alive?" I hadn't heard about her in like ages. We had met in a dance competition some years ago and became friends but then she moved out and I lost track of her

"Yes, she is." Kat laughed "And, as I was saying when I got so rudely cut off," she scowled at me "she's the Backstreet Boys' coreographer, and she told me that there'll be an audition to find a dancer. It seems that one of the dancers she's working with had some health problem and she needs back up-"


"You cut me off again and I cut your tongue off!" she warned "Well, she told me to ask you if you'd like to be auditioned"

"And if they aprove me I'll go all around the world on tour with them?" I asked skeptically

"It seems so" she shrugged

"'Course I want"

"Well, she told me to give you her cell number, so you could talk about the details and everything" Kat said, handing me a small piece of paper

"One question though, would I still have my job when I come back?" I asked her with a cheeky grin and she laughed

"Yes, you would" she answered

"Thanks, Kat. You're an angel" I hugged her small frame lifting her from the floor

"And you're a bitch. Put me down!" she hit my arm and I laughed as I set her back down

"Oh! And that's sexy bitch to you!" I scowled at her and it was her turn to laugh

"Go! Go! You're still in the middle of your class!" she shoved me out of her office

"Hey! For the record, YOU took me out in the middle of my class!" I replied as she stuck her tongue at me "Oh! That was mature, boss!"

"Go 'way!" she laughed and I went back to my class. I was still laughing when I got to the door and it was like the world's population of crows was in there. Why do they have to be so loud? Geez, I'm talking like my grandma. That thought brought a small chuckle out of my mouth "OK, EVERYONE!" I yelled, trying my best to make myself noticed. When I had their attention I smiled "We're done for the day" I said and laughed as they started jumping up and down. It's good to be loved, y'know? They all got their stuff and left the room. I was once again left alone in there and thought I could use some rehearsal. If I was gonna try to get the job, I had to show Fatima I was exactly what she needed, right? And that meant I had to be able to dance to up-tempo songs! Well, I'll definitely need rehearsals then 'cause I'm used to classical music and if there's one kind of music you CAN'T associate with BSB is classical music! Well, here we go, I thought to myself as I went through the cd's in my backpack till I finally found what I was looking for. If there's one song any decent BSB dancer have to know is "Everybody", right? Then I guess it'll have to do. Besides, that's the only choreography of theirs that I know, so it'll definitely have to do it.

I rehearsed for about two hours then decided to go home. Nycole was probably about to get back home and if I'm not there, she'll freak out. I told Kat goodbye and about half an hour later I was in the garage of my apartment building. I put my car in my lot and went to the elevator. I was almost falling asleep resting against the wall when the doors finally opened and I got in

"Hold it!" I heard someone yell and held the doors open "Thank you, Jeremie. You're an angel"

"You're welcome, Mrs. Johnson!" I smiled at my neighbour. She was a fifty-something year old lady, really sympathetic, who lived with her husband and their grandson in the apartment next to mine. I really liked her ever since the first time we got to talk, when she came to our apartment offering us a welcome cake. The cake was great by the way. She made a living out of cooking for birthday parties and weddings and stuff like that. Her husband was retired from the US Navy and he was really sympathetic too. Their 17-year-old grandson lived with them ever since their daughter and her husband (the boy's parents) died in a car accident. His name is Douglas and he's a really cool guy. I'm not sure but I have the slight impression sometimes that he's got a crush on me but I wouldn't be the one to point that out, right?

"How many times have I told you not to call me Mrs. Johnson? It's Susan!" she smiled as the elevator went up

"I'm sorry, Mr- Susan" I said and she smiled

"That's better! How's Nycole?"

"She's fine. How are John and Douglas?"

"John keeps complaining about everything and Douglas doesn't stop playing that guitar, this probably means that eveything is ok" she said and we both laughed just as the elevator dinged and the doors swung open "Come dinner with us one of these nights and bring Nycole too" she said as we stepped in the hallway

"Thanks for inviting us. I'll talk to Nycky about it"

"Just give me a call so I can make that strawberry pie you like so much" she giggled

"Thank you, Susan! See ya"

"See ya" she said and we both separated, coming into our own apartments. Everything was quiet, obvious sign that Nycky wasn't home yet. I went straight to my room and dropped my backpack there before stripping out of my clothes and going to the bathroom. I took a quick shower for if I stayed there long I'd fall asleep there. How Nycky manages to stay awake for so long and not fall asleep on the first place she sits is beyond me. Maybe the caffeine addiction helps. I turned off the shower and dried myself before putting the towel around my waist and getting out of the bathroom. The first thing I noticed was the sound blaring in Nycky's room and I went to the kitchen to grab something to drink before going to her room

"Hey, girl!" I greeted her and she turned in my direction

"Woohoo! I know a lot of girls, and guys, who'd love to be me right now!" she whistled pointing at the towel around my waist and I laughed "Awww... and he's shy" she cooed pressing my cheeks

"Stop picking on me" I pouted

"I hate you sometimes, y'know?" she scowled at me and I just raised my eyebrows waiting for an explanation to that "Why did you have to be gay?" she whined and I burst out laughing "You laugh, uh? You just laugh 'cause you're not the lonely straight girl who lives with a sexy gay guy who she lusts after ever since she met him!" her time to pout

"You think I'm sexy?" I grinned at her and she chuckled

"And handsome and cute and sweet and really annoying 'cause I can't have you" she laughed

"A deal: if I'm single when I turn thirty I'll become straight and marry you? What do you think?" I proposed and she laughed

"It's nice to be the rebound girl, y'know? I feel loved now!" she teased and we laughed "Go put some clothes on before I jump you!" she pushed me out of the door

"Hey, guess what?" I said still chuckling

"What?" she asked as she followed me to my bedroom

"Fatima called Kat and told her to ask me if I wanted to be auditioned to be one of the Backstreet Boys' dancers" I said as we entered my bedroom

"Oh! I heard they're in town" Nycole said

"I heard that too"

"And you're going, right?" she asked excitedly as I stood in front of my closet and she plopped down on my bed

"'Course I am! Do you really think I'd pass up the opportunity to earn money travelling all around the world?" I asked in disbelief as I took out a white t-shirt and my beat up jeans and threw them on the bed

"Not to mention travel all around the world with those hotties, right?" she smirked and I laughed

"This part will probably be torture. They're all straight hotties!" I said as I took out a pair of boxers out of my drawer

"Then you'll taste some of your own poison" she scowled at me and I laughed

"Get out and lemme change!" I made shoving motions towards the door

"As if it wasn't enough that I can't have, I can't even see" she whined as she got out and closed the door behind her. I changed quickly, took the piece of paper with Fatima's number on it out of my backpack and went to the living room, heading straight to the phone "What do you want for dinner?" Nycole asked

"You're off work tonight?"

"Yes!" she cheered "I'm all yours tonight" she winked and I laughed

"I'll think about that"

"Good! Now, what do you want for dinner?"

"I'm in for japanese" I said as I sat down by her side with the cordless phone in my hand

"How can you eat that?" she made a disgusting face at me

"The same way you eat those fatty greasy hamburgers" I made the same disgusting face at her

"Then you order your fishy things and I'll order my fatty greasy things and we're both happy" she grinned and reached for the phone

"Ah, ah, ah! I have to make a phone call before" I stood up

"Be quick! I'm hungry!" she yelled as I went into the kitchen

"Kay" I yelled back as I dialed the number

Some rings later I heard Fatima's voice "Hello?"

"Hey, girl. It's Jeremie"

"Hey, J! I see Kat gave you my message"

"Yes, she did. How are you doing?"

"Fine. A little desperate for a dancer but fine" she laughed

"Oh, obviously that's the reason I called. What do I have to do to be auditioned?" I asked and she went on and on about the place I had to go, when I had to go, what I had to bring with me, what papers I'd have to fill out blah blah blah. Luckily I had pencil and paper to put everything down or else I'd forget. I have a tendency to forget things. Mainly the important ones. After telling me everything there was to be told we hung up. I called to order my food and then went back to the living room "Here. I've already ordered mine" I handed the phone to Nycky and she immediately called and ordered her food also

"So, when is the audition?" she asked as soon as she hung up

"Tomorrow, 2pm"

"It's close up, uh?"

"Yeah. Well, they need the back-up dancer right away 'cause they're shooting a video in three days"

"And you're prepared?"

"I rehearsed a little today and I'll rehearse more tomorrow morning. I hope it's enough"

"For you, yes, it's enough"

"Thanks" I'm sure I blushed about a hundred shades of red

"You look cuter blushing. If that's even possible" she chuckled and I laughed along before we both fell silent "I'll have to start looking for another cute gay roomie, y'know?"

"Already thinking about replacing me? I love you too"

"Well, I'll need someone to pick on while you're gone, right?" she teased and I laughed

"This if I get the job"

"You will!"

"You really think so?" I asked looking down

"Yeah. I really think so" she said softly as she made me look up at her "Your chance's finally come, J. You deserve it!" she smiled and I hugged her

"Thanks! For being strong for both of us. For helping me when I need you" I whispered "Thanks" I said again and felt her squeeze me tighter

"Don't thank me yet. Wait till we're married and then you'll pay me back" she teased and we laughed

"I love you!"

"I love you too!"

French Kiss Me - Part two

by Fallen Angel

2pm came all too fast. But surprisingly enough I was calm. I was an usually easy-going person but everytime I was faced with a situation like this I'd be a nervous wreck. But I guess I was feeling...... prepared. Yeah, I guess that's the right word. It was kinda weird to be in a room full of well-built guys all looking about to eat each other's head. I had to do my best not to laugh at how ridiculous that was. About fifteen minutes after two, a lady came into the room we were all in and explained to us how everything would be done. The "judges" were inside a dance room next to the one we were in and the names would be picked out without an especific order. I was truly hoping to be one of the first, that way I was out of that room sooner. Too much pressure for my taste.

Not such luck! Two hours later and I was still there, slumped down on an uncomfortable couch, waiting, waiting and waiting. I was about to give up and go home sulk when they finally called my name. There was only two more guys inside the room and they looked just as tired as I was. Two hours and fifteen minutes of waiting to get in there and dance for three minutes. Well, here we go. I stood from the couch and followed the lady to the dance room. There I could recognize Fatima and the Backstreet Boys. There were also two suited guys that were probably their managers. All of them smiled as I came in and Fatima waved and winked also. They all looked tired also. Kevin looked like he was about to sleep (well, doesn't he always? hehe). I said which song I was gonna dance to and said a silent prayer before starting.

After I was done they all clapped and Fatima said that I would be contacted at home if I got the job, right after they decided. By signing one of the millions of papers I had signed before I had agreed that if I got the job I would have to start rehearsals right away for the video and I'd be ready to board heading to Orlando to start rehearsals for the tour after the video was done. I decided to go home then and sleep. I felt like a huge truck had run over me. More than once. I just needed a shower and my bed right then. Twenty minutes later I was back at home and did just what I had planned. Shower and sleep. YES!

  • = *

I woke up to Nycky shaking me. I had been asleep for that long? It felt like less than five minutes 'cause I was still tired "Sweetie? Phone" she said and it took sometime to really hit me that it could be... nah... wishfull thought

"Who's it?" I mumbled as I sat up

"Fatima Robinson!" she grinned from ear to ear and I grabbed the phone from her hand so fast that I almost dropped it


"It's yours!"

"Oh! You're kidding me?" I'm sure my smile took almost 100% of my face

"Nope! You're the newest member of the Backstreet Family! Feel welcome!"

"WOOHOO!" I whistled as I jumped up and down in my bedroom, Fatima and Nycole laughing at me

"You have to be at the same place you were today, tomorrow, 6am"

"No problem" I answered, trying my best to hide my disgust for early wake up's

"At first it'll be just you and me, so we can go over what's ready and you and the other dancers can be on the same page"

"OK! See ya then. And thank you so so much"

"I didn't do anything. You're good. It's your own fault" she said laughing

"Still! Thank you for letting me know about the auditioning thing"

"You're welcome. See you tomorrow, J"

"See" I hung up the phone and Nycole immediately jumped on me, giving me the tightest hug I'd ever had the pleasure to be given

"Congratulations, sweetie!"

"Thank you!" I replied, still not quite believing this was all happening

"Told you you'd get it!" she kissed my cheek as I sat her down "We have to celebrate!"

"Don't you have to work?" I raised my eyebrows

"Where do I work, dear?" she grinned "At a night club!"

"But I have to wake up at 5 in the morning" I whined

"You don't have to stay long. Just a little bit so I can celebrate a little with you. Please?" she gave me her best puppy-dog look and I just couldn't resist that. Worse than a beautiful girl with puppy-dog eyes, only a beautiful guy with puppy-dog eyes

"Fine! Fine! But I'm not staying too long. I already hate waking up early. And I hate it even more when I don't get to sleep before"

"YES! Thank you!" she hugged me

"What time is it?" I yawned

"Seven. I have to go get ready" she ran out of my room and seconds later I saw her passing in front of my door running to the bathroom

I laid back down 'cause, knowing Nycky, she'd be in there for the next twenty minutes at least. I started thinking about what had happened and it still seemed unreal, like it wasn't actually happening. It was too good to be real.

I started thinking about all the arrangements I'd have to make and decided to write them all down. First: call Kat. Second: find my passport. Third: make reservations in a hotel in Orlando till we go on tour. Fourth: buy a cell phone (Geez! this is starting to sound expensive!). Fifth: pack (do NOT forget your lap top). Sixth: go say goodbye to my pupils. Guess that covered everything. I was almost going back to sleep when I heard Nycky yell that the bathroom was free. I lazily stood up and went to the bathroom. I turned on the shower and stripped out of my t-shirt and boxers before climbing in the shower. After the quick shower I dried and wrapped the towel around my waist before opening the door and almost knocking Nycky to the floor as she made her way in

"You're going to have dinner here?" she asked me as she applied make-up

"I was thinking about eating at the restaurant"

"Good. What time are you going?"

"Around 8:30, I guess"

"I have to be there at 8:00 for a meeting or something. I'll see you there" she kissed my cheek and ran out of the bathroom

"See ya!" I yelled as she got her car keys and ran out of the door. You see, the club Nycky works at is in a two store building. The lower is a restaurant (where Nycky's a waitress) and the higher is the club (where she's a DJ). Going alone to a restaurant wasn't exactly my idea of fun but if I stayed in till it was time to go to the club I'd fall asleep. At least there I got to see people. The club was pretty popular and a lot of people went to eat at the restaurant before hitting the club.

I went to my bedroom and stared at my closet. What to wear? As the restaurant wasn't that formal I decided on a long-sleeved dark-gray t-shit with a short-sleeved wine-colored one over it and blue jeans with an also wine-colored pair of Nike shoes. My hair was just parted in the middle as usual. After changing I still had 20 minutes to spare and decided to look through all of my clothes to see what I'd take with me to Orlando. It'd be as few as I possibly could take with me, I just hated heavy luggage. I made a mental note to go to the mall and buy some wifebeaters and sweatshirts seeing that these would be what I'd wear most from then on and I wouldn't have that much time for laundry. Besides that, I love shopping, so...

Both my watch and my stomach warned me that it was time to go. I grabbed my car keys and left. Half an hour later I was entering the restaurant and there were only a few tables left. I sat down in the most secluded one (sometimes I'm a little anti-social, so what?) and the waiter handed me the menu and left. Some minutes later I felt someone stand beside me "Have you chosen already, sir? And I must warn before hand that no, I'm not in the menu"

"Awww... spoilsport!" I replied as I looked up at Nycky to find her laughing

"So, have you decided to change a little from your fishy stuff?"

"Just because there's no 'fishy stuff' here. Just bring me a pepperoni pizza and I'll be happy"

"Oh! I knew someday you'd go for the fatty greasy stuff" she teased and I laughed as she wrote down what I ordered "To drink?"

"Your beauty?" I flirted and she giggled

"I really trully hate you when you do that, y'know?" she said between laughter

"What? I'm just complimenting you!" I said "innocently"

"Fine, bitch!"

"Whatever you say, cow!" we really love each other, y'know?

"Oh! That was low, queer!"

"Stop before I dug in my ugly-words-acknowledge for something worst!" I warned. Truth was that I didn't know anything else to say :P

"Fine! To drink?" she asked again

"A Coke, thank you"

"You're no fun. I'm here waiting for you to say 'a bottle of your best red wine so I can celebrate with my roomie' and you order a Coke?"

"I'm just saving my roomie's money" I grinned

"How thoughtfull!" she scowled at me "Your order will be here soon, bitch!" she said and turned around

"Don't start, cow!" I replied just before she left, making her giggle. I sat there waiting for my food and watching the people around me when I spotted a girl, looking around 8 years old, "speaking" in the signal language (Author's note: the sentences "spoken" in this language will be between

.......<), two tables from mine. When we locked eyes she stopped "talking" to what looked like her mother and waved with a shy smile. I waved back, returning the smile >"Don't be shy. What's your name?"<

"Laura. Yours?"<


"You're beautiful"< she said blushing and I chuckled

"Thank you. You're a really pretty girl yourself"< I replied and her smile >doubled in size >"How many boyfriends have you got?"<

"None"< she frowned >"Do you have girlfriend?"<

"No"< if you only knew, I thought >"I'm single"<

"How old are you?"<

"I'm 23 years old. You?"<

"I'm 9"< she replied proudly >"You're old"< she frowned and I laughed

"Should I thank you for that?"< I asked with a smile and she chuckled

"I was gonna ask you to marry me"< she replied and I laughed. What's it >with me, girls and marriage lately?

"Think about it: when you're 21, I'll be 35"< I replied and she gave me a >disgusted look, making me laugh. Just as I was gonna say something else, >Nycky arrived with my food

"Already flirting behind my back, Mr. Lapierre? We're supposed to get married someday" she said, making me laugh

"I was talking to that cute girl over there. Laura." I pointed and Nycky waved, getting a wave in reply >"This is my best friend, Nycole!"< I said (both to Laura and aloud so Nycky could hear too) and Laura smiled

"She's pretty"<

"She just said you're pretty!" I told Nycky >"She is, isn't she?"<

"Thank you!" Nycole mouthed getting a shy smile back "Thanks to you too" she said to me

"Are you gonna marry her?"< Laura asked and I had to laugh

"What?" Nycky asked

"She asked if I'm gonna marry you"

"Tell her I've been asking that myself everyday since I first spotted you" Nycole grinned and I scowled at her

"No, I'm not gonna marry her. We're just friends"<

"If I was to decide it wouldn't be that way" Nycole muttered

"Your babies would be beautiful"< she frowned and I chuckled

"Thank you but I don't think that's gonna happen"<

"What's not gonna happen?" Nycky asked

"Me, you and babies"

"I wouldn't mind trying"

"Fuck you!" I said laughing

"Anytime you want, babe" she chuckled

"Don't you have anything else to do?"

"Yes, I do. But bugging you is more tempting"

"Go to hell!" I replied and looked at Laura

"I have to go now"< she smiled as the people in her table stood up

"It was nice to meet you, Laura"< I said and both Nycky and I waved, >getting a wave back before Laura left

"You'd be a great dad" Nycky said "You seem to have a magnetic effect on children"

"It would be nice I guess... but you know that ain't gonna happen..."

"There's always addoption"

"Maybe someday"

"OK" she dropped the subject, knowing that it made me uncomfortable "Look, tonight everything you consume is on my account"

"No way!"

"Yes way! And don't argue! Eat! Your food is getting cold!"

"Yes, mom!" I saluted her and she left

By the time I finished with my food, there were just a few tables still occupied, most of the people had probably gone to the club already. And I decided to do the same. I went to find Nycky and they told me that she was changing into DJ-mode, so I decided to wait so we could go together upstairs. There were some people, as I had guessed, but the club was still far from being packed with people so we could go harmlessly to Nycky's booth. I stood there watching her work for awhile till I got extremely bored and decided to get us both a drink. When I got to the bar I heard Nycky clear her throat "Good evening, everyone. I hope you're all having a good time" she said and some people cheered "Well, this next one goes to my best friend, J" she yelled and I found myself in the middle of a spotlight "Congrats on your new job, buddy!" she yelled and I giggled, though I'm sure I blushed a hundred shades of red, if that's even possible. I burst out laughing when "Everybody" started playing and I mouthed a "You're dead" to her and I could see her laughing through the glass wall of her booth. I took our waters and went to the booth again

"You are so fucking dead! You'll be lucky if I let you in the apartment again!" I said as soon as I came in

"Awww... you have to be used to spotlights from now on. I'm just helping you!" she said teasingly and I scowled at her

"Thank you very much!" I said sarcastically "Geez! I'm sure I've blushed enough for a lifetime!" I replied putting my hands on my cheeks "You're gonna pay me for that" I said "And forget about marrying me" I completed and she burst out laughing

"You'll still review that decision when you're thirty and lonely and nobody wants you"

"I hope my future isn't that promising. I don't deserve that much!" I gave her a look "Look, gotta go. It's late already and if I don't sleep soon, I'll lose my job before I start in it"


"What time are you gonna be home?"

"I'll get there around 4:30 or something. You want me to wake you up at 5?"

"Would you do that?"

"Sure" she kissed my cheek "Nighty night"

"Nighty night. See" I replied and left the club. To say that I was tired was an understatement. I was beyond exhausted. I needed my bed! Soon!

Well, there it is, people! Hope you enjoyed parts one and two! Part three is on the way! And I'm gonna assure you that the BSB will finally be in it! Any comments mail me at! Hope to hear from you guys! PLEASE E-MAIL ME!!! See ya!

Luv, hugs and chocolate! Fallen Angel

Next: Chapter 2: French Kiss Me 3 4

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