Freedom and new experiences

By James Scott

Published on May 1, 2000



Freedom and new experiences by: James Scott

With School finally out, Jordan was excited to get away and start a summer where he didn't have to worry about anything; his family, classes and most of all, from being a nobody.

High school had been a real chore for Jordan, he never really gotten involved in anything. His older brother was the star of the football team, and teacher would ask why he did not follow in the family footsteps, but it really never seemed to be the thing he wanted to do. He was an artist of sorts, and wanted to be left alone more than anything.

His first year at college had been much the same, although he chose to go to the state university so he could escape the shadow of his brother. The main problem with the state school was he could live at home. His mother had made it clear that he should stay there so it would not cost as much. When the spring job fair came around, he found himself at the table for a resort in Washington. This was his chance to get away for the summer and not have to stay home with his parents and working at some fast food joint. When he received his packet in the mail about his summer employment and his job bussing tables, he was thrilled to be leaving. Finally he could get away. His job would not be too bad. He had to work on the weekends and then three days a week, but he would have two off to go and do anything he wanted. For a nineteen year old artist, what more could he want.

Finals had been a task. Jordan kept thinking about the day he would leave. All he had to do was make it through the week. Saturday he hopped in his car and took off. Three months of freedom.

When he arrived at the resort, he was surprised to find he would have to share a room with another guy. He had skipped that part of the information packet. It wasn't going to be all bad, but more than he had bargained for.

His roommate was from Utah. Jordan had been to Utah a couple of times, but that was only because his grandparents lived there and his family would take the drive from Arizona every Thanksgiving. His name was Chad. He reminded Jordan a lot of his older brother. Luckily, Chad was working as a clerk in the hotel lobby and Jordan rarely saw him.

The first couple of weeks seemed to be a bit rough, but once everybody settled into their jobs, everything was a-ok. Jordan didn't mind the work, but looked forward to his days off. Every Monday and Tuesday he would grab his sketch pad and head off into the woods near the lake and draw. Some days it was the mountains, others he would capture the local wildlife on paper. It did not matter to him at all, it was all about being free.

The weekend came and went, and Jordan had already put in a month at the resort. Monday morning came, and like always, Jordan grabbed his sketch book and a pack lunch and headed for the woods. July had brought hot sunny weather, which Jordan did not mind in the least. He had been working out a bit at school in the student recreation building so he did not hesitate to take off his shirt and wander with shorts and hiking boots on. With his backpack over his shoulder he headed off up a trail that would take up to a ridge overlooking the lake. This was his favorite spot to sit and draw. When he got tired he could stretch out on the hill and bask in the sun.

As he sat sketching, he would see the occasional hiker going past, but no one really every stopped or bothered him. He had been drawing for about an hour when he noticed a young man sitting by the lake. He too had taken his shirt off and was tanning be the water. Without much thought, be flipped the page over and started to sketch the young man. As his did so, his heart started to beat a little faster. He decided it was because he had not eaten and the sun was almost directly over head.

He set down his pad and quickly ate his lunch. The entire time, he kept his eyes on the young man by the water. He seemed to be about the same build as Jordan and maybe an inch or two taller then his 6'. His sandy blond hair swept back from his face revealed defined features including a harsh jaw line. Jordan returned to his paper and started to recreate the image with his pencil. Jordan became so engrossed in his work, he did not notice the young man leaving. As he glanced up from the paper, his heart jumped. The young man was gone.

As he tried to sleep that night, he could not get the image of the blond out of his head. Chad was asleep across the room, but Jordan could not force sleep to come. Why was he so hung up over this guy he had seen? He had never felt anything toward a guy before? True he had never felt much toward girls, he figured it was because he had never met the right one. Every time he closed his eyes all he could see was this strong faced man with a perfect chest and tan. As he finally drifted off to sleep, his dream was filled with images from the day, but then they shifted. He started to dream the two of them were skinny dipping together in the lake. They started to swim toward one another and just as they were about to kiss . . .


"Damn that alarm," Jordan thought as Chad's clock signaled that it was time to get up. Chad got out of bed and wandered out the door toward the bathroom. Jordan decided he would go back to the same spot in hopes that the blond would come back too. As soon as Chad had gone, Jordan got his stuff together and headed out to the ridge.

He stripped off his shirt and began to put the final touches on the scenery of the picture he had drawn the day before.

"So, you are an artist." A voice from behind his interpreted his thoughts.

"Yeah, I guess you could say that," Jordan returned without looking up.

"I was wondering if you wanted me to pose so you could finish your picture." Jordan stopped as his heart leaped into his throat. His hand started to shake. He turned around to see the blond guy standing behind him.

"I'm Ben. I saw you up here yesterday. I usually like to tan up here, but you beat to it, so I went down by the lake. I noticed you up here drawing when I got up to go. So I thought I would check it out and see if you had decided to come back and finish your work."

"I . . . I hope you don't mind." Jordan stammered.

"No problem. I am honored that you wanted to draw my picture anyway." Ben said.

"I just saw you down there and thought it would make a nice picture. Here you can see what I have so far if you would like to." Jordan handed the book to the blond standing above him.

"You do go work. . ."

"Sorry, the name is Jordan." He took the book back.

"Mind if I join you Jordan?" Ben moved to sit down next to Jordan.

"That would be fine."

"So, do you work here? Or are you a guest of the resort?" Ben sat down and pealed his shirt off over his head. Jordan lost his breath as he looked over. He was even more defined through the chest than he had looked from the ridge.

"I work here. I just came for the summer. I go to school in Arizona. You?"

"I am working on the grounds crew, but I only have to work four days a week, so I have been trying to get my tan taken care of before I have to back home to Colorado."

"Cool. It doesn't look like you need a lot more work," Jordan said as he look over. Ben smiled and nodded in agreement.

"So what do you do up here Jordan?"

"I work in the restaurant cleaning up tables and stuff."

"So I bet you like the break to come out here and get away from it all," Ben said as he laid back on his pack.

"Do you mind if I strip off these shorts and get a better tan? I hate lines," Ben said. Jordan flushed a little.

"Hey, it's up to you. I don't care what you do," Jordan said.

"Maybe you could join me," Ben said as he slipped his shorts off. Jordan felt his whole body tremble as he watched Ben. His cock begin to harden as he realized Ben wasn't wearing anything at all.

"I'd help you off with those if you want me to," Ben said pointing down at Jordan's boots. Without much of a sound, he bent down and unlaced the boots and slid them off.

"I have never done this type of a thing before,"Jordan said as he tried to catch his breath.

"I'm sorry. Do you want me to back off?" Ben asked as he looked into Jordan's face.

"No. I just don't know what I'm doing really," Jordan squirmed a little at the pressure building inside his Levi shorts. Ben reached over and started to undo the fly of Jordan's shorts. His touch sent electricity up Jordan's skin. Without even thinking about it his raised his hips to allow Ben to pull his Levis and boxers off and down over his feet.

"Man, I didn't realize I had created such a stir," Ben said eyeing Jordan's seven inch member. Jordan blushed again with embarrassment.

"I saw you yesterday and I have not been able to keep my mind off of you," Jordan said when he was finally able to speak.

"Hey, it is nothing to be worried about. I came back today because I was hoping you would be here. I was admiring you yesterday and wanted to see if you would join me," Ben said as his hand reached out and caressed Jordan's stomach.

"You don't have to do anything you don't want to," Ben said as he lowered his body toward Jordan. His hot breath sent a shiver through Jordan's body as he began to kiss his chest and then move down to his navel. Ben looked up to see that Jordan has closed his eyes and was waiting to see what he could learn. Ben slowly took Jordan's cock into his mouth and started to run his tongue over the tip. Jordan blew out a quick burst of air.

"Is this ok?" Ben asked

"It feels better than I had ever imagined," Jordan said as he tried to keep his body form shaking. Ben lowered his lips back onto Jordan's cock and started to move down the shaft. Jordan felt his head hit the back of Ben's throat and his entire body felt as if it was going to explode. Ben continued his slow and steady work on Jordan's rod. Without much warning, Jordan felt his body tense and then it was as if he had just won the million dollar sweepstakes. His cock exploded into Ben's mouth. After about four thrusts, he was exhausted. Ben licked the shaft of Jordan's cock to collect any cum he may have missed. He then moved up next to Jordan and began to kiss him. Jordan opened his mouth and took Ben's tongue in willingly and hungrily. The warm taste of salt hit his taste buds.

"Teach me to do that," Jordan said as he drew back from Ben.

"Just go with what you feel is natural," Ben replied as he looked into Jordan's eyes. "You don't have return the favor if you are not ready to. I would understand."

Jordan just looked at him and slowly moved down and took Ben's eight inches of manhood into his mouth for the first time. He hoped it would not be the last.

This is the first time I have tried to write something like this, let me know if you think it is ok, or what i need to do if I decide to try my hand at this again.

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