Freddys Initiation

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Aug 13, 2021


Poor Cassie. She seemed to be the only person that both Jody and freddy knew - or at least she was the one they both trusted the most - and she was hearing the fears each had, as their relationship moved to another place.

Cassie hadn't expected them to move along as quickly as they were, or to have lasted as long as they had: she thought it would be a good way for freddy to "get his puppy slapped" as she put it indelicately (as only Cassie could), and since Jody was such a playboy, she thought he'd be moving on to the next Baskin Robbins' "man flavor" within weeks.

It was 3 months. And here she was, sitting opposite Jody, seeing the faraway look in his eyes, as he talked about freddy. "Cassie, you never thought you'd hear me saying this: I think I'm falling in love." Cassie paused. "You're right. I thought for the rest of our lives I'd be hearing about 'such great sex' and 'I think I found the one' when you meant 'one for a week'." And it's FREDDY? "

Jody smiled and shook his head gently. "It is. I'm falling in love with a man whom I don't even know is gay." Cassie laughed. "Have you had your cock in his mouth? In his ass?" She saw the look of shock pass over Jody's face: you'd think that after all these years, he'd be used to talk like that from her. Then he smiled. "I have. A lot." "Then hon, at least when he's with you, he's gay." Jody looked at her with his "eagle gaze" as some people called it. It's what he used during cross examination of witnesses. "I KNOW he's gay when he's with me. I just... well, we're not together ALL the time, and... I know before me.. and..." "And what, ginger boy?" Now it was Cassie's turn to glare. "What he did before you is irrelevant.' "Well, yes, but... What is he doing when he's NOT with me?" "I think you mean WHO is he doing when he's not with you. You don't trust him? Didn't he promise that you'd be exclusive?" "Well, yeah, and I believe he's not doing anything with other men, but..." "You think he's seeing women?" "I don't know. I DON"T KNOW CASSIE." Jody paused. "You know, if we broke up because he met another man, I could deal with that. I think. But losing him to a woman...." Cassie laughed. "Usually it's the woman who's saying that about losing HER man to another man. Isn't that what all the movies are about?" "Cassie, this isn't funny. Did I tell you what happened a couple of weeks ago?" "Probably, but tell me again."

Jody had taken off from work a little early. He thought he'd surprise freddy, take him to dinner, and maybe, just maybe.. So he headed over to the law school, where freddy had a class that ended at 6:15. He stood outside the classroom, and peeked in for a second. "I'm dead" he thought. freddy was wearing the shirt he had worn to the party. He had a jacket too, but he had taken it off because he was very animated when he lectured. He wore his big glasses when he taught, so Jody couldn't see freddy's eyes, and he could barely make out the outlines of his pecs, but his arms. His torso. His strong, short legs... " Jody was squeezing the bouquet of flowers he had with him so tight that some of them began to wilt, as parts of Jody began to "blossom." "DAMN IT WHY ISN'T THAT BELL RINGING?" He looked at his watch. Three more minutes, then the student questions: freddy ALWAYS had lots of students wanting to talk to him - who could blame them? Jody closed his eyes, and tried to count down the time. He heard the bell ring. He also felt a drop of precum on his cock. At that hour, there weren't that many people around the classroom floor of the law school, and no one had seen how his hand had dropped to his crotch. He looked inside. "SHIT! How many students WERE there around him? Twenty? " Then freddy looked up. He saw Jody and he smiled a little in his direction. In the classroom, freddy spoke to the remaining students "kids, I need to jet tonight, so maybe tomorrow? Or email me? Or come to office hours?" He grabbed his jacket, took off his glasses and headed out. "HI!" freddy smiled his winning smile at Jody. "This is a surprise. What brings you here?" "You." Jody was just taking in this man. GOD HE WAS GORGEOUS. "I brought you these, and... I was wondering if I could take you to dinner."

Cassie interrupted. "OK, so what was the problem?" "I tried to kiss him, and he got upset." Cassie fought not to smile. She knew EXACTLY what was going to follow. "He got all kinds of angry and said 'PLEASE JODY. NOT HERE. THIS IS WHERE I WORK." I asked him what was wrong about kissing your boyfriend where you worked, and he just got angrier. You know how he can yell and whisper at the same time?" "Uh huh..." Well, it was like that. I don't even remember half of what he said." "So what happened?" "We went to dinner, and we talked." "And...." Jody blushed. "Then we went back to my place and fucked. He wouldn't spend the night." Cassie blinked. "So where are you now?" "We're supposed to spend the weekend together. I think we are. That's the plan anyway." "At your place?" "Yup. I don't know what we'll be doing." "Except fucking," Cassie smiled. "Yeah, there'll be lots of that. I hope. "Look Jody boy... what are you going to do about this fear of yours?" He looked down. "I'm going to ask him to wear a cage?" "WHAT?????" Cassie nearly spat out a mouthful of creme caramel she had in her mouth. "WHAT?????" "Cassie... hear me out. You know who's , well, in charge in this relationship." She laughed. "I can guess. " "Well, if he's not seeing anyone, he doesn't need to... get hard unless he's with me." She sighed deeply. "I fear this is not going to go well, but I also fear anything I say is not going to change your mind about it." He laughed. "Well, I've fucked up relationships before, why not this one?" "BECAUSE THIS ONE IS IMPORTANT TO YOU! Listen, maybe he'll wear it, I don't know. He hasn't talked to me about any of this. (Which was a lie). She shrugged her shoulders. "You know, I know you're both earth signs. He's a Taurus. You're an Aries. You're both stubborn. I'm surprised it worked this long." "It's his eyes Cassie. His gorgeous, GORGEOUS eyes." "OH PLEASE LOVE! Yes, freddy has gorgeous eyes. Your cock isn't going into them. IS IT?" "Cassie, you're embarrassing me!" "Yeah, probably the way you embarrassed freddy. Call him next time. No surprises. Ok?" "Ok."

Most of Jody's story was identical to the one freddy had told her, but... when it got to the kissing part, freddy had said something different. "He thinks it's because I don't want people to know I'm dating him. In a way, that's right. But... You know, Cassie, if someone had seen us, by the end of the week, I guarantee you, the story would have been about how I got caught screwing a second year in one of the seminar rooms or something." "Yeah, it's kinda a plague at the law school. Nothing to do but gossip. " She paused. "So, what's next? Are you two still talking?" "I think so. We had a nice dinner, we went back to his place... I didn't spend the night. I wanted to, but there was a department meeting the next morning. I had to get home, get into more dressy clothes, and get enough sleep not to fall asleep when some of the wind bags started." "Did you tell him that?" "He was too angry, I think. He wouldn't even look at me. " He looked down. "I'm hoping I can fix it this weekend. " He paused again. "Cassie, this is so new to me. I've never been a gay man before." "Neither have I" she joked.

Both Jody and freddy did remember the dinner and afterward the same way. They had gone to a neighborhood place, and to try to make things good again, freddy had reached under the table, and rubbed Jody's leg. "I'm sorry I got upset at the school. I shouldn't have gone off on you." "Don't worry about it freddy, don't worry. " He looked at freddy. "Are we still spending the weekend together?" "I think so. Are you changing the locks to your apartment?" Jody had already given freddy a key. "No. I just..." He reached out and squeezed freddy's hand, which was now back on the table. "I've never felt about someone the way I feel about you freddy. I don't want us to be angry." freddy squeezed Jody's hand back. "Neither do I. But you know what I want ?" "No. Tell me." freddy smiled. "I want you to take me back to your apartment, and fuck the shit out of me." Jody smiled. "I think I could do that."

They started on Jody's sofa, with some serious necking and kissing. At some point, Jody put his hand in the small of freddy's back and began to push him gently. freddy yielded. He remembered hearing his loafer fall off his foot, because he had to hunt for it later. Jody broke off a bout of some serious spearing with his tongue, to whisper. "Let's move to the bedroom, you beautiful hunk of man" freddy smiled and said "you're the boss," which gave Jody an even bigger hard on. When freddy began to undress, Jody stopped him. "No. No. Let me do this." He slipped freddy's polo up over his head, and he ran his hands up and down his torso. He moved in and his beard tickled freddy's neck. freddy began to moan. "OH FUCK. OH FUCK. I've been hard since I saw you outside the classroom. " "You're gonna have to prove that, Italian stallion." Jody grabbed freddy, tossed him on the bed, and got his other shoe off, before slipping off freddy's trousers. He saw the bulge in freddy's briefs. "DAMN. I guess you were. " "Let me see yours, topman," freddy gasped. Jody stripped. "OH SHIT. I want that in me. NOW. AND DON'T TAKE IT OUT.." Jody climbed on top of freddy, and began working on his neck and ears again. He whispered. "GOD, your eyes. THOSE EYES. I wish I could see them constantly." freddy tried to answer, but Jody's tongue was down his throat again. He felt his legs going up in the air. Then he felt Jody's wet cock beginning to slide in. freddy realized he had been thinking about how this felt all day long, only he couldn't remember it the way it REALLY felt: it felt so much better. He began to pant. His eyes closed because he wanted to feel Jody more. And he did. Jody was so rigid, so hard, and he WAS holding his cock inside freddy, not moving it. freddy wondered if this was what a speared fish felt like. "cum in me stud. cum in me. Fill me. PLEASE." He whispered. Jody brushed his fingers along freddy's nips, and freddy yelled "OH MY GOD" as they both shot at the same time. When they were finished, Jody was lying on top of freddy, hugging him like he didn't want to let him go. And freddy didn't want him to. But he said "Sweetie. Studman. That was great. But I can't stay tonight." Jody's grip relaxed. "You can't, or you won't?" "I can't. I really can't." Jody rolled off of freddy. He was clearly still upset about earlier. "Then don't let me stop you. I need the bathroom. Safe trip home." "JODY. WAIT..." freddy saw Jody's back as he locked the bathroom door. He waited for at least 30 minutes, and Jody didn't come out. Finally, freddy gave up, got dressed, and left. He had hurt Jody. He needed to fix it.

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There had been some phone calls between them after that, confirming the weekend. Neither of them wanted to admit it, but at every phone call, they both got erections, and they both masturbated when they had the time. Jody decided that.. well, he was gonna give it a try. After work on Thursday, he stopped at the adult shop, and bought a cock cage. "When was the last time I used this on someone?" He thought. "Three years ago. " He remembered sean: he had talked Jody into giving him a day free of the cage: then Jody came home early and found sean in bed with someone else. "I don't think that's gonna happen with freddy," he smiled wryly as he left. When he got home, he tossed the cage on the bed table, and left it there.

On Friday, when Jody got off the elevator at home, he smelled something in the hallway. "GOD. That smells great." Spices. Garlic. Olive oil. Tomatoes. The smell got stronger as he got closer to his apartment. When he opened the door and walked in, he saw freddy in the kitchen. He was cooking. He was wearing a tight fitting denim shirt with snap pockets, untucked, and tight jeans "GOD THAT ASS!" Jody thought, as he came into the kitchen and wrapped his arms around freddy's middle. "The only thing that smells better than that sauce... is you." freddy giggled. "It's not sauce. It's GRAVY. Sunday gravy. Don't tell anyone I'm making it " Jody kissed his neck. "Can it wait?" He bumped into freddy's back to let him know how hard he was. "Let me turn down the heat." "Only on the stove, boy. You can't turn down YOUR HEAT. Kiss me." freddy laughed. "yes sir." Some serious tongue wrestling followed, some cupping of freddy's ass, and finally... on the bed. When they were on the bed, freddy's wrists pinned down by Jody, he asked "Jody, what's that thing on the table?" Jody took a deep breath. Better now than later. "It's a chastity cage. I want you to wear it. It keeps you from getting too hard." freddy pushed against Jody's hands. No luck. Jody was strong, and he had a purpose here. "JODY, LET ME GO. WE GOTTA TALK ABOUT THIS. " "We can talk about this EXACTLY where we are, freddy. " He leaned in to kiss freddy again, and freddy turned his head, realizing immediately that he had made a mistake, as Jody's tongue found his neck, his ear. Jody's beard went in next. "OOOOOOOOOOOH. YOU CHEAT JODY. YOU CHEAT.." Jody eased up just a bit so freddy could push his hands a little, but then he pushed them right down again. His knee was between freddy's legs, putting pressure on his balls. "If you wanna get fucked tonight stud, you're gonna promise to wear that when we're done. " "NO. THIS IS DIRTY POOL! " Then he felt Jody's beard rubbing more firmly against his neck, and his knee moving back and forth. "OH SHIT. OH SHIT. YOU KNOW TOO MANY OF MY WEAKNESSES BASTARD." "Damn right I do. And you know my biggest flaw is jealousy." He whispered into freddy's ear. "You gonna wear it." "NO!" "Then you're gonna have to wear a turtleneck this weekend unless you want people to see your hickey... heh heh heh." "AUGGGGGGGGGGGGGGH. YOU BASTARD. YOU FUCKING BASTARD. " "You seem really hard, freddy. You must want something. "NEXT TIME I BLOW YOU I'M GONNA BITE YOUR FUCKING COCK OFF." "No you're not. Because the only place I'm gonna be putting my cock.... is in your ass" freddy began to whimper and Jody whispered again. "You gonna wear it?" freddy didn't answer. Jody tried another approach. "Who's the Boss?" "You are " "The Topman?" "You are." "You gonna wear it? " Jody continued to grind his knee into freddy's balls and cock. freddy's need for dick was so strong, his mouth opened, and no sound came out of it. Jody had changed his scruffing to a soft slow rhythm. Sounds were coming out of freddy, but they were inarticulate. "YES. YES. I'll wear it. I'll wear it. JUST FUCK ME. JUST FUCK ME BEFORE YOU PUT IT ON ME." Jody eased his knee out of freddy's crotch, and he opened the snaps on freddy's shirt. "I wish you could keep your eye opened during making love, freddy. God they're gorgeous. "SHOW ME THAT GORGEOUS COCK. THEN BURY IT IN ME. NOW! BEFORE I CHANGE MY MIND." "Yes. Yes absolutely my little stud." Jody was so grateful, so thankful. His expert tongue went into freddy first, and all of a sudden, getting fucked right away wasn't that important. freddy pushed his ass to try to get Jody to go deeper. "Don't bite them off. Get them wet." Jody put his fingers near freddy's mouth. "Yes sir. Yes." When they were lubricated, Jody pushed one, then two, then three fingers into freddy. "You never took three before stud. You get a reward for that." "Let me hold my ankles Sir. Focus on your cock. GET IN ME. NOW. " Jody smiled. He had "won," and he eased into freddy, little by little, savoring each moan as his "straight" boyfriend took more and more cock. "ALL DAY. ALL FUCKING DAY I THOUGHT OF THIS, YOU HOT BASTARD. HARDER! HARDER!!!!! " There was a solid pounding going on, and freddy would find his ass bruised the next day after a solid fifteen minutes of taking cock. And his ass was so sore - so sore he almost couldn't take Jody's dick on Saturday night. But he did. He took it on Saturday. And on Sunday afternoon. And he took it with the cock cage on his dick.

But back to the moment: after they finished, and had cuddled, freddy went back to finish the gravy. He had bought fresh pasta, bread, and the makings of a salad for the rest of their dinner. Jody had wine at home, and they drank that. Reader, I leave it to you to imagine: did they get dressed for dinner, or were they naked?

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