Freddys Initiation

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Aug 6, 2021


One of Jody's hobbies was sketching: pencil, or charcoal, or anything like that. It was the scratching of his charcoal on paper that woke freddy the next morning. He had been somewhat aware, in his sleep, of being alone in Jody's bed, and now, he had that sense of slight alarm we all do when our partner is not in the bed when we get up ourselves. He sat up, and realized there were no blankets covering him. He also realized that Jody was sitting in a chair, in front of the bed. He had on a robe, but it was opened, and he could see that Jody was, well, excited.

"Good morning sleepy head" Jody looked up from the pad and smiled. freddy started to shake the sleep out of his head. "Morning. How... how long have you been awake?" "Ha ha. If you had asked me how long I'd been up, well, that would have been ambiguous Alfredo, so I would've had to tease you. I've been awake for about an hour. You were so zonked out I didn't want to disturb you. Did the pencil scratching do the trick?"

"I don't know, but... I didn't know you drew." "For years. I'm not very good, I just like doing it." freddy began to reach around the floor of the bed for a pair of shorts . He found them and got up out of the bed. "What were you drawing?" He asked as he stood up. "You." "ME? Oh, now you gotta let me see." "Oh, I was gonna do that, alfreddy. Here. I did two of you this morning. One of each of two positions you took on the bed. You don't toss and turn too much." He looked up and grinned. "At least not when there's not a beard rubbing up against your skin". freddy made a face as he looked at the sketches. "They're GOOD. I think you make me look better than I do. And I'm NOT that hairy." "If you don't wanna look hairy, it can be arranged that you're not stud." freddy looked confused and Jody went on. "I've got barber's clippers in the side drawer stud. Might be fun to keep you nice and still with some ropes, and shave you smooth." He saw freddy's face begin to blanch. "HAHAHAHAHAHAHA. NAH. I like my hairy studmuffin. Now, let me show you the third sketch. I think I'm gonna hang this in the living room." He turned the first two pages. The third page had a sketch of freddy on his back, his legs in the air, his butt exposed, as if he were about to be fucked. "HOW THE...." "Artist's liberty freddy. And memory. Looks good. " He smiled broader. "Makes me think of your first time. That's why I think I wanna put it up in the bedroom. "Uh, NO. Please. " freddy felt embarrassed, but also somewhat aroused that his butt would be in front of Jody, even if he weren't there. "I'll think about it... " Jody began to get out of the chair. "Depends on today. Speaking of.." His cock was rigid in front of him. "I think this needs taking care of alfredo. How's about you relieve me?" freddy was beginning to understand his "role" with Jody. He got on his knees in front of him, and began to lick his cockhead. Jody began to moan right away. "Hell yeah! That hot Italian tongue. MY MY MY. Glad I'm not the only one who's horny this morning. FUCK. You deep throating me boy?" freddy didn't know what deep throating was, but the aroma of Jody's body, that funky male smell, and the hard cock that had begun to own him... he wanted it all, and he plunged down. As he went, he felt Jody's hand on his neck, and that tingle began. "That's right stud. THAT'S RIGHT. GET YOUR MAN'S COCK ALL THE WAY DOWN YOUR BOTTOM THROAT. MMMMMMMM." "Bottom?" freddy thought. There was something that was bothering him about the term. He was going to ask, but Jody was keeping his mouth and head firmly in place as he began to thrust. "DAMN . You may be a beginner freddy babe, but you do a man GOOD. FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK...." Jody began to push back and forth, faster and faster. freddy began to taste the saltiness of his precum and then, after the scream from Jody's lips, he felt the cum going down his throat. Jody helped freddy to his feet, and embraced him. "DAMN. This is gonna be fun. I had ambitions of acting out that sketch, but now it's gonna have to wait. BUT..Hmmmm. How's about you get on the bed, and jerk yourself. Let me get some ideas on paper." "AW, C'MON JODY. That's embarrassing." "Well, you wanna jerk don't ya." He pointed at freddy's crotch. "I see the lump. " "I do but... Don't draw me. Please." "Ok, stud. Not this time. But eventually, I hope you'll let me." He grinned. "How about I get into bed next to you, and just let my beard work it's magic?" "HELL YES. PLEASE." freddy began to pull and stroke his cock. Jody gently - VERY gently - began running his beard over freddy's neck and ear. "That's right bottom. Get your juice out. Let your topman see his fucking stud perform. SHOOT FOR ME. SHOOT." freddy was too far gone in his masturbation for the word to bother him again, but he remembered it. He was gonna have to ask what it meant. He THOUGHT he knew, but Jody was the expert here. "FOCUS ALFREDO FOCUS" he thought to himself, and thought back to how it felt when his wrists were tied down, and Jody began to slide his cock into him. "OH SHIT OH SHIT OH FUCK. " Soon, freddy was covered with his own jizz, and Jody was taking some of it in his fingers, tasting it, and then rubbing it over freddy's nipples. "That was great. I need to make a movie not a sketch. Now freddy started laughing. "Where you gonna show it?" "Right here stud. To all of our friends. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAA. Naaaaaaaaaaaaaaah. My private movie for viewing when I need to think of you." He sat up. "Hmmm. You are sticky as shit freddy. How about you get cleaned up and get some coffee in you? You wanted to run this morning didn't you?" "I did. I haven't run in three days. I need to get back to it." "Hmmmmmmmmm. The thought of my boy coming back sweaty and delicious.... YUM. Two showers in a morning though?" "I can't go out running like this. I'm covered with...." "Ha ha. I understand. Lotsa product in the bathroom to keep you nice and moisturized. Have at it."

freddy never made it out for his morning run. Jody had other plans for beginning his path to making freddy his sub. freddy took his shower , dried off, and put on his running shorts, and his sneakers. Before he could get into a tank top, Jody had come up behind him, and draped his arms over his shoulders. "I don't know why you can't just run barechested handsome. Of course, I'd be wildly jealous. MMMMMM" He began nibbling freddy's ear, which distracted freddy from the fact that Jody was hooking HIS arms through freddy's, and pulling freddy's behind his back. When Jody had them pinned, he said, in a low, triumphant voice. "Betcha you can't get free, freddy boy." "Stop chewing my ear and... ooooooooooh" "Ok. Fair is fair." Jody stopped and freddy pushed, and he struggled. He was strong but... Jody was deceptively strong. He had realized that already and Jody's hold was like iron. "Ok. Ok. Ya got me. I can't get loose." "That's right, and you won't. I knew that this old necktie would come in handy for something. " freddy felt the silk going around his wrists. "HEY. What about my run?" "Plenty of time for that when we're done. For now though.... " Jody's grip on freddy's neck rendered him helpless as he moved him to a chair. "DAMN you'd be hot gagged. But I think having my boy just tied up so I can play with him as I see fit... That's a pretty good way to spend a few hours. " "A FEW HOURS. JODY, FUCK!" "Yeah, I'm gonna. You're gonna stay that way until I'm ready for another round." He laughed as he flicked each of freddy's nipples. "That's what Saturday's are for, beauty. Now, excuse me. I'm going off to the shower." He winked. "Don't scream freddy. No one's home next door, and if you do, well.... I got a bandana ready." freddy pushed at the necktie bondage. It was surprisingly strong, and he made no progress. He wondered what Jody had in mind.

For the next three hours, Jody kept freddy tied to that chair. For the first hour or so, freddy would push against the necktie bondage and struggle every five minutes or so, until it started to exhaust him. Then he began to yell. "JODY!!!!! LET ME THE FUCK OUTTA THIS. IT'S NOT COOL. YOU'RE GONNA GET THE SHIT KICKED OUTTA YOU." He yelled that a few times, and then Jody came in, with a bandana, a set of nipple clamps, and a sketch pad. He walked over to freddy until he was almost sitting on his lap. Staring into freddy's "athena eyes" with his own piercing ones, he said "I wasn't gonna gag you, but if you keep screaming, I will. You'll look hot with a gag. " He looked at freddy, who looked at him defiantly. "Do whatever the hell you want." Jody laughed. "I will. Open big like the dentist says." He twisted the bandana into a tight braid, and when freddy didn't open his mouth, he leaned into his cock harder. "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH" came out of freddy's mouth, and then "mmmmmmmmmmmph" as Jody secured the gag. "Now, let me just position myself here." He pulled out his sketch book, and sat down in a chair. freddy saw the wicked look pass over his face. Jody slipped out of one of his shoes, and pressed his right foot into freddy's crotch. "MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMPH". "Didn't you say last night 'you're the boss, ' alfredo? Well, you didn't know how right you were. I'm gonna keep up this pressure because, you know, that look on your face.... it's priceless." "mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmph." freddy's moans became less demanding and more beseeching as Jody occasionally adjusted his foot, and began to sketch. "You're like a captured Roman soldier alfredo. Befits your background. " After about half an hour, he showed freddy a rough sketch. "Lookin' good. Might put this one next to the one I showed you this morning. Just gotta introduce you to one thing more.." He showed freddy the nipple clamps. "Know what these are?" freddy shook his head no, but he began to think: this isn't good. He knew it wasn't good when he felt the cold metal run against his nipples as Jody ran the clamps over each nip. "We're not gonna use them long today, and surely not at the maximum pressure, but.. I like them. So you gotta learn what they're like. " He closed one, then the other clamp on freddy's tits, at an opening far from their most narrow ones. It was the first time anyone had ever put clamps on freddy's nipples, and... "MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMPH" "Now, if I dangle the chain and see how your face moves... GOD am I getting hard again. You getting hard alfredo?" freddy didn't want to answer, in any way, but with Jody's foot firmly in his crotch... he knew. freddy WAS getting hard again. "How long do you think we should wait until I shove my cock in you again, boyfriend? Ten minutes? Thirty minutes? Now?" At "now" freddy began to shake his head vigorously up and down. It wasn't just that he wanted the pain to stop because the pain had become something else he couldn't explain. He WANTED Jody's cock in him again. He wanted that feeling. "I agree. Now is the best time. Give us a little time to go out before dinner, see some stuff, you get the run in." Jody took the clamps off and the gag. Then he moved behind freddy to untie the binding, and he saw that freddy had worked his way out of it at some point, but sat there, with his hands behind him. He hadn't tried to get up. Jody leaned into freddy's ear. "Good boy alfredo. You're learning. You're learning what being my boyfriend is all about." He kissed alfredo's ear. "How's about you haul your ass onto the bed. I'll get your shorts off." alfredo didn't have to be asked twice, not that he was really "asked." He was lying on his back as Jody peeled down his shorts. "LOOK HOW HARD YOU ARE. NO WONDER ALL THOSE LADIES LOVED YOU...." Jody smiled. "You want my tongue again, sweetboy?" "YES . PLEASE. EAT MY MAN PUSSY. TAKE IT." The combination of the bristly feeling of Jody's beard, and his pointed tongue, drove freddy even crazier. He reached down to grab his cock, and Jody pushed his hand away. "THAT, alfredo, is a no-no. You get to do that when I tell you you can. And if you do it again... I'll tie the restraints tighter than I did in the chair. " "I understand..." alfredo's voice was low, and deep. "You can start adding 'sir' at the end of sentences now, freddy." "yes sir" came the response. freddy saw Jody spit the wad of saliva into his hand before he slicked up his cock, and then he felt the cockhead entering him. Jody had been paying very close attention the first two times he had fucked freddy, and he knew where his prostate was. He was hard enough, and determined enough, to find it. He did. He knew he did when he heard freddy yell "OH FUCK WHAT THE HELL DID YOU JUST DO?" Jody chuckled. "Call it finding your G spot." He held his cock there while alfredo writhed in pleasure. "PLEASE SIR. DON'T EVER TAKE THAT OUT. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH"

Jody pushed in further. "OH SHIT YOU'RE GONNA SPLIT ME APART." "No I'm not you big baby. I'm just giving you more pleasure than you ever felt before." It was true. If having Jody's cock against his prostate was amazing, this was, well............... Jody began to slide back and forth, slowly, then quicker. Then even quicker. "Think you're gonna kick the shit outta me, freddy?" "No Sir. No.. NO............." alfredo was nearly weeping. It felt so good. He didn't want it to end, but he felt Jody's cock get as rigid as an iron bar. Jody clenched his teeth so he didn't scream, as he filled his boyfriend with the cream that had been building up since that morning. "OH GEEZ THAT FELT SO GOOD" Jody was the first one to talk. "FUCKING AMAZING" alfredo answered. "I thought I was gonna pass out." "Ha ha. You wouldn't be the first one who did. Now, here's your reward alfredo. You're gonna get my patented blow job." "OH SHIT. OH SHIT. " Jody's beard hairs rubbed against alfredo's balls, and his tongue curled around al's cock in a way that a woman's never had. Jody slipped his hands under al's ass cheeks to push him up further. al was trying to pay attention to Jody's technique but he was truly in bliss. Jody knew how to edge him with his tongue in a way al didn't know how to do, and had never experienced. "JODY SIR. JODY I'M GONNA SHOOT. I'M GONNA.... AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGGGG" Jody was giggling as he pulled his mouth back. As al heaved for air, jody smiled. "You wanna taste where my mouth has just been, cause if you do." He pursed his lips for a kiss. "YES SIR. YES. PLEASE. PLEASE...." Their lips met, and that tongue did its work down al's throat . al's nipples were sore. His ass was sore. His lips were now too, and his balls hurt. But... he didn't remember ever having felt this good . "Let's get you sponged off, alfredo. You should get your run in now. We'll go out for a while this afternoon." "yes sir. Can I get another kiss before I go." "You can have all the kisses you want you stud. How long you gonna be gone?" "I dunno Sir. An hour?" Jody smiled. "Plenty of time for me to get ready. " After another necking session, alfredo his the streets to get in his run. And while he was gone, Jody went looking for the right sized butt plug. "THIS is gonna be fun," he thought, as he pulled out a small, 3 incher. "He can wear it for the rest of the day. I won't use the cage.... yet."

Next: Chapter 4

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