Freddys Initiation

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Jul 21, 2021


"YOU NEVER RETURNED HIS CALLS????" Cassie was sitting in a popular breakfast spot with Freddy, and her voice, which carried anyway, carried even more as she raised it. "CASSIE!!!!" Freddy's voice was almost a whisper "PLEASE. YOU'RE EMBARRASSING US" "GOOD" Cassie whispered back. "You embarrassed the shit outta me with another good friend. Jody can't understand what he did wrong. You owed him that." Freddy stammered. "He.... He didn't do anything wrong. I just... I just freaked out ok?" "Freaked out about what? Did he hurt you? He didn't tell me that." "NO! He didn't hurt me. He was a perfect gentleman. Well, sort of." Freddy began to blush. "Did you have a good time with him?" "I did. It felt... It felt like nothing I've ever felt. And you were right. He's got a magic touch. I felt, like, well, electricity when he touched me, but in a good way. " "So, if you had a good time, and he made you feel good, why aren't you returning his calls? I don't get that. GEEZ, if I found a girl who did that to me...." Freddy stammered again. "Because this was the date... this was the date when... " and he lowered his voice even more. "He was going to take my ass." "YOU MEAN HE DIDN'T TAKE IT ALREADY?" Now someone reacted, as he looked over and added "Damn. If your ass is as pretty as your face, why DIDN'T he take it?" The smattering of applause that followed didn't help Freddy's embarrassment. "No. He didn't. And... I'm freaking out about it." "WHY?" she asked. "I don't know Cassie. I don't know... It's just a....." She took a breath. "Have you decided that you're completely straight and you only wanna date women? Is that what I'm hearing? The sexiest gay guy in town wants you, and you go STRAIGHT?" "NO! That's not it. It's not. It's just.... Oh, I don't know Cassie. " Cassie laughed. "You wanna know something Alfredo?" He gulped. When Cassie used his real name, he was in trouble "Jody's aggressive. I know. Everyone says that. But he doesn't do what you don't want. You know that." "True." "EVERY MAN. EVERY WOMAN wants to date him. And you know what? He's ready to become an honest man, in his words, because he likes YOU." Freddy had his coffee cup in his hand and was trying to swallow a mouthful. "We had TWO DATES. HUH?" "Yeah, just two dates. I know. And you know how many people he's gone out with after you? ZERO. " "HUH? From what you told me..." "Yeah, I know. You know what he told me? He told me you had spoiled it for him. He didn't want anyone else but you anymore because you were so...." now Cassie took a sip of coffee. "Let me see if I remember everything... you were so.. handsome. receptive. interesting. intelligent. funny. handsome." "You said handsome twice." "So did he." "I... I don't know what to say Cassie." "I know what you should say. You should say you'll call him and apologize and you'll plan another date." "I'll think about it," Freddy answered. Cassie got up with a tight smile on her face. "Think about it hard. Because you know something Alfredo. You ARE everything he said you are. The one thing you're not, is a spring chicken. And a chance like this doesn't come around that often. " She put down money and came over and kissed the top of Freddy's head. "I need to leave. Make sure you'll call him. PROMISE ME" "I'll think about it." Cassie huffed and walked out. A guy at another table looked over. "DUDE. I don't know who this Jody guy is, but I don't care. I'm free tonight if you wanna do something." Freddy grinned "Thanks, but I'm not. I have plans." "Not with Jody, that's for sure." When people at other tables began laughing, Freddy got up and left.

Cassie had sat down for breakfast with Freddy because Jody had called her during the week. She asked him how things were going with Freddy because she hadn't heard, and Jody sighed. "I think I fucked it up, and I don't know how." "HUH?" Cassie was SURE that they were going to work . "Tell me what happened" Jody went through the whole thing. He left out - as Cassie told him at the end "the juicy parts," but when he called Freddy to set up their next date, Freddy didn't return his call. He didn't return ANY of them, and he had called, maybe 4-5 times "I THOUGHT we had a good time Cassie. I sure did. DAMN. If things went well this time, I was going to ask if he'd mind if I called him my boyfriend." "AWWWWWWWWWWWWW. That's so sweet Jody. By the way, what does that mean?" "Well no one talks about going steady anymore, so I guess I was gonna ask him if we could be exclusive to each other." "WHOA." Cassie had answered. "I have NEVER heard you say that about anyone" "Well... I've never met anyone like Freddy. I wish I hadn't let him go that night."

You can get the gist of that call: the one that happened BEFORE her breakfast with Freddy. Now, she had to make another call to Jody. She was gonna make this work if it killed her. In relevant part:

"Jody, I figured it out. Look, stop calling him. Just go get him. You know where he lives. GO GET HIM. He'll never admit it, but it's what he wants." As Cassie kept talking, Jody was smiling. "Uh huh. Uh huh. Yeah, I understand. You're right. " He laughed at one point. "I've never been told I wasn't aggressive enough." "And YOU said you never met anyone like Freddy. Now go and get him."

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Freddy spent Saturday NOT calling Jody. Instead, he caught up on some work, and then, as it became evening, he got ready for a party that someone from work was giving. The theme was "tropical." Freddy had a short sleeved red Hawaiian shirt which he had planned to wear with a pair of white jeans that he hadn't worn since he was an undergrad. What he learned was that all of the running he had done had NOT kept off ALL the inches, and the white jeans were out. Instead he found a pair of faded jeans, added them with a canvas belt and put on a pair of sandals. He checked his watch: 7:30, and the party was scheduled for 8. He didn't plan to stay long, but you never know: he laughed at the quick thought that he might meet someone. He caught the elevator and headed downstairs. He was walking at a leisurely pace, and thought he caught the odor of a cologne he had smelled once before. He couldn't place it though. While he was sniffing it, he felt the fingers pressly firmly onto his shoulder. He felt the electricity as those fingers moved up to his neck: he felt relaxed but also nervous. "Jody?" The fingers pressed in just a little, and Freddy moaned. The touch didn't hurt: if anything, it was the obvious. He felt very relaxed as the strong, confident fingers held him. "That's right Freddy." He felt Jody's mouth at his ear, and Jody's beard brushed his neck the way it did the two times they had gone out. "Going somewhere?" He didn't think it was an accident that Jody's beard brushed along the side of his neck (It wasn't). "Uh, yeah, I was heading to a party with work people" Jody licked his ear before he spoke. "Nah. How about a party with just the two of us, Freddy? Don't you owe me that? Hmmmmmmmmm?" Freddy was beginning to feel the flood of endorphins he had when he was with Jody. "I'm sorry I didn't get back to you. I... I should have." "Yes, you should have, but you didn't. You can make it up to me tonight." Jody brushed his beard against Freddy's ear. "You wanna?" Freddy was beginning to feel what he felt the first two times with Jody. He remembered the man's fingers inside of him, and how good it felt. "Am I melting?" Freddy began to think. Then Jody stopped whispering. "You may think you have a choice in this. You don't." Then he laughed. "Let's go." He kept his hand on the back of Freddy's neck as they walked back to Jody's apartment. "We have some stuff to talk about too. And you're spending the night. And you don't have a choice about that either."

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx A half hour later, half of their drinks gone, Jody and Freddy were necking on Jody's couch. "You have such soft, soft lips" Jody said softly, as his tongue plunged in. While Freddy tried to "tongue wrestle," he eventually gave up: Jody was a very dominant kisser, and he was in control with his tongue, while Freddy just received the thrusts, the smacks to his lips, the tongue running around them, and the fingers that teased Freddy's lips every few minutes. He saw Jody smiling. "I ought to punish you for not answering my calls, but.... I think you'll have enough regret after I give you what I've been saving." Jody was smiling as he ran his fingers over Freddy's shirt. "Red looks good on you. Unfortunately...." He smiled more broadly as he got up, pulling Freddy up with him "My ropes are blue, so..." "Ropes?" Freddy asked. He was eager, but also nervous. "Yeah, ropes. To hold you down. At least the first time.. " Jody laughed. "Who am I kidding? EVERY time." "EVERY time?" Freddy thought. Cassie was serious.

So that's where we came in, in installment 1. Freddy lay on the bed, his wrists tied to the corners, his jeans opened after Jody had run his tongue along Freddy's torso where the pants met his body. Freddy was already beginning to whimper. "You're so cute. So handsome.. Jody was making sweet talk as he dropped his clothes. Freddy saw his cock: ample. Bigger than his own. A "pearl" of liquid at the tip. "You know how much I've wanted this Freddy?" He lowered himself on the man and whispered "gimme your neck handsome." Freddy wanted to resist but... his resistance was really gone. Jody could do anything he wanted to him, and it seemed, Jody knew it. He brushed his beard over Freddy's neck slowly, almost savoring each soft groan that came out of Freddy's mouth. Freddy pulled at the restraints. Somehow, that act was making him more aroused. "I'm glad you wore tight pants, Freddy. Lets me see that you're enjoying yourself. But... you weren't planning to see me. You were dressed for someone else?" "Uh, maybe..." He felt Jody's finger scratching at his navel, and he began to writhe. "By the time we're finished tonight, stud, I want you to be dressing for me. Only me." Jody's stare was a strong one. Freddy thought he could win any staring contest, but Jody had him beat. He seemed to be boring into Freddy's head, just before he kissed both of Freddy's eyes. "I know I told you this, but I'll tell you again. You have SUCH GORGEOUS EYES. They're what reeled me in, Alfredo." "What reeled HIM in?" Freddy thought about that for a minute. "I reeled HIM in? " He felt Jody's tongue pushing at his lips again, and he opened, taking the tongue a second time, as Jody's fingers found Freddy's shirt buttons, and opened them. "Hairy too! God, Alfredo, are you the perfect man? GRRRRRRRRRR" He felt that tongue probing his nipples, his belly. "I know the answer to this. You want me to do to you what I did last time? Using my tongue?" Freddy moaned out his answer. "OH GOD YES. YES. OH GOD. I DREAM ABOUT THAT." Indeed, Freddy had jerked off more than once to memories of that first time his ass had been eaten. "MMM. Appetizer for what's to come." Jody pushed off Freddy's pants, and this time he didn't push Freddy's legs up, but his head disappeared. Freddy heard the slurping sounds, and felt the tongue that had done such a number on his throat, now going up WAY inside him. Jody was pushing his ass back further, to get in deeper. "OH SHIT JODY. DAMN. I MAY SHOOT. " Jody smiled. "Then I'm gonna stop. For now. And you're nice and wet. It'll make this easier." "Is it gonna hurt Jody?" Jody shrugged his shoulders. "I dunno. I try to be gentle, unless my man says he wants it rough, but sometimes... well... Let's work it out, little by little. " He reached over and picked up a small pillow. "You can bite on this if you want. It may help." "Thank you. " Jody put it in Freddy's mouth and then... he began inserting his cock. "This doesn't feel at all like fingers," Freddy thought as Jody began to enter into him. "It's different, and it's... better." "I'm gonna try something Alfredo, and if you don't like it, just let me know. " Jody thrust his cock in, instead of being gentle. It wasn't a big, hard push, just a little one. Freddy sucked in his breath, and then he moaned an "MMMMMM", so Jody pushed further. "As they say in poker, handsome, I'm all in. How do you feel?" "I'm glad I'm with you Jody. " Jody smiled and kissed Freddy's lips. "This is the fun part. You wait and see." He began the thrusting, moving methodically back and forth, and then varying it. He'd push in HARD, and then gently, and then sometimes, he'd just stop, his cock resting inside of Freddy, as he toyed with the hair all over Freddy's lower body. "You're like an Italian yeti. You know that, Alfredo?" Jody smiled. "I know. I HATE calling you Freddy. Makes you sound like a little boy. And you're not." Freddy's voice was high as he said "can you call me Al instead of Alfredo? I'm not pretentious and, well.." "No... you're not. You're right. The last word that anyone could use to describe you, is pretentious. The first one they better use... is hot." Jody stopped for a minute and clenched. "Now, I'm about to breed you Al. And I'll be your first. Just remember that. I'd like to think I'll be the only one but... it doesn't usually work like that." He pushed and instead of yelling , the way Freddy thought he would, Jody gave out a big, soft sigh. Freddy could feel the creaminess in his butt and then, when Jody cupped his balls, Freddy screamed. Loud enough for both of them. Jody laughed. "I guess you liked it. " "I did. It was... it was... INCREDIBLE" Jody brushed Freddy's hair back. "There's a lot more of that to come, and it'll REALLY be incredible. "

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx They finished the bottle of wine they started when they got there, and then drank part of a second one with the pizza they ordered in. Now, on the sofa, Freddy's head on Jody's lap, Jody's hand resting inside Freddy's shirt, on his belly and occasionally making a circle around his navel, Jody spoke. "You know, Al, for all my years of being a queer slut, I've never had a boyfriend." Freddy, who was thinking "this must be how a housecat feels," asked "so many different meanings to boyfriend. Which one do you mean?" Jody sighed. "I mean, I've never been with a man who I wanted to be with exclusively: I always felt my eyes, my soul, whatever, wander." He stopped teasing Freddy's belly. "I assume Cassie told you that since that last date, I haven't seen anybody. All I did was think of you." Freddy looked up. "She did tell me that. We both know Cassie has a tendency to exaggerate, so..." Jody shook his head. "Nope. This time she's spot on. I wasn't ready to give up on you. He pulled Freddy to a seating position so he could look him in the eye. "I don't know what it is about you Al. Is it one thing? I doubt it. Is it a lot of things? Hell yeah. You're the first one... the first one ... I guess if we were fifty years younger, I'd be asking you to go steady with me, but what do they say now: monogamous, or "exclusive" or some shit like that." He took Freddy's hand. "Would you be willing to try?" Freddy squirmed a little. "I don't think I could do what you just did, Jody. " Jody smiled. "Yeah, I shoulda been clearer. You wouldn't have to. " He sighed. "I hate labels like this, but... I'm always the top. You'd be the bottom. " He looked at Freddy. "If that's a deal breaker, well..." Now, Freddy, brushed Jody's hair back. "It's not a deal break for step 1 , you sexy beast. I'd like to give it a try." Freddy paused looked down and then said "For what it's worth, I can't remember a relationship of any time where I didn't feel... so right." Jody smiled. "We can't let Cassie know. Her head will get even bigger.

Freddy laughed. "RIGHT?" "How about we clean up tomorrow, handsome? Let's head to bed, cuddle have some fun... sleep late. Whatever. Freddy smiled. "you're the boss." "Truer words were never spoken " Jody thought. "But for tonight..... " And half an hour later, they were asleep, Jody's head resting securely on Freddy's chest.

Next: Chapter 3

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