Freddys Initiation

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Jul 12, 2021


Freddy lay on Jody's bed, his wrists tied to the corners. His Hawaiian shirt wasn't opened - yet - but Jody had unbuttoned the top button on his jeans, then slipped them down so that Freddy's hard on could pop out and he could tease it - "edge it" is how Jody had called what he was doing. Freddy hadn't done anything like that before. In fact, until he had met Jody, he had never done anything with another man except stare at guys he found attractive. This was his third time at Jody's, and each time, they had done something sexual. Jody had told Freddy that this was the time he was going to "pop his cherry. From the size of Jody's erection, bigger than it had been the first two times, Freddy knew he was telling the truth.

Freddy - his name was Alfredo, and after years of being called Al, and then Fred, he had settled on Freddy - had met Jody at a HUGE party a mutual friend, Cassie, had thrown. Cassie was house sitting for a gay couple she knew. Jake and anthony were in Switzerland. Jake was a particle physicist and had a sabbatical year, which he was taking by doing fundamental research at the accelerator lab in Bern, Switzerland. anthony had gotten a temporary position at a local university where he lectured on queer theology - his specialty. The guys had been cool: this was not a secret party. Cassie had total use of the apartment for anything she wanted or needed to do "including the toys," as Jake had called their collection of erotic "instruments." There was only one thing that was off limits: the vase that contained the ashes of their beloved Goldie. Goldie had been anthony's dog since a pup (both of them), and had lived with Jake and anthony for over ten years. Cassie had been the one whom anthony had called when it was clear that the only option for Goldie was euthanasia. Cassie worked at the local university's theology department, and rather than feed anthony any moralizing philosophy, she let him cry. As long as he wanted. She made sure he ate, she told him when he needed to go back and change, all the things a friend does. So when they went away, about a year and a half after Goldie's demise, there was no question whom they would ask to watch the place.

Cassie knew tons of people. She knew Freddy from a running club. Freddy ran, for recreation, not for competition, and he had since he had been an undergraduate. Now, as an assistant professor on the tenure track at the law school, he had the tight, muscular body that a shorter man (he was 5'7") got when he lifted and ran. Cassie ran too. She was not as good a runner as Freddy, and she was flattered when he asked her to be his running partner. He never came onto her, which put her at ease, since her girlfriend would have REALLY been put out, and since, as he put it "I don't have any filters," she didn't use any either.

"You know you're being cruised, handsome" she had said to Freddy, smiling, at that party. "Me? Who?" Freddy pretended indifference. He got cruised a lot. He always reacted awkwardly. He didn't THINK he was attracted to men, but he also had issues when he dated women. His longest relationship had been 3 months. Cassie laughed. "Please darling, if you didn't dress as gaybait tonight, no one did. Admit it, and I'll tell you." Freddy was wearing a bluish gray polo shirt that hugged his torso. It was a "find" as he had put it because it kind of matched the color of his eyes: very light blue that could be called gray. The shirt was close fitting enough that Freddy's nipples pointed out - his sensitive nipples which were not as sensitive as his true erotic zone, his neck. He smiled. "Ok, you win. If I'm gay bait, they've gotta like old fish, but I tried to look good. Who is it?" Cassie began laughing. "YOU REALLY DIDN'T NOTICE?" "NO CASSIE, I DIDN'T." She kept laughing. "The ginger over in the corner. In the peach shirt, with the beard. Jody." Freddy looked up. She might have been right: Jody DID seem to be staring in Freddy's direction, but there were a lot of people, and it could've been anyone. "He's kinda striking. Are those green eyes?" Freddy asked Cassie. "Yup. A green eyed ginger. You two would make beautiful children." She began cackling again. When she caught her breath, she lowered her voice. "You know, he'd be a good one for your first experience. Word is, he's got 'the touch' "? "The touch? Is that like the clap?" Freddy made a bad joke "No, what people say is this: let's say you have a sensitive spot. Something that always pushes your buttons, right? Well, they say that when Jody finds it, and he always does, there's something electric in his touch that just... well, some of my friends have said that it just makes them helpless, and he can have anything he wants." "So he's a slut. You want me to fool around with a slut." Cassie looked at him. "Maybe you could equalize the genders, Alfredo..... you've been with a few women who have been around." "True. But why would he pick me when, well... there are at least six guys here I know are gay." She shrugged her shoulders. "Maybe he wants the best?" "He looks kinda weird with that beard. What does he do?" "He's an attorney. He works for one of those organizations that gets fair housing for low income folk. He turned down a job at a major firm to take this one." "Ok , so he's a slut who's also a do gooder." "ALFREDO! " She gave him a look. "Never mind! I was trying to make sure you got laid tonight, for all the good it did me!" She went off, notwithstanding Freddy's attempts to calm her down. "You must've REALLY said something bad to piss off Cassie," Freddy heard a voice behind him. He turned. It was Jody. He wasn't smiling. It was just the same sort of blank stare he had had before. Freddy blushed. "Actually, we were talking about you. I'm Freddy." "Jody here. I inspired THAT kind of, well, emotion? " Freddy shook his head. "It was weird. She insisted you were cruising me." "I was. I still am." Freddy stopped for a minute and then continued "And she thought I should go home with you." "She's right. You should." Freddy could normally continue a conversation endlessly, but now he was sputtering. "Why? " "Because you're so handsome you should only get the best. And I'm the best." Now, Jody smiled. "She... kinda implied that." "So what are you waiting for? I live close by. You need your jacket or something?" "NO! I mean, you don't even know if I'm gay, if I'm straight, if I'm bi.." "No, I don't. And I don't care. I fancy you, and I usually try to get what I fancy." He smiled more. Jody lowered his voice "Ever felt a soft, red haired beard run over your neck?" Freddy felt a slight ping in his crotch, but how did he know? "You kinda hide it. You hunch up your shoulders like you wanna hide your neck. On men, that usually means they're trying to hide what's sensitive." He grinned as he went on. "But you're wearing a shirt the way some chicks wear a tight blouse. So those MIGHT be sensitive, but your neck is where someone who wants you should go." When Freddy was silent, Jody continued. "You know, there's a very important figure in literature who I imagine had eyes the color of yours." Intrigued, Freddy asked. "Really, who?" "In Homer, Athena is always described as having sea gray eyes." "My mom used to say that. I had eyes the color of the sea. We'd argue." "Because the sea is blue? NAH. Think about the last time you were at the beach. What color was it?" "Gray," was Freddy's answer. "Gray with a little blue." Jody smiled. "I happen to think your eyes are gorgeous, and just for that compliment alone, you should be coming home with me." Now Jody fixed his stare on Freddy. He couldn't get away from it. He was more than a bit enchanted and more than a bit spellbound by this guy. "If I did, what would we do?" "Nothing you didn't want to do" "You mean...." Jody began to laugh. "You've got a beautiful ass, but no, not tonight. Not yet." He blinked. "You telling me the truth, Jody?" "I never lie." Freddy looked around. "Ok. you live close by?" "I do . Unless you'd prefer we go to your place." "I'm four blocks away." "I'm two." "Your place it is." As they left, Freddy saw Cassie cover her laugh with her had.

Cassie had been right about Jody's touch. He didn't dive into Freddy's neck right away, the just sort of cuddled and kissed first. Jody was a superb kisser, and Freddy found his penis to be growing, and maybe even leaking, especially when Jody rested his hand on it. "May I?" he whispered into Freddy's ear, as he rubbed his beard on Freddy's neck. "OOOOH. YES. PLEASE. " Jody's beard looked rough and cutting, but the part he used, was actually very soft. That and his lips, had Freddy moaning even more than he had been when they were kissing. "How about that... and these..." Jody began squeezing Freddy's nipples through his shirt. "It'll feel better if you take it off," Jody smiled. "Why don't you do it? It'll be sexier." Jody smiled some more. "It'll be even sexier if we head to the bedroom. " "It was. Jody lay at Freddy's side and took the nipples and Freddy's neck. At one point, he whispered. "You want to let your cock out? It's gonna break your zipper." "How about yours? Do I get to see it?" "I'll show you mine if you show me yours?" Jody laughed as they thought about the old school challenge. But they got naked. "DAMN. You're as hard as an icicle Freddy." "You did that, bastard." "Well, let me do some more." He took hold of Freddy's cock and began sliding his hand back and forth. "OH SHIT. You're good at that.. DAMN..." "It's called edging stud. Lotsa guys like it when they have it done to them. " "You want me to do yours too?" "Only if you want to. I can take care of myself after I take care of you." "It... won't .. take.... LONG....." Freddy had a fairly deep baritone, but when he came, his voice went into the stratosphere as he did now. "Now that wasn't too bad, sexy, was it? How about a kiss for the boy who got you off?" Jody took Freddy's face in his hands and kissed him, without tongue. "You can spend the night if you like Alfredo, pour me some more of your sauce." Jody winced at the bad joke. "But you've had a lot tonight. It's up to you." Freddy thought for a minute. "I feel bad. You.. you honored everything you said you would, and... I feel like I should... " "Return the favor? You will. I'm hoping this won't be the last time I see you." Freddy left, confused. He also left without giving Jody his number, or taking his. "SO WHAT HAPPENED? DID YOU DO THE DEED? DID YOU CROSS OVER TO THE DARK SIDE?" Cassie's voice was high and loud on the phone. "I'm not gonna tell you that! GEEZ. If I asked you. Never mind, you'd tell me, right down to the plumbing details." "Damn right I would, and I wanna know." "He jerked me off. After I learned you were right about the touch." "NOTHING FURTHER? " "NO, nothing further. " "GEEZ, you raised in a convent or something Freddy?" "I kinda was. But it was great." "Must've been. Jody's called me four times. He wants to see you again." "HE DOES?" "Yeah, he does. He feels bad that he didn't give you his number or ask for yours, but I've got them both..." "What's it gonna cost me to get it?" "Lunch. At MY choice of restaurants." "Ok, you win. You pick the place. Anywhere but "Up on the Roof. That's where we're going. And I picked it before you said no, you cheap bastard." "Roof" was the most expensive restaurant in the area. "Ok, Up on the Roof. AFTER my second date."

"Hey, it's Freddy. How are you?" "Freddy! I was hoping you'd call. Sorry I didn't . Big litigation going on. I barely have had time to breathe" "Oh, I understand. Listen if you're too busy to..." "I'm not. Drinks after work? " "That sounds good." There was a pause. "Jody, are you there?" "I am. Two things. One, I don't know when after work is for me these days. Can you be patient with me?" "Yeah, of course. If we pick a place close by the neighborhood, I'm good. " "West End? It's noisy, but it's easy." "Fine with me," was Freddy's response. "Other thing.... well... there are things I wanna do to you that... I didn't do that first night." "Like what? Freddy was intriguted. "Well, I like using ropes. I think you'd be HOT tied up. And ... that ass of yours. There are things I can do to it without fucking it. " "You're gonna be coy, huh? " "You bet" Freddy sighed. "Ok, getting tied up sounds hot. Same 'rules' as before? If I say no " "It's no." And two days later, at 8pm, they were sharing wine at the West End.

Jody had come directly from work, and he was in a dark blue suit, loosened tie, oxford. It was a teaching day for Freddy, so he was also in a jacket and tie, but not as formal. His blue shirt could have been chambray, but Jody couldn't tell because Freddy had on a sweater the same color as that shirt he had worn that first time. "Prolly not the best idea to kiss here, Freddy. Lotsa frat boys hanging out. " "I agree. Should I follow you back to your place?" Jody smiled. "Next time you come to my place, bag an overnight, handsome, ok? "

Jody poured them each a brandy when they got to his apartment. He had a new painting up on the wall, and Freddy was admiring it, when he felt Jody's arm around his waist, and those soft beard hairs on his neck. "Let's get relaxed first. Lemme get that sweater off you." Once Jody did, they got to the sofa and necked like the first time, only this time, Jody was more aggressive, and he had Freddy on his back, with his knee in Freddy's crotch, kneading it as he kissed him. "FUCK you're good at foreplay," Freddy kind of moaned. "Let's go. Enough foreplay. Stand up. Put your hands behind you. " It was the "moment of truth" for Freddy. He was so hard. What was next. He moved his hands behind him and he felt the ropes go around them. "You're a good sport, Alfredo. A truly good sport. Now... , let's go. I gotta get you ready with some things. " Jody helped Freddy get onto the bed, on his side. Jody opened his shirt and went for his nipples. He had a sly look on his face. "Your neck comes later. Now though.... " Freddy felt his pants being opened and slid down to his shoes. Once they got there, Jody carefully took off his shoes, then his pants. "Any of your girls ever ask you to eat their pussy?" "YEAH. EWWWWWWWWWWWWWW" "Ha ha. I don't agree when it's a man. And I'm gonna show you why they want it." However good Jody was with his tongue in Freddy's mouth, he was BETTER with it in his ass. No one had ever done that to Freddy before, and he moaned, and groaned. "OH SHIT JODY WHAT ARE YOU DOING TO ME." "Getting you ready for this. Tell me to stop if it's too much." He slide one finger into Freddy's ass. "OH FUCK. OH FUCK. " "Too much handsome? I can pull it out?"' "No. No. It's like a really sexy prostate exam." "It's about to get twice as sexy , you handsome beast." As Jody slipped in his second finger, he moved his beard to Freddy's neck. " "OH GOD. JODY. JODY. I'm gonna cum. I'm gonna shoot all over the bed. " Jody laughed and flipped Freddy on his back. "No you're not. Because I haven't even STARTED edging you. " Then he started. Tied up, Freddy couldnt' do much but moan, as Jody toyed with his cock, slowing down then speeding up, driving Freddy crazy. "OH GEEZ JODY. CAN YOU JUST..." "Almost stud. Almost.... " He paused, holding Freddy's cock and balls in his hand. "You coming back again?" "YES! YES!" "You gonna let me finally... be your first?" Freddy thought this question was gonna come up, and now.. he was ready. He had the answer. "Yes. I think I can trust you." "So let's get this party started you fucking Italian stallion." he continued to edge Freddy, but faster. His second hand, was involved in jerking himself. He watched Freddy and he timed it so that, when Freddy exploded he did too. "OH GOD what a mess!" Freddy laughed. "Should I call the maid, Ms Priss?" Freddy laughed. "No, it's just." "You can shower if you want. Let me untie you." "NO. NOT YET. PLEASE. Can you just.. can you... "Can I hold you while you're tied up? Of course. Of course. " Jody did nothing. He just held him. As he held Freddy he was wondering: is he the one? Is he my new sub? Can I train him?" He wanted to. The man was hot, hairy - although he could take care of that in time, ripe for picking. And Jody would be his first. " Freddy fell asleep in his arms. After an hour, Jody roused him. "Guapo, you've got to get a move on unless you wanna stay." "NO, No, you're right. I want to but.. I didn't plan for this. Talk tomorrow?" "You bet. Maybe this weekend?" "Yeah. Can I come over after my run?" "Come over any time. I may be working at home, but... " he smiled. I'll stop working on housing to work on you. "

And we jump forward to the weekend, and date 3. And that'll all come out in installment 2

Next: Chapter 2

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