Freddy Bags His Daddy

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Jun 5, 2022


Fred - the only person who called him freddy was John - sat back in his seat. He had a resume' in his hands, and a thin, scared young man in the seat at the other side of the desk. Ron was interviewing for a position in Fred's department as an intern - the position Fred had interviewed for with John. He took a deep breath and asked Ron a question: "If you haven't guessed from the stuff on the walls and my desk, I'm gay. Do you feel that you could take orders and follow instructions from a gay man?" Times had changed since Fred had interviewed for that position, and Ron looked at him as if Fred had asked a question in a foreign language:

"I'm not sure why you're asking that Sir. Do people really worry about that anymore?" Fred smiled: "Sir." People called him that at his firm, too, but the only "Sir" at home, was John. And Fred was fine with that? He looked back at Ron. "You're right. I asked because many years ago, the first man who hired me asked me the same question and.... I guess I've just gotten too old."

He continued the interview, using some of the questions that John had used during his interview, and some of his own. When the interview was over, he shook hands with young Ron and said "the hiring committee will let you know of course. Enjoy your weekend."

When the hiring coordinator left with Ron, Fred looked around. A copy of the first photo of he and John was on his desk. Fred's sideburns had begun to gray, and there were a few gray hairs in his moustache. John, he realized, had become a silver fox: all gray, with just a few bits of black. He remembered how John had reacted when he had looked at him and said "Sir, promise me you'll never dye your hair." John had given him the same look that Ron had just given him. "HUH? Why would I do that? If I can't keep you on the basis of my dazzling personality and wicked love making, then ...." he kissed freddy and whispered in his ear: "you are the hottest fucker in the whole city, and you are all MINE." Then he proved it by throwing a wickedly hard fuck into freddy.

He thought back to that first time that they went to the leather bar: six months ago? Seven months ago? He wasn't quite sure. They had been back almost every other week. John had bought freddy a harness, and freddy just LOVED it. He wished he could wear it to work, under his shirt, but John had him wear clothes that were snug, and the harness just wouldn't fit. Still, on those rare occasions when John had to be out of town, freddy would slip into the harness, and tweak his own nipples until his cock, secure in the chastity cage, begged him to stop.

Every time they were at the leather bar, they chatted with Ted. John almost glowed when they were talking, and while freddy didn't understand a lot of the references, or the almost "code" they had, he was so happy that John was happy. He was SERIOUS a lot of the time. Or business like. He COULD be romantic, but it wasn't natural to him. He was much more romantic after they caught up with Ted, and freddy was dying of curiosity: who WAS this man? It had nagged at him for the last six months and tonight, he was going to ask John.

He looked at his desk. Nothing needed completing, nothing needed starting. It was 3:30. He called John. "Hey Sir. Hope your day is going well." "It is stud, but I'm gonna be stuck here a few hours tonight. Everything ok?" "Just fine, Sir. I was planning to leave early so... I wonder if you'd like to eat in tonight." John laughed. "Your cooking?" freddy had never learned to cook anything more complicated than boiling an egg. "Well, harumph. If you let me know half hour before you leave, I'll order whatever you want." "freddy ass and mouth." "That's dessert, Sir. What's for dinner." "Life's too short. Eat dessert first. kumquat kumquat kumquat." freddy began to laugh. "Let me know when you leave the office, ok Sir? I'll order whatever you want to eat." "Sounds like a plan." "Sir... one more thing. Maybe you could tell me about you and Ted tonight?" John was silent for a minute. "Oh. I never thought you'd be interested in that, but .. yeah. Listen, if you go to the second bookcase, second shelf, I think, there are three black volumes: they're yearbooks. Look at 'em before I come home if you like. Or better yet, just pull them out. They'll help me tell the whole story. You deserve to know it anyway." "You're sure Sir? " "Yeah. Definitely sure. I wouldn't have told you if you didn't ask, but it's all good. No skeletons in there. I think." "I'll see you later. Love you Sir." "Love you too, cubby."

When they got off the phone, John sighed. Tonight was the night he was going to propose. But freddy had asked about the past and, well, ok. He had told freddy the truth: John had no regrets about his past, but memories have a way of creating wounds. "Change of plans," he told himself. "Open up the gates, and wait until you get that hot little fucker shaved. One thing after another. And if he doesn't walk out on you after he's smooth, he'll marry you."

At home, freddy pulled out the books. He was dying of curiosity, but he'd wait. He'd rather hear from John than imagine what the photos showed. He thought about what John would tell him. Ted was a good guy, always looked at freddy directly, and spoke to him as if he were John's equal: yes he knew their roles, but unlike a lot of the guys at the bar, he didn't treat freddy like a sub. And freddy liked that.

freddy had changed into the jeans that John liked on him so much, and he opened another shirt button. He thought about putting on the clamps that John had introduced him to about four months ago, but instead, he left them on the table. Maybe John would use them: he liked the way they felt, especially when John left them on him when he fucked him. Thinking about it was getting freddy hard. He thought about masturbating but... John always smiled such a big smile when freddy climaxed during sex, he'd wait.

He drifted into a little bit of sleep when the phone rang. "CUBBY. You naked?" "Are you here? If you're not, then no Sir." "Ha ha. Good answer. I'd rather you not spill sichuan beef on your privates." "So Chinese food tonight Sir?" "Yes. But don't order it yet. It may take a while to get through those yearbooks. I'd rather tell you with a cocktail and eat later." "A cock in my tail? I'm always up for that Sir." "DON'T make me more excited than I am, young man." "Why not?" "Because I'm old, I can't control myself, and then you'll have to get the vibrator instead of the real thing." "Hurry home, Sir."

freddy heard the key turning in the lock. He got up, walked over to the entrance foyer, and stood with his hands behind his back. "Welcome home, Sir." He pushed out his chest, and John responded by running his thumbs over freddy's perky nips. "MMMM. Those lips taste better than anything else I could taste tonight." He took freddy's wrists in one of his hands, and put his other hand on his ass while he kissed him deeply. He whispered: "One of these days, I'm gonna make you visit my office, and you're gonna be under the desk sucking me off all day." "Promises promises Sir. You had that chance when I worked for you." "Let's go sit. You have the volumes out?" "Yes Sir. I've got your martini too." "God, I trained you well." freddy smiled. "Yes Sir. You have."

John picked up the first volume, after he had taken a sip of the cocktail. freddy was sitting next to him on the sofa and John pulled him closer, wrapping an arm around freddy's shoulders, and tossing his leg over one of freddy's. "Now, some of this stuff is gonna be REAL boring, and we'll hurry through it, but here goes." The first photo freddy saw was one of a handsome young man in graduation robes, standing in front of a law school. There was no doubt. The eyes gave John away. "OH MY GOD. LOOK AT YOU SIR. What were you, a baby Sir?" "Ha ha. Hardly. That's mom and dad on both sides." "They look happier than you do." "I was SO scared. I had a job in New York and I had never been on a plane before. I was flying by myself and... GEEZ I was still a virgin and all that." "A gay virgin, Sir?" "NO. A TOTAL virgin. Or the way I called it, a handkerchief virgin. I wasn't fooling mom, but... " he looked at freddy who almost seemed ready to laugh. "You know, if you think this is funny, I could do something REALLY funny and tickle your feet for the next half hour before I suck on your toes. " "NO. NOT THAT. Last time I gave you a nose bleed." "You did. And I gave you a hickey. Hmm. " "I'll behave. I promise. But Sir, you look so cute. Not like now" "I'm not cute anymore?" "No Sir. Now, you're HOT. Scalding hot." freddy felt John caressing the back of his neck. "You are SUCH a well trained lawyer. So, let's go on."

John was right: a lot of it WAS boring until.... the Fire Island shots. "Hokay. So somewhere along the line, I met some people who convinced me to take a share on Fire Island - a smaller one than the one we have now. This is the first one." freddy saw the same cute young man from the law school pictures, shirtless, almost hairless, longish hair, smiling, with a group of other guys. He was wearing a speedo. "How come you don't wear those anymore Sir?" "ME? In a speedo? I don't think they make them big enough for my waist." "AW, that's bullshit Sir. I've seen some guys MUCH bigger than you in them." "freddy. No speedos for me. " "Ok Sir. But GOD. You're becoming a hottie. When did the hair start growing?" "It was. I was shaving myself. Or using hair remover really because... the first time I used a razor, I gave myself a good cut on the belly. Took a while to heal, and I basically lived like a monk until I looked presentable again. See? Here I am with the chest hair. "Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr" He didn't have permission, but freddy reached up and opened John's shirt so he could kiss that chest hair. "Now, we start coming to the photos that I think you're most interested in." John picked up the second album. The chest hair was gone and.... "Hey. That chain you're wearing. Is that the one you gave me?" "Uh huh." "But... that shows that someone owns you." "True. Be patient, cubby." John turned a page and freddy saw John in between two older men. All of them were smiling. Each of the men had a hand on one of John's nipples. freddy looked at the photo really really carefully. "Wait. Sir, is that.... is that Ted on the right side of you?" "That's right. Good lucking guy, huh?" "He still is. Don't you think?" "Hmmmm. I'll stick with my guy. But who's the other one?" Now, John took a deep breath. "Ok. This is the part of the story that's hardest for me, young man. That's Vern. He was Ted's partner." "And you're standing between them and... wearing a sub necklace?" "You're still fairly new to this freddy. Sometimes, when guys hit it off, it's not about who does what. It's about love. True, deep love. Ted and Vern were that way. I've never seen two people love each other the way they did. Not even my mom and Dad." He looked at freddy. "Not even us. And they were both top men." "If they were both top men Sir, how did they..." John smiled at freddy. "Use that lawyer brain of yours. What am I wearing? Where are their hands?" He began to play with freddy's hair as he watched his lover get his mind around it. "You were.... " "Yup. I was sub to both of them." "You mean.. you mean they BOTH fucked you? At the same time?" "You're so reductive, stud muffin, but the answer is yes, sometimes. Mostly, when we had three ways, Vern fucked me and I sucked Ted. It's called..." He stopped. "You know what it's called." "That's a spit roast?" "It is. Something you can do if you want, as long as I'm getting the rear end." "Only if you want it Sir. So...." "Ah... yes. Sometimes things happen. There are happy endings, there are unhappy endings. This one is unhappy, babe. Vern died in a car crash. Long, LONG ago. Ted never found anyone else. And yes, we tried but ... it wasn't the same." "So... that's why he keeps on telling me to make sure I'm good to you." "And that's why I keep on telling him that you are the second best thing to ever happen to me. He knows I'm lying - you're the BEST thing, but it makes him feel good." "So....." John had stopped turning the pages and freddy was silent, thinking about something." "Sir...Do you want to spit roast me with Ted?" "Now THAT's something you have to decide on your own freddy. I promised you at the start, you'd never have to do anything sexual you didn't want to do." "You never have, Sir, but.... let me think about it." "If you decide you do, you have to ask Ted yourself, youngster. But for tonight.... Enough reading. Time for some serious fucking." "We haven't eaten yet Sir" "You're about to. And then I'm having a snack. Get on your knees, boy." freddy smiled. "YES SIR" John stood up, and opened up his dress pants. His cock was red, stiff, and dripping. freddy ran his tongue around the rim of John's cockhead, until he heard his DOM moan. Then he deep throated it. John didn't slide back and forth: he didn't want to shoot until he was deep in freddy's ass. He let the man work, getting his cock good and lubed before he pulled it out, so hard and so fast, freddy almost fell forward. "GET NAKED. ON THE BED. AND GRAB YOUR KNEES BOTTOM" freddy knew what that meant, and now he was harder than he thought possible. He ran to the bedroom and, when John came in, naked and aroused, he had the clamps in his hand. "FUCK" freddy moaned as each clamp when on a nipple. "Always something new to try, freddy." John had fucked freddy while he had clamps on, and he had eaten freddy's ass, but he had never eaten him while he was clamped. As John's tongue snaked in, freddy moaned even more. "PLEASE SIR. I CAN'T TAKE IT." "SHUT UP OR I'LL GAG YOU FUCKTOI" John's tongue moved up and licked freddy's balls. Now freddy was in real distress: if John kept at it, he was going to shoot before his DOM did. He didn't have to worry. freddy's eyes were closed as the cock he loved so much rammed into him, HARD. He could feel sweat droplets falling off John as he pulled the clamp chain ever so slightly. "DAMN SIR. HOT FUCKING DAMN." John was thinking about his first spit roast, and how HOT it was going to be to have freddy spit roasted with his old buddy: he knew freddy was going to do it, because freddy knew he wanted it. He also knew that Ted was going to say 'not until you're shaved boy.' He was going to get everything he wanted. Maybe he'd even shave freddy while Ted was watching. That thought pushed John over the edge and then, he ran his tongue over the back of freddy's cock. It was all it took: the young man shot into the air, screaming as he did, as John pulled the tit clamps harder. They were both breathing hard as John took the clamps off freddy and lay beside him. He ran his hand through freddy's hair. "Still want Sichuan beef, or would you prefer pork tonight? " They both laughed at that.

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