Freddy Bags His Daddy

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Apr 11, 2022


John and fred were walking back home from the gym, when John threw his arm over fred's shoulders. He did that a lot, and fred still hadn't gotten used to it. Yes, there WAS the aspect of people seeing a man hugging another man, but fred had never been good with showing affection in public, period. He had stiffened when Kelly took his hand, and even now, if he went out with Cheryl for lunch or shopping or something else, he'd flinch if she took his elbow, or his hand. "FRED!!!! " her voice would rise, exasperated "It's not like we're doing anything LEWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWD like, oh I don't know..." and then she'd start laughing "eating KUMQUATS in public". Cheryl never let fred forget the kumquat story, and John had been open to her about how he didn't think fred liked him to be affectionate in public. Cheryl was, as usual, blunt. "He loves the affection John. He's starving for it. He just doesn't know how else to react. Keep doing it. He'll learn. John had never been a demonstrative person before fred but this one... he couldn't explain it. It was a combination of lust, and love, and a desire/need to protect this young man - his boy - who was nearly 20 years younger than him. "What did I do to deserve him? " alternated with "HE'S YOUNG ENOUGH TO BE MY SON!" when John thought about his relationship. Tonight, though, he was thinking about something else: how hot fred had looked at the gym, how hot he looked now, and.... "You did a personal best there today, didn't you fredster?" John smiled, hugging fred. "You mean the bench presses?" "I sure do." fred blushed. "You were watching me. I had to do good." "How could I not watch you? That tank top kept on rising up and your belly.... so cute, so sweaty. I wanted to lick it and tickle it right there." fred laughed. "You'd do it too. You'd let the world know how ticklish I am." "Hmmm. Maybe not. I don't want anyone else to know the secret to getting freddy bedded." "I don't think you have to worry about that Sir. I'm not planning on hopping to anyone else's bed." "GRRRRRRRRRR. Better not be." His hand dropped to fred's bicep. His voice rose a little bit. "LOOK AT YOU BULKING UP. Under my eyes, you've been putting on mass and... WOW. My lover is a hunk." "No, MY lover is a hunk." fred smiled. "This is one of my play shirts, Sir. I wore it today by mistake." John laughed at that. fred didn't make mistakes like that. He was flirting. "And MY lover is a hunk. My personal best is half of yours." "Well, you've been lifting for what, six months? I've been lifting since I was 22 which means.... OH, don't let me tell you how many years." There was silence for a minute and John whispered. "If you knew how badly I wanna kiss you right here on Broadway." fred gulped. He WAS "in the mood," and had been since that morning, and now.... "I think that's ok Sir. Go ahead." And John did. For a while. One guy yelled "GET A ROOM" and a woman walked by saying "get my smelling salts please," while John kept on thinking 'are people going to think the wrong thing? That I'm kissing my son goodbye or something? " No one really seemed to care about their age difference much except John. fred certainly never mentioned it, except when it came to things such as the music they liked. It didn't matter to him. Years ago, he had developed a crush he thought would disappear, and it never did. He STILL had a crush on this man who could outlift him, out wrestle him, and could fuck like a demon. He was counting on that. He knew John was horny: he could feel it in his lover's nervous energy. He smiled. John THOUGHT he was in control, but... "Can we go to dinner Sir? I really don't wanna eat take out tonight?" "Hmmm. That means we'll have to put off... OK, but you're gonna have to do everything I tell you to tonight." "Tell me how that'll be different from any other night, Sir." "Hmmm. Good point. Where you wanna go." "The steak house Sir?" fred had that restaurant in mind because, well, you'll see.

They had eaten at this steak house before, many times. And every time, John ordered chicken. Or fish. In fact, as they sat down, fred could've told the waiter what John was eating: a glass of white wine, grilled chicken or steamed fish, no butter, salad, and black decaf for dessert. EVERY TIME. He had asked Cheryl about it, and she had rolled her eyes. "Well, John is petrified that he's too old for you. That he won't be able to keep up with you, or that you'll leave him for some younger hot guy. He's always felt that he needed to 'compete' and, you know, you gave him back a spark that he didn't have but... on the other hand.. he's so cautious now." fred nodded in agreement. "He won't even eat ice cream. Frozen yogurt. And he always puts half the portion in the trash! " So that night, at the steak house, fred was taking matters into his own hands. Yes, he might get punished for it with the cage, or John tickling him for half hour, or having to wear one of those thongs to work, but, it'd be worth it. John always went off to the bathroom before he sat down to a meal and when he was gone, fred called over the waiter and spoke to him. Essentially, he told the waiter to ignore John's order and to bring.... When fred's bourbon came out , the waiter brought John a gin martini. "Excuse me Sir, but I didn't order this." "It's fine," fred told the waiter, and he saw the look on John's face. "FRED! did you order this. YOU KNOW I can't drink this." "Sure you can. Just one. What's the matter? You afraid you'll be too drunk to... perform, old man?" He rubbed his foot against John's. John smiled. "Perhaps. Which means I may have to fuck you right at this table. " "You'd like that, wouldn't you?, " fred winked. "And you'd hate it." "Depends. Would you do that thing that tickles my prostate?" Now John winked. "You're going to eat a steak tonight Sir. It's been proven: old men need more protein and more fat to build up their testosterone and to, well... maximize performance." fred was pushing the limits, he knew, but he wanted John to understand that he didn't care about a lot of the things John was worrying about. And he knew John loved a good steak even though he only had one every four months or so. "fred, you didn't order...." Yes, he did. Out came creamed spinach and the special potatoes. "OH GEEZ. How the hell." "One spoon. Just one spoon. It'll be good for ya. Not more than that though. You need room for dessert." It was a strawberry sundae. This was one where fred relented: John hated chocolate: FRED got the special hot fudge sundae, but had them do it special for John. John took a spoon and smiled. He looked at fred. "The only thing that tastes better than this is you when I lube you up." When he saw fred blush, he knew that the tables had turned. Now, JOHN ran his foot up fred's leg and reached for his hand. "So, tell me what this is about. You know I always do the ordering, and you know I never order this food." fred took a breath. "You deny yourself so many things Sir. EVERYTHING. And I don't know why. " "I'm trying to stay healthy for you, freddy." fred made a wry face. "Then stop. You're plenty healthy for me, Sir. Didn't we establish earlier, you lift twice what I do? You do a mile in 2 minutes less than I can and.... " he dropped his voice. "Sir, if you knew how many times you wear me out during sex." "freddy, I'm afraid that I won't be able to satisfy you, won't be able to take care of you." fred squeezed his hand. "Sir, to be blunt, I can take care of myself. I wish you'd LET me take more care of US, but I know that's important to you so... I fill my role. Now as far as satisfying me.... yeah, sometimes I don't get it as fast as I want it because of work, or dinner, but... you know Sir, when I came down to NYC, my thinking was, if I found you, and IF you'd have me, I'd have to look for someone else for the times you weren't interested. How long has it been, Sir?" "Eight months? Nine months?" fred laughed. "I figured you'd have the stats at your fingers: 8 months, 2 weeks, one day. You've never not been interested, and I wake up every morning with a smile. Sore sometimes, but smiling." "I want you to be sore ALL the time, freddy." "OK, I liked about sometimes. ALL the time. Sometimes longer than others, but always." "You're gonna be VERY sore tomorrow, fredster." "OH, you just said the only words that could proceed 'check please.'

"You wore a home shirt to work today, young man. You know that's not allowed." They were in the apartment John's arms wrapped around fred in a bear hug. fred could feel John's hard on pressing against him, and John's scruff rubbing his neck. He sucked in breath. "I know. Sorry Sir." "Not good enough. Gonna have to be punished for it." His teeth began brushing fred's neck. fred was swooning. It felt SO good. Angus was seeting up a racket. His bowl was empty. "One second big boy. I gotta set freddy up. Right in this chair.." The cuffs came out, and freddy was secured in the chair. He heard John yell "POINT EM OUT BOY" while he was filling Angus' food dishes. When he turned around he saw that fred had puffed out his chest. "Yup. bulking out. These are gonna be more sensitive every day. MUCH more sensitive." fred's shirt was a rough fabric, and first that contacting his nipples, and then John opening the shirt and working on them, first with fingers, and then with his teeth: fred began to leak. You could see the dark spot on his chinos. "I bet you won't be able to get your mouth around my cock, you've got me so hard." John had "the look" on his face as he rubbed his knee against freddy's crotch. "Daddy that's not fair." "Life isn't fair. I'm gonna be eating bran flakes and skim milk for a week after that dinner." "You loved it Daddy. You loved it as much as.... oooooooooooooooooooh" "As much as what freddy?" "As much as you like fucking me." "No. There's nothing I like better than that." John dropped his pants. fred had never seen his cock swollen so big. "Get your mouth around it. NOW" "Yes sir." fred thought John was kidding about him not being able to get it in his mouth, but it was a close call. "What's wrong, wimp? Too tired from lifting ? Can't give a decent blow job? TAKE IT BOY" freddy bent his head forward and pushed down as far as he could . John thought he was doing a GREAT job: TOO good a job. He wanted to save himself for fred's ass. He stepped back, grabbed the back of freddy's neck, and pushed him toward the bedroom. "ON YOUR BELLY TONIGHT BOY. SO I DON'T HAVE TO UNTIE YOU." "Yes daddy. Whatever Daddy wants." Once he got fred's pants opened and down, and all of his shirt buttons opened, John pushed freddy's cheeks apart and dove in. Before he did, he growled. "I didn't finish my steak because.... I like THIS better. " "OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH FUCK. So do I daddy. " When he came back to NY, freddy had never had his ass eaten. John did it a lot, and he never got tired of it. It always made him a little harder and today... he began to leak big time. John pulled his face out of fred's butt. "Gimme that ear. NOW" "Yes Daddy." freddy felt the tug at his hair as John pulled his head back and began to chew his earlobe with some vigor. It almost made freddy unaware of that thick cock taking control of his ass. "OH YES. OH YES. PLEASE. GIMME WHAT I WANT SIR. OH GOD. " As John pushed , fred gushed out. "I looked at you lifting today, and all I could think was "he's SO FUCKING HOT and he's MINE. That's my DADDY." John didn't answer. He didn't want fred to know he was tearing up a little, so instead, he just pushed. "You are gonna be REALLY sore tomorrow boy. REALLY sore." "YES DADDY. Make me too sore to sit. FUCK ME. DRIVE INTO ME. PLEASE......." Angus looked up because the smacking of John's hips against fred's ass cheeks got harder, faster, and sounded moister. The hair pulling was making fred hurt a little but he didn't care. He wanted this. He wanted this man. "BREED ME DADDY. MAKE ME YOUR CUNT. FUCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCK ME." As he released, and his jizz went up into fred, John was thinking "I did this to him. I turned him into a cock bitch." And then he thought. "No, I didn't. I SAVED him from becoming a cock bitch. OK, one more revision. I made him MY cock bitch." As he finished, freddy asked "Daddy, can I release?" John smiled. "You agree to not give me trouble when I lock you up for the rest of the week?" It was Tuesday. fred gulped. "Yes Daddy. No trouble. Whatever Daddy wants." John untied freddy and rolled him over. "Go for it baby beefcake. Unload your wad. " "Thank you Daddy. GOD i'm SO FULL" fred smiled as he began pumping his cock. "Soon I'll be empty, and... I'll need more. You up to it old man?" "You're gonna wear the cage before you jizz, fucker. I SWEAR you will." fred began pumping faster. He began to shoot while John was getting the cage. "Beat me to it, young man. That's ok. I wonder how long I'll keep this on you this time." "I need it daddy. I play with myself thinking about you every day." John held the cage. "You promise that I'M the one you're thinking about?" "OH YES SIR. YES SIR. YES DADDY. MY HOT OLD MAN DADDY. " John smiled. "I'll give you a reprieve THIS time. But this weekend, we're doing some shopping for you. One thing, you're gonna wear in public. The other thing, you'll wear at home."

That weekend, John took freddy to his first leather store. He bought him a leather vest, and then a pair of leather hot pants. For at least a part of every weekend, John made freddy wear nothing but those hot pants in the house, and the sight of them made him even hornier. There was more than one Monday when fred DID go to work too sore to sit comfortably. But every single day, he thought about how that night, he'd sleep curled up in John's big expansive hairy chest, smelling the man he had chased from upstate New York. The man he wanted to be with, forever.

Next: Chapter 6

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