Freddy Bags His Daddy

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Apr 4, 2022


Hey folks. We've been jumping back and forth in time in this tale, which is confusing. We're starting to converge on the present, and I'll try to make as clear as possible where we are in this story. And we start in the present, in John's office. He's gotten two promotions, and was offered bigger space, but he liked "his man cave" as he called it to everyone else and his "bitch cave" to Cheryl and Pauline. Pauline had been on maternity leave to have her first child, and John almost went nuts with temporary assistants, which started people calling him "A real BITCH" and "That queen bee." Cheryl heard them. She had a response defending her good friend. "Yeah, he is a real bitch. And a better attorney. And get something clear: I'M the QUEEN bee. John is THE EMPRESS." If you were to look at the photos on John's desk, you'd see a photo from a professional shoot he and fred did with a photographer. This one has fred wearing a mustard colored crew neck over a white shirt, his head resting on his arms, with a "shit eating" grin on his face and those sparkly, sparkly eyes that undid John every time. The shit eating grin is because although the photographer cropped it out of the photo, John had his hand on fred's ass, and he was running a finger back and forth over fred's crack, through fred's jeans. Then there's a second photo: John and fred on Fire Island, shirtless, dancing the way you'd expect attorneys to dance, both covered with sweat. A third photo is one of the two of them standing on either side of Cheryl, just before she went into the hospital to have HER baby. John also has a picture of Angus, sitting pensively on a coffee table, and one of that big old cat sitting on fred's lap with fred stroking his ears. If we jump to fred's office, there is another picture that is from that photo set, but not one that he anticipated. After the photographer had finished a series of shots where fred was wearing the sweater, he had taken it off and, when he wasn't aware of it, John grabbed him around the middle and began tickling his belly. The photographer had heard the squeal from fred, and got the photo. He also got the one of John bending down slightly to kiss fred, and the one of John slipping his hands down to squeeze fred's ass cheeks. fred kept the one of them kissing on his desk. He kept the other one in a drawer and looked at it frequently, especially if John was away on a business trip. He looked at it now: John was coming back from one of those trips that night, and if he had been able to, fred would have thrown wood. He couldn't because, if fred or John went on a solo business trip, John locked fred in chastity. fred was locked now. He couldn't wait for John to come back: just in general but also: to release all the lust he had from their nightly facetime sessions. During some of them, John would jerk off for fred and tease him about how he could do that and fred couldn't.

Ok, now we're jumping back to that first night: the night the two of them had dinner after fred saw John, and they would up in fred's hotel room. More precisely, we're at "the morning after," with fred gently snoring as he slept on John's chest. He didn't dream. For the first time in a LONG time he could afford to sleep without dreaming. He felt a tug on his hair. "Hey, curly. Wake up sleepy head." fred looked up, sleep in his eyes, and he saw John. "This really happened, didn't it?" he asked and John laughed. "Well, if you can't FEEL that it happened, I'm losing my touch. " He kissed fred's forehead and whispered "you have a great ass, freddy." "Thank you Sir. It'll be better when I'm not so nervous." John shifted and rolled on top of fred. "So will I. I was so scared I was gonna hurt you.. or turn you het again." fred couldn't embrace John because his wrists were pinned down, and he just smiled. "No question of me turning back now, Sir. And yeah, you did hurt me. In a good way. " He paused and smiled. "Not bad for an old man." John faked a frown. "Not BAD for an OLD MAN? Listen up, bottom boy, this OLD MAN is HARD again, and he's gonna take you right now. " "NO, NO. I was teasing. I was..... fuck..." John's morning scruff was rubbing across fred's neck and fred was torn between wanting more and being afraid of being marked. "I know what I'm doing, freddy. I'm always in control. You should know that." "I do Sir. I do. Just be patient with me." "I CAN'T. Not with that sweet ass I wanted for sooooooooooooooo long. " He paused "I'm gonna let go of your wrists, you're gonna grab your ankles, and I'm gonna make you hurt even more." "Yes sir. OH, yes Sir." When fred grabbed his ankles, John made small circles around his hole. If he hadn't shot into fred the night before, his tongue would be in there now but... for the not too distant future. For now though, he just growled and filled fred's ass again. "HOLY FUCK SIR. You're bigger than last night." "Yeah. Not bad for an OLD MAN, huh, whelp?" John wasn't nervous the way he had been the night before, and this time his thrusts weren't rough, or frantic. They were slow, deep, almost caressing, and this time, fred DID wrap his arms around him. "YES. YES. It was worth the wait Sir." John pushed in hard. "You won't have to wait anymore sweet stuff." John took his time, but he was still ravenous for this sweet young man, and after he shot into fred, he pinned his arms down again, and slowly jerked fred until he shot. "I think I shot more than you did, kiddo" John teased fred. "Maybe you were more eager to see me than I was to see you. But I doubt it."

A little later, John was lost in thought as they were eating breakfast. "This syrup isn't as good as the stuff from home," fred said, through a mouthful of pancakes. John was thinking "pancakes. With syrup. And butter. Half and half in his coffee. " John was eating a bowl of oatmeal with raisins and coffee with 1% milk. "Do I deserve this? Do I have the right to this?" John was thinking of all the things people would call a hot young man who was with an older one. fred was new to this: in a way, how DARE he?" He broke off that thought, though, as fred plowed through the pancakes and snarked. "Well, I'd bet the sausage here is better than anything you'd get upstate." He smiled and fred nearly spat out a mouthful of pancake. "I don't doubt that, but I haven't tasted any of your sausage yet Sir" "YET." John smiled. "There's time." "Speaking of..." fred looked at his watch. I gotta eat fast because I'm supposed to meet with a broker to look at apartments. " John rarely did things impulsively. He did right then. "How about... how about you cancel on the broker and let me show you some places. I have one in particular in mind that I know is available." fred had suspicions, but he played along. "Look, just take a little time and let me show it to you. You can say no. I don't get a commission." "Well, let's go." As John pulled out his wallet, fred stopped him. "Paid off my loans quick, like you suggested. I got this."

John opened the door to his apartment. "So it's a two bedroom, two bathroom. Pretty big. The second bedroom is up the spiral staircase." "HOLY SHIT. THIS IS WHERE YOU LIVE?" John smiled and shook his head. "Now, here are the downsides of the place. You'd have to share the bedroom with the guy who's in it already, and be ready for the fact that he likes his sex hard and rough . And...." He took fred's arm and led him to Angus' bed. "This guy has to accept you. Angus, meet fred. " fred crouched down and looked at Angus who thoroughly ignored him. "Hey Angus. I heard about you. You're better looking than your daddy said you were." He felt John's hand on his shoulder, squeezing. Angus yawned, and went back to sleep. "He likes you, freddy." "He does? How can you tell?" "He ignored you. No self respecting cat simply ignores someone he doesn't like." fred started standing up and John helped him. "Are you asking me to move in with you, Sir?" "If I could, I'd TELL you you're moving in with me." fred swallowed and put his hands behind his back. "You could do that Sir. You were always the boss. To me, you still are. " John smiled. "Well, then, as I used to tell you, "get to work." It took fred a minute to understand what John meant, and then he smiled back. "Yes sir." He got on his knees in front of John, opened his zipper, and took Johns semi-flaccid cock in his mouth. He had it fully hardened in less than ten minutes, and when John came, and they were cuddling, fred turned to him. "You were right, Sir. Best sausage I've ever tasted."

They moved fred's stuff in that afternoon and the next day. There wasn't much really: books, some photos, including some of he and Kelly together, his clothes, odds and ends. He hadn't brought everything because he figured he'd have that shipped from upstate after he found a place. As they unpacked fred's clothes, John was impressed. Kelly had either shopped well, or taught him well. The junky stuff fred had worn when he worked for John was gone, and there were beautiful fabrics and colors. Except for... the shirt fred had worn the night they... seduced each other. "I remember this shirt" John said as he was putting it aside to be laundered. "I knew you would Sir. Pauline told me every time I wore it, you had a smile on your face. So did Cheryl." "WAIT. So those two witches knew everything, TALKED to you about it, and..." "To be honest Sir, it wasn't hard to see. EVERYONE knew how you felt, especially me. And everyone was waiting for you to slip. If you had, I wouldn't have said anything but thank you but... you never did." John needed a minute to absorb all of this information. "You can wear that shirt at home, but not outside. Unless I'm with you. If I felt that way, some other guy will too. And let me make something clear" "You don't have to Sir. It's clear. I didn't come to NY looking for a man. I came here looking for YOU. " He hugged John. "Is there something I should call you other than Sir?" John thought back to breakfast that morning. "Something that turns me on - turns me on BIG TIME - is the thought of you calling me Daddy. So, when I call you freddy, that's how I want to be addressed. " "Yes sir." John smiled and looked at fred. "You didn't call me freddy. By the way... I LOVE being called freddy. Especially when a man gives me orders "OH, you're gonna be taking a LOT of orders, freddy" "Didn't I once tell you no one would work harder for you than I would? I meant that generally." John laughed. "No you didn't. You were so goddamn scared of me, you'd have said anything." "You're right Sir. But after the first year, yeah, if you had called me into your office, closed the door and told me to get on my knees, I would have done it." "Well, let's pretend we're restarting your first year working for me. GET TO WORK." "yes sir." freddy got on his knees and opened up John's pants. He didn't expect John's cock to be as hard as it was, but.... mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm" After John shot a load down fred's throat, he smiled. "Welcome home freddy."

fred asked if he could get himself cleaned up after they had finished finding places for fred to put his things. Toward the end, the intercom bell rang. "I thought we probably wouldn't be in a mood to go out tonight, freddy, so I ordered dinner in. Is that ok for you?" "It's fine, Daddy. I would've probably been eating take out and watching a movie." "A dirty one?" John smiled, and fred blushed. "They don't have a good selection of gay ones, Sir. I did look." "Well, if you're in the mood I have a good collection. Now let's get the food. " When John opened the bags, he had an evil grin on his face. "I ordered dessert too. But you're not getting it unless...." fred saw that it was cheesecake with kumquat compote on it." "You still have a wicked sense of humor Sir. KUMQUAT KUMQUAT KUMQUAT." "And now that you know you're gonna get my cock, you'll do anything. I like that in a bottom. Now gimme a few minutes. I need to change." John came back in a pair of slacks and a polo shirt. When they sat down to eat, he took fred's hand. "I have a lot of idiosyncracies, fred. More than when you worked for me." "MORE?" fred asked, faking surprise. "Yes, more. This is actually one that I did have when you were around. Dating steve just made it worse. Tonight's ok, it's been a rough, busy, stressful time but.... I want you dressing better around the house, especially for dinner. Shorts and a t shirt are fine for the gym but.. my boy needs to look good." fred smiled. "Remember when I asked you for wardrobe advice, Sir, and you sent me to Kelly?" "How could I forget? I guess now that's my job." "I'll reward you Sir." "Damn right you will. I don't want you wearing work clothes around the house. You look sexy in work clothes, but... I'll be doing some shopping with you tomorrow. Make sure you write down the size of that shirt you tried to seduce me by wearing and..." "EXCUSE ME SIR? TRIED to seduce you?" "Sweetcakes, I was already seduced. I was spending the night with you whether you changed or not. Now, if I may finish..." "Sorry Sir" (John used to say that a LOT when fred was working for him. ). Write down the size of those ratty jeans too, because that's going to be our starting point." "Yes sir. I'll make you want me all the time" "Too late for that freddy. Now eat your dinner. You may need your strength because, you never know if I'll want you again when we go to bed."

John was actually too tired to take fred again, but he dreamed about it. He was still dreaming about it when the alarm went off at 6. "HUH? WHAT TIME IS IT?" fred broke out of sleep, and John bent down and kissed him. "Time for you to go back to sleep, and time for me to go to the gym." "At SIX SIR?" "Yeah, at six. Better to get it done than wait. " He reached around and grabbed fred's cock. "As you're going to learn, because young man... after you get yourself settled, you'll be going with me. For now... get your sleep. Dream about your hot sweaty Daddy coming back from the gym and wanting his pits licked before he showers. " John wanted more than that. Exercise got him horny, and thinking of that hairy guy in his bed got him hornier. fred had never given two blow jobs in twelve hours but... there's a first time for everything. And he had never licked a man's sweaty pits before. GOD did he LOVE it."

And now to jump forward again. Remember, fred was in chastity, waiting for John to come back from a business trip? He was so excited because... well, he didn't like sleeping in that bed alone. John would be back late that night. He began to think about cooking dinner but.. he laughed to himself. He'd burn down the apartment. He checked the clock. 7pm. Ok, time to get home. He went through his list: he HAD gone to the gym that day, he had an outfit ready for when John came home, and Angus had been fed. Time to get moving. He expected John at about 9:30/10:00. When fred got home, he changed: the tight jeans John loved, a close fitting pale colored button down. John liked undressing fred, so he only opened one button. As he left the bedroom, and headed toward the kitchen to see if Angus needed food, he felt John's arm around his middle. "SURPRISE sweetypoo." "OH. OH SHIT YOU SCARED ME. " "And you made me harder. GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR" "I was gonna feed Angus Sir." "Angus had been fed. Now, let's get moving. I wanna give you your present." fred pretended to try to squirm out of John's grip. There was no way he could, but he knew John got even hotter when he struggled. When John was on top of him, and kissing his face all over, fred whispered. "I missed you Daddy." "I missed my boy too. I missed him a LOT. " As he was frenching freddy, John began opening the jeans. He slipped them down, and handled freddy's balls. "You've been good, freddy?" "Yes Daddy." "You looked but didn't touch?" "I didn't do much looking either Daddy. Other than at your picture." "Good boy. Now.... Let me get my welcome back prize." He pushed freddy's legs up the way he had so many other times. "I think I wanna taste my boy tonight." "OH YES DADDY PLEASE." freddy had always protested when Kelly had wanted him to eat her, but now... now that John was doing it to him, he understood. He LOVED the feeling of John's tongue going up in his ass. "YES DADDY YES. OH I'M GLAD I'M CAGED. I'D BE SHOOTING IN YOUR FACE DADDY.OOOOOOOOOOOOH." "You wanna get unlocked freddy boy?" "Yes Daddy, yes. PLEASE..." "After I get what's coming to me...." John's cock felt thicker, and maybe longer to freddy as he braced himself for the hard, thorough fucking he always got after business trips. He could feel his trapped cock begging for release. He hadn't gotten used to it, even after this time." "Your glutes feel so good freddy boy. You did your squats." "Yes Daddy. I know you like me tight so.... " "OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH YOU FUCKER" came out of John's mouth as freddy contracted those glutes, and his eyes had that wicked shine in them. "Let my cock go or I'm gonna tickle the shit outta you. " When John found out how ticklish freddy was, it had been a week of torture for the young man. John explored EVERY area of freddy's body with his fingers, and he never forgot one spot that was more sensitive than the others. "I don't want to Daddy but..." "You want a tickling." "NO DADDY NO....." fred relaxed and John drove in even more. The final push set him off. "FILL ME DADDY . FILL YOUR BOY. PLEASE. I MISSED YOU OH SHIT DID I MISS YOU." "I missed you too freddy. Face time and pictures didn't do it for me. But...." He rolled off freddy. "Now, let me get that key and... then you'll get your present." "I thought your cock was my present Daddy." "Heh heh. No. Your ass was MY present. For you..." He unlocked the cage. "I got you this. And I'm gonna use it on you. " He showed freddy a very small vibrator. About the size of a thick marker. "Kelly had one of those," freddy thought, but didn't say anything. Sometimes he thought he was to John what Kelly had been to him - except freddy was much more receptive to John's needs than Kelly had ever been to his. "OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH!!!!!" John had begun running the vibrator over freddy's balls. "OH FUCK OH FUCK. " "Ha ha. Now, you see why I REALLY have to lock you up when I'm not here freddy? I can't have you using this without me being around." "But... but.... OH SHIT DADDY I'M GONNA SHOOT." "Go ahead ursino. Let me see your geyser." Before John, fred had masturbated at least once a day, sometimes twice. John had caught him doing it once and just watched. When he found out it was fred's second time that day, he smiled ruefully. "I used to be able to do that. " And as freddy shot the accumulation of the trip into the air, John grabbed some of it in one hand. He used the fingers of his other hand to rub freddy's very sensitive cock head, because he loved the way fred screamed without sound when he did. "No business trips for a while kiddo. I'm afraid to say you're stuck with me for at least three months. " "And tomorrow I'll be stuck TO you Daddy, unless you let me clean up." "Yeah, clean up. Still got time to get some late dinner." freddy went into the Master bathroom, and John went off to the second one to clean himself off. First, though, he took the SECOND present out and put it in his "private" drawer. You probably guessed what it was. It was an engagement ring. Not yet, but soon...

Next: Chapter 5

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