Freddy Bags His Daddy

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Mar 19, 2022


fred came out of the bedroom when he finished dressing: tight blue oxford shirt, fitted the way John liked it, tight faded jeans, black socks (how many times had John tied socks like that together to gag him?) penny loafers. He had a plan. He was smart and he knew how to get what he wanted. "freddy, are you going to work today?" It was a Saturday. He and John were both attorneys, and both spent a fair number of weekends "at the office" for at least part of it. "freddy." That meant he wanted to be called "Daddy" for now. Had he called him "fred," that meant Sir "No Daddy. I just thought I'd ... I'd dress the way you like me to dress." freddy's tastes were much more casual and less expensive. But he knew.. he knew how to push John's buttons and now, as he cracked his big smile, the sparkle in his dark brown eyes came out. "If you're staying at home, how do you wear your shirt, freddy? We've been over this?" Yes, they had, and freddy knew that if he could get John just a little riled. Just a little... "Two buttons opened Daddy." "Why aren't they?" freddy was about to answer but.. he knew that John had figured him out. freddy was smart. John was smarter. And older by 17 years. "The second one's not opened because you're trying to get punish fucked, right?" freddy stood in the middle of the room. He didn't lower his head, but he put his hands behind his back. "Yes Daddy." "HUH. Why can I read you like a book freddy? Well,maybe, just maybe but first...." John came out of the kitchen and cupped the back of freddy's neck. The way he did that: it went back to when they first knew each other. Ten years ago. Back when John was the head of his department, and fred had come looking for a job. Back when fred was dating women. He felt the fingers on the back of his neck. "I think I'd rather get blown than fuck you. Get on your knees." "Yes Daddy." "Make sure that moustache of yours doesn't tickle my balls. And keep that beard clean too." "Yes Daddy. Shall I ..." "Teeth. Just teeth." freddy knelt down in front of his Master, his lover, his Daddy. Sometimes he thought about him as the man who saved him too. John hated it when freddy said that, so he didn't say it often. But he thought it. A lot. Now, though, he just thought about getting John's zipper opened so that he could get his lips around John's clearly hard cock. "MMMMMM. It's good Daddy" freddy lapped at John's cock head as John buried his hands in that mop of dark, curly black hair that he loved so much. He began to push freddy's head forward, and freddy resisted slightly, the way he knew Daddy liked his blow jobs. "I said SUCK ME BOY" . John had a dark baritone voice during sex that drove freddy crazy. "Yes Daddy" He deep throated John, and he heard John whisper "OH FUCK YOU LITTLE SUCKER." freddy WAS on the short side, but not all that short. John, on the other hand, stood 6'2". His blue eyes and brown hair , going gray, drove freddy a little crazy. In the last few years, freddy realized they always had, he had just run from it, until.... He felt John getting harder in his mouth. Then he felt his head pulled back. John was breathing hard. "Get your pants down, boy. You're gonna get what you want." "Yes Daddy. Thank you Daddy. " freddy stood up so that he could unzip, and before he could get on all fours, he felt John's hand on his neck again. John dragged him over to the back of the sofa, bending him over it. "OH GOD DADDY OH GOD. You're so big. SO BIG." "Know why, boy? Cause my boy turns me on so damn much. That's why I'm so hard. You like your Daddy hard?" He began sliding into freddy. "Oh yeah Daddy. Oh yeah. I LOVE it when you own my ass. " John was doing just that. DAMN he loved his boy. DAMN he wanted him every day of the week, and twice on Sundays as his mother used to say. This week, it might be twice on Saturday AND Sunday: it wasn't even noon, and he was fucking freddy. He had fucked him the night before. After he tied him up. That was something he had to teach freddy to like, and now, he loved it. Like he loved the way John pile drove him: pulling all the way out, and then ramming home. "Hurting you boy?" "A little Daddy." "That's because you make me SO GODDAMN HARD BOY" "Thank you Daddy. It's my job to make you hard. And to take your load. " "You got a LOT of jobs freddy. LOTS of them. NOW TAKE THE LOAD." He began shooting into freddy. As he did, John wondered what it was about this boy? They had been together now for three years, and... he wanted him more. Maybe he was making up for the seven years of... not having what he wanted. Maybe freddy felt that too. Whatever it was... the transformation in both of them, over the last three years, was amazing. "You didn't get to cum last night did you boy?" "No Daddy. You locked me up. " "Tell me the truth. Did you dress this way to get me to let you shoot?" freddy smiled. "Yes Daddy." "It worked boy. You get to cum." "Please Daddy. You do it better than I do." When freddy wanted something, he could give John the softest doe eyes. He always got it - then he paid for it with his ass and mouth, but this time, he already had. John smiled. "On the bed. Spread out. " freddy smiled. "Thank you Daddy." "MOVE. Before I change my mind." He didn't. He was in the bedroom in five minutes. freddy came in fifteen. And then they were cuddling, freddy firmly in the grip of the man he loved. What a story for these two.

Ten years before, John had been practicing law for twenty years. He had worked hard, and now, he was a middle level partner in a big law firm. His specialty involved a high degree of technical knowledge. John used to joke that he would see patients in between working on his cases, because he had to know more medicine than most doctors. His department ALWAYS needed people. ALWAYS. There weren't many available. One day, the woman who coordinated recruitment, stopped by his office. "Hey John. I know it's short notice, but we have someone coming in tomorrow. I'd like you to interview him if you have time. He has a biology degree." John looked up and smiled. "I'll make time. Tell me when." "Two o'clock?" "Consider it done. Tell Pauline to make sure it's on my schedule so my scatter brain self doesn't forget it." Christine laughed. John was probably the LEAST scattered attorney at the office, but he had learned how to play along. John worked late that night. He worked late most nights. He was lonely, but he hadn't found "the one," and he was getting tired of "one for a night." His tastes mitigated against finding someone easily: he liked older men: big ones, who put up a fight. And yielded. But he wanted the man to be smart too. When his buddies teased him about his list of demands, he'd just say "Is it too much to ask for a hot, built, smart guy who bottoms?" One friend had spoken truth: "they're out there John. But they're all straight."

"John, let me introduce Fred Post." John had forgotten about the interview because they were late. In all the time he had been at this firm, he hadn't gotten used to the fact that everyone was ALWAYS late. It was 2:20. He looked up at a thin, nervous looking man, who had a sort of rough, blue collar look about him. He wore a suit that was clearly the first one he had ever owned. "He needs a girlfriend to shop for him," John thought. "That suit is awful." So was the shirt. Polyester? Was the necktie clip on? "Nice to meet you Fred. Do you need a drink of water or something before we start? " "I'm fine Sir. But thank you. " "Ok, I'll leave the two of you. I'll be back at around 3, ok?" "Sounds good Chris. Thanks." John looked at the resume'. Meh. Bachelor's degree (John was ABD: all but dissertation), a college he had never heard of, a mediocre law school, but Fred had excelled there. Dean's list. Honors. Everything. And clearly scared to death. John knew why. A firm like his generally didn't interview anyone from any school other than the top ten in the country, and if they DID interview someone from another school, that candidate HAD to have stellar grades. The firm was a little looser with people who could fit into John's department, and he supposed that's how Fred had made it this far. Most of the candidates John had interviewed had a certain swagger, a certain "sheen" of guile or confidence. He hated it. Fred didn't have it. He was CLEARY scared. CLEARLY nervous. But he interviewed well. He answered every question directly. John always asked about science too, and Fred knew his science. He was enjoying the interview, and he was also enjoying thinking about how hot Fred could be if he knew some grooming and dressing techniques. Soon , it was 3 minutes to 3. "Ok, Fred, we have to finish up now, so I like to take this time to let applicants say anything they want to, even if it's something about how they hate my haircut." Fred laughed at that. "So, whaddya got to tell me, Mr. Post." Fred looked down to compose himself. He took a deep breath. "It's this Sir. Just this. I know I don't have the background most of your lawyers do. I know I'll always look like the unfinished piece of wood in the wall, but I hope you'll believe me. NO ONE will work as hard for you as I will. I can promise you that." John had never heard that before. He looked at Fred, who couldn't keep the stare. "You mean that, don't you Fred?" "Yes Sir. I do." John smiled. Christine was at the door. He stood up. "I've enjoyed this meeting Fred. I hope I get to see you again." "That's mutual Sir. Thank you for your time." When someone applied for a job at the firm, five people interviewed that candidate. John's evaluation would be taken in consideration with the others, but... it WAS a position for a technical lawyer, and Fred met the bill. He wrote a positive review. A very positive one. A week later, Christine came by to tell John they were making an offer to Fred. She and John had a deal: if they were looking to hire someone who would work with John's group, she would give John a chance to talk to them . John was out at the firm, but if you didn't know him, of course you didn't know. There had been "issues" with some people in the firm, who couldn't work with a gay man, so he always tried to give newbies an "out." "I'll give him a call, Chris. Take him to lunch. Thanks. " He called and got Fred's voice mail. "Hey Fred. John Mason here. You're gonna be getting an offer to come and work with my group. I want you to look before you leap, so how about you let me take you to lunch and tell you about the job?" When Fred heard the message, he was shaking. HE GOT A JOB. He got one at a firm as good as the one his girlfriend had gotten, at a different law firm. She had gone to better schools, and the firms were falling over each other to hire her. Fred was having more problems. He had gotten offers, but this was the best one. He called back the next day. "Hey, Mr. Mason, it's Fred Post. How are you?" "First of all, I'm pissed because you called me Mr. Mason, Fred. I'm John. Last person alive who called me Mr. Mason socially was my first grade nun. Hmmm. Wait a minute. I think she's dead too. Anyhow, SOOOOOOOOOOOO. First of all congratulations. Now the fun starts. You wanna have lunch to talk?" "Uh, sure. When?" John gave him a time and the restaurant's name and address. "And Fred... no need to dress up for lunch, ok. We're business casual here during work time, and I don't like it when rookies outdress me, so.. .business casual." "Ok Mr... I mean John." John laughed. "I'll see you next week." Off the phone, Fred called his girlfriend. THIS was something that wasn't in "the plan." Yeah, he knew that firms had gone to business casual, but he didn't think he had to be ready for that until he started a job. He owned flannels. Ratty jeans. And one white shirt and one suit. And he didn't know how to shop for clothes. When he called Kathy, she laughed so hard he got angry. "THIS ISN'T FUNNY KATHY! I WANNA IMPRESS THIS GUY." Kathy kept laughing. "I know, I know. I'm... hahahahahahahahahaha. Yeah, I'll take you shopping, but plan on using your first paycheck to buy me a Chanel purse. "

"Hmmm. Someone's helping him. There's a girlfriend. Good." John was waiting for Fred at the restaurant. He held out his hand. "Hey, congratulations. Whether you take the job or not, you got the offer. Can't take that back from you." Fred blushed. "Thanks. I... I appreciate the trust you have in me." "That's a good word Fred, but I think it's more trust in ME. What you said at the end of our meeting.... let me be honest. I was thinking yes before we ended, but then... it became YES in all capitals. You're not gonna let me down, that I know. I just hope I don't disappoint you." "Well, John, I did my research and the word is that you're impeccable. There's a story going around that says when you review junior lawyer work, you pick out words and ask them to define them." Fred began to laugh. John smiled. "That's true. Did you hear the one that I give every newbie two gifts: a dictionary, and a CD of their favorite artist?" "I didn't hear that one. It's an odd combination." "PHEH. The dictionary for obvious reasons. The CD because music can be soothing after you get back a piece of work that looks like I sacrificed a goat over it, because of the red." Fred laughed. "I heard you're tough." John smiled . "Did you also hear I was gay? " Fred blushed again. "That IS something I heard." John sighed. "Well, I wanted to bring it up because that's true too. And a lot of people are uncomfortable working underneath a gay guy." John paused. I said that the wrong way. " He began to laugh and Fred did too. "You know what I mean. Don't make me more uncomfortable. I just wanna make sure you're good with that." Fred didn't miss a beat. "Does the job involve sleeping with you? OOPS. THAT came out wrong." "Ha ha. No, it came out just right. No, the job does NOT involve sleeping with me. First of all, I almost never sleep. I'm awake all night thinking of fiendish projects for young lawyers. But all kidding aside, no. I keep my private life PRIVATE and I l'll expect that from you too. No complaining that you had a fight with your girlfriend...." "How did you know I have a girlfriend." John sighed. "Ok. Remember this explanation because you may change your mind about working for a gay man. You picked the outfit you interviewed in, didn't you?" "Yeah. So?" "Well, I'd ask your girlfriend about it." "BUT HOW DID YOU KNOW?" "Because now it was important, you looked at your clothes, decided they weren't right and called someone for help." He paused. "Fred, trust me. Women LOVE buying clothes for their men. Women LOVE buying clothes for me. Ask her. Let her pick your clothes for you, you'll be much better off. But to the point. NO, no sexual drama, no personal drama, NADA in the office." Fred was shaking his head. "I can live with that. I can work with that. " He smiled. "So, do you want to know who my favorite artist is?" Yeah, I do. When Fred started the job two months later, he had a complete set of really excellent business casual wear, a big dictionary, and a CD by Coltrane on his desk. He didn't know he had a boss who was going to become smitten with him, or that he'd become smitten with his boss. Which one happened first? Stick around.

Next: Chapter 2

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