Fratslave: a love story

By Robert Louis / Robert Halstead

Published on Jul 1, 2024




I met him at a party the summer after my high school graduation. There was something about him, something dynamic and charismatic. Eventually I learned that he was one of those men usually referred to as an Alpha.

He told me to take a walk with him in the woods behind the house where the party was taking place. He didn't ask; he just told me, but I found I couldn't resist his will.

We walked until we came to a clearing in the woods where there was a bench. He sat down and motioned for me to sit beside him. "Have you ever been kissed by another boy?" he asked me.

"No," I replied nervously. He lit a joint and taught me the best way to inhale as he passed it to me. Being a lightweight, I was quickly zonked. Next thing I know he had his hand inside my shirt and his lips on my neck beneath my ear. It took very little for him to get me out of my shirt.

"Have you ever sucked a cock before?" he asked me.

"No. Never," I said.

"I bet you've often thought about doing it when you've been stroking yourself at night before going to sleep," he said.

"How did you know that?" I whined, rather mystified.

"Because it's written all over your face. You're meant to be a cocksucker."

I was nonplussed. And the word "cocksucker" didn't seem like an insult at all.

"I want my cock to be the first one you ever suck. It's a really nice cock. Not too big. Cut. Nice and smooth. A well-formed head." He opened his pants so I could see. He took my hand and placed it over his cock. "feel it with your fingers, gently so I don't cum too quickly. Explore it like a good boy."

The word `boy' triggered something within me and I did what he asked. It really was a nice cock. I discovered that my mouth began watering. While I was still touching his dick he gently helped me get down on my knees right there in the woods.

"Take just the tip in your mouth, boy. Toy with it with your tongue. Get to know it. See how nice it is."

I took it in my mouth. It was wet at the end but that didn't frighten me.

"Oh baby, that feels so damn good. Take a little bit more into your mouth." And with that he gently coached me how to give him pleasure with my mouth and my tongue. "that's so nice, boy. Yes, indeed. You're going to become an awesome cocksucker. You're going to bring pleasure to many superior men."

I wasn't sure what me meant by the word "superior," but I figured it referred to men who didn't kneel down before others like I was doing. I got hard shortly after I was on my knees. I reached town with my hand to cup my own hard dick. He put his hand to my wrist and gently took it away from my crotch and held it behind my back.

"One secret to being a good cocksucker is that you pay all your attention to the cock that's in your mouth and no attention to your own dick. Get all your pleasure out of sucking me off. You can always jerk off later when you think about what you did with me, but don't be selfish now. Go on, take more of my cock into your mouth. . . . . . . there you go, kid! Suck my cock, boy."

"First cock you've ever serviced . . . good for you . . . Show me how much of a faggot you are, how much pleasure it gives you to feel my hard cock in your mouth and to taste what's dripping from it. . . . that's right, boy. Suck it nice. Soon I'm going to cum in your mouth. You can spit it out if you want but I bet you'll really want to swallow it, to take me into your belly. That will give me so much pleasure, to know that you like cock much that you'll drink down my cum like the faggot you know you are. I figured you out right away, boy. I called it right: you're a real cocksucker. My cock is the first of many you'll be servicing from now on."

What could I say? He held the back of my head and started moving me up and down on his dick.

"that's a good boy. Damn, you're going to be a great cocksucker, baby. " He pulled my head back so only the tip of his cock was in my mouth then he told me to use my hand to jerk the rest of it until he would finally shoot his load into my mouth. the first load I would ever taste.

"Here it comes, boy! Take it and swallow me down, all of it!"

And I got my first taste. And he spoke so gently to me as he coaxed me to swallow it all while he held his hand on my throat to feel my muscles as I swallowed him down.

"What a good boy you are! You made my cock feel so fucking good. I'll tell you what, faggot. As a special reward, I'll let you take out your own cock and jerk off right now. Jerk it the way you like it and then cum on the ground—that is unless you want to eat your own as well."

I did what he told me to and he talked to me in ways that had me more turned on than I've eve been before. "Oh baby faggot! You are what we call a natural sub. You'll always get your pleasure out of obeying and pleasing other men's dicks, just like you just sucked me off. Make sure you go and get a lot of experience sucking cocks, and I'm sure that one day soon you'll meet a man who will fuck you as well."

With that I shot my load down on the ground. Some of it landed on the boot he was wearing.

"You got some of your cum on my boot, you bad boy."

"I'm sorry, Sir." Why the fuck did I say "Sir?" Why did it feel so right? Why was I so turned on?

"Why don't you be a good boy and bend down to lick your cum off my boot. There's not too much that landed there. I'm sure you can lick it up like a good sub. Go ahead, faggot. You'll be amazed at how much it's gonna turn you on to do what I'm telling you to do."

He kept calling me "faggot" and "good boy" and "cocksucker." The more he did, the more it turned me on. What the hell? I bent down and licked his boot clean. Shit, he was right! I was more turned on by doing that than I had been turned on by shooting my load in the first place.

"that's a good, good faggot," he praised me, then helped me up off the ground and pulled up my pants and dressed me himself. It felt so good to have him take care of me that way. After I was all put back together, he had me sit down next to him again.

Once I was sitting, he started exploring my chest with his hand and even toyed with my nipples a bit, which got me gasping.

"You like that, don't you, pup?"

"Yes, Sir, it feels good."

"Some day a man is going to play with your nipples so much they get sore. And then he's going to fuck you. Take your virginity."

"Will it hurt to get fucked?"

I could barely get the words out because I was having trouble breathing, the way he was playing with my nipples. "Yes, it will hurt at first, boy, but if you really want to be the kind of sub that men can fuck, you'll put up with the pain as part of the entire experience of subjugation. There will also be pleasure and the more you surrender yourself, the greater the pleasure will be. I was right about you when I saw you standing by yourself at the party looking around at all the hot men. You were made to please men, boy. That's the way you were made. A sub. Someone who submits to superior men."

"So will you fuck me, Sir, if not tonight, then maybe sometime soon? I'd like you to be the first. Is that okay?"

"I am not interested in taking your virginity, boy. I recommend that you give your virginity to the Alpha or Dom who is affectionately abusive towards you and who keeps helping you expand your limits just so you can please him. Put yourself into his hands and at his mercy. He will make sure that after he takes you that way and he will make the pleasure greater than the pain so that you start to crave it. You'll end up begging him to do it more often. I promise you, that's what's going to happen."

"How can you be so sure, Sir?" I'm starting to shiver because it's getting colder out. He wraps me in his arms and it feels so damn good.

"It's written all over your face that you need to be conquered. You'll draw the right men to yourself. So wait until this man finds you and begins to show you how much you'll enjoy being a faggot slave to the very best Alphas, Doms, and Masters. Surrender your virginity to the superior man who teaches you how good it will feel to let him make your body sore all over. The pain he gives you will already be helping you open yourself up—that deepest part of yourself that can only be inhabited by the Master who owns you."

"I'll give you my phone number. I live in Manhattan. Call me this summer and I'll let you live with me for free. You can pay your way by letting me use you from time to time. Meanwhile I'll show you how you can sell your ass on Third Avenue in Manhattan. I can tell you're going to be a rea busy whore once I get you started".

"You'll use the name "Spike" and hustle on Third Avenue around 50th Street. That's where men drive by in their nice cars and give boys like you money to suck them off while they're driving. You'll make a lot of money, I promise. I'll even get some of my friends to rent you once in a while. . . . "

I realized I wanted all of this so damn much, that everything he said about me was true.

" . . . You'll have to toughen up right away but I have no doubts you'll learn to like being a prostitute while you've still got your youthful looks. Sure, you'll get slapped around and cursed out, but they'll give you a lot of money to do it. They won't care if you enjoy it. They'll just take what they want. Some of them will smack you around and call you a dirty whore, but never forget they're just as dirty as you are."

"They'll be happy to pay you as they take your dignity for you. But don't forget: now only will you drain their cocks, you'll drain their wallets as well. Some will want you to pretend to resist so they can smack you around, maybe even whip your ass, until you surrender to their lusts."

"It's all a big game. For you, though, it'll be big business. They won't have to know this, but you'll end up getting turned on by the way they teat you. Not only that but you'll accumulate a lot of money in a relatively short time. It will only takes about three years and some lucky investments to help you accumulate a comfortable nest egg. I'll help you manage your money. Then you can think of starting college, but before that you have to get your education as a faggot whore. That's more important."

"It sounds like you're trying to plan my life for me, Sir."

"Perhaps. That's what you need: more experienced men to plan your faggot life for you, boy, and keep you safe. it bet the whole idea appeals to you, selling yourself like a faggot slaveboy.?"

"I hate to admit it, Sir, but it does for some reason."

"See? I could tell all that about you just by looking at you. I'll tell you what. If you don't manage to get fucked before the end of August, give me a call. I'll drive out here and you can pack your stuff and move in with me and I'll be the one to fuck you for the first time, then fuck you often until you can take it with no pain at all. Then you can go out and sell yourself and build up your nest egg. You can live with me free as long as you give me your ass every once in a while when you don't feel like hustling the street. Deal?"

"wow! Deal, Sir." "Well then, don't lose that number, boy. When you call me, identify yourself with the name Smitty and I'll know it's you. I'll come fetch you and set you up. But if someone else gets to fuck you first, then just go with him and do what he wants with you. Understand?"

"Understand, Sir. By the way, what's your name?"

"You just call me Sir. That's all you need, Smitty."

Strangely enough, it turned me on that he gave me a new name. The truth is that I really don't like my real name. I don't like anything about my life. My parents were the worst shits. I had a crummy job working as a stock boy in my Dad's big box store and he was constantly on my case. I only had two friends and both of them were into girls. Right then and there, sitting on the bench with Sir, feeling him run his hands over my bare torso and snipping at my nipples once in a while, I decided that I wouldn't look for anyone else to fuck me. I'd just work and save money and at the end of August, I'd give Sir a call and then give myself to him. That sounded like the perfect plan.

Finally, Sir helped me get my shirt back on. He walked me back to the house and I went inside. When I turned around again to say something to him, he had already taken off. My buddy Frank found me and wondered where I'd been. "I was with someone getting my rocks off," I told him. He patted me on the back and congratulated me. If he only knew what I'd been doing!!!!!

Everything turned out the way Sir told me it would. It only ended up taking me 30 months to have a nice nest egg. Those months flew by. I won't go into it all here—that's another story all together. Finally the time came for me to leave New York City and say goodbye to Sir. I knew what his real name was by then—Arnold Christiansen--but I had gotten so used to calling him Sir that I never changed it. Besides it turned me on to feel inferior to him. Let's face it, I owed him a lot. He'd been very good to me.

When it came time for me to think about college he helped me get accepted into a small college on the West Coast that he was a Trustee for. He represented the LGBT community on the board. He even arranged for me to get a full scholarship. The college had two gay frats: one was the "ordinary gay frat;" the other was known as the "kinky gay frat' (Kappa Gamma Phi--KGF) that was always looking for submissive guys to serve them. As it turns out, Arnold was also a long-standing Member on their Alumni Council. He let them know I'd be a good prospect for them. He paved the way for me there as well.

I had no idea what was in store for me. I never could have imagined what kind of world I'd discover existed. I never would have guessed that I'd want to become part of that world, that I'd actually end up living on the underside of the world of gay bdsm.

That's where the story will really get started.


If enough guys write me to tell me they want me to continue this story, I'll do so. Otherwise, it will end here.

And here's a list of all the other stories I posted on Nifty. The dates are where you can find them. You can find them more easily by going to the "Prolific Authors" page. I'm listed there.


  1. The Alex Chronicles 9/25/2022

These four are connected:

  1. Sweet Subjugation 1/15/2023 3. Brandon's Bosses 4/3/2023 4. Brandon's Brothers 5/29/2023 5. Total Subjugation: 5/25/2023

These are stand-alone stories:

  1. Tommy Loves His Sub 8/17/2023 7. Training Toby 12/31/2023 8. Breaking Me In 3/10/2024 9. The Brothel Slave 3/31/2024 10. Jonah Takes Charge 5/9/2024 11. A Tale of Two Subs 6/30/2024

Next: Chapter 2

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