Frathouse Visitor

By BawdyPen (Roderick Stafton, Roderick Shafton)

Published on Jul 22, 2001



Eric came down the stairway with a quizzical, amused expression.

"Hey Ed, who's the guy in the upstairs bathroom with Jerry?"

"That's Herb...some older dude Roger met at the mall. In the JC Penney's men's room, no less."

"That figures. But what's he doing with Jerry of all people?"

"Couldn't you tell? He finished with Roger hours ago. Dude says he wants to stay until he's licked every brother's asshole...sight unseen!"

"How's he figure it, since some of us are straight?"

"Herb says straight guys dig it the most cause chicks don't do it. He's got a point. Well, you saw Jerry, didn't you? Talked him into it fast enough. Told him there's nothing queer about getting your ass sucked. Convinced us, too. You oughta go on up...he's good. Don't worry about Jer, Herb's been doing two, three at a time."

"Yeah? Hmmm, maybe I'll give him a try later."

"Why wait?"

"Aw, I gotta hit the showers first. I've been running the track for a couple of hours. I wasn't too fresh even before that."

"Herb don't want you to."

"Hunh? To what?"

"He says he doesn't want anyone to wash and powder first. He prefers pot luck...natural and aromatic, I guess."

"Gawd, you mean dirty? Sounds more like right off the pot luck!"

"Yep. Makes sense. Any guy who promises rimjobs to the whole frat without even meeting everyone is one genuine, dedicated ass-sucker. He started out up there--after Roger, of course--when he walked in on Paul taking a crap. Hell, he lifted him right of the toilet, turned him around, doubled him over and washed his asshole with his tongue!"

"You're shittin' me!"

"Nope. Licked the shit right out off his hole!"

"Damn! I was gonna take a crap before my shower. What do you think I oughta do?"

"Well, why doncha do it upstairs? Barge in, drop your pants, and sit on the pot." He laughed. "Take a shit while watching Jerry get his bung tongued out."

"That's gross!"

"Not to him, man. Believe me, he'll love it!"

"Jeez! Does he give head, too?"

Just then, Roger walked into the room.

"You got a lot of nerve, Eric! I've been trying to get a hand down your pants all semester, and you're gonna let that t-room queen gobble your spunk?"

"Roger, uh...I was just curious, that's all. Besides, it's different getting a blowjob from some stranger. I let you, and everybody'll think we're getting it on all the time."

"Hogwash. You know damned well I suck off Mark, Terry and Ed when they got the hots and no date, and nobody thinks they're turning queer. I think you're just afraid you'll like it too much!"

"Bullshit. You just make me nervous cause you're so persistent. Why pick on me when the house seems full of fags?"

"Well, you always want the one you can't get, I guess. Especially when they're as luscious as yours!"

"How would you know?"

"Caught you in the shower that day, remember? Oooh-la- la! You got the prettiest pecker in the whole frat, Eric. Like every normal makes me drool!"

"Heh, eat your heart out!"

"Selfish!" he teased. "So, you gonna go get a butt- wash? I heard you talking about taking a crap and giving it to him that way. Trust me, he'll go ape over that!"

"Uh, I'm not sure yet. I might."

"Ooooh. I'm not anything like him. I hope you guys know that. But I'd almost consider doing that to you myself one time. That's how much your cute butt turns me on, Eric!"

"You would?!? You'd lick my shitty ass?!"

"Just you, dollface," he chuckled. "Hey, why not let me go up with you? I can blow you while he eats your ass. At least let me watch, Okay?!"

"You wanna watch while I'm taking a shit, too?"

"I could handle that," Roger nodded, grinning.

"I'll bet you would! You a turd-freak, too?"

"Funny funny. I meant I could handle your stink without being grossed out. Actually, I'd even do that to get your cock in my mouth!"

"Oh, alright. I was ready to give in anyway. Let's see if your big reputation as an expert cocksucker is deserved."

They went up the stairs and down the hallway. Roger put a finger to his lips and winked. "Sssh, let's check it out."

They peeked around the doorway. Jerry was leaning over the counter with his rump thrust back. Herb was behind him, prying Jerry's ass apart while his tongue was rootering out his rectum. He'd pull back and ram in deeper.

"Man," Roger whispered in Eric's ear, "look at his hole gaping! You see what a good rimmer can do to a virgin bunghole?"

"I guess...damn, he's really drilling his tongue up there!"

"Wow, you do need a shower!" Roger said, catching the butch odors from Eric's armpits. He brushed his face under one of them, then quickly bent over and rubbed his nose in Eric's crotch. He was tempted to just yank his shorts down right there. "Come on, just go in and brazenly sit on the toilet."

Eric nodded, giving his heavy basket a squeeze. Seeing the rimjob was getting him excited. He led the way into the room. Jerry had his head on his folded arms and couldn't see, but Herb saw him come in out of the corner of his eye. He didn't take his tongue out of Jerry's shithole, but he sure looked Eric over with lust, wondering what he was up to.

Eric gave him a quick nod, then ignored him as he dropped his shorts and straddled the toilet seat...leaning over and resting his elbows on his knees in the classic manner of bored defecation.

Herb sloshed his tongue from Jerry's mushy hole and gulped. "Wow, are you gonna sit there and...? Holy fuck!" His eyes blazed. Then Roger came bounding into the room.

"How's it going, Herbie? The boys feeding you enough ass?"

"Roger. Hi. Uh, yeah, they are. Good stuff. This one here's absolutely luscious!" That finally turned Jerry's head. His eyes were glazed over.

"You digging that ass-sucking, Jer?"

"Uh, yeh, it's hot."

"Maybe you'll let me kiss that hole sometimes since you enjoy it so much. Looks like good eating to me."

"Um, s-sure. Why not? What's he doing?" He looked over at Eric.

"Eric decided he'd come up for a butt-suck. He was gonna S-S-and-S first, but since Herbie likes stink I suggested he come up here and watch you getting your asshole licked while taking a shit. The smell won't bother you, will it?"

"Jeez!" He squinched up his nose. "No, I don't care." He turned his head back the other way. "Keep sucking, man."

But Herbie kept staring at Eric...who was now looking back at him.

"Oh, I told him not to bother wiping, Herb. I said you'd take care of that with pleasure. Right?"

"Aw, know it. I love cleaning assholes. The only thing better than having a hot stud stick a shitty ass in my face is getting to watch him take a shit first. Can I?"

"Sure. You don't mind if he watches your poop come out before he licks it off your anus, do you, Eric?"

Without waiting for a reply, Roger knelt down next to the toilet.

"I'm gonna blow him while you rim him silly, Herb. But first I gotta lick his sweaty, stinky balls." He lifted Eric's right leg. "Come on, we'll both watch him shit."

Herb planted a big, noisy farewell smooch right on Jerry's sloppy asshole, then excitedly scooted over to the toilet.

"Hey, what about me?!" Jerry complained.

"You're sucked out, fella," Herb chuckled. "I've been eating your yummy hole for half an hour. Don't be greedy." He turned and muttered, "Cripes, lick a straight guy's shithole and they open right up like a garage. I love it!"

"This one's straight too, Herb," Roger winked at Eric. "So damned pretty. I've been trying to get in his pants for ages. What a prick, hunh? He stinks something fierce, too."

"No kidding. It's fantastic! I'm sure glad he talked you out of a shower, Eric. I wish more guys would realize it's come-as-you-are when they attend an anal-suck in their honor."

"I...I just thought I was a little raunchy," Eric shrugged.

"You are, man. But that's no more than a dirty ass- sucker like me deserves...for my efforts!"

He laughed, causing Eric to finally break into a grin and ask, "You really enjoy licking shit?"

"Oh, I don't mind. I just love sniffing and licking assholes so much it doesn't matter any more if they're clean or dirty. When you hang out in men's rooms you always get guys sticking filthy butts in your face. You get used to tasting shit real fast. After a while, you prefer it that way. Makes it all the nastier and gets 'em really turned on!"

"Hey, why don't you lick his turd while he shits, Herbie?' Roger grinned lustily.

"Maybe. I've done that before."

Roger glanced over at Jerry sitting up against the tub, jacking off with a dejected sorrowful look. Hearing Herb's admission, he gave the guy a pitiful glare...obviously deciding Herb was one sick puppy.

"Stop sulking, Jer." Roger crooked a finger at him. "Check this out. Don't lose your load, just tease it. I'll blow you later."

"Um, okay." He brightened up a little and stood up, "But I'll stay back here. I don't wanna be too close to that action!"

"Heh! Do you turn the fan on even when you're alone? You're the kind of guy who'd wait in the other room, if you could, while your ass takes a shit. This'll be fun. Loosen up. Woops, I forgot. YOU ARE!"

Herb lifted Eric's other leg and they helped him get comfortable with a couple of towels behind his shoulders. He reached back and held onto the towel rack to keep from sliding off the seat, then gasped when two wet tongues went to work between his legs.

Roger sniffed his ass and licked his sweaty balls... moaning in ecstasy at finally tasting Eric's tasty body. Herb was lapping over his buttcheek, occasionally taking a swipe over the exposed anus with his tongue. "Mmm, that's ripe even without any shit on it! No wonder you got guys like Roger sniffing around your rearend all the time."

Eric blushed, but he was no longer embarrassed at having a smelly body. He twisted his face and sniffed under his armpit--acknowledging openly for the first time that he enjoyed his own odor. He was still a bit tight-assed about shitting--even with the wet tongue sliding over his anus-- but he gave that up when he accidentally farted up Herb's nose!

"Oooh, that was sweet and mild," Herb chuckled. "Your turd's gonna be extra-lickable if that's any indication. Do it, so I can ram my tongue up there and wash you out."

"Mmmm, lemme lick that cute pucker," Roger gushed, leaning down to lap over Eric's twitching asshole. "Ah, this is an ass that could turn ME into a shit-licker! Maybe real soon."

"S-soon. I'm gonna shit, guys. Get ready."

"Hey, don't blast it out of there like you're trying to hit the shower door, ease it out real slow," Herb coaxed. "Take your time so I can lick it all over, okay?"

"I...I'll try," Eric stammered. Then he bore down and felt his hot asslips opening.

Roger and Herb--and a gape-mouthed Jerry--all stared at the poochy, wrinkled circle of naughty flesh spread apart in all directions while the center area filled up with a chunky brown tube of greasy boydung and began to slide out...bringing a circle of thin, pink membrane along with it a short ways.

"Oh, that's wild!" Roger gasped. "Stay relaxed, Eric. Don't squeeze it off whatever you do." He bent down and put his nose on it...taking a long, deep whiff. "Hmm, it's different when it's fresh. Not like shit at all, but strong. Wait a minute, Herbie. I just gotta do it. One quick lick then it's all yours."

Jerry was the only one to audibly gasp when Roger wiped his tongue around Eric's asshole then along the 3 inches of shit to the round tip.

"Scat!" Herbie quipped, pushing Roger's breathless, admiring face away. "Darned pretty...lemme suck on that juicy turd!" Without a moment of hesitation, he unashamedly wrapped his lips over Eric's glistening, bitter-sweet turd and nursed on it!

Gasps and muffled giggles came from the doorway. Three frat brothers stood there with their mouths hanging open!

"Thought we'd get a peek to see if you're holding your noses," Ed joked, "but that fucker's got it in his mouth! You can sure attract the perverts, Roger!" He alone, among the three, had his cock out--stiff.

"I LICKED IT!" Roger gushed, proudly. "I fuckin' licked Eric's hot, steamy turd!"

"Really? You? Damn, do it again!" He led the others into the room. They stood around, trying to get a good view. Ed walked up next to Jerry and took his prick in his hand. He guided Jerry's unresisting hand, wrapping it around his own cock.

"D-don't get me off, okay?" Jerry warned. "Roger's gonna blow me."

"Fuck that noise, he gets enough." He shuffled them both sideways so they could still see Eric's defecation, then he dropped to his knees. "I've heard you're a real juiceboy...really fill up a cocksucker's mouth with tangy jizz. I'm gonna suck you off!" He attacked it.

Ed was bi, leaning toward chicks, but everybody knew he went down on a joint now and then. The difference between him and the other gays was that Ed didn't beg. If a straight guy wanted head, he knew where to find him. Persistent pricklickers like Roger offended him, but he had to admit the guy usually got what he wanted. But he sure didn't expect to see what he and Jerry were watching while he sucked that sweet dong: Roger salaciously lapping his tongue over the filthy turd hanging out of Eric's asshole! All five inches of it. And he definitely was enjoying doing it...probably also getting off that they were witnessing it. Chuck and Brian were playing with themselves, too-- utterly astonished at what was taking place.

Eric eased his bottom back. His turd loudly splashed into the water, leaving his asslips pulsing and grimy. Herb shot his tongue up the guy's open hole and moaned lewdly as he ate it out.

Roger was bobbing his head up and down Eric's steely ramrod--taking him all the way to the balls in his wild excitement. Thunderous blasts of cum soon filled his mouth to overflowing and ran down the shaft, over his balls, and down to where Herb was cleaning the gaping asshole. He saw the shitlicker scoop up the dripping cream without missing a beat before returning to suck the anal flesh between his lips. He was wiggling his tongue to clean out any moist shit stuck in the wrinkles.

The last straggler finally showed up around 7:30, and was promptly given an enthusiastic rimjob by Herb right at the top of the stairway. They all presumed he'd left shortly afterward, but the next morning Chuck said he remembered seeing him about 10:30. He laughed, recalling how he'd forgotten to take his laundry out of the dryer and came upon Herb perched naked on top of the washer with his big, round hairy ass hanging over the edge.

"Roger had his face buried in his asscrack--slurping away on his big shithole like some deranged idiot!"

"Went back for seconds, hunh? Hey, you don't think he...?"

"Wow, I don't know. I didn't see any turds laying around, but maybe that's what he was drilling for! After licking Eric's...who knows?"

Brian came into the room, yawning and scratching his balls.

"You'll never guess who I just saw cuddled up and sleeping with Eric," he muttered incredulously. "Herbie, the Turd Boy!"

"You're kidding. I wonder if Eric even knows he crawled in."

"Oh, I think he knows. The sheets were down and Herbie still had a finger up Eric's asshole. I didn't walk in, but I could have sworn Herbie had smeared shit caked over his lips!"

"Ha! Ha! Let's hope Eric doesn't wake up thinking Jenny's in bed with him and turns over to kiss her!"

"Yeah, talk about morning breath!"

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