Frathouse Visitor

By BawdyPen (Roderick Stafton, Roderick Shafton)

Published on Jul 21, 2001



The Delta Cumma Lotta house was nearly deserted that Saturday afternoon. Walker, Dalton and Dalton's visiting buddy, Briggs, were laying about in the rec room.

"So there was Bradshaw in those bushes next to the quad, pissed to the gills wearing nothing but his under- wear, and who does he run into? Caplan, Dean of Men!" Dalton laughed.

"No shit?" Briggs gushed.

"Yep. And the funny thing is he never got cited for it. I don't know how he got away with know how Caplan is. Maybe he dragged the bastard into the bushes and gave him head or something."

"Aw, Bradshaw wouldn't do that," Briggs dismissed the idea.

"Who knows? With all the warnings he's had, it just might have meant dismissal. I think he'd rather take a prick in his mouth than face his old man."

"Yeah, I met that guy once," Walker said with a frown. "Demanding, and what a grouch!"

Dalton slapped his knee. "Well, I don't know about you guys, but I got a date for some sweet pussy tonight."

"Lucky you," Briggs said. "I haven't been laid in three weeks."

"Thems the breaks, pal," Dalton grinned, rubbing it in. Then he patted his crotch. "Some of us got dicks that're always in demand."

"Yeah, yeah," Briggs huffed. "Those that got it don't have to brag about it, either."

"You kidding? Those that got it always brag about it!" Walker sneered. That made Briggs raise an eyebrow, wonder- ing how he knew...oh, of course...these guys probably run around half naked around here.

Dalton got a quizzical expression on his face, as if he was pondering something heavy.

"Wonder if I should wash my asshole first," he asked himself. Seeing Briggs give him a weird look, he chuckled. "The babe I'm going out with loves to 69. But she gripes if she can smell my ass too much. Hell, I don't feel like showering." He suddenly stood up and dropped his pants and shorts, pulled them off, then sat back down with his legs spread. "Hey Walker, come over here and sniff my hole for me. Tell me if it's too raunchy."

Briggs was shocked at Dalton's suggestion, but he nearly had a stroke when Walker got right up from his chair and crouched between Dalton's legs! Dalton hiked his heels onto the seat cushion, exposing his buttcrack. Not even giving Briggs a thought, Walker nosed in.

"Yeh, sniff that butthole. Run your nose all around it."

Walker pressed his nose up against Dalton's hairy anus and circled around a few times.

"Well, what's the verdict?" Dalton asked, giving the astonished Briggs a wink.

"It's wild...and really ripe!" Walker gushed. Then he looked up at Dalton. "It's nice!"

"No, bonehead. I mean what's the chick gonna think? Is it too dirty?"

"You know chicks. The dumb cunt will probably be totally disgusted." Walker shrugged.

"Yeah, that's what I figured." He raised up on the couch and spread his legs further apart. "Why don't you lick it for me, then?"

"WHAT THE FUCK'S GOING ON HERE?!?" Briggs finally managed to blurt out.

Dalton looked at him and shrugged. "Hey, no sense letting the stink go the waste when there's somebody around who appreciates it." He gave him a sly grin.

"Holy shit!" Briggs cried, scooting to the end of his seat and twisting his head...making sure that...oh, yes. Twisted his head underneath, even. Walker's licking the fucking thing alright. Damn, is he ever!

"Ooooh, yeh. Flap that tongue around there, man. Lick that hot asshole, Walker. Lick my whole sweaty crack and make my girl happy."

"I'm gettin' the fuck outta here!" Briggs shook his head and started to get up. Dalton grabbed his arm and pulled him back down.

"Relax, buddy. Just two frat brothers doing each other a favor, that's all. I'm too fucking lazy to go wash it, and Walker really digs sniffing and licking other dude's dirty assholes. I mean he really digs it. You noticed he didn't even flinch about crawling down between my legs, even with you around. Ain't nothing gonna make him pass up a cheesy shithole." He leaned over slightly and spoke to the fellow noisily slopping his sticky crack up and down, up and down. "Ain't that right, Walker?"

"Mmmm, hmmmm!" Walker mumbled without missing a lick.


"Jeez. How the hell'd this get started? He...ask you if he could wash your ass, or what?"

"Naw. He's got a little sense. Actually, I caught him in the shower room late one Monday night, squat-ting behind Richmond, just licking the tar out of his ass! You remember Richmond? Had to leave a couple of months ago. Well, he was bent over so far Walker didn't even have to mooch his face between his buns. His old hole came right out and said DO ME! Gave me a fuckin' boner, man. I was ready to trot right over there and ram my cock up his juicy hole. God, that looked like good fucking! You ever fuck that big asshole, Walker? Besides with your tongue?"


"Man, I think he'd a let you. Sure looked hot and ready for a cornholing."

"Didn't they even stop?" Briggs asked.

"Oh, I didn't barge in. I kept back and just watched. Besides making me horny, I had no reason to interrupt brothers doing their thing. It's their business, you know. Leastways, I didn't want to embarrass Richmond. Now, Walker," he pulled the guy's head tighter to his butthole, "he was another story. I was gonna get some of that action Richmond got, if I had to spread it around the whole campus. I would have embarrassed the fuck out of him for that." He humped his hips up and down, sliding his asshole over Walker's lips. "Butcha didn't need no coaxing, did ya, pal?"

Walker groaned something that signified assurance that he was absolutely correct.

"I just played it cool, then one night about 2 in the morning I went into the upstairs bathroom, hoping Walker might be awake. The head's right next to his room. I made just enough noise so he'd hear if he was up. I sat there for about fifteen minutes, just thinking and playing with my dick in case he came in. Then I remembered I hadda take a crap in the first place, so I did. I was kicking myself for needing to...thinking it wouldn't be very erotic if he walked in and the place was all stunk up! See, I didn't know then that he likes it filthy."

"Hey, I don't like it filthy...exactly," Walker cried defensively. "Just dirty enough to be hot and nasty!"

"Whatever, babe. To me, licking a little shit's as bad as licking a lot. But I'll letcha be as filthy as you want." He turned again to Briggs. "Anyway, just as I'm plopping out these big stinking turds he chooses THEN to barge in! I think, Shit, no way he's gonna go for futzing around now."

Walker listened, amused. His hard cock was painfully throbbing in his pants.

"'Opps!' he says, like he didn't know anybody was in there. "Sorry." But he's in, and he's closing the door behind him real nonchalantly like. 'Gee, I gotta take a whizz real bad. You mind if I just piss in the sink real fast?' Yeah, right! But he whips his dong out right there and hangs it over the sink without a blush and starts pissing away. Well, it was definitely no pee pee emergency from the amount, so I say, 'You didn't want to wait? Hell, man, I just took a big shit in here!' He says with a grin, 'Yeah, I know.' 'And it don't bother you?' I asked. 'No, should it?' he shrugged. 'I guess not,' I shook my head, thinking this guy is really queer. 'Guess it makes it easier to cram your face up butts like Richmond, hunh?'

"I hadn't intended to blurt that out, but he had me confused. That's when he gets this wild look in his eyes and I see he ain't puttin' his prick back in his shorts. Instead, he's standing there playing with it, and it's getting hard! I wasn't quite sure what to do or say--he had me off guard, you know? 'Oh, you saw me, then. So I guess you know what I go for. How 'bout I get down there and lick your asshole clean? Wouldn't a nice wet tongue be better than some old scrapey paper?' He gives me this sexy look and slowly kneels down in front of the toilet! I'm goin' wacko over what he's really suggesting, but I let him spread my legs apart. He looks up like asking if it's alright to continue, but I just stare at him like a dumb idiot. So he reaches back and grabs my butt and scoots me closer. Then he lifts my legs up and sticks his nose up to my asshole and sniffs the fuckin' thing! The moment he goes, 'Ooooh!'--saying he likes it--I go hey, alright, and hold my own legs up. 'Lick it, fucker. You want it, lick it! I want to feel what made Richmond double over so far. He can't even touch his toes during calisthenics!' Now, I supposed if it'd ever thought about it, I'd have hoped to never meet up with a shitlicker. But this dude was licking MY shit, and I got off on it like nothing before... including my first piece of ass."

"I thought you'd heard the whole thing," Walker interjected, "but I realized you'd snuck up on us after we'd started. I wondered if I was making a big mistake being so brazen. After all, you're a big stud in more ways than one. Coulda done without getting my face smashed up. See, Richmond had just taken a shit and didn't bother to wipe cause he was getting into the shower. But I went in just as he was walking into the shower room. He was casual, but I noticed the weird the way he kept his back to the wall. He dropped the soap and when he grabbed for it, it slid my way. I reached down just as he did...and it bounced behind him. When he turned for it, I got a great beaver shot of his tail that made me spring a boner instantly! I could plainly see a ring of shit circling his asshole. Hell, his asshole alone was so big and luscious I lost my head and grabbed his butt and mooched my face straight into his cheeks! He struggled and tried to force me away, but I hugged him around the hips so tight he couldn't break me free. He gave up, not too reluctantly, once he felt my tongue slurping his crack and poking up his hole. 'Jeez, Walker, that feels great, but can't you tell I'm all shitty back there?' he moaned. I pulled my face out. 'Sure, that's why I couldn't control myself. I love licking out guys' dirty assholes! Now bend way over and let me suck your ass real good.' You must have come in shortly afterward."

"Wish I'da gotten there sooner. Hearing your confession sure would have made it easier to nail you. I'da just walked up and whispered in your ear that I was going to go take a big shit and how'd you like to come watch!"

"Yeah, right. I asked you once, and you wouldn't let me. I'd love to watch you shit. It's beautiful watchin' a guy's asshole stretch open and seeing his juicy turds slide out!"

"You mean you don't lick them, too?" Briggs asked sarcastically.

"No. But I would if a guy'd let me watch him shit. Same stuff that's on his hole. Yeah, I'd lick it up and down while he's doing it!"

"Hmmm. We'll give it a try sometime," Dalton agreed, then pushed Walker's head back down. "Back to work. We'll save storytime for another day. LICK!"

"This is too fucking much!" Briggs shook his head in disbelief.

"Hey, drop your drawers and undies, buddy," Dalton nudged him, "he'll be more than glad to swab your deck, too."

"No thanks. I prefer to wash my own dirty asshole, if you don't mind!"

"Your loss, man. Feels so righteous. Show Briggs what you do when a guy's crack is too sanitary and you're hot for some cheesy butt flavor." Dalton pulled his thighs back so Briggs got a good look.

Walker used his fingers to pry Dalton's anus apart then rammed his tongue up inside!

"Aaah! YES!" Dalton cried, throwing his head back. "Dig right in there, sugarlips. Stab that tongue up my rectum til it won't go any farther...then stick it in deeper!" He turned his head toward Briggs, moaning lustfully. "This is the best part--except maybe when he gets down and sucks on it! Hell, the way chicks are, every dude oughta have his own local ass Walker here." He stroked the buttlicker's hair almost affectionately. "Thrills like this only come from a real expert. He'll blow ya too, if ya want. No strings though. Lapping your crack is all the thanks he needs. Course he loves sucking a big joint. Primo cocksucker!

"Wh...what if you only wanted, you know, a quick blowjob?" Briggs asked, blushing.

Dalton grinned, looking down at Briggs' crotch just as the guy nervously crossed his hands over his lap.

"Don't hafta hide it. Look how stiff he's got my bone." He waved it back and forth, banging it on top of Walker's head a couple of times. "Too bad I can't feed it to him today. But, baby, am I gonna ram some pussy with this tonight!"

Briggs gulped, turning his eyes for fear he'd gazed at his friend's erection overly long.

"Ha ha. Ain't gonna make ya queer just looking at it. A dude can check out another guy's equipment without meaning anything. Hell, a guy even likes hearing another guy compliment him about it...if you say it in a, well, you know...a non-faggy way, I guess. No offense, there, Walker. Yeah, kinda hard not to admire a big piece of meat like mine, hunh?"

"Yeah, okay," Briggs sneered. "But don't think I was drooling over it or something. It's just envy. And a little bit of hate, too."

"Hunh? Heh, why hate?"

"Cause guys like you not only got dished extra in the pecker line, you're all so damned smug you make the rest of us peons feel know, less...whatever. I mean, every guy wishes he had more. Hey, do guys like you wish that too?"

"Sure. When I see a picture of a dude with a bigger prick, I feel like you. Well, kinda. Say, why doncha whip it out instead of crying over it? I'm sure you feel just as good as me when you get your nut. Let Walker give ya some special service."

Walker poked his head up. "You know, I like sucking a cock that fits just right in my mouth. I like taking it all the way down to a guy's balls. Come on, I know how to appreciate any size dick. Monsters like this you can't handle like that, though. Of course, these babies go wonder-- fully up my rearend. But I can't talk this sissy into fucking me!"

"I'm a pussy man, dude. Maybe some day. Now gimme a nice wet smooch down there and say bye-bye. I gotta make tracks. Sorry they can't be pecker tracks, buttsuck."

"Me, too," Walker smiled. "But I'm not disappointed. I got a swell treat!" He licked his lips salaciously and lewdly rubbed his stiff prick as Dalton hurried off.

More puzzled than offended by Walker's crotch rubbing, he asked, "Out of curiosity, how come you don't pull out your cock when what you do to Dalton?"

"I do, usually," Walker replied, scooting closer and putting a hand on Brigg's knee, making him flinch. "But even the slim chance that you might let me lick or blow you made me hold off. I get so fucking hot licking his ass I always come too quickly." He looked into Briggs' eyes darting around nervously. "Anything you'd like me to do for you? Name it."

"Uh...I don't think..." He sounded so unconvincing that Walker put his right hand on the other knee and slowly began to inch them up his thighs. "Um, what if somebody..."

"Comes in? I don't think they'll be back from softball for a while, but so what? I'm not ashamed, and you're just a stud getting serviced. Of course, if you'd like to maybe swap this or that, we could go up to my room and have a hot, sweaty 69!"

"HO HO! NO, NO, NO, NO," he recoiled slightly. "I tried that when I was a kid, and decided I didn't like having a cock squirting in my mouth."

"So a cock wasn't so bad, then. Just the squirting bothered you?" Walker teased.

"Um, I don't know. Yeah, maybe. I try not to think about it any more."

"Well, the check is in the mail," Walker chuckled. When Briggs didn't catch on, he explained, "I mean, I won't cum in your mouth."

"Heh! Okay, I get it now. Hey, let's just forget it. This is....just altogether unreal. You guys do what you want, just leave me out of it. I'm...I'm not interested, okay?"

"How come you still got a roaring boner?" Walker grinned and tentatively rubbed it.

Briggs jerked but made no attempt to stop him. He hadn't had all that much experience being felt up by hands other than his own, and it sure felt good. He gulped.

"Um...okay. You wanna blow me? You can blow me if you do it real fast. I'm nervous as hell." He started to fumble with his belt and snaps. Walker jumped up and grabbed his hand, pulling him to his feet.

"Come on, let's go to my room. You need a slow, delicious blowjob, man. Not some quick and dirty back-alley suckoff. Lemme show you how your prick oughta be treated."

"How come you didn't join the gay fraternity," Briggs asked, allowing himself to be led up the stairs, "consider- know?"

Walker chuckled. "Considering I'm a cocksucker? When I was 16 I met up with this older guy. He was 24, rough type, totally straight but went out regularly to get blowjobs in the park. He didn't exactly get mushy or anything, but he got to liking me more than he'd admit. I was kinda 'his boy' for the next couple of years...even though I still lived at home. We'd meet twice a week at the park, back in some secluded bushes, where I'd blow him, lick his balls, and lick his ass. I'd never done that before, but he dug it and got me to do it all the time. I didn't mind. I liked it from the start. It was big, hairy and real suckable. The loose kind you can stick your tongue right up without a fight. Here's my room. Now you can feel secure."


"The third time with him, instead of bending over with me kneeling behind him, he laid me on the grass, climbed over me, and sat down on my face. Then he told me to eat his asshole out. Okay, fine with me. I loved the way he looked doing that. His big hole looked so obscene and it made him so sexy. But when I got my nose in there, I yelped that it was all shitty! He said, 'I it! Other fags do it so you can too. Some even like it. I want you to like it, or at least get used to it, cause I dig seeing a kid sniffing and licking the hot funk and dirty crap off my hairy shithole! Now get to work. I want to feel you drill- ing your tongue way up inside, too. And if your tongue comes out brown, just eat it!'"

"Gawd, what a creep!"

"Oh, no. He was lovely. Nasty and raunchy as all fuck, but that's what made me so attracted to him. And he had a big cock that still makes my prostate tingle when I think of it. He'd drill me good and deep, but he was tender at first--letting me get used to it. From then on his ass was always dirty. It got to where if it wasn't real funky it wasn't as exciting. Anyway, even though he considered me his, he didn't give a fuck if I spent the other 5 nights of the week sucking off every dick in town. The only demand he made was that I should never, ever lick shit off another queer's asshole. It was okay to rim their buttholes if they were decent, but that special activity should only be performed on straight guys. Like it was an honor I was bestowing or something, you know? Hogwash, of course, but I still hold to it. Besides, I've never met another gay guy who kept a shitty asshole. Sure gave me the reputation as a butt-sniffer, though, cause I had to check it out if I knew the guy was a fellow cocksucker."

"What happened to the guy?"

"He's in prison. Got framed for something a couple of his no-count 'friends' did. Oh well. I suppose he hasn't had any trouble initiating a new shitlicker in the joint. He's not the type to force anybody with violence, but just looking at him makes you think twice. And if he's in the bunk next to you, you just might ask if he'd also care to do his pissing in your mouth."


"Aw, it's not so bad--as long as it's not the first piss of the day. That's awful!"

"Um...well..." Briggs just stood there. Walker sidled up to him and undid his pants, then yanked them and his white jockeys down to his ankles. Then he bent his head up and licked underneath the tightly-drawn ballsack. Briggs closed his eyes. His body trembled and his cock sprung up instantly.

"Oooh, you've got no complaints with this juicy fat prick, man. It's pretty and looks quite suckable to me." He pushed, causing Briggs to fall back onto the bed. Then he ripped his shoes and socks off before sliding off the pants and shorts, leaving Briggs gasping, near-naked, with a towering boner pointing straight up! Walker stripped in a flash and crawled up between the guy's legs...starting once again lapping his balls. No way was he gonna let that prick shoot off too soon. He'd let Briggs settle down a bit first. Then he'd work him up to a fever pitch so that when he threw the stud's legs back, he'd get nothing but encour- agement to attack that juicy asshole!

Soon, Briggs was thrashing his head from side to side. His untouched cock was leaking profusely and he was moaning in ecstasy.

"Oh, eat me out! Shove your tongue in again. UH! Wow, that's so good! Eat my hole, man. If there's any shit on it, it's okay. I'm straight. I'm straight. Gawd, Dalton didn't tell me the half of it. This is fucking marvelous! Oh, man, what if I fart?"

"Heh, heh! Fart your little asshole off, baby. I'll just sniff 'em up."

Twenty minutes later Walker pulled his tongue from the widened, gaping anus.

"Wanna try a 69?"

"Not on your life! I would. I really would. But then I wouldn't be straight anymore, and I sure don't wanna give up you sucking my asshole!"

"Baby, that rule's in the past. You can turn into a flaming queen and I'll still suck your shitty hole out. Man, I'd even like to suck your turds!"

"Oh, God! Get the fuck up here. I wanna suck your dick. I wanna suck your hot dick more than anything I ever wanted this bad! And don't worry about that fucking check. Truth is, that balljuice didn't taste all that bad. I just had to tell myself that."

Forty-five minutes later, Dalton burst through the door to see Briggs with his legs flailing in the air and Walker's little ass going 60 as he stuffed one willing virgin bunghole with his 8-incher!

"Holy moley!" he gasped. His clothes began to fly everywhere--even before the two rutters fully realized his presence. Dazed, they didn't mind all that much when the stud sprawled on the bed next to them...buck naked and bone up! "Oooh, nice to see you've been learning some new tricks, buddy. Mind if I join you faggots? That bitch had the nerve the tell me my butt stunk! Can you believe that horseshit? How 'bout I hop on back and make it a deluxe sandwich? You've been wanting it, right, Walker?"

Briggs was glad his buddy displayed no criticism whatsoever about his being in that position...getting porked like a slut bitch in heat! Actually, he felt kind of good all over when he realized he didn't care all that much even if he did. But this way he'd definitely have a good chance at sucking off that monster dick of his! Maybe even trying it up his twitching rectum in time.

"Yeah!" Dalton crowed as he slipped his big meat thru Walker's responsive anus. "Mmmm, hot stuff. So tight! Hey, think you might get interested in buttsucking, too, Briggs?"

"Uh!" Briggs groaned when Walker resumed filling his pulsing tunnel with stiff cock. "Sure, Dalton," he chuckled, "right after you learn how to give great blowjobs!"

"Yeah?" Dalton answered, unpurturbed. "Could be done, buddy, could be done. Bite your lip, sucker, and start practicing your Beginners Buttsniffing. Just as long as you queers remember who's the most studly one of us. And don't come in my mouth!"

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Next: Chapter 2

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