Frathouse Hijinks

By BawdyPen (Roderick Stafton, Roderick Shafton)

Published on Jul 14, 2001



He walked into his dorm room just as his new roommate was coming out of the shower. He gasped as he saw the big swinging cock. It was a nice slab of meat.

"What're you starin' at, Willis?"

"THAT! I'd sure like to suck that puppy of yours!"

"Jeez, again? Seems like every year I get a fag for a roomie!"

"Well, if you're planning on asking for a room transfer, let me at that thing just once, OK?"

"Transfer?" he laughed, flopping his dick around. "You must be kidding. I just can't believe my incredible luck, that's all. I've had more guy-lips around my prick than chicks! But don't get any ideas. I'll let ya blow' lick me anywhere you want if you're into that...but I don't do guys, got it?"

"Sure, Dominic," he agreed with a trace of sarcasm, "but I wasn't necessarily planning on a long-term deal here. I wanna blow it, not marry you for a year. Let's see how well you deliver first."

"Oh, yeah...well...guess I was presumptuous. But I deliver alright, and most guys come back for more." He proudly felt himself up.

"I'll bet you do. Looks real nice. I just gotta let you know that I've got quite a few cocks lined up for regular service, and it's not gonna be like I'm on call. If I ever become a slave to one guy's prick, it'll be a guy that plays back...if you catch my drift."

"Yeah, well...catch this," he layed back on the bed, holding up his rising prick, "we can negotiate later. If you're good, maybe I'll stroke your bone for ya once in a while."

"You'll stroke me, Dominic. I'm the best cocksucker on campus. First one's free, cause I really want a taste of that big dick. But I get bored easy, so if you want it regular like you're used're gonna have to make it worth my while." He started to strip.

"Hey, what're you gettin' naked for?"

"Don't be such a putz! We're roommates. Even if I wasn't gay, you'd be seeing me naked all the time." He stood between the guy's legs.

"Oh, yeah," he giggled, "guess that's right." He watched as Willis dropped his pants and stepped out of them. "Um, you DO like me!"

"What was your first hint?" Willis smirked, taking off his shirt.

"Never seen a fag yet that didn't get an instant boner looking at my big prick. You got a pretty big one, too. I'll give you that."

"You think it's pretty, hunh?" he teased.

"NO! I know what I meant!"

"No? Then you think it's ugly?"

"Naw, it''s alright. Hey, come on, you gonna blow me or what?"

Willis smiled. "Dominic, you're such a tight-ass. You need a sense of humor, so I'm gonna start out by tickling your hairy nuts with my tongue! Mmmm, wish I'd caught you before your shower!"

Dominic opened his legs wide. "Yeah, you guys do like those man smells, doncha? I'll work some up for ya for next time."

"There you go, jumping the gun again," he said, nuzzling the balls.

"Huh! Quit bullshittin' me, Willis. Yeah, lick those hot nuts! You tongue buttholes, too? I really dig that! Chicks don't do it."

"Well, grab your legs and spread 'em. Let's see what it looks like."

Eagerly, Dominic pulled his legs back to his chest, totally exposing his big, fat anus.

"Boy! I've seen guys throw their legs back with enthusiasm, but...usually it's cause they wanna get fucked real bad. Wanna get fucked?"

"In your dreams, bozo! You wanna suck my ass or not?"

"Ummm. I wanna suck your ass!" And he did, digging in deeply and rapidly turning the guy on. Dominic liked this guy...he didn't fuck around with games. He got right down there and chowed down on his asshole! He liked having guys sucking his ass. They really dug it. Even a paid whore he once had would only lick on it a little. Fagboys really went ape over it--even tongue out the inside. Just like this one was!

"Deeper! Sorry there ain't no goodies there, but dig inside anyway and pretend!" He sighed, and layed back.

"Hold on, Dominic. I like licking assholes, but what makes you think I want a taste of your shit?" He acted humorously offended.

"Oh, sorry my dear!" Dominic lifted his head and looked down between his legs. "How terribly presumptuous of me. Don't know what I was thinking! Something about those four inches of tongue you had up my rectum, I guess. Well, fiddle dee. I'm such a silly goose. NOW SHOVE THAT FUCKIN' TONGUE BACK IN THERE AND EAT ME THE FUCK OUT! We'll discuss your tastebuds later!"

Willis didn't reply. He liked the guy's attitude...and his mushy asshole...and had his tongue back in there lickity split! Dominic let him eat at him for quite a while. It was a special pleasure for him. For them both. Finally, he leaned up and pushed. Willis' head came away from his anus with a loud smacking suck sound.

"Hey, anybody else in this dorm know you're a fruit?"

"Gimme a chance. I just arrived this afternoon!" He laughed.

"Hmmm. I'd like to blow some of my friends' minds."

"Sure that's all you'd like to blow?"

"Cute. Listen, you want my cock and balls on a regular basis?"

"And your ass. Don't leave your ass out. On second thought," he twinkled his eyes teasingly, "you can leave it hanging out of your shorts! Or, if you want a rimjob during the night, just leave it hanging out from the covers!"

"Okay, okay, we got that settled. How'd you like to pull a number on my buddies? Maybe get some extra cocks to blow in the bargain?"

"Whadda you got in mind?"

"Well, you seem like a real open guy--not afraid to show off your talents. All my other roommates said they'd cut me off if I spread it around, so my buddies never knew how much action I was getting right here in my own room! We'll figure out some trip like I hypnotize you into suckin' me off or something. Or maybe brag about my dick and say that all I gotta do is show it off, and even guys get down to suck it. Then you get down and suck it. Whadda you think?"

"Hmmm. Depends. You gonna treat me like shit? Are your buddies cute? Do I hafta suck 'em if they're not? Can I pick 'em?

"This could be a real kick. Think you could hold off being so brazen for a while? Pretend you're straight? I'll start out by getting the guys with the biggest dicks..."

"Wait, wait. I don't care about the size so much...I want cute guys! I'd rather have a pretty kid with little gerkin, than a creep with a huge honker!"

"Well, how the fuck am I supposed to know if they're cute?"

"Give me one fuckin' break! You're carrying this straight bit a little too far if you're trying to convince me you can't tell when a guy's good-looking. Only jerks that're trying to hide how gay they are claim they can't tell when a guy's hot looking."

" I can!" he gulped, nervously. "Guess I know when a dude's got looks...kinda. But how do I know you'll like what I like? I...I mean, what I think is good-looking? I mean..."

"I'll let that one slip right by, Dominic," Willis chuckled. "If there's more to you than you're letting on, I'll find that out in good time. Anyway, your idea sounds interesting. Now let me drain the juice from your prick. We can talk later!"

Two days later.

"Hey, Jerkmeat! You gonna eat that last slice of pizza or not?"

"Naw, go ahead, Dominic. I'm full." Fulmer shuffled the cards again.

"Ha, ha! Jerkmeat, that's good," Clemmer giggled. "Don't you know what jerkmeat makes you, Fulmer? He just called you a prick!"

"Hunh? Oh, yeah. I thought he meant I jerked off a lot." They all laughed.

"Guess that means you do!" O'Brien laughed.

"Yeah, like the rest of you don't?" he kidded. "This all-male school shit is a real drag."

"Yeah...but what else can you do?" Mason agreed. "It's enough to make a guy turn fruity!"

All eyes suddenly turned toward Mason. "Hey! Just kiddin' guys! But I'll say one thing. Luckiest guys are the weird ones who blow themself! Bet some gymnasts can do it."

"Hey, I'm a gymnast, you jerk!" Fulmer complained.

"Oh...I forgot. Hey, can you..."

"NO!" Fulmer cried defensively. Then he giggled to himself. "Well, I did manage to lick it once if you gotta know."

"You queered yourself?" O'Brien gasped.

"Suckin' your own prick ain't queer, you dummy!" Clemmer explained authoritatively, slapping down his discards. "Any more than handling your own dick."

"Yeah, but..." O'Brien persisted, "if you like lickin' your own dick, it still means you like lickin' dick, don't it? Would you like to try mine, Fulmer? I got a juicy head! And I'm damned tired of jerkin' off all the time. Whadda you say?"

"Go fuck yourself, O'Brien," Fulmer calmly remarked. Then he looked up and smiled. "I've seen that long hose of yours in the showers. Bet you already tired it, hunh? Been stickin' it up your butt?"

"Hmm. No, but I'm about ready to try it!" he laughed. "Might even be able to get it in my mouth! Uh, course I wouldn't do it."

Clemmer and Mason looked at each other and broke up laughing.

"He's tried it!" they agreed in unison.

O'Brien smiled. "OK, so I tried it. Couldn't do it, though... dammit! How 'bout you, Willis? We ain't seen the new boy's dick yet. Is it long enough to get your tongue on it?"

Willis and Dominic traded quick, amused glances.

"I don't think so," he said. "Never tried, but I hear you gotta be real limber for that."

"Well, say what you like," Clemmer admitted, "but if I could, you'd damned well better believe I'd be suckin' myself off all the fuckin' time! I got callouses on my palms!"

"I don't have that problem, fellas," Dominic layed his cards down, winning the hand.

"What do you mean?" asked Fulmer. "You don't jack off?"

"Sure, but fortunately I don't have to very often. Dominic smirked.

"Low sex drive, hunh?" Mason sighed. "Damn it's hot tonight."

"On the contrary. I'm on the bone all the time. Thing is, I'm not as fussy as you idiots. Now, I don't know if you guys have ever noticed, but I've got a fabulous prick! Still, in a place like this the only thing you can count on for blowjobs is a cocksucker, right?"

"Y-you know a cocksucker? A fag?" Clemmer gasped, interested.

" Actually, I've never met up with a real one. But I learned this trick from my uncle. He taught he how to hypnotize guys into getting them to blow you."

"What? You're nuts. You're not supposed to get people to do something under hypnosis they don't want to do," O'Brien said.

"Supposedly. Uncle Dave explained it to me. He I'm just telling you what he said...he said that rule didn't work because every guy secretly wants to suck a cock."

"WHAT! What bullshit!" Willis cried. "I'D NEVER SUCK A GUY'S COCK!"

"Hey, I'm just telling you what he said. It''s a hard thing to swallow I know," he giggled loudly at his own double- meaning. "I mean...that all guys are dick-lickers, underneath. He proved it to me."

"Proved it?" Clemmer asked. "How?"

"Well, Uncle Dave and I were always kinda tight since my dad died when I was young. You know, kinda like a father figure and buddy combined. Told me the facts of life and all that shit. And when I went off to an all-male college, he said I'd have a rough time of it since I was such a horny cuss! He knew I jerked off all the time, but he said he could teach me some- thing that would serve me better. I told him he was nuts when he explained it, but he sure proved it!"

"Yeah? What'd he do, get you to blow him?" Willis laughed.

"No. He got his son to blow him!"

"Hunh?" they all gasped.

"Yep! I was more of a son to him, and my cousin Roger was a nasty prick. He was my age, but they never got along. Now get this...Rog was a stud. The kinda guy that got any chick he wanted...and he wanted them all! He fucked more pussy than you could imagine. Didn't have a queer bone in his body. But every now and then he'd go to his father to be hypnotized to help him stop smoking. And Uncle Dave did help him with that. But this day, he had me watch."

"What happened?" O'Brien asked, intrigued along with the rest.

Warming to his now-captive audience, Dominic stood up and walked around, coming to rest against the desk. "He took Roger through the spiel, and even went into the bit about smoking. Then he winked at me, and started to tell Roger that his bigger problem was an oral fixation and his desire to suck on men's cocks! Roger's eyes kinda squinted in confusion, but he listened to his father's soothing words. Uncle Dave said there was a guy in the room with a beautiful prick that was just itching to have a pair of luscious lips wrapped around them, and that Roger had lips like that...lips that craved sucking cum juice out of a guy's balls! Then Uncle Dave got up and dropped his pants, and thrust his hard prick in his son's face, telling him that the guy was standing right in front of him, waiting for him to suck. Uncle Dave described how huge and stiff the guy's cock was...and how wonderful it would be to suck on it. Roger, wide-eyed and drooling, moved his head forward and took his father's prick in his mouth! He even reached up and fondled his balls and proceeded to give him a hot fucking blowjob! He was down on his knees, giving his father a fantastic suckoff, even drinking down his hot jizz like he craved it. I sat there staring at the incredible sight, even getting a boner myself! Uncle Dave told him to thank the guy for squirting that sweet cream in his mouth. Roger thanked him profusely, saying how wonderful it was! Uncle Dave buckled up and brought Roger around. Roger awoke, casually wiping some strange juice from his chin. He thanked his dad, sullenly, saying he just had to stop smoking so much!"

"WOW! Had his own son blow him?!!" Clemmer cried.

"Yeah, well he was a prick anyway. I don't how many times he'd done it, but he wasn't even aware of it!"

"And...and YOU can do that?!" Fulmer exclaimed.

"Sure," Dominic nodded.

"What a bunch of crap!" Willis cried.

"You think so?" Dominic smirked. "Then I guess you wouldn't mind proving it ain't so, hunh?"

"What? Whadda you mean?"

"Let me hypnotize you, and see if you suck my cock!"

"Naw, do it to somebody else."

"Chicken? Do I hear chicken scratches, unbeliever?"

"I told you, Dominic...I ain't never puttin' a guy's prick in my matter what you do!!"

"Here, chick chick! Here, chick chick!"

"Go ahead, Willis," several encouraged. "We'll tell ya if you did it...honest!" They laughed.

"Oh, you guys don't think I'd stick to my guns, hunh?"

"Well..." Fulmer taunted, "if what he says is true..."

"NOT A CHANCE! Alright, go ahead. Weave your magic spell, Merlin. I'll show you up...and your whole stupid story!"

The other guys tingled in horny excitement, hoping for the worst, as Dominic and Willis arranged themselves for the ritual. After taking him through a soothing relaxation, eyes closed, Dominic continued.

"Now, Paul, I want you to be perfectly relaxed. Go with your natural feelings. If you feel like smiling, or frowning, go ahead. If you feel you need to say something, feel free to express yourself. But above all, listen to my voice and follow my directions. Feel confident that I will direct you only into realms of pleasure! You will now free your spirit and allow yourself to experience your innermost desires of the flesh. You are surrounded by the overwhelming aroma of hot male bodies. Five horny studs are in the room with you, and you can smell the sweat and stink of their churning balls. It burns your nostrils, but you crave that earthy aroma. Smell, Paul, breathe deeply! Open your eyes and breathe in that hot ballstink!"

Willis opened his eyes, surprised at how well he was able to carry on the charade so far. He flexed his nostrils, and breathed side to side as if smelling the other guys' balls.

"Do you like what you smell, Paul?" Dominic asked, calmly.

"Y-yes...I like it. It's..." he sniffed some more. "It's sexy!"

"Those are guys' hot balls you're smelling, Paul. Does that bother you? Are you disgusted by that?"

"Um, no. I don't think so. I want m-more."

"Would you like to smell a pair up close, Paul?"

"Yeah! That'd be neat!" Willis gushed.

"Here, try mine." Dominic dropped his shorts and walked up to him.

"OK," Willis said. He put his face into Dominic's crotch, then abruptly stopped.

"Paul? Is there a problem?" Dominic asked, honestly wondering if Willis was changing his mind. He was even more impressed when Willis made his confusion known. It was perfect!

"Uh, would you lift your cock up? It's in the way. I can't get in there."

"That's alright, Paul. Dicks smell good too."

"B-but...I can''s queer. Just let me smell your balls!"

"See? He won't do it!" O'Brien whispered.

Dominic stood his ground as the others watched in amazement.

"Paul? Look up at me. Look into my eyes and listen to my voice."

Willis smiled, but it seemed natural and trusting. He looked up.

"I'm standing here naked before you. You love the smell of my balls, don't you?" Willis nodded eagerly. "I want you to reach right back into your mind and search the recesses of your libido. Open up completely; you have no reason to fear your true feelings. Look at my prick. It's lovely, isn't it? All pricks are beautiful." Dominic said this, surprising himself when he realized he was speaking the truth. "Look it over carefully, and tell me what you think. Handle it."

Willis slowly reached up and caressed his hand over Dominic's big, floppy tube of flesh. As if in a trance, he felt it, weighed it, and put his nose to it. Still holding it, he looked up to Dominic. "Yes, it''s's so beautiful! Would it be alright if I licked it?" The guys gasped.

"Is that what you want to do, Paul?" Dominic calmly asked.

"OH, YES! I...I certainly do."

"Well then, of course you may." Dominic looked at the other guys and grinned. "But first, look around you. There are four other guys here, and they'd also like you to lick their balls and cocks. Would you enjoy that, Paul?"

Willis looked around, blankly at first, then settled on each guy's face and crotch. He licked his lips. "Oh! Yes! I want to smell and taste them all!"

"Marvelous, Paul!" Dominic assured him, motioning to the guys that even he was a bit surprised at how well it was going. "You want to suck all five cocks in this room, and lick all the balls?"

"Yes! Can I suck out the juice, too?!"

"Certainly! If that's your pleasure, you certainly can! Tell there anything else you'd like to lick? Be truthful, now."

"Well, I can smell some...some buttholes. Can I lick them, too? They sure smell good!"

Giggles all around, and not quietly.

Willis broke into a big grin. "Why's everybody laughing?"

"They're happy that you're happy!"

"Oh, goody! Does that mean I get licked too? I sure like to get licked!"

"Uh, well...maybe. Maybe somebody might feel their own secret inner feelings. Would it bother you, Paul, if you serviced everybody in the room sexually, and did everything that was asked of you without any reciprocation?"

"THAT'D SURE BE CHEAP!!" Willis gushed with a frown on his face. "But, I guess it'd be alright. Can I take my pants off?"

"Yes, Paul. As a matter of fact, everybody's going to strip right now, and get ready for you to start licking our bodies."

Five naked guys soon approached him. Fulmer whispered to Dominic. "Damn. You ain't never gonna hypnotize ME!"

For the next two hours, Willis gorged himself on cock! They were all gorgeous, as Dominic had promised, and he blew them each...a couple more than once. He licked their balls clean and tasted each of their delicious anal holes. They went crazy over that! In his presumably innocent enthusiasm, he tried to get them to suck and lick him, but only managed to get fondled and caressed. But at one point, he eagerly pounced on O'Brien and forced him into a deep-throating kiss. The poor guy was so turned on, he hardly even resisted! The others saw this, and weren't put off. Even Fulmer allowed it later.

"So?" Willis asked after he was snapped out of it. "Did anything happen? I told you so!" Then he seemed to notice for the first time that he was laying on the bed naked. Jizz was seeping from his cock. "OH MY GOD! DID...DID I?"

"Did you ever, baby!" Clemmer gushed.

"Yeah, man," Mason agreed. "WHAT A WHORE!"

"CRIPES! Did..." he gulped and blushed, "did I en-enjoy it?" Fake tears formed in his eyes.

Fulmer sat down next to him and stroked his bare shoulder. "Hey, it's alright, buddy. You sucked up a storm, lemme tell ya! But you were in a spell. It's okay. Hell, man, you were so damned good, I wouldn't care if you did it unhypnotized!"

"I...I really liked it, hunh? Fuckin' shit! Maybe...maybe I oughta try it...unhypnotized. Maybe I'm missing out! I got cockjuice all over my balls. I sure musta liked SOMETHING!"

They all laughed and assured him that everything was okay, and that if he ever figured it all out...and wanted to do it some more...they were more than willing to go along.


"Damn, Willis. For a while there, you had me thinking I'd really zapped you. What a performance! How'd you like it?"

"You came through, Dominic. They're all hot guys. Told ya you could pick out the pretty ones, didn't I?"

"Yeah. Gotta admit, they're some hot studs, alright. Almost grabbed hold of a couple pricks myself! ALMOST..."

"Unh huh. How 'bout grabbin' hold of this? Come on, I'll blow you again. Jack me off. Hell, suck it for me, you prick. Won't kill ya."

"Oh, alright. You fuckin' turned me on tonight, you little fag. Let me give it a try. But don't come in my mouth, alright? I'm not kidding. I'll suck your prick to see what it's like, but you go squirting that scum in my mouth and I'll not only never do it again, I'll bust your chops! If I'm gonna turn into a fag cocksucker, you gotta let me do it in my own time. Hey, how'd you like my a-hole tonight?"

"Hmmm. A little raunchy, don't you think?"

"Heh! Thought you'd like it. You did, too!"

"Sure I did. But Dominic, you mighta busted up the whole thing. If those guys had smelled your asshole, they surely would have figured that something fishy was up with me going down on it like that!"

"Nah! All guys think even clean buttholes stink. Besides, they probably figure that any guy that'd lick out an asshole wants to smell and taste shit anyway. You do!"

"That's not even close to being true. For other guys, anyway. Sure I kinda like it, but... Aw, come here. Sit on my face and let's see if I left anything there! I hope so, but I sure was greedy the way I was sucking on all your assholes! Mmmmm...LUSCIOUS!"

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Next: Chapter 2

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