Fraternity War

By Jackson Amacher

Published on Jul 8, 2000


Fraternity War

Part 9

by Jackson Amacher (

This fictional story is for adults only. For the complete story, along with other stories by the same author, visit:


The next day, Rick had to go out wearing nothing but those incredibly small sports briefs and his backpack. It was kind of a cold day, and you could see him shiver as he walked around outside. He attracted quite a crowd. He had to go to class like that, and to lunch, and everywhere. People giggled and whispered about him, and the smarter ones realized who had won the frat war.

In TED, we were kind of concerned about the future of the fraternity, though. We had fewer members than Brig. We were certain to lose all of our funding from the college. I couldn't understand why Charlie had allowed Brig to stay together. It seemed like he was letting his penis do the thinking.

The first two Brig brothers showed up at our frat house at 6 PM, just as we had commanded. One of them, to no one's surprise, was Rick. The other was Heath.

Charlie had been preparing something in the basement all day. I wasn't sure what he had planned, but I knew he had been busily preparing for these guys' arrival. He told me that this time I shouldn't force them to strip before they went downstairs. Of course, Rick was still just in his underwear, so there wasn't much of a change for him.

I followed the two Brig guys downstairs. Charlie had hung a huge tarp across one wall. At second glance, I saw that it was a kind of photographer's backdrop. There was a wooden stool set against that wall. About ten feet away there was a digital video camera, set up on a tripod. It was connected to a computer. There was a thick cable running out the back of the computer. Greg, one of our TED brothers, was sitting in front of the computer's monitor.

"What, no dungeon?," Rick asked, sarcastically.

"We can get into the heavy stuff later, if you like," Charlie said. "For now, get on camera. Both of you."

Rick, wearing only the underwear we had given him, and Heath, both walked in front of the backdrop and faced the camera.

"OK, we're live and online," Greg said, staring intently at the monitor. "About two thousand logins."

"Rick, take off Heath's shirt," Charlie said, immediately.

Rick and Heath looked stunned. Not so much at Charlie's command, but at Greg's casual announcement that there were thousands of Internet junkies staring at them through that camera.

Heath stood absolutely still. Rick reached over and pulled Heath's shirt out of his trousers, and started unbuttoning it. When he finished, he pulled it off Heath's body. Heath wasn't wearing an undershirt, so his broad, muscled chest was exposed to the world.

Charlie told Rick to strip Heath down to his underwear, and Rick complied. He sat Heath down on the stool and pulled off his shoes, then unbuttoned his trousers and pulled them off. Heath was wearing white Ralph Lauren briefs. Significantly more material than what Rick was forced to wear all day, yet somehow sexier.

Greg looked up from the computer.

"They want to see Rick suck Heath's cock," he said.

I wasn't sure who "they" were, so I looked at Greg's monitor. Sure enough, he was logged into a chat room. Live pictures of Heath and Rick were going out over the Internet, and the users who were logged in were able to vote on what they wanted to see next. "Rick sucks Heath's cock" had won with 57% of the vote; next up was "The guys wrestle in their underwear" at 26%.

At Charlie's command, Rick stood Heath up and pulled his underwear down to the floor. Charlie made Rick step back for a bit, so the viewers at home could see Heath's naked body, full frontal. Then he had Rick kneel down in front of Heath and go to work.

Heath looked terrified. He had kind of a dazed look on his face, like he was doing his best to pretend this wasn't happening. The users in the chat room picked up on how nervous and scared he was, and they seemed to be getting off on it.

Next, the chat room users made Rick stand up, strip off his underwear, and gag himself with it. Rick was visibly disturbed at the idea of having to put the sweaty, dirty underwear he'd been forced to wear all day in his mouth, but he had to do it.

Then they made Rick get down on all fours, and had Heath fuck Rick up the ass. Heath was still erect from his blowjob, so he went at it. He really didn't seem into it, though. As he thrust in and out, it was clear he didn't have a lot of experience, especially doing it in this position. Suddenly, he lost his balance entirely, and fell off.

All of us in the room started laughing our heads off, even Rick. The chat room went crazy, and insisted that Heath be punished. They made him stand up, facing the camera, with his hands folded behind his head, standing on one leg, while Rick held him from behind and fucked him. You had to admire their creativity.

While this was going on, I walked over to Charlie.

"This is fun, but is it going to save the frat?," I asked him.

Charlie looked at me like he was hurt.

"Nate, you surprise me," he said. "Greg, how much are we making?"

"Two thousand five hundred -- no, three thousand two hundred now -- times 19.95 dollars each, this night alone," Greg said, squinting at the screen.

"And that's just from the Internet business. Now that the site is running, do you know how many more people we'll get who are willing to see real, live fraternity boys stripped and humiliated?," Charlie asked. "Not to mention videos," he added.

I had to admire Charlie's business sense.

Time was almost up for Heath and Rick, and the chat room participants had come up with another great idea. We threw Heath's underwear on the ground, and told the two guys to wrestle for it. I think they sensed that there would be a serious price for the loser to pay, so they really went at it. It was a fucking hot sight to watch these two guys grapple and pull at each others' bodies. Finally, though, Rick came out on top. He managed to pin Heath completely. Triumphant, he reached over and grabbed the underwear.

Greg looked up from the screen. "They want you to think up Heath's penalty, Rick," he said. "Better make it good, or they'll think of something worse for you."

Rick stood up. Heath stayed on the ground. Rick paced around for a bit, and then looked at Heath sternly.

"Grab your ankles and pull them back as far as they will go," Rick said.

Heath looked tired and confused, and just didn't get it. He pulled his ankles back towards his hips, like he was doing yoga or something.

"No, idiot, keep your legs straight, and bring your ankles back towards your shoulders," Rick snapped.

Heath did this. It was a very humiliating position to be in, exposing his asshole to the world like that. Rick had him hold that position for a few seconds. Then Rick put two fingers near Heath's mouth, and told Heath to lick them. Rick used Heath's spit to lubricate Heath's exposed asshole, and then went to work on it. The Internet viewers got a nice sight of Rick's muscular butt moving towards and away from them as he hammered into Heath's helpless hole over and over.

I heard the basement door open, and turned around. Two more Brig guys were entering. They started down the steps, then looked shocked when they saw Heath and Rick. They started to turn back and run up the steps, but some TED brothers stopped them.

"OK, boys, well done," Charlie said to Heath and Rick. "Heath, get dressed. Rick, take that out of your mouth and wear it. Get home, both of you. Your replacements have arrived."


Charlie only had to spend a little bit of money on advertising. You didn't need to spread the word around much when you had the kind of show we had. Lots of people were willing to pay to see real life frat boys get stripped and humiliated on camera. Not actors pretending to be humiliated, but the genuine, terrified look of helpless guys. We always put them on camera fully clothed, and gave the chat room users the chance to make the guys strip slowly.

Charlie made additional money on the side directly from the pockets of the rich Brig members we had conquered. Some of them absolutely freaked out at the idea of being naked on the Internet, whining that it would hurt their future political careers and that their families would find out. Charlie had a big black leather hood, with zippers and places for padlocks. He would rent it out to these wimps, sometimes charging as much as $1000 an hour. They still had to agree to do whatever was commanded, but they could always keep their faces hidden behind the hood. A lot of guys couldn't afford the hood, though, so they just went on camera wearing nothing.

When the semester ended, Brig ended up having more members than we did. So, the liberal dipshit college president gravely announced that TED would lose all of its funding. Charlie, in turn, announced that TED had recently received a significant set of donations from the public, and would continue operating. In fact, we were making money like crazy. It was a hell of a lot more than the school had ever been giving us, and definitely more than Brig was making.

At the end of the semester, I'm proud to say, we held elections and I was voted in as the new president of TED. Charlie, a junior, retired with a job well done.

One thing was concerning me, though. We only had evidence on the Brig brothers, and we could only blackmail them. Once they graduated, TED's future was screwed. But then one afternoon my hopes went way, way up.


It was my turn to handle the door, and I opened it at 6 PM to welcome in that evening's shift of fresh Brig guys. Our site had been up for a few months now, and it looked like the Brig brothers had put themselves into a regular rotation of shifts, with everyone taking a turn. Today, I calculated, the cycle was ready to start again, and Heath and Rick should have been at the door.

To my surprise, there were two totally new guys at the door: Robbie and Alex. Both Brig pledges!

Robbie, of course, had been our mole into Brig since the beginning. Now that the pager was off his dick, he actually cut a pretty nice profile. He had been working out since that night we stripped him naked and photographed him in our basement. I didn't recognize Alex at first, but then I remembered that he was one of the first Brig pledges I grabbed that evening in the woods when we had them all stripped and blindfolded.

"Hey guys, what's up?," I asked.

"We're here for the 6 PM shift," Robbie said. "Brig sent us."

I guess I knew that was going to be their answer, but I couldn't believe it. I could understand the Brig brothers agreeing to submit to night after night of humiliation broadcast live over the Internet, because we had serious blackmail on them. But all we had on Robbie, Alex, and the other Brig pledges was some badly-photographed porno shots. It's not like we could use that to blackmail them into stripping in front of our cameras again.

I took them downstairs. They hadn't been there since that night when they were both blindfolded and chained together. The sight couldn't have been familiar to them, but I guess the smell was.

Right away, I made them strip to their underwear. That was the usual drill; we'd start guys out on camera wearing just briefs, and let the Internet audience vote to strip them down. Only after Robbie and Alex got done stripping down, I saw that they both were wearing huge boxer shorts.

Greg, who was in charge of directing that night, shook his head.

"I hate breaking in new kids. Guys," he said, addressing Robbie and Alex, "for future reference, don't ever show up here wearing underwear that big again. Now, strip it off."

Looking frightened, Robbie and Alex pulled off their boxer shorts, revealing the cute little dicks and asses that I remembered so fondly from that night. Alex still had the same large, almost circular pecs, well-defined ridge of abs, and nice biceps. Robbie

"Let's get you some costumes," Greg mumbled, rummaging through a box. He tossed something at Robbie and something at Alex. "Put those on, fast."

Alex got a pair of white briefs. He had some trouble pulling them up, because they were way too small for him. When he finally got them on, you could see his package just dying to get out, even though he wasn't even erect yet. The elastic waistband was fully stretched, and blended in nicely with his trim stomach.

Robbie didn't seem to realize what Greg had just thrown him at first. It didn't have leg holes. It was just a single flap of leather with a long strand on one side and a short strand on the other side.

"That's a loincloth, Robbie," Greg said, laughing at Robbie's puzzled look. "We call it the 'Tarzan.' Pick a side you want to hide, front or back, and then tie it on."

Robbie positioned the loincloth over his groin, and then used one hand to hold it in place while he wrapped the other end around his body and tied the loincloth in place. Then he realized that the loincloth wasn't hanging low enough on his body, and that you could kind of see the tip of his penis and his ball sack hanging down, so he untied the loincloth and positioned it further down. You could still see his buttcheeks plain as day, but at least some of his modesty was covered.

Robbie and Alex looked totally hot, almost entirely naked and at our mercy. We gave them both a good look-over, and then pushed them onto camera.

To get them started, we made them rub their hands across each other's chests and feel each other's pectorals and nipples. Alex almost seemed more into this than Robbie, because without cue he bent down and licked Robbie's right nipple. Robbie looked surprised, and just kept on half- heartedly running his hands across Alex's chest. Robbie was at kind of a disadvantage, I guess, because his loincloth and his modesty didn't allow him to turn his body very much at all.

The Internet audience picked up on the cue, and told Robbie to turn around and show off his ass. Then they had Alex kneel down behind Robbie and lick his butt crack. Robbie stood rigid, completely straight, because the camera was to his side and he didn't want to risk leaning over. But we put an end to that, and made him bend over at the waist. This gave Alex a clearer shot at Robbie's sphincter. It also made the leather flap flop down further than Robbie's dick and balls, bringing their tantalizing profile into view.

The audience seemed to be getting off on seeing Alex on the ground like that, so they made him crawl around for a bit while Robbie stayed put, bent over in that uncomfortable position. Then a new command came in: Alex was to crawl over to Robbie and remove Robbie's loincloth without using any hands.

Alex obediently crawled like a dog over to Robbie, and leaned up to try to grab the knot in the loincloth. Robbie had tied the knot so that it was on his side, but still kind of close to his dick and balls. Alex pressed his face into the area and grabbed the knot between his teeth.

Alex started pulling and tugging at the knot, but it wouldn't give. He nearly knocked Robbie off his balance once or twice. The audience got bored, and ordered Robbie to start spanking Alex. Robbie reached over as far as he could and started swatting Alex's butt through his tight white briefs. This seemed to piss off Alex, who started biting the leather.

All this action made the the flap of leather move back and forth across Robbie's dick, and before long it started to get erect.

Finally, the knot gave way. Robbie's meager loincloth fell off, leaving Robbie buck naked. Alex turned towards the camera, victoriously shaking Robbie's loincloth in his mouth.

At the audience's command, Robbie reclaimed his loincloth, stood Alex up, and used the loincloth strap to tie Alex's hands together behind his back. Greg pushed a bowl of crushed ice onto the stage. Robbie grabbed a handful of ice, pulled forward the band on Alex's underwear, dropped the ice inside, and let the band snap back.

Alex reacted immediately. His entire body writhed with pain, as he bent forward and back trying to force the cold, painful ice out of his tight, tiny underwear. His hands strained against the leather strap that was tying them together, desperately trying to use them to pull off his own underwear and relieve himself of the pain.

We stopped him before he could do that, and made him kneel in front of Robbie. Robbie's dick was still entirely erect from the stimulation that the flap of leather had given it. The audience commanded Alex to suck off Robbie.

Alex was still cringing from the pain of the ice against his dick and balls, but he opened up and took Robbie's dick into his mouth. You could see the mixture of pleasure and pain on Alex's face as he went to work on Robbie.

The blowjob lasted for a good ten minutes. Robbie was stiff at first, but eventually had to give in and enjoy it. In the end, he pulled out and shot Alex in the chest.

With that performance, the audience decided to give Alex a break. They voted to have him sit down on the stool that was on the stage, and had Robbie pull Alex's underwear off. What was left of the crushed ice fell to the floor, and Alex's wet, shrunken dick and balls were in full view of the camera and the folks at home.

Robbie was still hard, so we had Alex stand up and take a few steps towards the camera. We had his excellent, built, naked body perfectly captured in the camera frame. With his hands still pulled behind his back and tied there, his pecs looked even nicer.

Robbie got behind him and started fucking him up the ass. The camera stayed straight on Alex full frontal, so we got a view of Alex's magnificent body react to the intense physical sensation of Robbie going to town on him. The look on his face was hot enough. Robbie was barely in the shot; you could see his head pop up over Alex's shoulder from time to time, but Alex was taller so mostly you just saw him.

Time was almost up, so we had the guys do one last thing. Alex's cock was entirely hard by now, and sticking straight out from his body, so we decided to put it to use. We made Robbie bend forward and rest his weight on the stool. His stomach was square in the middle of the stool, leaving his butt entirely accessible. We tossed some cable ties onto the stage and told Alex to bind Robbie's wrists and ankles to the four legs of the stool. This left Robbie completely unable to move or get away, and left his ass ready for Alex's massive cock. Alex plunged his dick into Robbie's ass, making Robbie yelp at the suddenness of it. With his hands still behind his back, Alex had to lean into Robbie even more to keep both their balance. We watched this scene, turned on as much by the action as by Robbie's humiliation.

Finally, time was up. Alex pulled out, and we started broadcasting reruns on the Internet site while the crew prepared for the next two Brig guys. We let Alex get dressed and told him we'd look forward to seeing him again. But Robbie, I left in place.

"Hey Robbie," I said, walking over to the stool. "You were really popular with the viewers. We should keep you on a while longer. Are you comfortable?," I asked, giving his exposed butt a quick spank.

"No," Robbie said.

"Robbie, then I think you and I need to work out a deal, kind of like you worked out with Charlie," I said.

Robbie listened to the proposal I had to make. When I was done talking, he said he agreed, that it was a deal.

"Great, Robbie, I'm glad to hear it," I said. "Since your ass is ours, now, though, we're going to want to make sure everyone knows it. Greg?," I called out, pointing to Robbie's still protruding butt.

Greg came over with a small toolbox. Apparently his brother worked in a tattoo parlor, and so Greg learned how to do it. With Robbie helpless like that, Greg went to work tattooing "PROPERTY OF TED" on Robbie's right butt cheek. He put "TED" in big bright red letters, the kind that don't fade for decades.

When he was done, we cut the cable ties and let Robbie stand up.

"I'll have a talk with whoever is running Brig these days, and tell him that you're running the show now," I told Robbie. "If they give you any shit, you call me. I don't care if you're a frosh; you run that place now. And you're going to send us more Brig frosh. Got it?"

"Got it," Robbie said.


Things went on like that. You can probably imagine what it was like. Our Internet site was getting more and more popular. I think a lot of our users didn't believe that we were for real. They were sure that we were using models. Some of our guys just looked too good. Plus, it was difficult to believe that real frat boys could be forced to do what our frat boys did. It was too humiliating, and our guys obeyed too many orders. Nonetheless, we always had a ton of users. At any time, one of the naked Brig members was being seen by at least 2,000 people.

With Robbie, our puppet, in charge of Brig, we could be certain that this setup was going to continue for a long time. Dutifully, he made all of the Brig pledges from that year visit our basement, at least once each. In return, we promised Robbie that he'd never have to appear on our camera again.

The beauty of it was that the next year, Brig did really well in recruitment. Their rush brought in the same batch of elitist jocks they usually get. It was only after each of them had sworn to join the fraternity that they learned that Brig was essentially an entire fraternity of sex slaves at TED's command. Their first visits to our basement studio were required as part of what they thought was an initiation. After it was done, they learned that they would have to keep doing that for four years, or else.

But other than our Internet site, we left Brig alone. We'd see them in class or around campus and just wave hi. At night, of course, we'd see the same people in their underwear, or naked, but we didn't think about that. From now on, their fraternity existed to serve us. We used their naked bodies to keep ourselves in business. There's nothing the college president could do about it. We had won the war.


Next: Chapter 10: Fraternity War Prequel 1

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