Fraternity War

By Jackson Amacher

Published on Jun 8, 2000


Fraternity War

Part 7

by Jackson Amacher (

This fictional story is for adults only. It will be posted in installments. For the complete story, along with other stories by the same author, visit:


I was alone with Heath. He was naked, with baby oil and sweat smeared over his skin, and still smelled like beer.

"Upstairs," I ordered.

Heath turned around and walked in front of me, showing off his muscular back and tight butt. We walked upstairs, and I led him directly to the shower room. I turned on the water, and watched him wash up. He worked fast. I gave him a big white towel to dry off with, and even let him wrap it around his trim waist when he was done. Then, I led him to my bedroom.

"Take off your towel," I said, and he did. I reached under my bed and pulled out a set of handcuffs and handed them to him.

"Put those on, hands in front of your body," I said. Heath looked at me like I was joking, but I didn't flinch. He locked one cuff around his right wrist, and then locked the other cuff around his left. He lowered his hands to cover his dick.

I reached over and turned out the lights. Heath looked even hotter in just the moonlight. I had been fantasizing about this moment for a while.

I started stroking Heath's dick, and was pleased to see that it became erect after only five strokes. I kept working on his dick with one hand, while I reached over and tickled his nipples with another. Heath started to moan, and even began to move his pelvis back and forth like he was trying to fuck my hand.

"Let's do it," Heath said. "Let's do it."

I could tell he was really into it, so I stopped right there. Heath looked disappointed, but I was going to make him work for it. I had him kneel down. Then I turned my back towards him and dropped my pants and underwear, presenting my crack to his face.

"Go to work with your tongue," I told him.

Heath freaked out and said he wasn't going to do it, but I reminded him that he was my naked, handcuffed slave and that he had no choice. So he stuck his tongue out, and started to run it over my asshole. It felt good, and I ordered him to jam it in there. Being able to use him like this was a huge turn-on, and it was great to combine that thrill with the warm, pleasant feel of Heath's tongue up my ass.

I stood him up, walked him over to my bed, and made him lie down face down. By now my dick was rock hard. I took off the rest of my clothes, put on a condom, and started fucking Heath up the ass. He didn't protest or fight me at all. In fact, he gave distinct signs that he was enjoying it. I was enjoying it, too. I'd been fantasizing about having Heath's tight body at my disposal for a while, and the thrill excited me.

When I was done, he turned over, leaned up, and kissed me. I reached over and stroked his face, then kissed him.

We fell asleep. When I woke up, his head and right shoulder were against my chest. I got another good look of his naked, handcuffed body in the morning sunlight.

I unlocked his handcuffs. I thought about making him walk home naked, but something about him made me want to go easy on him. So I gave him a pair of shorts to wear home. He smiled, thanked me, and ran downstairs and back towards the Brig house.


We felt pretty good about paying Brig back the way we did. True, we only humiliated a few of them, but in a way the entire fraternity was hurt when we allowed a Brig frosh to publicly humiliate a Brig senior.

But then, at the end of the week, the newspaper had a front page story with the headline, "Brig hazing scandal investigated." Hazing was illegal in our state. No one ever paid much attention to the law, but it looked like that asshole college president of ours was going to use whatever chance he could get to screw Brig over big time.

Charlie read the article, whipped out his cell phone and dialed Robbie's pager. Robbie called back, and Charlie set up a meeting in Kameny Woods.

Charlie, me, and two other TED guys met Robbie in the woods.

Charlie held up the newspaper. "What do you know about this, Robbie?," he asked.

"Nothing," Robbie said. "That story is a load of crap."

Charlie didn't say anything and just looked at Robbie for a while, as if he was able to see through the kid.

"Drop your pants," Charlie said.

"What? Here?," Robbie asked. We were in kind of a secluded area of the woods, so there wasn't much reason to worry.

"Do it in the next three seconds," Charlie said.

Robbie dropped his pants down to his shoes.

"Briefs, too," Charlie ordered.

Robbie hestitated, and then dropped his underwear. All of us gasped at what we saw. The pager wasn't on Robbie's dick anymore. Then we noticed something else: his ass was bright red. It had been spanked or, more likely, whipped, very recently.

We didn't even have to ask. "I took the pager off myself with nail polish remover," Robbie said. "I had to. They were going to discover it."

"That's a fucking lame excuse. You could have been modest in the showers and kept it hidden," Charlie said.

"In the showers?," Robbie shook his head. "You don't get it," he mumbled.

Charlie thought for a second. "Robbie, take off your shirt," he said.

Robbie did as he was told. As soon as he took off his shirt, we saw long, thin, red marks on his back that didn't need any explanation.

"No hazing, huh Robbie?," Charlie said.

"C'mon, it's not that bad," Robbie said.

"Jesus, kid," Charlie said, genuinely sympathetic. "We should make you walk home naked like this so that this dirty secret will be public. Why do you take this shit?"

Robbie didn't answer, and just tried to cover himself up with his hands.

"Get dressed, kid," Charlie said, throwing Robbie his clothes. "You're going to help TED and yourself. You and I are going to have a private talk. Nate, get him the minicam."

The "minicam" was one of Charlie's best gadgets. This isn't the handheld video camera your dad took on the family vacation to the Grand Canyon. The lens is barely the size of a pinhead. It's connected by a fiber optic cable to a thin, CD-box-sized case that holds a battery and an 8mm video tape. TV networks use these things for hidden camera investigations. I think Charlie used it once in the college's locker room, too, but I'm not sure.

I got the minicam and gave it to Robbie. Then Charlie started asking Robbie some questions, and giving him clear directions.


After the weekend was over, we called Robbie's pager, and set up another meeting. Only Charlie went to the meeting, though. He came back with an 8mm video tape.

"Let's have a look," Charlie said.

Charlie took the tape, stuck it into another video camera he owned, hooked it up to our TV, and pressed play. A bunch of the guys gathered around to see what we had.

The tape was difficult to make out at first. There wasn't much light, but you could kind of see the backs of a lot of guys' heads as they were running down the hall. Someone was shouting, "Come on, shitheads, faster!"

Then you could see that they had run into a large room. The light was better now, and you could make out a bunch of Brig frat boys standing in a circle. They were all dressed the way these guys are always dressed, in expensive preppie clothes.

"What the fuck is this?," we heard someone off-camera shout. I didn't recognize the voice. It had a pronounced Carolina accent. "Where the hell do you losers get off standing in front of us with clothes on? Think you're as good as us?"

With only brief hesitation, we saw the guys on camera reach down to their waists to pull off their sweaters, button-down oxfords, and polo shirts. The camera swung around wildly for a bit, but then stabilized. Looked like Robbie had placed it on a piece of furniture behind him.

All the guys on camera were still stripping, most of them going as fast as they could. We noticed that as they took off a piece of clothing, they all folded it carefully before placing it on the ground. Despite this, they got naked really quickly. With their neatly-folded pile of clothing and shoes at their feet, they each stood at attention, their hands to their sides.

With their bodies exposed, we could see that Robbie wasn't the only one with whip marks. It looked like almost all of the guys had received the same treatment.

"Well, isn't this a sight to behold," the off-camera voice said. "You shitheads are the fucking worst class of pledges Brig has ever had! We turn our heads away from you once, and when we look back you're all naked and tied up and running across campus, begging people for help. We let you back into the fraternity anyway, and forgive you, and then you pay us back by allowing your comrades to embarrass the fraternity again at that TED auction."

All the Brig pledges just stood their and took it. They didn't react at all.

"You idiots have caused the fraternity a lot of pain. Now you're going to get some yourselves," the voice on the tape said.

Up until now, all we'd seen on camera was the naked pledges. But now a bunch of older, fully dressed Brig brothers came into the shot. They were carrying things in their hands, but we couldn't tell what. It was easy to guess, though.

I recognized a few of the brothers, and knew they were juniors and seniors, mostly. I didn't see Heath, or any of the other guys on the basketball team, for that matter.

The older brothers made the pledges bend over, and then they started whipping their behinds and backs. With the bad lighting on the tape, I couldn't tell exactly what kind of whip it was. It might have been a bullwhip, but it made a sort of metallic sound.

It was a horrible sight to watch. I get off on a little S&M as much as the next guy, but this wasn't sexual at all. They weren't doing this for the thrill, they were doing it to be assholes. The beating when on for minutes, too. Finally, Charlie had enough and pushed the fast forward button, and we speeded through still more footage of the whipping.

After the whipping was over, we saw a lot of Brig brothers enter the frame. This time, I thought I did see Heath among them. No one on the tape said anything, but the brothers just unzipped their pants and pulled out their cocks. Most of them weren't erect, though some were. Without being told to do anything, the pledges walked and crawled over to their brothers and started to give them blowjobs. Some of the brothers pulled out early, and forced their pledges to lie face down on the ground. Then they started fucking them. All this was on tape.

"Holy shit," Charlie said. "We've got them. They're ours."

"We can turn this tape in to the president and get them kicked off campus," I said. "Then we'll win the war and get our funding for sure."

"Yeah, we can do that," Charlie said, "and give the president an excuse to eliminate every frat on campus, just like he's always wanted to do."

We nodded and realized Charlie was right. Going public with this tape would mean the end of all frats on campus.

"Don't worry," Charlie said, "I've got it all figured out. Hand me that phone, will you?"

Charlie took the cordless phone someone handed him, and dialed a number.

"Let me talk to Rick," Charlie said into the phone.

We all looked at each other. Rick was the president of Brig.

"Hey Rick, it's Charlie, over at Theta Epsilon Delta," Charlie said. "Listen, I was thinking. . ."

Then Charlie held the phone away from his ear.

"That bastard hung up on me!," he said, shaking his head.

Charlie pushed redial.

"Let me talk to Rick," Charlie said again. "Hey Rick, I've got a videotape here of your brothers raping your pledges. Want to talk?"

The smile on Charlie's face grew broader as he heard the answer. "Be here in ten minutes," he said into the phone, then hung up.

"Gentlemen, get ready for a great time," Charlie said, looking around the room.

Next: Chapter 8

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