Fraternity War

By Jackson Amacher

Published on May 26, 2000


Fraternity War

Part 5

by Jackson Amacher (

This fictional story is for adults only. It will be posted in installments. For the complete story, along with other stories by the same author, visit:


The next day I realized who the professional-looking photographer who had been taking pictures of me was. The school paper published huge, front-page photos showing the four of us naked (from the waist up, thank God) and chained to the back of the stage while Kamensky pointed out our features to the class.

The other three guys I was with quit the frat. They didn't say it was because of what had happened, but we all knew that had to be a big part of it. This was a huge loss for the frat. These guys were brothers, not pledges. Morale was so low that we were worried we'd lose even more people, and then Brig would have won the fraternity war.

I didn't quit, but for the next few days I kept to myself as much as I could. Whenever I'd walk on campus, I always felt like people were pointing at me and snickering. I did get a lot of positive attention from people. I guess they liked what they saw. But I was still humiliated, and pretty pissed at Charlie for being stupid enough to trust Brig.

I was on TED's basketball team. This isn't the college's real basketball team, understand, just an intramural team. We play games every other Thursday against some other intramural team. The league is pretty small and not organized enough to post a schedule in advance, so we never really found out who we play against until we show up.

That Thursday, when we showed up, we discovered that we were going to play a team made up of Brig members. The referee wasn't in a frat and probably didn't realize what kind of game he was about to see. But as soon as we walked onto the court and saw the Brig guys standing around, we started shouting and screaming at them. One of the guys was Heath, the hunky guy who had been at the theater the day they stripped me and tied me up.

Charlie stepped forward and signaled to everyone to be quiet.

"OK, we can settle this like men," Charlie said to the Brig team captain. "We play the game and go home."

"Sure thing, Charlie. Just make sure that one keeps his clothes on," the Brig captain said, pointing at me. All the Brig team laughed, like this was really funny.

Charlie was quiet for a moment and looked really pissed.

"Nate's going to keep his clothes on. But you guys aren't. You got something to prove here? Let's make it interesting. Every six points we score, you take off a piece of clothes. Same goes for us," Charlie said.

The Brig guy didn't even blink. "Losers become the slaves of the winners for a day," he said.

"Deal," Charlie said, and they shook on it.

I couldn't believe this. This was totally insane. I didn't know how good the Brig team was, but our team had been kind of scrappy recently. What the hell was Charlie thinking?

The ref looked at all of us like we were nuts, but didn't say anything. He blew the whistle, and we started playing. We won the layup. I hung back for a second, then took a shot from the key and missed. A Brig guy ran for the rebound, but I got there first. I took a second shot, and made it this time. Two points, straight off.

Then they started off with the ball, but when they tried to pass it Charlie grabbed it and took a shot from the top of the key. Swoosh! Three points. The score was 5-0.

Then it was their turn. A full court press and fancy footwork, and before we knew it they had scored on us, 5-2.

Charlie had the ball while I lost my guard. He passed to me, and I dunked the ball. Presto! 7-2.

The ref blew his whistle. "7-2," he said, matter of factly. "Take it off."

I wasn't sure if they were really going to go through with it. For a while no one moved. But then the Brig captain reached down to his waist and pulled his shirt up over his head and threw it towards the bleachers. The rest of the team did, too. Until now, I'd really only seen the Brig frosh with their shirts off, but these older, more mature guys were even nicer to look at, especially with their muscles bulging from all the exercise.

The game continued more slowly. We scored a few, but then the Brigs got two shots from the key in a row. Grudgingly, we took off our shirts.

The Brig captain walked over to me and looked at my chest.

"Yup, just like in those photos," he said. "Wish I had a camera."

I wanted to kick his ass.

With everyone stripped to the waist, the game started to take on a more urgent feel. We played harder than before, and a little rougher. There wasn't much scoring, but we got a basket. The ref started calling fouls on the Brig team. When one of the Brigs almost clocked one of our guys, they got a personal foul and we got to take penalty shots. Made all three. That meant it was 12-8.

This time the Brig guys looked kind of concerned. Following their captain's lead, they took off their shoes, then took off their shorts, then put their shoes back on. This left them all naked except for their underwear (jock straps and briefs) and their shoes and socks.

Charlie whistled. "Looks like we're going to have fun tonight," he said.

The Brigs seemed so shaken that it affected their playing. We scored another four points easily, right off the bat. Then they scored three points, leaving us one point away from getting pantsed ourselves. But then the ref called another foul on them, and we got to take three more penalty shots. Two of them went in, making the score 18-9.

The Brig team didn't do anything.

"Come on Charlie, this is getting stupid," the Brig captain said. He started to walk past Charlie towards the bleachers, where we had been throwing our clothes.

"Hold it right there," Charlie said, reaching out to grab the elastic waistband on the Brig captain's jock. The rest of us moved to stop the other Brig players who were going for their clothes. "A bet's a bet, and you guys are going to live up to your side.

The Brig captain looked at the ref, but he just looked back at him. The Brig captain called his team together in sort of a huddle. They met for a few seconds, and then broke up and started taking off their shoes and throwing their shoes towards the bleachers.

"OK, let's go," the Brig captain said.

The ref blew his whistle. "Shoes and socks count as one piece of clothing," he said.

I fought hard to fight back a smile. What rulebook did that little gem come out of? But the ref had a stern look on his face, and it seemed to do the trick. The Brigs took off their socks, too, leaving them all standing there in nothing but their underwear. Jesus, this ref should go pro.

Choosing their dignity over their shoes was a huge mistake. We still had our shoes on, so we could run and jump around the Brigs without them even knowing what was happening. We scored two, then four, then six points without them even managing to hold the ball for more than 20 seconds.

The ref blew his whistle. "That's the game. Strip down, shake hands, and have fun," he said.

The Brigs looked astounded, and even a little scared, but there was nothing they could do. Even if they wanted to cheat us and run out like that, they couldn't get far in just their underwear before we caught them. There certainly was no way we were letting them have their clothes back. So, one by one, they pulled down on their wastebands and let their underwear fall to the floor, then picked them up and tossed them over to the bleachers.

Pretending like this was just an ordinary win, we went through the line shaking hands and saying "good game," like we always did in this intramural league. It felt weird shaking hands with a bunch of naked men. When we were done, all of us on the TED team started giving each other high fives and spanking the Brigs on the butt.

Charlie jogged over to the bleachers and tossed us our shirts. We put them on. Then he gathered up all of the Brigs' clothes and headed out the gym door towards the parking lot.

"I'll be right back," he said, "Keep them busy."

The Brigs were kind of huddling together, and trying to turn away from us to hide their naked bodies. We decided to give this "slave" thing a try, and ordered them to line up hip-to-hip with their hands on their heads. They did as they were told.

I got a good look at all of them. I was particularly interested in Heath. Like I said, I'd had my eye on him for a while, but I'd never done anything about it. Heath was on the swim team. He had incredible abs, with hardly any fat on him at all. He looked embarrassed to be standing around naked. Heath was a classic Brig member. He was from a pretty rich family, and he always had a great shock of perfectly unkempt blond hair. He usually dressed pretty sharply, except now, of course, he was wearing nothing at all.

A bunch of us went up to the Brig guys and started teasing and tickling them. We'd make them do push-ups or run laps around the gym. For fun, I thought I'd make Heath stand outside the gym door in the cold for ten seconds. He looked at me like I was crazy, but he could see I meant business, so he did it.

Charlie came back in with a bunch of towels and handcuffs. He handed a towel to each of the Brig guys and told them to put it on, and make sure it wouldn't fall off. They did as they were told. I thought Heath looked especially hot in his white terrycloth towel. We handcuffed them all behind their backs.

"OK, gentlemen, let's go," Charlie said.

Next: Chapter 6

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