Fraternity War

By Jackson Amacher

Published on May 5, 2000


Fraternity War

Part 2

by Jackson Amacher (

This fictional story is for adults only. It will be posted in installments. For the complete story, along with other stories by the same author, visit:


After the night of the Robbie incident, things calmed down for a day or two. We would page Robbie once in a while just for kicks. Charlie loaned his cell phone to one of the brothers who had a class with Robbie, and he paged Robbie over and over just to watch him jump and squirm.

But one night, Charlie decided it was time to pay the Brigs back for trying to mess with us. He paged Robbie. Four minutes later, Robbie called us.

"Meet us in Kameny Woods in five minutes," Charlie said, and hung up.

When we met Robbie, he had a concerned look on his face, and didn't say anything.

"Hey Robbie, I thought you'd get a kick out of seeing this picture," Charlie said, and handed Robbie an inkjet prinout. The picture showed Robbie, striped bareass naked with his hands chained above his head, getting fucked from behind. You couldn't tell who was fucking him. There was lettering over the picture giving Robbie's full name, phone number, and Social Security number.

"I've got that file on my computer," Charlie said. "It's all ready to get posted on the Internet. How would you like that, Robbie? You'll be able to tell your parents back home that going to a nice frat like Brig turned you into a porn star."

Robbie mumbled something about not wanting to see that happen.

"I'll keep this private for now, Robbie," Charlie said, "in exchange for your telling the Brig pledges to report for an initiation at midnight here in Kameny Woods. Tell them to wear these," Charlie said, handing Robbie a bag full of blindfolds.

Robbie looked at the bag of blindfolds, then at the picture in Charlie's hands, and then just nodded.

That night, a few minutes after midnight, about seven of us snuck over to Kameny Woods. We saw all of the Brig pledges standing there wearing blindfolds, completely oblivious to our presence.

Most of the Brig pledges were pretty good looking guys, though a little bit preppie. Brig recruited lots of private school kids, and also quite a few jocks. They were wearing lots of typical frat boy clothing. It looked like an Abercrombie & Fitch layout. Robbie was there too, wearing his blindfold.

Charlie gave us the signal, and we went to work.

I went up to a Brig pledge and whispered in his ear, "What is your name, pledge?"

"Alex," he answered.

"Pledge Alex, do you accept the responsibilities of openness and brotherhood that come with membership in our fraternity?," I asked, still whispering.

"Yes, brother," Alex answered.

"Pledge, please remove your shirt and undershirt and place your hands behind your back," I said.

Without a pause, Alex undid the buttons on his oversize flannel shirt, pulled the tails out of his pants, and dropped it to the ground. Then he grabbed his T-shirt by the waist and pulled it up over his head, dropping it also.

Alex had a very nice body, with two large, almost circular pecs, a well-defined ridge of abs, and very nice biceps. He stood there innocently, with his hands crossed behind his back.

I handcuffed his hands behind there, and then went on to the next pledge. The other TED brothers were doing the same thing, earnestly asking the Brig pledges to strip to the waist and politely allow themselves to be handcuffed. I couldn't believe they were falling for it. We had really convinced them that they were following their own fraternity's orders, instead of ours.

When we had every Brig pledge bare-chested and shirtless, we went around to each one and pulled their pants down to their ankles. None of them even expressed surprise. We told them to step out of their pants, along with their shoes and socks.

Charlie paused for a moment to shoot some video showing all of the Brig pledges, stripped to their underwear and completely helpless at our mercy, still unaware of what was about to happen.

I went back to Alex for a third time.

"Pledge Alex, do you wish to receive the word of honor from the Beta Rho Gamma fraternity?," I asked, using Brig's real name.

"Yes, brother," Alex answered, his voice still confident.

"Open your mouth," I instructed.

I took a ball gag and stuffed it into Alex's mouth, and with one swift movement fastened it behind his head. Then with one swift movement, I yanked down his briefs, and made him step out of them.

We stripped all of the helpless Brig pledges naked, but we let Robbie keep his briefs on. We didn't want anyone to see the pager we had glued to his dick.

Finally, Charlie came around with a huge chain, and started chaining all the Brig pledges together in a big, single line by their necks. He used one padlock for each neck, and left about three feet of slack between each pledge.

As Charlie began to chain the pledges together, some of them began to show their first signs of struggle, perhaps realizing that the people who had just blindfolded, gagged, and stripped them might not be their own fraternity brothers after all.

"Beta Rho Gamma pledges," Charlie said to all of them. "Follow us now down the path to your brotherhood."

Charlie grabbed the end of the chain and began to lead the long column of bareass naked, helpless, blindfolded Brig pledges out of the woods. By now it was almost 2 AM, and the streets were pretty much empty. We walked the few blocks between Kameny woods to our house, without anyone seeing us. We brought all the Brig pledges downstairs to our basement.

Most of the rest of the TED fraternity was already down there, waiting for the Brig kids.

We lined them up, hip to hip. There were so many of them that we had to have the line wrap around the side of the basement a bit. We turned sunlamps on them so that they'd begin to sweat a little more.

"OK, guys, grab one and do whatever you want," Charlie said, no longer even trying to impersonate a Brig frat boy. "They shouldn't put up much of a fight."

Next: Chapter 3

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