Fraternity Visit

By Matt And Brad

Published on Aug 4, 2021


This story contains graphic sexual scenes between males under 18. If material of this nature offends you then you should not read this story.

Additionally, if you are under 18 years of age in most states you are not allowed to read this story by law.

This story is purely a work of fiction. Any resemblance to person's living or dead, or to events that may have occurred, is purely coincidental.

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We didn't plan on specifically telling you what trouble Cody got into at his boyfriend's fraternity house, but a lot of you pervs wanted to know! And we don't blame you – Cody was a sneaky little slut.

But instead of letting Cody tell his side of the story, we thought we'd satisfy you and ourselves by doing a combination sequel and companion piece, where the frat boys bond over what they did to Cody.

Enjoy chapter 1b ;-)

If you do and want to show your appreciation, feel free to drop a buck or two to $HPPwrCouple

When My Boy Visited My Fraternity – Chapter 1 B The Boys Tell It

It was a little before 2pm when Martin, Joe and Chris came through the front door, carrying a couple cases of beer and White Claw.

"Oh, good," Martin said, tossing a bag of weed to President Sam, "we thought he'd be broken by now."

I laughed and shook my head. "Not a chance, my man. It looks like we're going to get tired before he does."

Once I got over my initial shock and got the train moving this morning, Cody started taking dick after dick, and showed no sign of stopping. My frat bros were tagging themselves in and out – some cumming, some not, justenjoying using my boy's holes on a Sunday morning in the frat house living room. It was as casual as if someone had a football game on the tv and the dudes were just passing through, only in this case, they might not have pants on and they maybe have just dumped a load in one of my boy's available holes.

"Damn, Nick, you're okay with all of this?" Joe/Chris asked, gesturing to the Fraternity X video come to life in front of us. At this time, Cody was kneeling on the couch, draped over the back of it with Shainu's cock in his mouth, while sophomore roommates Derek and Brent were taking turns on Cody's pussy hole. Mac and Jacob were sitting on the couch next to the action, stroking each other off and watching. The rest of us were naked or in underwear, sitting or standing around – again, keeping it easy like Sunday morning.

"Absolutely! I'm enjoying the fuck out of this! I knew Cody was cock hungry, but I didn't expect you all would be so into this."

"I can't speak for everyone here," Sam began, after exhaling a drag from the joint, "but I didn't expect this either." Everyone gathered seemed to agree with him. "I hadn't planned on fucking a dude ever, let alone gang banging him twice in the same weekend!"

My roommate Devin chimed in. "I think we were all taken a little bit by surprise."

"Cody has that effect on people." I took a puff on the joint when Sam passed it to me and exhaled, surveying the scene. "Alright, now that the bonds of brotherhood have been solidified—" and that was the moment Derek shot his load in Cody's ass – "exactly! So, tell me – how did it happen?" The guys started to laugh. "No, I'm serious. I want to hear it. Clearly, there are no more secrets," which is when Brent slid in Cody's ass, using his roommate's load as lube.

"He got here Friday night," Frank began, "which is when I fucked him, after the party, so I guess I started it."

Joe/Chris cut in. "Actually, we got him during the party, so we beat you, big guy."

"And we're not even in this house!" Chris/Joe tacked on, and the douche-bros high fived.

Sam stood up, interrupting their bragging. "Hold it, hold it! If that's the timeline, then sorry, my dudes. As with any good, brotherly bonding in this house, it started with me."

"Of course, it did," I had to shout over my fellow frat bros giving a cheer to Sam, who was now, literally, waving his cock around to go with his figurative dick swinging. Joe and Chris pouted a little.

"Go on, big bro," I encouraged Sam, anxious to hear how he got the ball rolling, even though, technically, I was the first one to fuck Cody in the house that weekend – almost immediately after arrival – but this wasn't about me. Something Sam had said a moment ago needled me, but I couldn't put my finger on it. I was hoping his story time would help work it out in my hazy brain.

Playing into his role ascatalyst for the weekend debauchery, Sam, his dick, and his egomoved around the action on the couch as he monologued.

"Well, Nicky, when you finally introduced me to ourlittle frat mattress here, he called me `sir' and – excuse me, Brother Shainu—" Sam grabbed Cody by the hair and pulled his mouth off Shainu's long, brown cock with a pop "—do you remember what I said to you, boy?"

"Yes, sir," Cody panted. "You said only pledges and people you're fucking call you sir, sir."

Sam spit onto Cody's face. "Good, fag."

"Thank you, sir."

Sam put his rising dick into Cody's mouth and went on. "So, I was just buzzed and horny enough to let that be the seed of a challenge, which your boy made worse by continuing to call me sir and wiggling his ass against me during beer pong.

"When I had the chanceto get him alone, obviously I took it and brought him to the third-floor bathroom, assuming it would be out of the way enough. This less than subtle little slut—" Sam punctuated this by grabbing Cody's hair again and pounding his face "—came to the urinal right next to me and didn't even try to hide that he was looking at my cock. I couldn't piss because of his staring, and with that kind of attention, of course I started getting hard.

"I asked, What are you looking at?' and he said, Your cock, sir.' Again with the sir business.

"I stepped away from the urinal and your boy licked his lips. I told him I'm not gay, and he said that was okay, as he got to his knees in front of me. I told him he had to earn it since I don't let fags suck my dick often."

I had to clarify. "You've let dudes blow you before?"

Sam scoffed. "Yeah, Nicky. What? You think I'm a noob? It's much less complicated to get head from a dude, and they understand when to get the fuck out after they serve their purpose. Can I continue?"


"Okay, where was I? Oh, yeah, I got my chubbed up dick in your boyfriend's face, and I told him if he wants my cock, I'm gonna have to give him something else first." Sam pulled my boy's mouth off his plumped but not fully hard dick, and, once again, let Cody speak. "And what did you say, faggot?"

"You can give me anything you want, sir."



"Good, faggot. Then and now."

Sam released Cody's hair, and Codysank his mouth back down on the frat president's cock, continuing his service to the president.

"So I pissed on him," Sam said, matter-of-factly. "Right there on the bathroom floor. And you know what, Nicky?"

I found that my mouth was dry, so I had to swallow before I could respond. "What?"

"Your boy fucking moaned." Sam laughed. "I'm standing there, fully dressed, my favorite color letters on, cock out, still sipping my beer, one hand on my hip, like this—" holding his beer now, Sam strikes a similar pose, which is only lacking his shirt, but it isn't missed because my big brother looks sexy as fuck,"—pissing on a teenager in my frat bathroom. Sorry-not sorry, Nicky, that I didn't even feel bad in that moment, aiming for your fuck toy's mouth and drenching yourshirt in the process. I felt fucking invincible! Someone even walked in on me, and I yelled at them to leave, and they just obeyed – no questions asked. Fucking king shit!"

"That was me," Brent said, butting into Sam's story, while still fucking Cody from behind.

"What was you?" Sam asked.

"I walked in on you. I was drunk; barely saw anything. I just heard you yell, and I left."

Sam laughed. "Well then, Brother Brent, it's only fitting that we're having this moment together right now."

"Why's that?"

Sam turned and locked eyes with me. "Because I've been pissing down his throat. Isn't that right, faggot?"

Cody mmhmm-ed with Sam's cock in his mouth and his piss running down his esophagus. Sam laughed again and high fived Brent.

"Anyway," Sam continued, "I couldn't send little Cody back to the party in a wet T-shirt. That's only reserved for our sorority friends. So I stripped your shirt off him and tossed it in the trash. I had the boy dry himself a bit in the bathroom before I took him to my room for a new shirt. While we were there, though, I rewarded the little faggot and let him suck a load out of me before we went back downstairs."

"Wow" was the only word I could manage to say.

Sam chuckled a bit. "Seems like someone is trying to get another load from me now. Huh, boy? Is that what you want?" Another mmhmm from Cody, before Sam pulled his now fully hard dick from my boy's mouth. I'd never heard desperate such desperate gasps come from Cody, fueled by Brent steadily pounding into his hole.

Sam playfully slapped Cody's cheek before gripping his face more forcefully in his hand. "Greedy fag. You already swallowed a load from me today, and you just drank my piss. And you already need more?"

"Yes, sir!"

"You're gonna have to wait, pussy boy. And the next time I shoot is going to be up your ass." And then Sam spat on his face.

Cody moaned again. "Yes, sir. Thank you, sir!"

Brent's increased speed helped Cody's slutty tone. He started pounding the boy harder. "You can have my jizz now, you little whore. Here it comes!"

The room watched Brent groan out several spurts deep into my boy, and we all took collective breaths as Brent regained his senses now that blood could once again return to his brain.

"Hey, uh," Chris/Joe started. (I still don't know which one is which.) "Can we go next?"

"Yeah," Joe/Chris continued, "we've been thinking about his holes for two days."

It dawned on me that they weren't asking me for permission, even though, for all intents and purposes, Cody was my boy.

They were asking Sam, and he responded as if he owned the place and everything in it.

"Sure thing, my dudes. After all, you got my sloppy seconds Friday night, too. But today you'll be, like, sloppy thirteenths, right, Nicky?" Sam through a cocky grin my way.

Chris and Joe looked slightly wounded by those words, and that made three of us, since I again wanted to remind everyone that Cody has my load in his ass during the party Friday night and I started this off today, but those points seemed moot.

However bruised their egos might have been, it didn't deflate their respectably sized dicks, which sprung from their pants, slapping tight stomachs. One took Cody's mouth, and the other spat on Cody's hole, dropped another wad of spit on his dick and slid all the way in to the hilt. They found themselves failing into a scarily synchronized rhythm with their thrusts.

"Fuck yeah," the one in Cody's ass sighed. "That's some tight pussy." He looked over at me. "You'd never know he'd been taking dick all weekend."

"I can't wait to get in his hole, Joey" his frat-twin said. (Now, I know which one is which. Doesn't matter, I'll probably forget in a minute anyway. Other things to think about.) "Not that I'm complaining though. His mouth is just as hungry as it was on Friday." It was his turn to look at me. "You saw how thirsty he was for more dick, right, Nick?"

"He was very obviously throwing signals to Chris and me. You had to see it, bro."

"I'm not your bro," I reminded them.

"Well, eskimo brother, at least," Joe said, removing his dick from Cody's ass. I wondered how many different dudes' sperm were clinging to that frat dick as it walked around the couch and went into Cody's mouth.

"You weren't kidding, Joey," Chris said, taking his friend's place in my boy's ass. "Tight and wet, just like a pussy." He threw another glance at me. "This is my first time fucking a dude, and Friday was my first bro job." His attention went back to his brother. "I'm glad I went with you."

"Yeah, man," Joe agreed, "but this little dude took the lead. We were just along for the ride – following him downstairs, letting him take our dicks out, watching him fuck his own face on our cocks. We didn't have to do anything but stand there and enjoy."

"I wanted to cum at the same time as you."

"Me, too, but you were right after me."

"Yeah, right after."

If it was possible, the sexual tension in the room seemed to rise. Though they were both actively spit roasting Cody, their intensity for each other grew, and we were all picking up on the signs.

Brother Frank approached the Eiffel Tower and put his arms around the shoulders of both pillars with his impressive wingspan. Sensing his closeness, Cody reached out and grabbed Frank's flesh tube. "So, you like doing things together?"

"Yeah," they answered in unison.

"Well, since Chris here is all for experiencing new things this weekend, we can introduce you to some good brotherly bonding."

He gave a nod to Mac and Jacob, who untangled themselves and got off the couch. Frank helped Chris take a couple steps back, and his dick exited Cody, whose gaping hole expelled a little bit of air and a small rivulet of cum before starting to close slowly.

Mac and Jacob gestured for Chris to sit where they just were, and Frank spotted Cody as he stood up. The boy had been kneeling for so long that my mountain of a friend was the support he needed while he regained the sensation in his legs, and,never missing an opportunity, Cody gave Frank's dick a few squeezes and strokes. Frank whispered in Cody's ear and then shoved him gently in Chris's direction. Cody once again found himself kneeling, but this time over Chris's lap.

Frank crooked his finger at Joe, and he came around to stand next to my brother. They both watchedMac grab Chris's dick, cover it in extra lube, and hold it in straight up from the taut stomach. Jacob pulled open Cody's ass and aimed the hole at Chris's mushroom head, which Cody's hole swallowed up and engulfed the entire shaft, like the expert, 17-year-old bottom he is.

Mac waved Joe over and lubed his dick generously as well. With Jacob's help, they got Joe in position to accomplish the next step in their bromance. Joe's dick was lined up at Cody's stretched ring, next to Chris's member. The right amount of pressure found Joe's pole penetrating Cody, sliding along side his buddy in the tightest grip either of them could imagine.

I had sidled up next to Frank, our hard dicks pointing at the DP in front of us. "Is that what you and Leo did to him?"

"Yeah," he admitted. "Well...eventually. But I slammed him on my own first."


"In my room," he said casually. "But I ate and fingered his hole in the backseat of his car."

I didn't think Frank was going to volunteer any more information than that, but he went on.

"It was mostly innocent on the walk – just talking, but your boy's a little flirt. Every time he would be more suggestive, in my head I'd hear you say something about what you'd do to him and how he'd take it, and I started imagining myself putting it in him. Next thing I know, we're at his car, and he's on his hands and knees in the backseat with his pants halfway down his ass. I glanced away, and when I looked back...same position, full moon, and I swear his hole winked at me. I had to touch his ass, then his hole, then I was eating it and fingering it open and watching it squeeze shut."

Frank's cock was starting to grow again. "We rushed back to the house, snuck right past you while you were cleaning, and came up to my room. He had my cock out and down his throat as soon as I closed the door. I let him get my cock nice and wet, before I had him stand up. I was going to take him to the bed, but he dropped his pants, put his hands on my shoulders and jumped up. He wrapped his legs around me, then slid down my body, lined up the head of my dick to his hole and let gravity take him all the way to the balls. It happened so fast! I was shocked, even more when he kissed me."


"First time."

"Kissing a dude?"


I had to know. "But not fucking one?"

"Nah, bro. Definitely not the first time with that."

I was finding out so much about my frat brothers this weekend.

"So, he's riding me for a bit, before I finally laid him on the bed – Leo's bed, actually—"

Leo had been leaning on the wall nearby, sipping a beer. His ears must have perked up when he heard his name. "Wait, what?"

"Just telling Nicky about fucking the little slut on your bed."

"Bet," Leo scoffed. "All I wanted to do is get back in bed and knock out for a few more hours, since you know the team didn't be sleepin' in no hotel. And my bed's all fuckin' messed up, the sheets clearly have sex stains. I wake his ass up and ask what happened. I mean, no, I know what happened, but I wanted to know what happened."

Frank picked up his own story again. "So I tell him, `Remember what happened with that Sig Ep virgin? Yeah, well, I banged a different dude last night, only this time...wasn't no virgin.'"

A "Hold up, hold up," came from the couch, where Cody was still being double stuffed. It was Chris that had spoken, from his position on the bottom of the sandwich. At first, it was unclear if he was telling Joe to slow down so he didn't explode inside Cody, but he wanted us to stop talking. I was surprised he could hear us, considering he was a little involved with something.

"You fucked one of my Sig Ep brothers?" he asked.

Frank sauntered over to the threesome on the couch again. "Yup."


Everyone in the room was watching Frank, whogestured for Mac to put some lube in his hand.

"You really wanna know?"

"Yes," Chris loudly whispered. "Yes, please."

Then Frank got behind Joe, who stopped moving himself against his brother inside my boyfriend. His glistening, toned back tensed slightly at Frank's presence behind him, but tensed more as two of Frank's slick digits sankinto his hole.

Understandably, Chris's eyes got as wide as the rest of our mouths while we watched Frank finger this Sig Ep dude in front of us.

Frank talked down to Chris while he plugged Joe. "Joey here seemed to think that sucking my cock during Rush Week last year would get him into our pledge class. It didn't, but he still tried a few times. Isn't that right, Joey?"

"Yes...sir," Joe croaked out. He was now totally immobile, letting Frank cunt him publicly, while his overly excited best friend's cock throbbed inside Cody's tunnel next to his own.

"Move in day this year, I wasn't even unpacked, and this one—," he put emphasis on this by adding a third finger, making Joe's moans almost harmonize with Cody's, "—shows up at my room,asking about my summer, like we're friends. But he's staring at my crotch, so I shut the door, take my pants off and sit on Leo's bed, because mine isn't made yet. Joey gets to work like a good cocksucker, but I think `new year, new service' and have him take his pants off and get on the bed, face down, ass up. I grab Leo's lube from his usual spot under the bed – my bro is consistent," he and Leo share a fist bump, "finger open his tight hole like this, and then slide my cock in like this—"

The head of Frank's 8" dick replaced his fingers at Joey's sphincter and disappeared in the frat boy's hole, followed by the remaining inches of flesh tube.

"Oh, fuck," Joe groaned, as Frank's bottomed out.

"Oh, fuck," Cody echoed, as Joe's cock swelled in his ass.

The final, "Oh, fuck," came from Chris. "Joe, I can feel you cumming on my dick!"

"Yeah," Frank chucked, "he's got a sensitive G-spot. He did that when I went balls deep last time, too. I figured he was used to cumming that way, as an experienced bottom. Never would have guessed that mine was the first dick in his ass, especially when he stayed hard as I railed him like this."

Frank power fucked Joe for 10 seconds, causing the entwined threesome to groan, until Chris announced he was cumming, coating both Cody's rectum and Joe's dick. Frank stopped his assault on Joe's ass to let Chris enjoy his orgasm but didn't exit the Sig Ep brother.

"Obviously, at that time, I didn't stop fucking him after he came," Frank clarified, "but Cody's our cum dump today. You'll get my load later, Joey."

"Thank you, sir."

Frank slapped Joe's toned ass and removed his cock. "After I was done with him, I stripped Leo's bed like a good roommate and brought everything down to the laundry room. I swiped Joey's credit card out of his wallet to use in the laundry room and told him to wait face down for me to get back."

The Sig Ep boys' cocks deflated enough to have a fairly easy uncoupling – un-thrupling? – from Cody. Leo let Joey lean against him for support as he gained his footing from his unexpected bottoming. Frank fluidly picked Cody up, maneuveredto sitting himself on the couch, and easily lowered the high school boy onto his lap in reverse cowgirl. With how well-stretched and sloppy Cody's pussy was at this point, it was no wonder he was able to take Frank's dick with barely a grunt, only a satisfied sigh.

Leo gave a playful kick to Frank's calf. "Homie, why don't you tell everyone what happened next?"

Frank continued his story, while slowly jacking his cock with Cody's ass, like he was a human FleshLight. "I came back from the laundry room, expecting to see Joey still in the position I left him in. And he was...but Leo was fucking him from behind."

The room now looked toward Leo, and he laughed a little, before egging Joe on. "He didn't even know it was a different cock, did you, my boy?"

"No, sir."

"I don't know how. I've got like two inches of girth on my bro there, see?" He made Joey grip his long, thick cock in front of everyone, and the white boy's hand could barely close around Leo's Latin meat. "But I guess every cock feels the same in your sore hole after you bottom for the first time, don't they?"

"Yes, sir."

"He only looked up when he heard the door open the second time, like oh fuck, I'm caught being a fag,' but he didn't ask me to stop. No, he kept taking my dick like a good hole. And I said something to Frank like, Thanks for the new year gift, homie, but next time, can you get me one that doesn't make such a mess? This is the reason my bed is unmade?' And I pointed to the mattress and the big puddle of cum I fucked out of this boy's dick."

Joe kept his eyes down, having been exposed as a hole to a room full of rival frat brothers, not to mention his own fraternity president and his best friend, though Chris didn't seem to mind. He had gathered their clothes, and I noticed he was looking at his brother a little differently, sizing him up maybe.

"If it's cool with you guys," Chris addressed the room, "I'm gonna take Joe back to the house."

"Sure," Martin said to his brothers. "I think your boy needs you now."

The Sig Ep boys moved to the other side of the room to put on their clothes and leave, and I couldn't have been the only one who clocked seeing Chris's guiding hand move from Joe's back down to his ass, or when his gaze lingered on Joe's butt a little longer than normal when he bent over.

"I think you're going to have to keep on eye on them," I said to Martin.

"Oh, I'm going to do more than that," Martin agreed. Then he asked Leo, "How long did you fuck him?"

"Ha! We had to wait for the laundry to be done, fam," Leo answered. "30 minute wash.45 minute dry."

"One load in the machine, four loads in Joey, and three loads on the bed," Frank followed up. Then he looked at me, smiling, with my boyfriend fucking himself on his cock. "Actually, Nick, you almost caught us. Do you remember?"

"I remember talking to you outside your room, wondering you why you were doing laundry on day one."

"And I said, `I made a mess while I was unloading.' I specifically used that word."

"I thought you meant unpacking."

"I know you did, but I thought I was being clever." Frank laughed at himself. "And when you asked if we wanted to get food, I opened the door to ask Leo."

Leo yelled, "I was full on balls deep in frat pussy talking to you, and you didn't even notice, fam!"

I was dumbfounded. "Maybe it was the angle of how I looked into the room..."

It not only sounded lame to my own ears when it came out of my mouth, but it must have to everyone else, because a room full of naked dudes started laughing at me.

Well, at least Cody didn't laugh at me. But, to be fair, he was still riding Frank's dick and now had my brother Mike's cock in his mouth. So in a way, that was his own jeer at me.

"How did I miss that?" I face-palmed myself.

"I don't know, homie," Leo said, clapping a hand on my shoulder. "What dude who fucks dudes doesn't know when a dude is fucking another dude right in front of him?"

I could only shrug in response.

"Nicky, Nicky, Nicky, this seems to be a pattern with you," Frank mused from his position as Cody's human butt plug. "Not only then with me and Leo, but what almost everyone in this room was able to sneak by you in a day and a half. I mean, you called Cody's phone, while I was fucking him. I slowed down to let him answer it, but he was definitely talking to you with me sawing in and out of his ass. I heard you talking in the hall outside my room, which means I know you heard this little faggot yelp when I pounded him out. I also brought him back to your room all flushed and sweaty. Now, I may not be bringing the frat GPA up here, but this is some next level stupid."

Some surprisingly deep thinking from my oafish frat brother, who at this moment didn't even have as much blood rushing to his brain as usual, since it was currently occupying space in his dick lodged in my boyfriend's cunt.

But no doubt about it. I was caught with egg on my face, for sure.

"I heard the phone ring," I admitted, "and the sex, but I didn't think—"

"Which probably means," Leo interrupted, "that you heard me and Frank pounding your boy out after our round of frisbee golf."

"Oh, he definitely heard that," brother Mike chimed in from above us. He was the highest head in the room, standing on the couch next to where Cody sat in Frank's lap. His hands were gripping my boy's hair for leverage to go deeper down the cocksucker's throat, or to help maintain his balance, or a combination of the two. "Devin and I were on this very couch playing Smash Bros, when Nicky and his hard dick came into the room, saying he heard you two tag teaming a bitch in your room."

"Bet. We were tag teaming a bitch alright."

Leo walked over and stopped Cody from bouncing on Frank's cock by grabbing his neck. Between Mike's cock lodged in his throat and Leo's grip, I was sure Cody would lose his ability to breathe. His face did get red for a moment before Mike vacated his throat.

"Who was our little bitch?" Leo growled in Cody's face.

"I was your bitch, sir!" Cody responded confidently.

Leo kept pressure on Cody's neck, while he continued to demean him. "Are you still our little bitch?"

"Yes, sir! I'll always be your little bitch, sir!"

Mike was emboldened to join in, beating Cody's face with his hard dick. "Yeah, you're a good little faggot, aren't you?"

"I'm the best faggot, sir."

Frank pushed his pelvis up from the couch, causing Cody to rise another foot. He took a firm grip around the teenager's waist and began pummeling his cock into Cody hard.

My frat brothers kept degrading Cody, who was doing a fine job degrading himself.

"Yeah, you came to our room and licked the sweat off our nuts. Took both of our dicks in your little slut mouth before we took turns pounding out your pussy. Is that what you are, a pussy for big frat cock?"

"Fuck, yes, sir! I'm a pussy!"

Leo turned to me. "And that, fam, is when we DPed him."

I could have cum right there, but instead, it was Cody who exploded his second load of the day, hands-free, from Frank's cock banging him, Mike's dick slapping him, and Leo's words ringing in his ears. The entire time his boy cock was shooting, Frank never let up the assault on his ass. I know how hard Cody's hole squeezes when he cums, but after taking so much dick already today, it must have been less of a vice and more of a nice massage on Frank's pole.

"Did you cum, homie?" Leo asked his roommate, when Frank did finally start to slow down.

"Not yet."

"Bet. Switch?"

"Okay." He pulled Cody's head back by the hair. "You better take a deep breath, open up, and hold on tight."

Cody breathed in and when he opened his mouth, Frank pushed his head all the way down to the base of Mike's cock. With Leo's help, Frank stood up, and the movement caused Cody to wrap his arms around Mike's waist. When Cody was completely suspended in the air, skewered at both ends by a total of 13 inches of dick, Leo went underneath his small body and took Frank's place on the couch. Never losing altitude, Frank removed his cum-slicked cock from my boy's ass and positioned Cody's gaping hole over Leo's swollen head.

Before the boy cunt could make contact with the Latin fuck stick, a flood of cum rushed from Cody's ass and covered Leo's impressive tool. Like a beaver patching a dam, Leo, too, used his wood to stop more liquid from escaping, but not before a sizeable portion of the day's load dump formed a small puddle between his thick, baseball thighs.

Leo started sliding jacking his 8" dick with Cody's ass and said, "Too bad Joey isn't here to take care of the mess this little one made."

On cue, Mac dropped to his knees and put his face between Leo's caramel-colored legs to lap up the spillage.

"Oh, bet!" Leo explaimed. "Yeah, I see you Brother Mac."

"You gonna clean this off next?" Frank asked, pointing to his dripping cock.

"I got you," Jacob said, dropping to his knees and devouring the lacrosse giant's dick, while his cum slurping boyfriend moved from licking the upholstery to licking Leo's cum-covered and -filled balls.

"Yeah, okay, we're gonna remember this," Frank said, gripping Jacob's red curls with one hand and fist bumping Leo with the other.

"Fosho!" Leo agreed. "Anyway, Nicky, it was so good to have more time and space to use your little slut, after you interrupted us in the shower."

I shook my head, rattling the memories of the weekend around. "The shower?"

"Yeah, homie. After Frank told me what happened with your slut, I came to take a shower to give my fucker of a roommate time to make my bed. I was drying off, when in walks this little twink and immediately I had him pegged as the faggot, mainly because he was eye fucking me and my dick. We didn't even say a word. He turned the water on, got in with his ass facing me, left the curtain open. I hung my towel back up, got in with him, and closed that curtain. He dropped to his knees, and I was all the way down his throat when you came in. It was the easiest fucking pick up I've ever had. In. My. Life! But I was left with blue balls because of you, cock blocker."

"Sorry for interrupting you cumming in my boyfriend."

Leo laughed. "All good, homie. Clearly, I got mine." That was clear to everyone watching the twink ride Leo's dick. "And real talk, fam, we weren't the first in him that day."


"Yeah, his pussy may not have been as sloppy as it is right now, but our loads were not the first."

"Well, it must have been mine," I said confidently, but my bravado started to fade when I replayed the events of yesterday. Yes, I had fucked him in the shower, which was apparently following his encounter with Leo, but I came down his throat, just like I did after McDonald's. I didn't cum in his ass until after I heard Leo and Frank tag teaming a bitch...who ended up being my bitch.

"Bet, but that wasn't one load, I can tell you that."

"One was mine."

Eyes darted and heads craned to look at Shainu, standing there with a shit-eating grin on his face.

"You fucked him?" I asked.

"I had to, Nick," he said, sort of defensively. "You saw him leave me with blue balls from jerking me in the bathroom."

"Woah, woah." I had to pause for a second. "He jerked you off?"

"Yeah, dude. You walked up right next to us." He looked at me like I was crazy. "You didn't know?" I shook my head. "Do you think I stand at the sink with this out all the time?" He punctuated his question by grabbing his wrist-thick, brown cock and slapping it against his open palm.

"Man, fam, you really are clueless" Leo commented in my direction, driving his point home by bouncing my boyfriend harder on his dick.

"When I came to your room to chat you up," Shainucontinued, "and Cody brushed past me going out the door, I realized my hardon in the bathroom wasn't a fluke. I needed to fuck him. He lingered in the hall, so I knew he was down. I took him to my room. He swallowed my cock better than any girl. They always struggle with it, but his jaw stretched to accommodate the whole thing. And so did his ass. Also my first time fucking a boy hole and if they're all like that, it won't be the last. Speaking of – Leo, let me in his ass again?"

"Hold on, fam, I'm almost done with him.Yo, Mikey, do you think you could give us some room?"

Mike stepped down off the couch, and Leo took advantage of the extra space on the couch to shift both him and Cody onto their sides. He spread Cody's legs in the air, showing the room his thick, brown cock destroying that hole, which it did for another 30 seconds or so. We all watched Leo's balls pull in tight as he growled out an orgasm from behind Cody, who was still hard as steel.

Without disengaging his pole from deep within Cody, Leo rolled the boy onto his stomach and laid there until he caught his breath. He finally removed his cock, which was still an impressive firmness, as if unsheathing a sword.

Shainu knelt on the couch and pulled Cody's ass up to meet his dick. We all watched Shainu's long dark cock be devoured by the wet boy hole, and my little bitch let out a steady moan out as every inch plowed into him and kept making noise until our brother Kevin Liang quieted him with his long skinny dick.

"Fuck, it's such a good hole!" Shainu exclaimed. "Oh! But, yeah, Nicky, it was already loaded up by the time I got there. It felt almost as sloppy and wet as he does now."

I was shocked, but the way all of this was coming out, I guess I shouldn't have been.

"Maybe it was Bill," I heard Mac say next to me. When he and Jacob finished cleaning the roommates off, they had migrated to the chair, Mac sitting in Jacob's lap. From where I was standing, I couldn't tell if Jacob was inside Mac or not, but I'm just going to assume he was.

Jacob disagreed. "I don't think so."

Looking around the room and not seeing one, I had to clarify. "Who's Bill?"

"My roommate," Jacob responded. "You met him that morning."

"The dude who came to breakfast?"


"When did he have a chance to fuck Cody?"

"He didn't."

"Okay, then."

"He just got head."

"What?! When?"

"In the bathroom."

"At McDonald's?"


"But all three of us missed that one," Mac interjected, to calm my shock a little.

"Well, I mean, kinda," Jacob said. "I knew something was up as soon as he came back from the bathroom and he wasn't babbling like an idiot anymore. Back in our room, after we dropped you off and you left, babe—" that last part was directed at Mac, who badly stifled a moan at that moment, which meant Jacob was inside Mac after all, "—he finally told me what happened.

"He was at the urinal when Cody walked in and took the one next to him. Being the dumb but cocky ass that he is, Bill said, So, blowjobs, huh?' picking up the conversation we had in the car. And Cody said something like, It's what I know best' dropped to his knees.

"Bill claimed he never actually expected Cody to go through with it – little did any of us know – but there Cody was, taking the rest of Bill's piss and then sucking a load out of his balls about 90 seconds after.

"Then they joined us back at the table."

"Jesus fuck," I exhaled.

A brief hush fell over the room, or as much of one besides the sounds of Cody's wet pussy slurping Shainu's cock and Cody's hungry mouth gobbling working on Kevin's.

It was Mike who broke the silence and my daze by putting his hands on my shoulders and saying, "If it's any consolation, Nicky, I didn't fuck Cody before this afternoon."

"Thanks, Mikey."

"But he did blow me."

I groaned.

"And if I knew you all were getting it in," he said to the room, "I definitely would have, instead of just a quick bj as a thank you for playing lookout."


"He came to my room before Devin and I went to lunch, and Icame down his throat very fast," he admitted, then quickly boasted, "too fast for me, since I usually last much longer—"

He was interrupted by a chorus of "sure"s, "whatever"s, "yeah right"s, and the like.

"Oh, fuck off, all of you," was his retort.

"Who were you playing lookout for?" I asked Mike, who could only smirk at me in reply.

"I guess we've come to my part of the weekend," a voice boomed off to the side, and my roommate Devin Washington came closer to the action, his third leg – impressive at 6.5" when flaccid – swinging back and forth as he walked.

"Nick," he started, "I love you like a brother. You are my brother, but you are one dumb motherfucker. You had to know something was going to happen between me and that little fuck toy, and it's your own damn fault that I put six loads in your boy."

"Oh, shit." Shainu took the words right out of my mouth. He wasn't reacting to Devin so much as he was sending his babies into Cody's gut.

"Now, I probably, maybe, could have resisted,out of respect for you," Devin said. "Sure, he showed up in those tight jeans showing off this—" he smacked Cody's ass hard "—even as I watched him rub it up against Sam at the beer pong table. I could have survived a weekend not defiling your boyfriend - or whatever he is – not staking claim in another hungry faggot, because you, Nicky, are my best friend.

"But then Friday night, I walk into the room and you've got this bitch bent over like a whore, showing me how he takes cock. And what's the next thing I see?"

Shainuhad been removing his 7.5" cock from Cody's hole, the swollen, uncut head just emerged, pulling some thick semen along with it.

"Perfect timing, Brother Shainu," Devin said, grabbing Cody's cheeks to keep them spread. He showed Cody's puffy, open hole to the room. "I saw this – a gaping pussy, dripping cum. It wasn't nearly this stretched orloaded, because it hadn't gotten worked out as hard yet, but after you, and I guess Brother Frank, she was off to a good start. That, Nicky, was when I knew I was going to use this hole."

Mike was standing next to the couch, shifting his weight on his feet, like he had to pee.

"Do you want in this cunt, Mike?" Devin asked him.

"Fuck yeah!"

"Then have at it, Brother."

Mike didn't have to be told twice. He slammed his 6" of New York meat in my boy.

Devin's cock had now plumped up to about 8", and having seen my roommate hard often, I knew it still had inches to spare. The enlarged, flared tiplead Devin around to Cody's mouth, and Kevin instinctively gave up his position for my mountain of a brother.

But Devin didn't put his cock in Cody's mouth. He took the boy's hair in his black paws and held his face about two inches out of reach, by my estimation that was difference between Devin at this level of hardness and him at fully erect.

The sounds Cody was making and the look on his face were pure lust, and I'd be willing to bet it was more to do with not being able to engulf Devin's cock and less about what Mike was doing to his ass.

Devin looked down at Cody and chuckled. "You see that look, Nicky? When this boy came back to our room from, apparently, jerking off Brother Shainu in front of you, he caught me fully naked. He didn't even try to hide that he was looking. His eyes were glued to my dick, and I let him enjoy the view. We pretty much knew we were minutes away from fucking, and I thought you were going to be a part of it – I even said something when I heard you two going at it!"

"No, you didn't!" I objected.

"Yes, I did! But your bitch ass fell asleep!"

I felt my face flush at the memory of Cody gasping from my dick going balls deep in him and the charged silence that followed. I think I wanted something to happen, I'm not sure. I know I wanted to flex being an alpha a little, wanting Devin to hear. But it turns out Devin was right. I was a bitch ass and passed out.

The only thing I remember after that is waking up to Cody sucking my dick in the morning.

No, that's not true. I remember Cody getting back into bed. Being practically asleep and overly confident, I assumed my boy had just gone to the bathroom or something, but given everything I'm finding out, it might have been more.

"So I took matters into my own hands," Devin went on.

My brain didn't even have time to register what Devin said when a hazy memory came back to me.

Didn't I hear Devin going to town on himself during the night? I've heard him jerk off before, and, in the middle of the night, I thought he was making more noise than he usually does.

Now, it makes sense.

When my wide eyes met Devin's, he smirked. "Yeah, Nicky gets it. Let me lay it out for you, bro.

"It was so quiet in the room, that I heard your cock go into your boy's hole. That is an unmistakeable sound of frat cock going into wet pussy. And obviously, I heard this little bitch gasp."

I looked down at Cody's face, and Devin's cock was now at its full length of 10 inches and he was rubbing the dark tube against my boy's cheeks, smearing precum on the high schooler's face.

"That's when I asked, `What's up over there?' I didn't get a response at first, but I heard—"

Mike took a couple hard thrusts in Cody's ass, causing the boy to bite his lip and whimper loudly.

"Yeah, something like that, so I was more direct. `Cody, tell me what's going on,' and he said..."

My brother gripped Cody's hair in his giant black hands and bent the boy's neck so he was looking up at him, wanting Cody to add to the story.

"I have cock in my ass."

"Correct, faggot."Devin spat on him. "You did then and you do now," he said, looking down, then he turned his attention back to me. "That's when I asked, `Do you need more cock?'"

"Yes, sir!" Cody couldn't help himself. Like Pavlov's dog, when you say cock around my boy, he cries out for it. But my lacrosse brother was still withholding his baby arm sized dick.

Devin broke out in a wide smile, his perfect teeth glaring. "That's exactly what he said the other night, too. So I called out for your permission to join – twice! And you know what response I got? A snore!"

I could feel my face getting red again, as Devin and my brothers laughed at my expense. I did not like feeling as if I was a cuckhold, and yet my dick was still hard.

Brother Mike, still fucking my boy, may have overdid it on the laughing, trying to insure his place as Devin's right-hand man. "I can't believe you were asleep in thi-i-i-oh fuck! I'm cumming! I'm cumming!"

I was grateful for the brief distraction from my brother with the low endurance. It got the focus off me for a second.

"Damn, Mikey! You needed that bad, huh?" Devin kidded.

"What? I've been listening to you all talk about what a good hole he is and I was worked up! I usually—"

"Last much longer," the brothers finished his sentence in unison, momentarily turning their laughter and ridicule on him.

"Fuck you, fuck you, fuck you, fuck you," he repeated, pointing at each brother while removing his dick from my boy's puffy hole.

Cody remained on his hands and knees, his head in Devin's grasp, his gaze fixated on my roommate's massive cock. The anticipation of what was going to happen next caused the room to quiet our teasing of Mike fairly quickly.

Like a dog trained to stay until called, Cody remained in that position as Devin reclined back on the couch, a bead of precum on the tip of his massive cock.

My roommate and brother spoke again.

"When it was clear you were out, I pushed my sheets down and started stroking like this." He demonstrated by gliding his big mitt up and down his shaft, milking more glistening precum from the piss slit. "Even in the dark, I could see the cock lust in your boy's eyes. Like now. Look at him."

Cody's mouth was practically salivating, and his pussy was very wet. His desire for Devin was unmistakable.

"So I kicked back in my bed and told him if he needed cock, he should come get it." He slowly turned his glance back to the high school slut. "Show your boyfriend what you did with that invitation, fag."

With permission granted, Cody scrambled to Devin, positioned his feet on both sides of the dark frat brother's lap, reached behind him, and lined the large phallus against his hole. As the tip kissed his hole and Cody relaxed himself, a small flood of white cum covered the purple-ish head of the black cock before it and the remaining nine inches rapidly disappeared into Cody's rear.

Devin's bravado was momentary shaken when his body shivered, and his toes curled from the pleasure of suddenly being inside the 17-year-old boy pussy.

He chucked a little bit. "Friday night, he didn't take it all quite so easy, but that hole has had quite a workout the last couple days, hasn't it, fag?"

"Yes, sir."

"Work that dick, boy."

"Yes, sir." And Cody started to bounce, using that porn sized black dick to churn all that frat cum in his ass.

"Yeah, Nicky," Devin said, looking past my squatting fuck toy to me, "while you were sleeping three feet away, this little faggot rode me until I shot deep in his guts."

Devin's dick in my boy's wet hole was what I heard Friday night, not my roommate jerking off. It makes sense all that noise was him being ridden by a little slut, who already had two of my loads plus Frank's in his ass.What was surprising was how Cody could be practically silentbeing impaled by almost a foot of thick frat cock.

Devin grabbed my boy's throat. "But we didn't stop once I bred you, did we, boy?"

"No, sir."

"Show my brothers what you did after I put my babies in your hole."

Cody stopped bouncing and slowly lifted his ass off my roommate's cock. My cock dribbled pre-cum seeing histeenage hole gape. That somehow made Cody's pussy more magnetic to me, as well as my other brothers who were also hard, watching from around the room.

The other sight to behold was Devin's dark pole, covered in dozens of frat loads and exuding so much power. Even the dudes who identified as straight up until this afternoon's gang bang had to admit it was impressive and worthy of attention.

And show it attention is what Cody did. He dismounted from the couch, got on his knees, took a few quick sucks and licks to the shaft and bell end, and then devoured the giant length of frat meat. All the brothers seemingly took one collective gasp as we watched a tiny, teenage boy completely engulf Devin's black cock. I didn't know Cody had it in him to take the entire length, but he sucked with so much enthusiasm, it was as if he was trying to remove the melanin from Devin's skin as much as he was feasting on the loads of cum coating the cock.

"Yeah, that's a good cocksucker," Devin said, complimenting my boy's efforts. "Take all of that dick. I know you like that big, black cock. Show your man how you worship cock."

By "show your man", I couldn't tell if Devin meant for Cody to put on a show for me or if he was taking ownership of my boy, and honestly, I found it hot either way.

My roommate snapped me out of my thoughts by addressing me. "I gotta say, Nicky, I've had some fags who were good cocksuckers before, but this one—" he grabbed Cody's hair to hold his head up, removed his wet dick, and slapped that hefty member against the teenager's face a few times before shoving back entirely into Cody's throat "—this is a bona fide cock whore. I thought he was just going to clean my dick off after I nutted in him, but he gave me some good fuckin' head like this, and he got a whole `nother load...which is exactly what I'm going to give him now."

Devin took Cody's ears in his hands and deeply fucked the boy's face half a dozen times, before palming the kid's skull like a basketball and forcing his lips to the root of that ginormous manhood. The audience watched Cody's throat pulse and constrict for 15 seconds, as Devin roared and grunted a massive load directly into the kid's stomach.

When Devin released Cody's head to contentedly throw his arms over the back of the couch, my boy calmly let Devin's trouser snake exit his mouth as if it was the most natural thing in the world. He was unphased and barely even breathing heavy. In fact, he took one deep breath and then went back to orally manipulating my roommate's cock.

"Fuck yeah," Devin sighed, coming down from his orgasm. He regarded Cory with drowsy eyes. "He did this Friday night, too - took a load in each hole and kept trying for more. So you know what I did?" If I didn't already have an idea, his big, ole grin pretty much said it all. "I gave him what he wanted." He took hold of Cody's bobbing head once again and pulled his suctioning mouth off with a pop. "Get in position, faggot."

Cody obeyed and crawled a couple feet from the couch. When he stopped, he lowered his chest to the floor and cradled his face on his crossed hands. His beautiful, smooth ass was in the air, supported by a perfectly arched back.

I know this position very well. Any top will tell you it is nearly impossible to resist a fag boy in this position. Under normal circumstances, I would have rushed over and slammed my dick in that wet, sloppy cunt, but today, I was rooted in place, helpless in the understanding that this wasn't my show.

"Yeah, thaswus up", Devin said, getting off the couch. His cock was slightly deflated, but still an impressive eight and a half inches. He knelt behind Cody, pushed the boy's cheeks apart wider, and laid his dick in the trench. He took long, slow thrusts against the creamy skin.

"Picture this on the floor between our beds. You were so close, I could reach out and touch you, Nicky." Devin verbally taunted me, but his eyes were watching his dark cock contrasted against the pale ass. "I peeped over to you, as I..." He popped the swollen, purple head of his dick into the well-used boy hole and then bottomed out in Cody. Again, the boy barely made a sound. "Fuuuuuck, that is some quality puss, Nick. I kept checking to see if you noticed I was cunting your faggot right next to you, and you didn't move a muscle, so I went a little harder."

Devin tightly grabbed the boy's waist. His thumbs practically met at the spine as he squeezed. He began using Cody's hole to jerk his dick with increasing speed and intensity, and yet remained calm, as if fucking the high school boyfriend of his roommate was the most natural thing to be doing on a Sunday afternoon. The once silent boy now couldn't help but grunt and whine every time his ass came in contact with the lacrosse player's thighs and the massive dick exited his guts.

"Friday night wasn't the only time I fucked this hole either, bro," Devin said, and I started to sweat. "Even after I pounded him out during the night, he woke me riding my morning wood. Then, after you came back from breakfast and disappeared into the bathroom, I fucked him on your very own bed, on top of his homework. I was surprisingly not embarrassed when Brother Mikey walked in to find me balls deep in a boy, and luckily game recognizes game. He offered to be the lookout in case you came back, but those McDonald's shits kept you busy. And then he followed me into the bathroom and took another load from me before I got in the shower, where Brother Kevin caught me plowing him out in the open with his pretty little face pressed against the shower stall. I definitely didn't care by that point. I was more embarrassed for you and how badly you stunk up the bathroom. I just finished off in your boy, handed him off to Kevin and showered."

I looked over at Kevin who just shrugged and said, "Like I turn down available pussy. A hole is a hole."

"Exactly, Brother Kevin," Devin agreed, "and this is definitely a hole!"

With 10" of black, frat boy dick buried to the hilt inside the soccer ass, Devin rose up slightly, so he was squatting behind Cody. He leaned his imposing bulk over the small boy and grabbed the kid under the shoulders, forced his back into a deeper arch. I didn't think it was possible for Devin to get deeper into Cody, but that position must have rearranged his guts, so the head of Devin's cock went further than any man has gone before, accompanied by a primal, lustful sound from the depths of Cody's soul.

Cody may have been taking dick for hours, but it wasn't until this point that he was truly fucked. The audience of brothers was silent as we watched Devin annihilate Cody's ass. No one touched their dicks for fear of cumming, and we barely even breathed, afraid to break the pornographic spell happening in front of us.

It could have been 10 seconds, 10 minutes, or 10 days. No idea. We were mesmerized.

The only sounds in the room were the steady, rhythmic thumping of Devin's hips and balls against Cody's ass as he took long, hard strokes into the boy's colon, and the resulting guttural moans coming from the 17-year-old fuck toy, mingling with the dominant growls coming from my roommate.

Devin picked up the pace, and Cody's screams were choked by pleasure, as well as actually choked by Devin's hand squeezing his neck. Despite the constriction or maybe as a result of it, all of the air trapped in his lungs burst forth with one loud yell as a creamy load of cum shot onto the floor beneath him.

Coming down from his spontaneous orgasm, Cody tried gasping for air as he dealt with the relentless pounding, but both of Devin's hands were now on his throat as he went harder still on that formerly tight hole. I probably should have stopped my roommate from cutting off my boyfriend's air supply, but horniness prevailed, and I let him carry on.

Finally, Devin reached the point of no return and let loose another mighty roar as he unloaded more cum into the abused ass before him. When he released Cody's neck, the boy collapsed into child's pose like a rag doll, able to breathe normally again but weak and exhausted.

My brothers also regained their ability to breathe, and this was accompanied by a couple "oh fuck"s. Apparently, their lungs weren't the only organs functioning again, as evidenced by more frat loads spewing onto my passed out boy. As Devin braced himself on Cody's lower back, dripping sweat onto him, Brothers Kevin and Rhoadyshot ropes of cum onto the kid, their ball juice mingling with the perspiration as it flowed to pool in between Cody's shoulder blades.

The wet suction sound that came from Cody's ass when Devin removed his trunk was obscene. My boy's hole gaped so wide, and it was slow to close.

Aside from sleeping, this was the most still I had seen Cody. The boy usually was a bundle of energy. The fuck Devin just threw him must have really worn him down. I had the urge to slide my dick into him and feel how loose he was.

Instead, I knelt by his head and ran my fingers through his hair, damp from hours of exertion. "You okay, baby?"

He moved toward my hand like a cat seeking affection. "I'm so good, daddy."He looked up at me with sleepy eyes. "Are you mad at me?"

"Why would I be mad at you?"

"Because I've been such a slut."

"Aw, baby!" I pulled him up onto his hands and knees and bent down to kiss his swollen lips. "I can't be mad at you. I love that you're a little cock whore."

"Thank you, daddy."

I kissed him deep, and I couldn't help wondering how many of my brothers I could taste in his mouth.

As we were kissing, he moaned into my mouth. I opened my eyes to see Jacob fucking him from behind.

"What?" the red-headed stud asked with mock innocence.

"You could have asked first, my dude. Maybe he's tired."

"Oh, right right," he said, with an air of sarcasm. "Did you want more cock, slut?"

"Yes, sir!"

"See? He's fine."

"Besides," Brother Mac interrupted, coming right next to me, in front of Cody, "we asked permission last night, which was stupid, since everyone else just took what they wanted." With that, he grabbed Cody's hair and shoved the boy's face down on his frat boy cock.

I was very confused by that. "Permission? From who?"

"," Mac said. "You were right there, literally next to us when we fucked him."


From across the room, Leo laughed and practically choked on the smoke from his joint. "Shit, fam, you are so bad at this!"

"Seriously!" Jacob agreed, his stomach rippling as he fucked into my boy. "The four of us got stoned in Mac's room during the party. Then Cody started feeling us up, and we knew things were gonna go in a different direction. We asked if it was okay, over and over. You were very much out of it, but you still gave us permission."

"Jacob ate him out while he blew me," Mac started.

"His hole had so much cum in it, Nick," Jacob said. "Obviously, he'd been a busy boy yesterday, and his wet, puffy hole tasted so good. Felt so good, too, when I started pounding him."

"By the time I got in him, after I guess half the frat had, he was a little loose for my dick. I like a really tight pussy, when I top."

"Yeah, but," Jacob started, mischievously, "he got much tighter when I got in next to you."

"Hell yeah, it did!" Mac exclaimed.

Hazy memories of seeing Cody being used by Mac and Jacob flashed behind my eyes, and I definitely recalled seeing Cody sandwiched between their two bodies. There was also an image of Cody's long, stripped socks, which blended with another memory, but I still couldn't connect those dots.

"What do you think, Nick?" Jacob asked, snapping me back to reality. "Should we DP him again now, while he's all warmed up?"

I was about to answer when Sam interjected, "Make up your mind, because in about ten minutes, things are going to get interesting."

"More interesting than this?" I asked.

"Quite," Sam said. "Whatdya know? I guess it's back to me."

Ever the egotistical showman, Sam paused long enough to ensure the room was hanging on his words.

"Yes, our little frat mattress here had a busy Saturday, getting used by our house, but by the time Jacob got it in, the only Tau Kappa Epsilon load in him was mine...well, two actually."

"There had to be more loads in him than just yours, Sam," Jacob objected.

"Oh, no doubt, my friend," Sam agreed, with a wicked smile. "Remember when I sent you on that little errand yesterday to get the kegs, Nicky?" I nodded. "What was I doing when you got back?"

There had been a ripped from the thumbnails of Pornhub, real life gang bang going on in Sam's room, starring the presidents of the university's frats. My jaw fell open, as the pieces fell into place. I remembered Cody wearing stripped Mac's bed next to me...on the girl in Sam's room...Sam saying "gangbanging him twice"...not a girl...

"Oh, shit!"

"What?!" Mac yelled, essentially speaking for every other person in the room besides me, Sam, and the high school slut sucking his dick. "What else was going on yesterday?!"

"At the party Friday night—," Martin said, reminding me he was still there. He kinda faded into the background after Joe and Chris left, mainly because a lot of hot sex happened after that.But when I looked his way, I did a double take. He had taken shirt and pants off, and his body was cut like a competitive swimmer, with a smattering of hair on his chest, out of which poked a tattoo of his frat letters on his left pec.

"—after things got a little heated between my boys and Nick," he went on, "Sam walked us outside, and that's when we discovered that Joe, Chris, and Sammy all shared the little boy's throat during the party. My cock and I felt left out, so in the spirit of Greek brotherhood, Sam hatched a little plan for me and my little buddy to be included."

He ended this by sliding his underwear down, revealing a Speedo tan line, a star tattooed above each of his V lines, and his buddy who was anything but little. His dick hung about nine inches with decent girth.

Sam and Martin started walking over to where Mac, Jacob and Cody were all getting rug burns on their knees, but it was both presidential dicks that were the centers of attention.

"I already had the fraternity council meeting scheduled," Sam said, inching closer to Jacob, as Martin sidled up to Mac, "and I thought I'd spice things up by providing some entertainment, not just for Martin, but for everyone who wanted to partake."

Martin caught on to how dick-matized Mac was by his piece, and casually rubbed his growing tube against my frat brother's face. When Mac opened his mouth in pleasure, Martin changed course and maneuvered his cock right down Mac's throat, with Mac still in Cody.

"Once I sent you on your mission to get the kegs, Nick, I told our little slut that I was going to put him to good use. Naturally, he was excited, weren't you, faggot?" Cody moaned and grunted around Mac's dick in reply, but that wasn't good enough for Sam. He grabbed the boy's hair and lifted his mouth off my brother's cock and said again, "Weren't you, faggot?"

"Yes, sir!" the boy panted. "I was very excited to be used like a fag, sir!" Sam spat on his face and shoved him back onto Mac's cock.

"I ordered him to be at my room in 20 minutes. I gave him a little enema bottle and told him to make sure he was completely clean, so, sorry, Brothers, but all your loads got flushed out."

"Aw, man!" Frank cried out.

"It's okay, fam," Leo said. "My boys had a good life."

Devin swung his dick around and said, "Obviously, there was plenty more where that came from."

Sam stood over Cody, facing Jacob, who was still ramming in and out of my boy. "Hey, Jacob, I know we don't know each other very well, but would you mind keeping my cock warm while I continue?"

"Hell yeah, I would."

Sam scooted closer to Jacob, and the red-head started bobbing on the President's cock, never losing a stroke in Cody's ass.

"All the dudes arrived, and the meeting went on, as usual," Sam continued, "though I did have more weed out than I normally would. I wanted to make sure everyone was relaxed and loosened up. We went through old and new business, yadda yaddayadda, blah blah blah, and then, almost as if I timed it that way, when asked if there was any other new business, the little slut knocked on my door. I invited him into the room, and you could feel the air in the room get charged up, couldn't you, Martin?"

"Mm-hmm," Martin agreed, though he was half-distracted, looking down at Mac sucking his dick.

"It definitely helped that he was dressed like a slut. You remember, right, Nicky? The crop top t-shirt, the short shorts, those high yellow and black socks. Even the dumbest dude in the room immediately knew what he was there for. So I introduced him.

"I said, `This is Cody. You all know my little brother, Nick Babbitt, right? Well, some of you may not know that Nicky is bi, and Cody here is dating him. But apparently, this boy is a cock slut – sucked my dick in the bathroom and in here last night, plus he's been taking dick all over the house. And Nick has no idea.Our buddy Martin missed out on a turn, so I said I'd arrange for him to have a go.'

"I ordered the boy to strip, and he took off everything except those socks and that tiny jock strap. The next command was to get on his knees in front of Martin and take his dick out."

"I've seen obedient fags before, but never one as eager as this boy," Martin interrupted. "Not even a little bit shy to be a cocksucker in a room full of straight dudes."

"So I kept going," Sam continued, "and you know me, I really played it up.

"'Now, my friends and brothers,' I said, our meeting is adjourned, so you can leave if you want, but you are more than welcome to stay.' I started taking off my clothes. Martin and I are going to use this hungry little faggot – no disrespect, that's what he is and he knows it – until we're satisfied.But, what kind of host would I be if I didn't extend the invitation to everyone?'

"I got behind him and spread his cheeks open for everyone to see. I remember it opened a little, probably out of reflex since she'd been getting used so much. I said to the group, `Look at this pussy, guys. How many of us have fucked a hole this tight before? Well, this is your chance if you haven't. I don't know about you, but I know a hole is a hole, and I'm gonna fuck it.'

`I popped open some lube, covered my cock, spit on Cody's hole, and pushed my dick in your boy. Fuck, man, he was so tight even after being used for an entire day.

"If I thought I felt invincible in the bathroom Friday night, this was the apex for me, man – all eyes were on me plowing into some faggot ass. I may not have been president of the interfraternity council, but I was definitely the man in charge at that moment.

"Cody's pussy is like magic. I mean, you all know. I got carried away and started fucking him before I remembered the dudes in the room.

"'So, what's it gonna be, my dudes – stay or go? If you're gonna stay, I suggest taking off your clothes, taking a few more hits, and getting comfortable. We'll start passing the fag around soon. If you go, I hope you'll be discrete and keep this confidential, never to be spoken of again, especially not to Nick. I gotta protect my little brother.'

"You know what happened next?" Sam asked me. Before I could answer, Sam laughed, "Of course you know, you came to the door and saw."

This made a few more guys in the room laugh, especially Leo. "Fuck, fam! Really?!"

Sam answered his own question. "Not a single dude left, and everyone was hard as a rock. So, Jacob," he turned his attention to the college junior sucking his dick, tilting Jacob's head up to make eye contact with the Irish bulldog fucking the fag of the weekend, "those loads you felt on your dick later? That was the cum of every president of every fraternity on campus. Eight dudes, twelve loads." Then Sam once again made eye contact with me. "But the first and last loads in him were mine."

That was all Jacob needed to bring it home. He mumbled what I can only imagine would have been "oh fuck oh fuck" if his mouth wasn't stuffed with Sam's dick, and he took three hard thrusts into the Cody, breathing like a thoroughbred at the Kentucky Derby. This set Mac off who grabbed Cody's head and buried his dick in the boy's esophagus to send his load down to mingle with dozens of others in the boy's stomach.

When the boyfriends disengaged from the high schooler, Cody's holes were filled by the two frat presidents.

"Fuck, what a loose, sloppy hole," Sam said, as he bottomed out in Cody. "So, yeah, Nicky, we passed his mouth around for a bit, while the guys got up the courage to use his pussy hole. About the time he'd sampled every dick, that's when I bred him the first time. I guess seeing another straight dude fuck a faggot isn't enough to break the ice, but everyone definitely relaxed when I came. I know I did.

"Who was he blowing when I came in him?" Sam asked Martin.


"Right! Jimmy Sampson from Phi Tau! He didn't last long, like Brother Mike."

"Fuck you!" Mike said, from across the room

"He came in his mouth at the same time I did. But at least he made up for it but giving him a hard fuck later." Sam snapped his fingers. "Matter of fact, I think he was fucking Cody when you came to the door, Nicky."

"Oh, dip," Leo said, laughing. "This gets better and better!"

"Yeah, Nicky was being a good little brother by bringing me a bottle of tequila from the liquor store. At first, I tried to protect you from knowing your boyfriend was a whore, but it's not my fault you're tall and could see over my head.

"After Cody bounced around the room," Sam addressed the room again, "literally, bouncing on laps, we moved the action to the bed. Jimmy had recharged and was about to take his turn on the fuck toy express train, when Nicky showed up.

"You started chubbing up, peeking in, didn't you, Little Bro?"

"Of course, I did!" I admitted. "You answered the door, all sweaty, with a fucking orgy going on behind you. I wanted in!"

"But I didn't let you in, did I?"


"No what?"

"No, you didn't let me in."

"Try again, Little Bro. No...what?"

I knew what he wanted me to say. "No...sir."

"Atta boy!"

I tried to put a look on my face as if I hated saying it again, since I haven't been a pledge in two years, and he definitely wasn't fucking me. But my traitorous cock dripped precum, giving away any remaining alpha status I thought I had, as almost my entire fraternity watched our president sodomize my boyfriend harder and harder in front of me.

Somehow, Sam was still able to talk. "Oh, Martin, man, I forgot to tell you - you missed out on the kinkiest part! After we all took turns on him for a bit, I laid on the bed and he mounted me, and then some of the dudes took turns DPing him next to my cock. I thought I would get creeped out having other dicks rubagainst mine while I was inside a faggot, but I didn't. It was fucking awesome! Leo, Frank? Was it weird having another dude shoot his load on your dick inside a dude's ass?"

Leo and Frank thought for a second, before Leo shrugged his shoulders and answered. "Nah, fam. I guess it should, but it didn't."

Frank echoed Leo's sentiment, "It was just...bonding with my brother."

"That's how I felt!" Sam agreed. "It was really hot! I felt three dudes' dicks throb against me, coat my dick and the boy's hole in cum, and I never even felt like it was gay at all! Anyway, sorry `bout it, Martin. Why did you leave, anyway?"

"I had a date," Martin answered. "Went to meet her right from here. Didn't even have time to shower, so I ended up fucking her with your cum still on my dick."

"That's kinky as fuck, too, man!" Sam laughed. Then he turned back to me. "The thing is, Nicky – I love you. You're my little brother after all, so none of this is a reflection on you. I really like fucking and power. I would have done this to any dude in your situation...and I have. Why do you think Phoebe broke up with Mike?"

"Fuck YOU, Sam!" Mike yelled, but he didn't storm out.

"She was a slut, Mike!"

"She really was, dude," Brother Derek said. "Brent and I fucked her a bunch of times."

"So did I," Kevin added. "I told you, I don't turn down available pussy.

Mike screamed "Goddammit!" and then stormed out.

I never pegged Derek, Brent, and Kevin as trouble makers, all almost too mild-mannered for our fraternity, but after today, I'm going to keep my eye on them.

"Anyway, Nicky, I am a little bit sorry," Sam apologized, which was weirdly juxtaposed by him pounding my boyfriend at the same time.

I grabbed my hard dick. "Obviously, I accept your apology."

Sam smiled, "Good. Remember you said that. Because I did say things were about to get interesting."

I heard voices approaching the front door of our house, and moments later, six dudes came in, carrying pizza, a case of water, and more beer. I recognized one of the dudes as the TA from my psychology course. A few of my brothers modestly covered themselves, but otherwise, it remained a casual, naked Sunday in our house.

"Jimmy!" Sam called out. "We were just talking about you."

"As you should," Jimmy Sampson said, approaching the threesome on the floor to high five Sam and Martin. He patted Cody's sweaty head, "Hey, faggot."

Cody pulled his mouth off Martin just long enough to smile and say, "Hi, sir," and then got right back to work.

Jimmy looked at me, smiled, and extended his hand to shake. "You're Nick, right? Thanks for providing the entertainment for today."

"You're welcome?" I said, still confused, even after today's revelations, more so when I saw Jimmy walk over to Devin and handed him several bills, which Devin put in a lock box on the shelf next to him."Wait, what's happening now?"

"Well," Sam began, with his trademark shit eating grin on his face, "when Cody started being a slut again today, I started texting the council. They were so happy with Cody's performance yesterday, that I thought I'd capitalize on it.

"I rented your boy out for $100 a dude and gave each fraternity a time slot. Every hour, a new house is going to come through. This is Phi Tau's hour, and Sig Ep had the last hour. That reminds me, Martin, you owe us 300."

"I thought you said I didn't have to pay!" Martin objected.

"You don't, but Joe and Chris do. And they're going to cover your portion."


"Frankly, Martin, they're douchebags and...can we talk about it after we shoot?"

"Yeah," Jimmy interjected, "you're cutting into our time."

"You're absolutely right, my dude," Sam agreed. He extracted himself from Cody's ass. "You better get in here, Martin. Get Chris and Joe's money's worth before the Tau's take over. I gotta piss anyway."

Martin took over Sam's place in the 17-year-old's ass, and Sam took the mouth again.

Jimmy was confused. "I thought you had to piss."

"I do," Sam said, confidently.

A huge grin broke out on Jimmy's face when he got it. He shook his head, and patted Cody's hair. "Fucking fag!"

Finally, I had to speak up.

"Sam, obviously, I'm enjoying the helloutta this, but he's been getting fucked for three hours, not to mention all weekend."


"And he still has to drive home."


"And he has school tomorrow."


I was about to object again, when I felt a hand on my shoulder.

It was my psychology TA, Joshua. "Hey, Nick. I don't mean to butt in here, but I think you're having trouble giving up some semblance of control of this situation for some reason, whether it be jealousy or difficulty seeing how it benefits you. Your erection suggests it might be an issue with the former that we can talk about another time, but I will help indulge the latter. Would it help you loosen up if I said that I will give you an automatic B on that psychology paper due tomorrow?"

The psychology paper I'd been working on yesterday while my boyfriend was getting fucked all over the house that I hadn't touched at all today because my boy was going to be fucked for hours? This answer was easy, because I, too, am a cheap slut.

"Deal!" I said, "but he should probably call his mom to let her know he's gonna be late."

"That sounds like an issue for the next frat coming," Jimmy said from the floor, having replaced Sam in Cody's mouth.

"I believe you're right," I agreed.

"I'm cumming!" Martin cried, ending his fraternity's hour, with another load in my boyfriend.

"Looks like it's your turn, Joshua," I said to my TA. "And what kind of pizza did you bring?"

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