Fraternity Hell Week Series

By Ray

Published on Jun 18, 2018


I had heard about fraternities, but didn't know much aboutthem. My first rush party was to a housethat I kind of liked from the outside. Then once inside, it was even more inviting. The members were more than affable, with lotsof hugs and smiles. Well, this was thehouse for me, and I pledged them.

I moved in, and was greeted by my "big brother" like I'dnever been greeted before. He helped meget my stuff into our room. While thiswas happening, there was lots of ass slapping too. He was shorter than me by about sixinches. Had blonde hair in the style ofthe day, buzz cut. He also was veryaffable, and like to do the touchy feely thing a lot. Of course, I didn't object in the least, as Idid enjoy each touch that he gave me.

The house had a full third floor that was used as a sleepingarea. All of the beds were up there. Andthe windows were always open, so it was cool for sleeping. My big brother slept in the bottom bunk and Igot the top one. He, and most of theother members slept in the nude, but I was embarrassed at the small size of mycock, so slept in my bikini briefs. Thatthough was not to last too long. Aftersome discussion time with my big brother, we decided that it would be warmer ifwe slept together. (I'd had a lot ofexperience with this, as my roommate in high school and I did it all fouryears.)

The first night was fun, but he was nude, and I still had mybriefs on. Those also didn't last toolong. One night was all that I hadbriefs on. The rest of the time we wereboth nude. It was great to have his hardcock in the crack of my ass. I alwaysslept well with a hard cock on my ass crack.

Then came hell week. Itreally wasn't hell, but a hell of a lot of fun. We were woken up about midnight, and told to get lined up. There was to be no talking, and mostimportantly there was to be no clothes allowed for the rest of the week.

As we lined up, they moved us around so that we were in theorder that they wanted. They used ourcocks to move us around. I didn't get tomove at all probably due to my small cock. But most of the other pledges weremoved around, and a couple of them were moved more than once.

Once we were lined up to their satisfaction, we were told docount off. I was one "a" and the boynext to me was two "a" and the couples were just numbered one and two, with aletter added to each one. We were then told to turn and face our partner, thenplace our hands on each other's butts. Next we were told that it would be nice, since we were so close, that wewould kiss our partners. They called uspartners, because we needed to be together the rest of the week. Gary and I kissed a bit then got into it, andwe French kissed since our cocks were fully extended. The members saw us, and told us to come up tothe front, so that the others could see what we were doing, and put on anexhibition for them.

Our next order was to go to the shower room, and getclean. Gary and I were the first onesinto the shower, and there was two of the members there, also nude, and readyfor us. They had us stand under one ofthe shower heads, but no water was coming out of it. They then massaged us with Nair, whichremover ALL of our body hair. It kind oftingled on the body, but boy did it burn the nuts and ass hole. Felt like they were using a blowtorch on theballs and ass, burned for at least a good hour. But after the stuff stayed on our bodies for a few minutes, then turnedon the cold water and all of our hair went down the drain. They massaged our balls and ass a bit, justto make sure that the stuff made them nice and smooth. We were told to make sure that no hair was tobe on our bodies or else that procedure would be repeated. We all decided that we'd make sure that wewere smooth at all times

We were then taken down to the chapter room in thebasement. As we moved around the house,we were to hold on to our partner's cock. As we went down the stairs, all of got hardons. We were all so horny that just a littleaction on our cocks were close to making all of shoot off a load.

As we got down to the chapter room, we were again lined upwith our partners. The pledge masterthen told us what our "jobs" were to be for the rest of the week. None of us had any idea what this was allabout. We were soon to find out. He started out with Gary and I. We were to be the house cock suckers. We looked at each other and kind of grinned. The pair next to us were also house cocksuckers. The next couple were the housepiss attendants, as was the couple next to them. Then the last two were the house cumdumps. A couple of us didn't know whatthat was, so he told us that they were the one who got fucked any time. And he told the rest of us that we wouldhave to do our jobs any time a member or alumni would ask us, with no questionsfor arguments. If we argued, we would bereleased from the house immediately. Westill were not to talk, but couldn't wait to discuss this with Gary.

Finally we were told to go back to our beds and be ready tohave a good hell week, but to remember all the things that we were told to do. (My balls and ass were still burning likecrazy.) But off to bed for us. I wanted to jack off, but my big brother saidthat we couldn't do it till morning. SoI went to sleep with his cock buried in my ass crack. Love that feeling.

The next morning, my big brother and I got up, and went downto our room. He sat down in his chair, showing me his nice hardon and motionedfor me to come to him. I knelt down, andlicked his balls, and then took his cock into my mouth, and savored thetexture, and the feeling of his whole cock in my mouth. I began to suck him a bit slowly, and he toldme to go faster, as he needed to cum soon. I did speed up a bit, but wanted to get a nice load from him, so Iprolonged the sucking as long as possible, and used my hands to stimulate hisbody. I loved to feel his smooth body,and nice firm full tits. Eventually thouhis body took over and he shot a nice hot load of cum for me. I held his cock in my mouth after he shot,and just enjoyed his cock in my mouth as it deflated. As it shrunk out of my mouth, I looked up athim and asked if the jobs of the pledges were the result of the interactionswith the big brothers. He just smiledand asked if I was looking forward to being the house cock sucker. I explained that getting cum was my favoritething to do. He told me that I would be getting plenty of cum in the comingweek.

"One more thing that I've got to tell you. And that is that I have got to pee, and youare going to take care of that for me. So get your mouth on my cock, and get ready for a bit of piss from thefaucet." I moved back into position to get his nice cock into my mouth, andready to collect his tasty piss. "Ishould also tell you that you guys that are sucking, will be asked to suck guysthat have just finished pissing in the toilet, and have just a drop or twoleft. You will be expected to suck himclean."

I then asked him if I could continue as the house cocksucker after hell week is over. Hereplied that I certainly could suck as much and as often as I wanted. He told me that it would be much appreciatedif I would keep on sucking guys off. Since cum is my most favorite thing, I was pleased at his answer.

This is as close as I can remember, as it happened about 60years ago. That is why the college and fraternity house is not named. Things can change, and this house may be allheterosexual by now.

Any questions or comments will be welcomed

Next: Chapter 2: Fraternity Hell Week 2

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